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人教版2020年中考英语语法专题练习10动词的时态姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The government spent a large amount of money building the highway.AquantityBcrowdCnumber2 . (题文)(2017年四川南充)-Look! Your teacher Miss White is over there.-No, it cant be her. She _ to Beijing.Ahas goneBhas beenCwentDwill go3 . Jack is really tall, ?Adoes heBdoesnt heCis heDisnt he4 . (题文)My favorite actor _ brown hair and _ glasses.Ahave;wearBhas;wearChave;wearsDhas;wears5 . Look! Tom and his father .Ais runningBare runningCare run6 . Steve _TV in the living room when his mother came in.AwatchesBwas watchingCwatchedDis watching7 . Where are Maria and Kangkang? They _ England.Ahave been toBare awayChave gone toDhad been in8 . Last year, my mother often_in her bed,reading.AlieBlayClaid9 . Could you please _ the radio? I want to know todays news.Aturn downBturn backCturn onDturn off10 . Three years hassince we lasteach other.Apassed; have metBpast; have metCpassed; metDpast; met11 . Many of his classmates wondered _.Ahow can he improve his English so muchBhow he can improve his English so muchChow could he improve his English so muchDhow he could improve his English so much12 . He often _ soccer after school with his friends.AplayBwill playCplaysDis playing13 . - How were the people there?-_friendly.AThey areBThey wereCHe isDShe is14 . Bill often goes to the doctor.Why?Because he _ exercises or eats vegetables.AalwaysBoftenCsometimesDseldom15 . Theyll have a meeting with Jack Hall if it _ rain next weekend.AwontBisntCdoesntDhavent16 . (题文)-When did you go to bed last night, Tom?-At 10 pm. But my mother_,Ais workingBworksCwas workingDworked17 . Lucy and her friend_at the airport in half an hour.They are going to Taiwan.AmetBmeetChave metDwill meet18 . Can you tell me _ the meeting tomorrow?Awhen we hadBwhen we will haveCwhen will we have19 . Could you please tell me _?Awhen the train will arriveBwhen the train arrivedCwhen did the train arriveDwhen does the train arrives20 . Simon, why are you still here? School is over for an hour. Because I my task yet. I still need a few more minutes.Awont finishBdidnt finishChavent finishedDhadnt finished21 . The strings on Bens kite _ just now.AbrokeBhas brokenCbreakDbreads22 . Please answer my question in a voice.AloudBloudlyCaloudDweak23 . I havent seen Sandy these days.Where is she?She _ Russia and she _Moscow for three weeks.Ahas been to;has been inBhas gone to;has been inChas been in;has been toDhas gone to;has been to24 . Hurry up.The film _ for 10 minutes.Ahas begunBhas startedChas been onDstarted25 . _ does it usually take you to do your homework every day?AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow far26 . The old woman _ a big box. Lets go to help her.AcarryBcarriesCcarryingDis carrying27 . When will she arrive?As soon as she,Ill let you know.AarrivesBarrivedCwill arriveDis arriving28 . If they _time, they_the new factory tomorrow.Awill have, will visitBhave, will visitCare having, are visitingDwill have, visit29 . It _ ten years since they _ to France.Awas; movedBwas; have movedCis; have movedDis; moved30 . Look, The boys and girlsover there.Aplay gamesBplaying gamesCare playing gamesDplays games31 . What _ at nine oclock last Sunday morning?Awas you doingBwere you doingCare they doingDdo you do32 . Do you think _ at home on computer in the future? Yes, I think they neednt go to school.Akids studiedBdid kids studyCkids will studyDwill kids study33 . My son _ up yet because he _ to bed late last night.Ahasnt got; has goneBdidnt get; wentCdoesnt get; wentDhasnt got; went34 . 一Honey, where are you?