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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_ do you have geography?-We have geography on Tuesday and Thursday.AWhatBWhenCWhereDWhy2 . There were no in this country a few years ago.Aman nurseBman nursesCmen nursesDmen nurse3 . -do you eat outside?-Three times a month.AHow longBHow often.CHow soonDHow much4 . I am afraid we will miss the early bus. Dont worry. We have _ time to do it.AfewBenoughClessDmany5 . It is raining hard with_windAheavyBstrongChardDlarge6 . -What do you do after school? -I play tennis_my friendsAaboutBatCunderDwith7 . When he grows up,hes going to do.Awhat he wants to doBwhat does he want to doCwhat he want to doDwhat will he want to do8 . Peter his wallet everywhere, but he didnt it.Alook for; findBfound; look forClooked for; findDfind; look for9 . Happy birthday to you!_AThats OK.BHere you are.CThank you!DIm happy.10 . -do you exercise?-Three times a week.AHow longBHow oftenCHow farDHow soon二、补全对话6选5从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话A: Hello! This is Learning English programme. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. 11 . How can I improve it?A: Thats easy. Listening to more English tapes is a good way. 12 . B: OK, Ill try. And how can I understand the teacher in class?A: Oh, this is a hard question. Try to make notes in class and revise them after class. 13 . B: Thats a good idea. And then how should I learn new words?A: 14 . Then you can make sentences with them. And you can use them in conversations with your friends.B: 15 . A: Youre welcome. I hope you can improve your English soon.AI bought a book yesterday.BFirst you should remember their pronunciations.CAnd if you have questions, you can ask your teacher for help, too.DThanks a lot.EI cant get the pronunciation right.FThat will help.三、完型填空My name is Grace. Look! This is a picture of_family. A boy is in it. _is my brother, Tommy. Tommy is_the sofa. A woman(妇女)is in the picture, too. She is my_. She is at the table. My father_in the picture. He is at_with his students. A plant and a schoolbag_on the table. The schoolbag is my brothers. Two_are under the chair. They are also my_. You can see some_. They are in the bookcase.16 . AhisBherCheDmy17 . ASheBHeCItDThey18 . AonBatCunderDof19 . AteacherBcousinCmotherDfriend20 . AisntBareCarentDdont21 . AdeskBtableCschoolDdresser22 . AisBareCamD/23 . AroomsBkeyCeraserDbaseballs24 . AbrotherBbrothersCsisterDsisters25 . AID cardBCDsCbedsDplant四、阅读单选Hello! Im Peppa. Many people love me. I have a lovely pink face and a little round body. My favorite things are playing games, dressing up and jumping in muddy puddles(泥坑)!I live with my dad, mom and little brother George. There is always laughter in our house!This is my mom. She does her work on a computer. She makes good meals for all of us. She always talks to George and me. Her voice is very soft.This is my dad, He always wears glasses. Without them, he can see clearly. Dad knows a lot of things. He even knows how to make bubble water(泡泡水). So cool!This is George. We often play in the garden. George loves juice. But sometimes, he drinks it too quickly and gets the hiccups(打嗝). Oh, George likes to cry.This is my family. Do you like my family?26 . How many family members are there in Peppas family? AthreeBfourCfiveDsix27 . What does Peppas mom do at home?AShe makes good meal for the family.BShe wears nice clothes.CShe jumps in muddy puddles.DShe makes bubble water.28 . Who likes to drink juice?APeppa.BGeorge.CMom.DDad.29 . Peppa has a _family.AhappyBboringChealthyDsmall五、阅读判断根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B)Jimmy is a little boy. He likes chocolate very much. But his mother doesnt let him eat much because its bad for his teeth. This Sunday is Jimmys the fifth birthday. His parents want to have a birthday party. They ask Jimmys grandpa to come to the party. His grandpa comes the day before(在.