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人教版2020年中考英语专题练习单词拼写姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、填写适当的单词补全句子1 . They have pens,pencils and notebooks_very good prices.2 . _ girls,we have red skirts for only 28 yuan.3 . Do you have hats_blue?Sorry,we only have black ones.4 . How much is this pair _sports shoes ?5 . The blue sweater is small for you,How_this red one?在下列各句的空白处填入一个最适当的词使句子意思完整、语法正确。6 . Every driver must get the drivers _.7 . Lucy didnt have lunch in the dining hall to _ meeting the leader(领导).8 . I bought a pair of _ to make paper cutting.9 . If you dont work hard, youll _ the test.10 . I believe my parents will take_ in me in the future.二、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇11 . There are two _ (图书馆) in our school.12 . When is the _ (家长) meeting?13 . We want to go to the _ to see the old things . (博物馆)14 . Its a _ (一刻钟) past eleven . Its time to have lunch.15 . Do he want to have a _(野餐) with us ?第一节 单词拼写 根据句意及首字母提示,写出单词的完全形式。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)16 . Robert and his friends were c_ surprised to hear the news.17 . Ben had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in s_.18 . Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs d _.19 . To my s_, he can do everything that I cant do.20 . John often helps his mother do c_ , like folding the clothes , taking out the rubbish or cleaning the living room.21 . My bike is broken. Could you l_ me yours, please?22 . N_ Jack nor Mary will go to the cinema tonight.23 . Because of the bad weather, the swimming match had been put o_.24 . I was sleeping at that time. I dont know what was h_.25 . When the English TV program Monkey came out in 1979, w_ children became interested in this wonderful story.26 . People cant drink the water in the river because its badly_ (污染).27 . In England, we should avoid _ (问) people questions about their age.28 . Its important to form a _ (习惯) of reading English every day.29 . Though he has learnt English for a long time, he can _ (几乎不) speak it.30 . Food _ (安全) has become the most serious problem people care about.31 . Some children like eating something s_.32 . They have o_ ideas on the question.33 . I bought the gift for only 90 c_.34 . Why not get your mother a _(围巾) on her birthday?35 . Our hometown has left many _(记忆) in our hearts.36 . The teacher has _(检查) my homework.37 . To be h_, I havent played soccer for a while now.38 . Yang Hua bought the book two days ago. He has _(买) it for two days.39 . The lady came in and took a_(座位)near the window.40 . How much is the_(饭)?一Its 100 yuan.41 . _(几乎)everybody in my class likes watching game shows.42 . There are so many toys in the shop that I cant decide which one to_ (选择)43 . The old people are living a_(舒适的)life at the old peoples home.根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。44 . The park is very _(近的) to my home,so my parents often take a walk there after dinner.45 . The radio station 92.1 FM is quite bad.It is _(更差的) than 970 AM.46 . Why dont you take the thing _(认真地)?47 . That _(魔术师) from America looks very young.48 . Mr.White put his English book on the _(座位) and then left.单词拼写49 . My hobby is collecting _(邮票).50 . They are _(迷) of country music.51 . My little brother likes to collect _(硬币) and _(纸币).52 . The most _(值钱的) thing is time,rather than money.53 . The handbag is very cheap.Its just fifteen _(英镑).A.根据中文提示写出单词54 . 55 . There is a little food_(剩下) in the fridge.56 . 57 . I wrote to my mother every week,_(主要)on Sundays.58 . 59 . The heavy work _(影响) his health, so he looked much older.60 . 61 . Do you know the saying, A friend in need is a friend_(真正地).62 . 63 . Its important to _(教育) the young students.64 . 65 . ORBIS doctors help to _(改善)the lives of patients.66 . 67 . Dr. Brown felt tired because he had two_(手术) in the day.68 . 69 . -Wheres Mr Green?-He has gone to attend an _(国际的)meeting.70 . 71 . We must prevent the _(扩散)of the bad news.72 . They are my_(哥哥).73 . His _ (女儿) is at school now.74 . Look at this_ (照片)of my sister.75 . 1 go to see my_ (祖父母) on Sundays (每周日).76 . Green is that boys_ (姓).77 . Have a good_(天)!78 . This is a picture of a_ (女孩).79 . Kaixin is the name of my _(狗).80 . (这里)_ is the girls notebook.81 . My _ (父母) are English teachers in Ningbo No. 1 Middle School.词汇运用根据句意或所给中文意思写出正确的单词,每空一词。