一I _ Just let me put on my shoes.AcomeBcameCam comingDhave come35 . Where is your father? He _ to Pairs. he _ there for a week.Ahas gone, has goneBwent, wentChas gone, has beenDwent, was36 . Uncle Liang _ in Haikou since 1980, so he knows a lot about the city.Ais livingBhas livedClived37 . Butter and cheese _ in price.Ahas gone upBis gone upChave gone upDare gone up38 . (2017安徽)It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development.AcutBhideCrefuseDsatisfy39 . It has been about half a term _ Sandy went into junior high school.AthoughBifCsince40 . He will call you when hein Beijing.AarriveBarrivesCarrivedDwill arrive41 . People can _ running everywhere. Do you know what _?Abe seen; happenedBbe seen; is happeningCsee; happens42 . Just go down this road and you _the library next to the bank.AseeBsawChave seenDwill see43 . My sisterart when she grows up because she wants to be an artist.AstudiesBis going to studyCstudiedDstudying44 . Did you know what I said just now?Sorry,I_a phoneAwill answerBam answeringChave answeredDwas answering45 . -I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I _ with my cousin in the supermarket.AshoppingBwas shoppingCshoppedDwill shop46 . I am looking for the photos that my father in Shanghai.AtakesBwill takeCtookDto take47 . . When did Lily leave school yesterday evening? Pardon? I_about your last question.AthoughtBwas thinkingCthink Dam thinking48 . In the cafe, the waiter_ me a cup of coffee last night.AgiveBgave toCservedDservice49 . Tom is _ lunch.AhaveBhaveingChaving50 . Peter along with his parents_ a walk after supper every day.AtakesBtakeCtakingDtook51 . Xining, Summer Resort(夏都), has friendly people and _ weather. Yes. I hope _ more tourists coming here to enjoy their cool summer.Aa pleasant; there will beBpleasant; there will haveCpleasant; there will beDa pleasant; there will have52 . She_ballet before she entered film industry.Ahas practicedBhad practiced Cwill practicedDwould practiced53 . Mr. Li London. He the city three times. This time he London for three days.Ahas been to ,has gone to ,has been inBhas gone to ,has been to , has been inChas been in, has been to ,has gone toDhas gone to, has been in , has been to54 . I called you at about 8:30 last night, but nobody answered.Oh, I _in my office at that time.AworkedBwas workingCwill work55 . The policeman asked the child so that he could take him home.Awhere he will liveBwhere he livedCwhere did he liveDwhere does he live56 . Nancy _ for the speech contest while her classmates were watching the gameAis preparingBhas preparedCwas preparingDwill prepare57 . Where _ you _ yesterday?Ado,goBdid,goCdid,wentDwas,go58 . Whats your plan for your vacation?We to Hong Kong for a visit.Awere flyingBhave beenCwill flyDflew59 . Li Yuchun with her fans, _ visiting the art museum at this time yesterday.AwasBwereChad been60 . He _in this city since his family moved to Nanning.AliveBlivedChas livedDis living61 . It is too noisy outside. Whats up? Oh, some children _ football in the yard.AplayedBwill playCare playingDhave played62 . His sister _ her hometown for three yearsShell return next yearAleftBhas leftChas been awayDhas been away from63 . Although his family _ not very rich, but quite happy. Look! His whole family _ TV together in the room happily.Aare; is watchingBare; watchCis; watchesDis; are watching64 . If you to the park tomorrow, I_ with you.Ago; goBwill go; will goCgo;will goDwill go;go65 . Tim will call me as soon as he _ my package.AreceiveBwill receiveCreceivedDreceives66 . (题文)My parents _ watching TV now.AdontBarentCdoesntDisnt67 . Do you know where Jimmy is? I _ him for such a long time.Adont seeBdidnt seeChavent seenDwont see68 . _ the computer?Its in the sitting room.AIs itBHowsCWhatsDWheres69 . Im not sure_.Athat has he been to Hong KongBif has he been to Hong KongCif he has been to Hong Kong or notDwhether he has been to Hong Kong or not70 . A new movie unbroken is on. Lets go and watch it.Oh, no. I _ it twice. I dont want to see it a third time.AsawBam seeingChave seen71 . His father _ to Nanjing. He _ back next week.Ahas been, isBhas been, will beChas gone, isDhas gone, will be第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、


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