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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中测试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which is different from the others?AtreeBtryCdryDstreet2 . Choose the following part of the underlined word which has a different pronunciation from others.(选出下列单词中画线部分读音不同的一个)AtheyBthinkCThank3 . Which of the underlined parts is different in pronunciation?AmatterBdamageCnativeDmagic4 . AwideBtouristCthick5 . Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has a different sound?Adare shareBwarm markCgrey obey二、补全短文5选5No one knows when the first house was build and who was the first one to built the house. But the houses are changing all the time.16.What will the house of the future look like? Could it have gardens on its walls, or a pool with fish for dinner? Architects (建筑师) believe that they may come true one day. The only thing for sure is that the houses will be as green as possible in the future.17.Many architects in the world would like to build a house like a leaf he surface of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity, and even make fresh air for the room. The root (根) of the house is deep under the ground. It uses the soil to control the rooms temperature.18.Like a lizard (蜥蜴), changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When its in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn white to protect it from strong heat. During dark days, it turns dark and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.19.This design is perhaps as much about the future of food production as architecture (建筑风格). It has a garden on the outside wall of the house. People can plant tomatoes, carrots and green tea on them. So every morning, you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.20. Looking to the future isnt the only way to be green. Sometimes, the old ways of building houses can also help cut down energy use. For example, a chimney (烟囱) can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier for hot air to run out of the chimney.根据材料内容,从下面方框内找出与上面内容相对应的标题。ALearning from the pastBMeals at homeCThe lizard houseDHouses in the futureEThe tree house6 . _7 . _8 . _9 . _10 . _三、完型填空Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to our _ club. We have some rules. Now please _ to me. Reading is a good habit. You _ read five books every term. If you cant, Im _ that you have to leave. We have activities on Fridays. Everyone must come _time. _ be late. If you _ come, you must tell us before Fridays. Its _ to keep our club clean and tidy. You cant _ in our club, so dont _ your food here. The last _, be careful with the books. You can _ the books back home and read. But _ not to make them dirty, broken _ lost. Thats all.Have a good _ in our club. Thank you.11 . AreadingBswimmingCwritingDdancing12 . AtalkBlistenCwatchDspeak13 . AcanBcantCmustDmustnt14 . AstrictBhappyCsorryDfat15 . AonBwithCatDfor16 . ANotBDontCCantDNo17 . AmustBmustntCcanDcant18 . AterribleBfunnyCimportantDboring19 . AplayBeatCrunDtalk20 . AtakeBgetCcarryDbring21 . AbookBclassCruleDtime22 . AtakeBgetCbringDput23 . AhelpBfinishCpracticeDremember24 . AorBandCsoDbut25 . AtimeBlessonCjobDdream四、阅读单选BMo YanA 62-year-old writer, born in Weifang.He is the first Chinese who won the Nobel Prize for literature. ZhengShuangBorn in 1991, Shenyang, Liaoning, a famous actress.Kobe BryantFamous basketball player. Born in the USA.1.98 meters tall.26 . Where is Mo Yan from?.AShandong.BLiaoning.CHunan.27 . How old is ZhengShuang?.A21B26C3628 . What does ZhengShuang do?.AA writer.BAn actress.CA basketball player.29 . What kind of Nobel Prize did Mo Yan receive?ALiterature.BPhysiology.CMedicine.30 . Kobe Bryant is good at_.Asinging.Bdancing.Cplaying basketball.Everyone has his own way of saying things and his own special expressions. Many American everyday expressions are from colors.Red is a hot color. Americans often use it to express “heat”. They may say they are red hot about something unfair. When theyre red hot they are very angry aboutsomething. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot.Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say theyre in the pink when theyre in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the 20th century. It probably came from many babies who were born with a nice pink color showing good health.Blue is a cool color. The traditional blues music in the USA is the opposite of(与相反) red hot music. Blues is slow and sad.The color green is natural for trees and grass. But its an unnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick feeling stomach may say he feels a little green. A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green.31 . What does the expression “be red hot about” mean?ABe very angry.BBe unfair.CBe happy.DBe very popular.32 . Why do Americans use the color pink to express