82 . The students like to go to the _ (舞蹈)Club.83 . I often go to the library to _(借)some books.84 . Which song do you like _(well)?85 . Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong are my _ (hero).86 . _ (read) English is very interesting and useful.87 . There are a few tall _(build) in our school.88 . My best friend is good at _ (draw) some pictures.89 . Miss Li teaches _ (we) English. We like her very much.90 . Bob is in Class1 _(年级)Seven.91 . Sun Yang practises _ (swim) every day. It helps him a lot.B)根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。92 . My home town is a small city in the_(美国)93 . -Is your sister_(乖的)at home?-YesWe all like her94 . Miss Black is very_(亲切的)and her students all love her95 . -Why dont you like to play with Tom?-Because he is a_(难对付的)boy96 . -Are there many people in your_(城镇)?-Yes,there are about 60,000 people根据句意及首字母提示拼写单词。97 . There are some green l_ on the tree.98 . When was the old bridge b_?99 . I think the soup t_ quite salty.100 . The chips taste very c_. Even the old can eat them.101 . I hear you took Mr. Browns backpack by m_.102 . That plant can be m_ into many useful things.103 . Those flowers p_ a nice smell.104 . A dog-helper is used for h_ disabled people.105 . These oranges are too s_. I dont want to eat them any more.106 . The c_ said the potatoes were not thin enough. They didnt like them.A根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。107 . Giraffes have long necksThey can eat _ (树叶) on tall trees108 . _ (千) of the people in China like this kind of mobile109 . Shall we go boating tomorrow?That _(听起来) great!110 . Walk _(径直地) on and youll find the bank in front of you111 . There is a bridge _(在上面) the riverLook, an elephant is on it单词拼写112 . Its_ (放松的) to watch TV.113 . I want two_ (草莓).114 . Lucy is wrong(错误的) and you are r_.115 . D_ comes after November.116 . Her mother doesnt like black t_(裤子).117 . New Years Day is on J_ 1st.118 . -What do you want to be when you grow up, Tom?-I want to be an a_, because I like plays.119 . Shakespeare wrote many famous p_ and plays.120 . -When did your parents m_?-In 1986.121 . The Greens m_ to china, because Mr Green found a job in china.122 . His _ (名字)is Bill.123 . My ruler is white. _(你的) ruler is black.124 . The cow(奶牛) is black a _ white.125 . My pen is black.Yourpenisblck,t_.126 . She is Alan.H_ pen is blue.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。127 . There are two _ (百) students in my school.128 . Better(更好的) life is our_ (梦想).129 . I like_ (步行) to school.130 . Its my grandfathers_ (九十) birthday today.131 . Johns sister is_ (害怕) of dogs.(题文)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。132 . (小题1)Mrs Wang visited lots of _ (外国的) cities like London and New York last year.133 . (小题2)When 1 got home last night, my parents were _(讨论) something.134 . (小题3)-Thank you for_(自愿给予) so much help to me.-Not at all. Thats what friends are for.135 . (小题4)Its amazing that the little girl (:an speak four _(语言).136 . (小题5)The Blacks visited the Summer Palace _ (在 . 期间) their stay in China.单词137 . My friend has c_ a lot of coins.138 . Its u_ that technology has improved in such a rapid way.139 . Qingdao is in Shandong P_.140 . Work hard, and you will make good p_ in your English writing.141 . My grandparents live in a small but_ (安宁的) town.142 . Everyone thought their performance was _(完美的).143 . Our teachers often _(鼓励) us to try our new ideas.144 . No technology is developing in a _(快速的) way.根据句意、释义或中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。145 . How many _ (时期)does a caterpilla(毛毛虫) need to grow into a butterfly?146 . Everybody has to_(be quick) because there will be no buses in two hours.147 . His terrible look _ me ,but I am not afraid.(惊讶)148 . Look , the ants are getting into the house t_ a hole in the wall.149 . There are at l_ 500 hundred students in our school.单词拼写根据句意及首字母或括号里的汉语或单词提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。150 . Lucy e_ playing the piano very much.151 . My brother has four _(牙齿)now.152 . My father _(wake) up early in the morning because he had a meeting at 8 oclock.153 . There are about six _(百)students in our grade.154 . My cousin can speak three l_, like Chinese and English.155 . I like eating ice-cream very much because it tastes d_.156 . The guide showed the _(visit)around the city. They were very happy.157 . The boy often says one thing but does _(different).158 . _(lucky),he passed(通过) the exam.159 . My father often _(锻炼)in the evening.A根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(每空限一词)。