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人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级Unit6单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The students were playing in the playground _ it began to rain heavily.AafterBas soon asCwhileDwhen2 . -Wheres Mary? -She _to New York.AwentBhas goneCis going3 . Susans brother can play the drums _ he cant play it _.Aand; goodBand; wellCbut; goodDbut; well4 . My little brother is generous _ his friends.Hed like to share toys _ them.Afor, toBto, withCto, forDfor, with5 . Tom used to quarrel a lot with his parents but now they just fine together.Aget upBget awayCget offDget along6 . They are looking forward to _ to the lecture by the famous professor.AsendBbe sentCbeing sentDsending7 . Here _ some chicken on the desk .AamBareCbeDis8 . Last month a new law _in China to stop people from smoking in public places.Ais passedBpassesCwas passed9 . Does your son like salad? _. He never( 从不) eats it.AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCI dont know10 . When _ you _ here?Two days ago.Adid;comeBhave; comeCwill; comeDdo; come11 . Betty is often seen _ the old man with his housework.AhelpBto helpChelpedDhelps12 . You need to stop him from _ alone.AgoBto goCgoingDwent13 . The workerswhen heto the workplace.Awere working, was gettingBworked, gotCwere working, got14 . -What happenedher ?-She hurt her left leg.AofBforCatDto15 . Flowers _ along the road last year.AplantedBare plantedCwere planted二、阅读单选My first home was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water. There were some large trees near the pond. On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey. He was a kind man.My mother and I had a happy life. She worked during the day. I played with the other young horses and had great fun. At night I lay next to her.One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. He lived with his family in a big house.Youre a beautiful horse, he said. You have a beautiful black coat. I shall call you Black Beauty.I learned to carry my master on my back and pull a coach. I learned to ware reins (缆绳) and a bit in my mouth, I did not like them but all the horses had to wear them.My master had two horses. One of them was Merrylegs. He was very friendly. The other was Ginger. She was not friendly. She bit and kicked people.Ginger and I pulled a coach together. The coachmans name was John Ginger and I worked very hard. We became friends.Ginger told me about her life when she was young. She told me. My master was not kind to me. My reins and bit hurt me. My master did not care.Squire Gordon and his men felt sorry for Ginger. They were always king to her. She stopped biting and kicking people. She became a happy horse.One day in autumn Squire Gordon went on a long journey, John went with him and I pulled the coach. The weather was rainy and windy. Mr. Gordon and John could not see well in the rain. We came to a bridge. I stopped. “Something is wrong,” I thought, I did not want to go on to the bridge. Mr. Gordon and John wanted me to go on to the bridge. I did not move. Just then a man saw us.Hey there! Stop! he cried.What is it? shouted the Squire.The bridge is broken in the middle, he answered. If you go on to it, you are all going to drown in the river.Thank God! said the Squire. Thank you, Beauty! said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time no one said anything. Then John said: Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.When we returned home, the Squire told Mrs. Gordon: We are all safe, thanks to Black Beauty!That night I was glad, because I was very tired.16 . Who named the horse Black Beauty?AFarmer Grey.BSquire Gordon.CMrs. Gordon.DJohn.17 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ABlack Beauty lived a hard life with mum.BGinger was unhappy when she was young.CSome horses did not wear reins or bits.DMr. Gordon went on a long journey alone.18 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “drown”?A游泳B溺水C嬉戏D划船19 . What might happen that night from the passage?ABlack Beauty was sent away from home.BMr. Gordon sold Black Beauty to others.CBlack Beauty got good food and a nice bed.DMr. Gordon had Black Beauty do extra work.A Passion(热情)for DrivingIt was a Friday morning, 7:30 am. I felt too lazy to drive my car, so my son booked an Uber. In five minutes, the Uber reached our door. I checked the cab number and got inside the car. I was busy searching my bag for an important paper, so I just said, “Please, go quickly! Im in a hurry!”The driver replied, “Yes, maam!”I was surprised when I heard a female voice. I stopped for a second and looked at the driver. She was a young lady. Maybe around 30 or 32 years old. I had never had a female Uber driver before. I became interested in why she chose this job. I started the conversation, “If you dont mind, can I ask you some questions?”“Yes, maam! No problem,” she said.“I guess you are well-qualified,” I said.“Yes, maam! I have completed my education. I have even gotten my MBA.”“What made you choose to do this job?” I could see her smiling face in the rear-view mirror(后视镜).I love driving. I dont care how big or small my job is. I wanted a job where I can get satisfaction. I havent made much money from it yet, but as I told you, I love driving! Thats all there is to it.” Very politely, she said, “Driving has been my passion since childhood. Of course, I respect each and every job. In this case, at least I realized my dream.20 . When the author first got into the cab, she was surprised because _.Ashe entered the wrong cabBshe couldnt find an important paperCshe was running lateDshe noticed the driver was a woman21 . Which of the following is NOT true about the driver?AShe was well- qualified.BShe was young.CShe earns good money by driving.DHer childhood dream was to be a driver.22 . What do you think of the driver?AWell-educated.BLazy.CImpolite.DFunny.