人教版2019-2020学年九年级全册英语课堂练习1 Unit 7 Work for Peace

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人教版2019-2020学年九年级全册英语课堂练习1 Unit 7 Work for Peace姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话7选5AWhat are some of the special places there?BIts near Guangzhou CityCHow did you go there?DWhere have you been these days?EHow long have they been there?FHave you been back to your hometown?GIs it a new city or an old one?AWhat are some of the special places there?BIts near Guangzhou CityCHow did you go there?DWhere have you been these days?EHow long have they been there?FHave you been back to your hometown?GIs it a new city or an old one?Alan:I didnt see you for a few days,Barry11 . Barry:Ive been back to my hometownAlan:Where is your hometown?Barry:22 . Its a small cityAlan:33 . Barry:It is an old oneAlan:44 . Barry:Well,there is an old wall and a theatre in the open airAlan:55 . Barry:They have been there for around 50 yearsAlan:That sounds fun二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。6 . Mike is interested in history.He wants to get a history_(学位) in the future.7 . Next Sunday is Toms birthday.Can you tell me how to _(庆祝) it?8 . Our city is _(变得) more and more beautiful.9 . My classmates are very friendly.They _(接受) the new boy soon.10 . My aunt is a writer.She has written more than ten books _(自从) 1980.11 . You should be_enough to face your life. (勇敢的)12 . Give every day a _to become the most beautiful of your life. (机会)13 . The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in_. (五月)14 . Luckily, Daniel was chosen to be the _(秘书) of the Students Union.15 . Many foreigners enjoy Chinese fashion, _ (尤其) the Tang costume.16 . American schools have many courses, _(相似的) to those in Canadian schools.17 . We dont think it is_(必须的,必要的) to give students too much homework. They need more time for hobbies.18 . Some_调查)on students daily habits will be done this Friday.19 . You look sad. What has happened?Everyone expected us_(win) the match, but we lost.20 . Some holes_(dig) yesterday. We can put the young trees in them now.21 . We all think training local doctors is _(meaning) than doing operations.22 . People worked hard to carry out the economic objectives(经济目标) of Chinas_(twelve) Five-Year Plan.23 . I hope our actions will make a difference to_(reduce) water pollution.24 . It is_to speak loudly in public. (polite)25 . Dickinsons poems are very popular with_even today. (read)三、完成句子A)根据所给信息完成句子。26 . _is your model plane?It is yellow and pink.27 . Are those your parents?Yes, _.28 . 因为这附近没有公交车,我们步行走了几千米。Since there were no buses near here, we walked _ kilometers.29 . 你看过茶艺表演吗?Have you ever seen the performance of _ ?30 . 你知道我们要去那个游乐场吗?Do you know the _ that well go to?31 . 汤姆的爸爸很忙,全年不在家。Toms father is very busy and isnt at home _ .32 . 一方面这所房子太小。另一方面它离学校太远。On the one hand the house is too small. _ , it is too far from the school.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词33 . 你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗?Can you tell me _ your sister _?34 . 你姐姐留长发还是短发?_ your sister have long hair or _?35 . 对于我来说它和其他任何日子都是一样的。Its just like _day for me.36 . 他起床如此晚,以至于他上学迟到了。He got up_ late _he was late for school.37 . 玛丽弹钢琴弹得很开心。Mary _ the piano.38 . 在我们学校,女老师的数量是八十。_the women teachers _eighty in our school.39 . 遵守规则是重要的。_important _ the rules.40 . 别把篮球落在教室里。_ the basketball in the classroom.41 . 这些纸做的衣服很漂亮。The clothes _ paper are very nice.42 . 我可以给她捎个口信吗?_ I _ for her?根根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。43 . 李老师中等身材。Ms. Li is _44 . 首先,你要好好学习。_,you must study hard.45 . 杰夫想给这只猫画张像。Jeff wants to _the cat.46 . 让我来告诉你我的猫长什么样。Let me tell you _ my cat _47 . 最后,在他们的帮助下我们完成了工作。_,we finish the work with their help.48 . 老师建议父母们在玩电脑游戏上要对孩子们更加严格要求。The teacher advises parents _ their children in playing computer games.49 . 自从第一届获得成功以来,越来越多的人参加了它的选拔。More and more people_ since the first Chinas Got Talent became successful.50 . 由于身体的原因他被迫戒烟了。He _because of his poor health.51 . 你知道他加入足球俱乐部多久了吗?Do you know _the Football Club?52 . 在考试中,这个男孩非常耐心,反复思考。The boy was_ in the exam.53 . Sandy 晚上习惯于开着灯睡觉,因为她怕黑。Sandy _ because she is afraid of darkness.54 . 他以前宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去散步,但现在天天跑步。He_ for a walk, but now he goes jogging everyday.55 . 每当你解决问题很费劲时,都可以向朋友寻求帮助。_ problems, you may ask your friend for help.56 . 你能不能提醒我昨天我们学的内容?Would you please_ yesterday?57 . 天气太糟糕了,我们被迫呆在家里。It was such awful weather_stay at home.四、句子/对话改错请从A、B、C中选出错误选项,并将正确答案写在横线上。58 . How long have you have that bike over there ?A B C59 . Hes owned it since his four birthday.A B C60 . It was so a happychildhood.A B C61 . Jim has been in Japan since three days.A B C62 . Ive had this magazine for a couple of month.A B C五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句(注意各小题的词形变化)63 . an, isnt, student, good, he_?64 . try, pick, he, up, to, them_.65 . stopped, he, from, the, them, hit, boy_.66 . listen to, his, the, boy, warn, didnt, but_.67 . branch, saw, on the ground, he, many_.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、补全对话7选51、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、三、完成句子1、2、3、4、5、四、句子/对话改错1、五、将所给单词连成句子1、

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