160 . -How many _ (零) are there in the number10,000?-There are four.161 . Fang Ping is spoken _ (高度地) of by all the students parents.162 . The passage is about the _(介绍) to this new kind of machine.163 . We are asked to do a _ (日常的) report by our teacher.164 . Jack _ (借) me the book the other day and I must return it to him now.根据中文或首字母提示写单词,使句子完整通顺。165 . My parents buy a lot of _(家具)for my room today.166 . Im r _ sorry I cant go to your party this evening.167 . They have Chinese and _(接着) IT.168 . I like art and history very much. They are my favourite s_.169 . Please _(记住) to close the window when you leave the room.170 . -Wheres your mother?-She is making cakes in the k_.171 . She is still _(累) and sleepy when he wakes her up.172 . Sixty and thirty is _(九十).173 . The dentist(牙医) suggests that we should brush _(牙齿) three times a day.174 . Daming, Mike and I are in the s_ class. We are all in Class3 Grade7.(二)单词拼写:根据句子意思及所给的中文或首字母提示完成单词,请将完整的单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每空只能填一词。175 . This is a _ (地图) of china.176 . Dont worry about your grandma. There is _ (没有什么) serious with her.177 . Mr. Miller is a very _ (幽默的) teacher. His classes are very interesting.178 . There are about two _ (千) students in our school.179 . Miss Li has _ (教) us English for 3 years. She is very kind to us.180 . D_ the summer vacation, we mustnt go swimming alone in the river. Its dangerous.181 . It has been 20 years s_ I graduated from college.182 . Paul didnt drive to the museum. I_, he rode his bike.183 . In s_, flowers come out and grass turns green.184 . Now all the students are w_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.根据句意或首字母填写单词185 . The room is full of r _.Could you take it out and throw it away?186 . As a r_, we got good grades.187 . To my s _ (吃惊), he can do everything that I cant do.188 . The news on TV r_(报道) that there was a rainstorm in the area.189 . My mother always tells me not to give up _ (work) hard.190 . He made a good _(决定)to go to bed early every night.191 . My parents dont _(允许)me to hang out with my friends.192 . Children should learn to be i_ so that they can care for themselves in the future.193 . Many mountain climbers risk their lives to c _ themselves in the face of difficulty.194 . Kate didnt think her friend was telling the _ (true) about the event单词拼写195 . I have never seen him after g_(毕业)196 . I am the new m_(管理者) and you will work for me.197 . I should be t_(感谢的) to my English teacher because she often encourages me to keep on working hard.198 . We need to take the r_(责任) for our own health.199 . Behind each door you open are _(机会) to learn new things.根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子200 . Jimmy is very popular with us because he is very h_.201 . After they heard the news, they all kept s_.202 . If you want to get good s_, you must study hard.203 . There is a river in the _ (背景)of the picture.204 . A TV reporter _(采访)our teacher yesterday.205 . China is an _(亚洲的)country while France is a _(欧洲的)country.206 . Dont read that letter. Its my p_ letter.207 . We can see several _(警卫)around the famous movie star.208 . Mr. Green will give us a_(演讲)tomorrow.209 . The plan r_ to be carefully thought. So I need to think it over.(题文)一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词210 . (小题1)Mr. Liu gives us lots of interesting p_ in English class.211 . (小题2)Since then, the p_ of basketball has risen worldwide.212 . (小题3)His name was m_ several times at the meeting.213 . (小题4)Please d_ the class into five groups.214 . (小题5)Mr. Brown has t_ many Chinese books into English.215 . (小题6)Potato chips were invented by m_.216 . (小题7)There arent many c_ in the restaurant because of the bad weather.217 . (小题8)The young man saved the child. He is a h_.218 . (小题9)Before leaving the classroom, you must l_ the door.219 . (小题10)There are many c_ in the supermarket at weekends.根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子220 . Whats this in _(英语)?221 . This is my _(夹克衫)222 . _(拼写)it, please.223 . The key is _(褐色的)224 . Good _(下午),Frank.225 . This is a boy. H_ name is Bob.226 . Her f_ name is Alice.227 . Tom is my good f_.228 . What color is it? Its y_.229 . She is n_ Alice. She is Jenny.