阅读理解Zach Linsky, 11, watches TV for 3 and a half hours a day and plays video games every other day. Zach, a sixth grader in Washington, D. C., is an American. But unlike many kids, he doesnt have a TV, VCR, or computer in his bedroom. He only has a boom box (手提录音机).The survey of 3,155 kids, aged 2 to 18, shows that they spend 5 hours and 29 minutes on average(平均的) a day using some types of media outside of school, including 2 hours and 46 minutes watching TV, 21 minutes on the computer, 20 minutes playing video games, and 8 minutes on the Internet. The good news: The total includes 44 minutes spent reading.The survey also shows that those aged 2 to 7 spend 3 hours and 9 minutes watching TV every day and shows that 32 percent in that age group have TV sets in their rooms. Among those aged 8 to 18, 21 percent have computers in their rooms, 65 percent have TV sets, and 61 percent say their parents dont stop them from watching TV. Nearly 1 in 4 say they watch more than 5 hours a day.“Kids are living much more lonely lives than ever before,” says Kay S. Hytnowitz. “They just disappear into their rooms and spend all of their time with these media.”23 . At what age do children in America spend about five and a half hours on the media a day?AAged 2 to 7.BAged 2 to 18.CAged 8 to 18.DAged 2 to 11.24 . How long do kids aged 2 to 18 spend reading?A46 minutes.B21 minutes.C20 minutes.D44 minutes.25 . How many kids aged 2 to 7 have TV sets in their rooms?A32%.B21%.C61%.D40%.26 . Why do the children spend all of their time with these media? Because _.Athey have too much free timeBthey feel very lonelyCthey like these mediaDthey want to find out something27 . Whats the problem of the kids in America according to the passage?AThere are too many media now.BKids spend too much time on the media.CKids are too fat.DKids would rather be with friends than the TV.三、句型转换句型转换。28 . My sister was a teacher last year.(对划线部分提问)_ your sister last year?29 . Ann went to the mountain by car.(对划线部分提问)_ Ann _ to the mountain?30 . He did his homework in the evening last year.(改为否定句)He _ his homework in the evening last year.31 . Lin Feng wrote a report on students vacation.(改为一般疑问句)_ Lin Feng _ a report on studentsvacation?32 . It was Tuesday, July 16th yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_ yesterday?四、填写适当的单词补全句子阅读句子,在句子的空格处填入适当的介词或副词。33 . He is just a small child, so you must be patient _ him instead of shouting at him.34 . Many people have to look_ the meaning of this word in the dictionary35 . The plane is flying _ a speed of 200 miles an hour.36 . Some people are lucky enough to be born _ a good sense(感觉) of direction.37 . The teacher told the students to pay attention _ their pronunciation and spelling.38 . Can you help me connect this printer _ the computer?39 . I had to go to the cinema _ my own because all the other boys were busy.40 . At first, all the people were against this idea, but bit _ bit, they came to accept it.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文symbol different blue water green speed because connected role from colors forThe meanings of colors play an important 41 . in our world. What a color pass to a person of the west, may be very 42 . to someone in the east. While a bride(新娘) may wear white to her wedding (婚礼) in Europe or America, a bride 43 . China may choose to wear a traditional red dress.Here are some 44 . and what they represent (代表,象征) to various people of the world.REDIn China red is a 45 . of luck and is used for many celebrations such as wedding and at the beginning of the New Year. In the United States red represents love and is used during Christmas and so on. Red is also represents 46 . and power in the west.BLUEPeople around the world think 47 . and the sky with the color blue. For this reason, blue is widely 48 . with peace and calm. But to the Cherokees (切罗基族人), blue meant trouble or failure. In the United States we have come to connect the color blue with sadness.GREENIn Paris, all garage collectors are clothed in green, drive green trucks and the bins are also green. In many parts of the world, 49 . has become a symbol of kindness and the earth.YELLOWYellow is a color that symbolizes the sun. In the United States, school buses and taxis are often yellow 50 . they can catch the eyes. But to the Egyptians, yellow was a color of mourning (哀悼).六、多任务混合问题The Winter Olympics,which is also called the White Olympics,were first held as a separate competition in 1924 at Chamonix Mont Blanc. France. At this time,many colorful stamps are published to mark the great games. The first stamp marking the opening of the White Olympics was issued(发行)on January 25,1932 in the United States to celebrate the third White Olympics. From then on,issuing stamps during the White Olympics became a tradition. To celebrate the fourth Winter Olympic Games,a group of stamps were published in Germany in November,1935. Stamp collectors liked them very much. Many parents also liked the stamps because they wanted to collect them for their children. The five rings of the Olympics were printed on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the symbol appeared on stamps of the Winter Olympics. 51 . s_ forming a unit by itself;not joined to something else52 . m_ to write or draw a symbol,line,etc,on something in order to give information about it53 . 阅读短文,完成同义句转换,每空一词。Many parents also liked the stamps because they wanted to collect them for their children.Many parents also liked the stamps because they_collecting them for their children.阅读短文,回答问题54 . Where were a group of stamps published in order to celebrate the fourth Winter Olympic Games?_55 . What the Winter Olympics is also called?_56 . Who liked the stamps of the fourth White Olympics?_七、材料作文57 . 假如你是张蓓,你有一个好朋友在北京。下面的信息卡提供了她的照片及相关信息。请你根据信息卡内容写一篇英语短文,介绍这位好朋友,不少于5句话。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、句型转换1、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、

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