the meaning of healthy?ABecause the color pink is lighter than the color red.BBecause their ancestors(祖先) did so many years ago.CBecause many healthy babies were born with the pink color.DBecause its a traditional expression.33 . Whats the opposite of the red hot music?AFast music.BLoud music.CBlues music.DCountry music.34 . How many colors are mentioned in the passage?A3.B4.C5.D6.35 . Which is the BEST title for the passage?ADifferent ColorsBStrange ExpressionsCColorful WorldDFeelings Behind Color WordsNoticeApril 20Medium size, black short hair. Its name is David. I love it. Many thanks for returning it. Call Susan at 7328 0059. April 20Brian has 3 legs. It is blind in one eye, and doesnt have the left ear. I lost it on April 17. Thanks! Call Sam at 5773 8881. April 20I found it at the corner of the 2nd and 4th Street at 11:30 am. on Tuesday, April 20. It is about six months old. And its mostly brown with white and black spots. If you lost it, please call Mike at 5666 3559. April 20My brother found a male dog, medium size, brown with short hair. Please help share to find his home! Please call 5633 2551 if it is yours. 36 . How many notices are there in the passage?A1.B2.C3.D4.37 . Susan lost a dog with _.Abrown short hairBblack short hairCa blind eyeDwhite and black spots38 . If you found a dog with three legs, you can call _.A5633 2551B5666 3559C7328 0059D5773 888139 . Which of the notices are about found dogs?ANotice 3 and 4.BNotice 2 and 3.CNotice 1 and 2.DNotice 2 and 4.40 . Which is TRUE according to the notices?ASusan found a dog.BMike lost a dog.CCall 5633 2551 to get a male dog.DSam lost Brian on April 20.Flight TimetbaleFlight numberDepartureArrivalFromToStopCA90707:4512:10BeijingMoscowChengduCA98108:1518:35BeijingNew YorkShanghaiCA15810:2023:10BeijingLondonChengduCA14911:3522:10BeijingSydneyHong KongCA92312:3517:10BeijingMoscow/CA16713:1502:40BeijingParisMoscowCA14715:5510:15BeijingSydneyGuangzhouCA94917:2507:35BeijingParisShanghaiCA17319:2001:50BeijingMoscowUrumqiCA93721:2508:10BeijingLondonHong Kong41 . Youll go to Australia and only takewhen you reach Beijing Airport at eleven forty.ACA923BCA149CCA167DCA14742 . If you want to go to France and spend fourteen hours and ten minutes, you should stay inon the way.AHong KongBMoscowCShanghaiDChengdu43 . It will take youto reach England if you stop in Hong Kong.Anine hours and twentyBtwelve hours and fiftyCten hours and fortyfiveDten hours and thirtyfive44 . Youd better take theplane if you want to spend least time to get to Russia.Aone fiftyBseven fortyfiveCseven twentyDtwelve thirtyfive45 . Youin Beijing if you want to go to America.Amay not take any planeBmay take three planesCmay take two planesDmay take one plane五、句型转换按要求完成下列各题。46 . These are apples. (改为单数句)_is _ apple.47 . I thank him by saving Thank you!(对划线部分提问)_do_ thank him?48 . He has three nice pictures. (改为一般疑问句)._he _three nice pictures?49 . This is his green jacket. (改为同义句)This green jacket_.50 . Ann does her homework today(改为否定句)Ann _ her homework today.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)51 . I really like the book you l_ me last week.52 . It was so n_ that we couldnt hear ourselves speak.53 . News can tell us all kinds of events happening both at home and a_.54 . You have every reason to be p_ of your country and nation.55 . She is writing a letter to a friend of h_.56 . A captain is a l_ of a sports team or side.57 . A w_ is one of the parts of a birds or insects body that it uses for flying.58 . Have you ever w_ a story in English?59 . I used to swim twice a week, but I seem to have got out of the h_ recently.60 . I cant see the blackboard clearly because I sit b_ a tall boy.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文空格上填入恰当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)I have a happy family. There are five m61 . in my family: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me. My g62 . live in the countryside. They have six rooms. The house is big. There are two apple trees in the yard. They have sixteen sheep and three cows. The sheep are w63 . . The cows are yellow. They are healthy. My parents and I live in the c64 . . My father is a worker. He works hard in a car factory. My mother is a high schools Chinese teacher, she u65 . rides her bicycle to go to work at seven oclock. In the evening, she m66 . supper for us. The food she cooks is delicious. I am a student. My school is not far from my home. I went to school on sunny days. I have many friends at school After class, I like p67 . games with them. We are tired, but we are very happy. I love my family.八、材料作文68 . 书面表达1.我的表弟是DIY俱乐部的新成员。他对自己动手做很痴迷。2.他家里有很多不同种类的工具,例如:剪刀,胶水,刷子。3.他喜欢修坏了的东西和装饰房子。4.去年圣诞,他不但自己装饰了圣诞树,还为朋友做了很多圣诞卡。5.他认为DIY很有趣。他建议我去参加DIY的课程,然后做一些有意义的事情。要求:词数不少于80词_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、

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