根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,并将其答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应的位置。每空一词。230 . Could you get me an_(介绍)to your friend?231 . Jack comes from America, but he knows many_(传统)folk stories about Chinese festivals.232 . The Russian soup s_very nice, I cant wait to drink it.233 . Do you know w_baseball this is? Does it belong to Jim?234 . If we work hard together, our actions can make a d_to the world and lead to a better future.235 . Tina and Gina look the same, but Tina talks more_(轻声地)236 . Do you know w_ skirt is cheaper?The green one.237 . Who sings b_,Maria or Tina?Tina, of course.238 . Bob likes singing and dancing. He is more o_than his sister.239 . Students should answer questions loudly and_(清楚)in class.根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。240 . He(继续) to work after he retired because he really enjoyed the sense of achievement from his work.241 . The(加拿大的) boy can speak not only English but also Chinese.242 . Sam hardly has any good friends because he always(拒绝) to help others.243 . I dont know whether she is(已婚的) or not. You may ask her mother.244 . The restaurant is open every day(除了之外) on Monday.245 . S _12th is Sallys birthday.246 . F_usually has only twenty-eight days.247 . D_is the last month of a year.248 . New Years Day is on J_lst.249 . O_lst is Chinese National Day.250 . -Do you want to come to my birthday p_?-Sure.251 . -How many m_are there in a year?-Twelve.252 . The eleventh month of a year is N_.253 . A_ is the eighth month of a year.254 . We are very h_on Childrens Day.(题文)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词255 . (小题1)What do you think of _ (卡通片)?256 . (小题2)He e_ to finish the work on time but he didnt.257 . (小题3)Who do you want to _ (学习)from the lessons?258 . (小题4)Li Lei likes telling _ (笑话); we all like him.259 . (小题5)Do you want to see a c_ like “Mr. Bean”?Of course.根据首字母填词260 . John likes h_but he doesnt like fruit.261 . Come on , Lily. Were l_ for class.262 . Tom plays ping-pong with his two c_.263 . Lily doesnt play tennis because she thinks it is d_ for her .264 . We go to the s_ school and we love soccer .265 . The famous Chinese film Ke Ke Xi Li is about a _(真实生活的) event of protecting Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊).266 . My son cant understand the _(对话) in the film Frozen, but the pictures and the music make him interested.267 . Kim Soo Hyun has millions of _(狂热爱好者) in China. Most of them are teenagers.268 . We _ (录制) yesterdays party on video. You can watch it if you like.269 . In America, its not against the law to keep _ (枪) at home.A根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。270 . Christopher Nolan is my favourite _(direct). His Batman movies are really wonderful.271 . There is lots of _ (late) news on hot movies in the magazine Movie View.272 . Stephen Chow used to be famous for his _ (comedy), such as Fight Back To School and The God of Cookery.273 . The police are sure to catch the _ (murder) and he will pay with his life.274 . _ (Asia) film stars now have more chances in Hollywood.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。275 . His _(爱好) are fishing and cooking.276 . I like reading books very much. Reading is _(真的)fun.277 . -Does your mother often _(购物) at the weekend? -Yes, she does.278 . Where _(其它) would you like to visit, the Summer Palace or the Great Wall?279 . Are these bikes for the _(英雄)? I think they will love these bikes.单词拼写,根据句意和所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空。280 . -What t_ do you go to school?-At 7:00.281 . I often get up early in the m_.282 . After getting up ,he usually b_ his teeth first.283 . T_ for your help.284 . On _(星期六)we often play games together.根括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词。285 . The singer is good at playing the_(吉他) and making wonderful music.286 . Bob and Jim have been good friends_(自从) they joined the same tennis team.287 . The cinema was half_(空的) because the movie was so boring.288 . Every time I want to give up, my parents always _(鼓励)me to keep trying.289 . We will hold a party to say goodbye to our teachers next_(星期三).第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、


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