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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下册期末质量检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_ it is from your school to your home?.-About ten minutes ride.AHow muchBHow soonCHow longDHow far2 . have you studied here?I have studied here for four years.AHow manyBHow farCHow longDHow soon3 . _ many different kinds of fruits _ autumn.AWe have, inBThere is, inCThere are, atDWe have, at4 . Jason is too stubborn(顽固的) sometimes.I quite_.But hes always friendly to others.AacceptBargueCagreeDadmire5 . (2017湖北宜昌)Youd better advise him anything out of the window while driving.I will. He has to know its dangerous.Anot throwingBno throwingCnot to throwDdont throw6 . -have you been away from your home town?-For about 13 yearsAHow soonBHow farCHow longDHow often7 . As students, we should be strict not only _ ourselves but also _ our studies.Ain; withBwith; inCin; inDwith; with8 . Tom is _ honest boy. His hobby is playing _ violin.Aa ; theBan ; theCthe ; aDan ; /9 . She a bridge when she was thirty years old.Ais buildingBbuiltCbuildsDwill build10 . Do you know Running Man?Yes. It starts_ 9:10 _ the evening of Friday.Aat; onBat; inCon; inDin; on二、补全对话5选5补全对话。A: Thats OK.B: You can take a bus to go there.C: Can I help you?D: How long does it take to get there? E: How far is it?A:11 . B: Yes,please . Could you tell me the way to the First Peoples Hospital?.A: Let me see.Oh,its far from here. B: 12 . A: About five miles.13 . B: Which bus should I take?A: The No.1 bus will take you there. B: 14 . A: Its about 30 minutes. B: Thanks for your help. A: 15 . 三、完型填空Hi, everybody! Welcome to Taiwan! Now I would like to show you_this island (岛). After that, you will find that it is as beautiful as many_places in our country.Do you know anything about the Sun Moon Lake? You_ask why people call it so. If you fly high up_the lake and look down from the plane, you will find the answer by yourself. In the middle of this lake, there is a small island. People call it Pearl Island (珍珠岛) because it_like a pearl. On one side of Pearl Island, the lake is like the sun and on the other side it is like the moon. That is_people call the lake the Sun Moon Lake.There are many mountains around this lake. The Ali Mountain is near the Sun Moon Lake. We will camp there_three days. You can also have a dance party with the local people. You can climb the mountain and watch the sun_slowly in the west. Of course, you can_early and enjoy the beautiful sunrise (日出) in the morning.Now, do you think Taiwan is a wonderful place_?16 . AaboveBoverCofDaround17 . AotherBthe otherCelseDothers18 . AwantBmayCcanDneed19 . AonBinCoverDpast20 . AsoundsBlooksCseesDwatches21 . AwhenBwhyCwhatDwhere22 . AforBwithCinDtill23 . AraiseBgo downCfly awayDgo up24 . Aput upBset upClook upDget up25 . Ato visitBvisitCvisitsDvisiting四、阅读单选What Does a Lifelong Learner Look Like?Lifelong learners never think of themselves as the greatest expert in anything. They continue to learn and bring a great deal to the groups they belong to. What does a lifelong learner look like? Here are some of their main characteristics (特征).They are knowledge seekers. They are always searching for much information on a topic theyre interested in and looking for new experience or opportunities (机会) to improve their knowledge or skills.They are social and self-directed learners. They like taking different courses and taking part in discussions around subjects they are interested in. They learn both from and with others. They also know their own learning styles, and their strengths and weaknesses. They can plan and organize their own learning.They are critical (批判性的) thinkers. They always use a lot of ways to analyze (分析) and synthesize (合成) information. From their research they judge (判断) the information to see useful for the question at hand.They are problem solvers. They will meet different problems while learning. However, the usually see problems as challenges and life experiences and try to stand above them.26 . Lifelong learners never .Abelong to any groupsBchange their learning stylesCthink highly of themselvesDbecome interested in new experience27 . What does the underlined word “seekers” mean?AThe people who are looking for something.BThe things which can get peoples attention.CThe people who are taking part in an activity.DThe things which are used for finding information.28 . Which of the following is social and self-directed learners characteristic?AKnowing others weaknesses.BDiscussing their own experiences.CLearning both from and with others.DImproving their knowledge or skills.29 . How do lifelong learners deal with problems?AThey avoid problems wisely.BThey find problems actively.CThey solve problems in a right way.DThey analyze problems for a long time.30 . What is the passage mainly about?ASome experts latest research.BCritical thinkers great opportunities.CProblem solvers important challenges.DLifelong learners main characteristics.五、阅读判断A poor farmer had a good friend. He was famous for the wonderful apple trees that he grew.One day,his friend gave him a young apple tree.The farmer was pleased with the gift,but he did not know where to plant it.He was afraid that if he p;anted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.If he planted the tree in one of his field,his neighbours would come at night and steal some of the apples.If he planted the tree near house,his children would eat the fruit.Finally he planted the tree in his woods. Without sunlight and good soil, the tree soom died.Later his friend asked him why he planted the tree in such a poor place.”What s the difference?” the farmer said angrily and then told him what he had thought.“Yes ,”said his friend,”but at least someone could enjoy the fruit.Now you not only have had no fruit ,but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!”根据短文内容,判断正(T)误 (F)31 . The farmers friend was good at growing vegetables.32 . The farmer was unhappy to get the young apple tree.33 . In the end, the farmer planted the tree in his woods.34 . The farmer knew where to plant the apple tree.35 . We learn “You cant get anything if you dont want to give “from the story.六、填空请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。For,Tracy and Pete Lewis,Big is beautifulWhen talking about families.They have 12 children11 girls and a boy.Life in the Lewis house starts at 6:30 in the morning.6 children have breakfast from 6:30 to 7:00,and then the other 6 from 7:00 to 7:30.After breakfast,Tracy drives them all to school.At 9.30,shes back home and starts cooking lunch.Tracy and Petes son,Charles,is the only boy in the houseIm lucky because I have my bedroom.My sisters all share bedroomsHow do Tracy and Pete feel about their big family?They say,its never boring(枯燥的)in our houses.We really like being in such a beg and happy family And the biggest problem? Waiting for the bathroom!The house has only One bathroom. Information cardThe number of people in Lewis family 81.36 . The time Tracy starts making lunch 82.37 . The things girls share in the family 83.38 . Tracy and Petes feeling about their big family84.39 . The biggest problem in Lewis family 85.40 . 七、回答问题Kangkang: Hello, Tom. Its Kangkang. Would you like to play football now?Tom: No, Im sorry, Kangkang. I cant. Im busy.Kangkang: What are you doing?Tom: Im helping mom. Were painting (粉刷) our house. Its interesting.Kangkang: Can I help? I love painting.Tom: Yes, if (如果)you like. Come now. Wear some old clothes.Kangkang: OK. See you in 15 minutes. See you later!Tom: See you!阅读上面的对话,并回答问题。41 . Who is Kangkang phoning?_42 . Why cant Tom play football now?_43 . Does Kangkang like painting?_44 . Does Kangkang want to help Tom?_45 . What must Kangkang wear?_八、多任务混合问题任务性阅读I liked doing chores when I was young. My mother started teaching us to cook when we were five or six. There was a reason for that. My father was at home for only two days a month, so my mother had go do everything. She had to grow crops, feed the dog and the chickens and cook for us. When we were five or six years old, we all started to help our mother do the housework. My eldest sister Lora helped our mother reap crops on the farm, my second eldest sister Daisy did the laundry, and I cooked for the family. When my sister finished their work, they both came to the kitchen to help me. I can still remember the tears in my mothers eyes when she saw the first dishes we cooked. When I was seven I went to school, but I still came home every day and cooked for the family. I also liked to bring the food I cooked and share with my classmates.46 . How many sisters does the writer have?_.47 . Where did the writers family live?_48 . Who helped do the laundry?_49 . The underlined word “tears” in the passage means_.50 . What can we learn from the passage?_九、材料作文51 . 今天网上讨论的主题是“My best friend and I”。假如你有一个最好的朋友Lucy,请根据表格所提供的信息进行跟帖,对你和Lucy的相同之处和不同之处做一个简单的描述。字数70词左右。NameLucyIAge 1213Height 1.5m1.55mCharacterquiet, smart, calmoutgoing, good at sportsIn commonenjoy going to parties_十、其他单词辨音52 . AgradeBgateCmaskDwake53 . AtennisBneverCbestDevening54 . AkindBtwiceCwhiteDhistory55 . AonlyBbiologyChopeDhero56 . AmusicBclubCcomputerDcute57 . AtallBwalkCballDalso58 . AdrinkBorangeCthankDuncle59 . AquarterBstartCarmDfar60 . AwhoseBwhenCwhatDwhich61 . AballsBcomicsCmaps Dweeks第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、十、其他1、

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