以前) Jimmys birthday. At night, mother tells Jimmy,“If you tell the God (上帝) what you want ,you will get it .”So Jimmy cries(哭喊) ,“I want a box of chocolate !”His mother says ,“Dont say it so loudly(大声地). The God can hear you.” Jimmy smiles(微笑) and says,“But grandpa cant .”30 . Jimmy likes eating chocolate .A. T B. F31 . Jimmy is five years old now.A. T B. F32 . Jimmys grandparent comes to Jimmys party .A. T B. F33 . Jimmy cries loudly to let his grandpa hear it?A. T B. F34 . Jimmys mother doesnt love him, because she doesnt let him eat chocolate.A. T B. F六、填空Each summer, you hear news that some sports players are sent to hospitals because it is too hot. Our bodies cant be outside in the sun for a long time. So in hot summers, be careful about playing sports outside.Firstly, to play sports safely in hot weather, you must drink water. Sports drinks are great for athletes, but they have so much sugar that theyll dehydrate(使脱水)you more. However, drinking afew bottles of sports drinks will be good for you.Secondly, be sure to take enough breaks to let your body rest. If your coach doesnt let you do so in the heat, dont wait until you feel uncomfortable. Just be honest with your coach when you need breaks.Thirdly, when you have a break, dont sit in the sun. With the sun beating down on you, youll only heat up and sweat(冒汗)more. Take a seat under a tree, or even better, go indoors for a little while.Cooling yourself down can help you stay active longer.Fourthly, remember that the earlier in the day you start your exercise, the cooler it will be. If you can start practice before the sun comes up, you have a few good hours to practice in the cool hours of the morning. Also, the earlier you practice, the earlier you can finish the exercise. If you need more practice time, come back to the field later in the evening when the sun is setting.Last but not least, you should watch your food. Eat food which is high in water, starch(淀粉)andcarbohydrate(糖类), but be sure to get a good balance in your diet.As long as you pay attention to the above, playing sports safely in the heat isnt a difficult thing.How to keep 35 . when playing sports in summerFacts Some people do exercise 36 . in the sun for long in hot summer. Some sports players are sent to hospitals because the37 . is too high.38 . Drink water and play sports safely. But too many bottles of sports drinks may do39 . to you. Take enough 40 . during summer exercise. When you feel uncomfortable, let your coach know right now.41 . sit in the sun when you have a rest. Youd better sit under a tree or go indoors for a while, which may help you keep active longer. Choose a proper time for practice. Remember to exercise as42 . as possible to enjoy exercising on cool summer mornings. Sunset is a good choice as well. Be careful with your43 . and have a balanced diet.ConclusionThe more you pay attention to the44 . , the safer you will be while playing outside in the heat!七、回答问题When I was young, I had an old neighbor , Dr. Gibbs. He never invited us to play in his yard. But he was a very kind person.Dr. Gibbs had some interesting ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants would spoil(毁坏) them. If you watered them, each young tree would grow weaker and weaker. So you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early. He talked about how watered trees grew shallow(浅的) roots, and how trees that werent watered had to grow deep roots in search of (寻找)water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important. So he never watered his trees.Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. When I came back home, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about 25 years ago. They were very big and strong. I planted some trees a few years later and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.Every night before I go to bed , I check on my two sons. Mostly I hope that their lives will be easy. But now its time to change my idea. I know my children are going to face difficulties. Theres always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to do is get roots that reach deep into the brave heart. When the rains fall and the winds blow, we can face them strongly and wont be beaten down.45 . Dr. Gibbs never invited the writer to play in his yard, did he?_.46 . Why do some trees that arent watered have to grow deep roots?_.47 . How old are the trees that planted by Dr. Gibbs?_.48 . Does the writer understand Dr. Gibbs interesting ideas about planting trees at last?_.49 . What can we learn from Dr. Gibbs interesting ideas about planting trees?_.八、多任务混合问题Welcome to England!The weather of England often changes. It can be rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, warm, foggy or cold at any time of year. If its raining when you get up in the morning, it can be hot and sunny in the afternoon.In England, shops are usually open from 9:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. On Sundays some shops are open from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. But most shops are closed. Banks, museums(博物馆)or other places are open from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. You can go to the parks at any time.All the cities have buses, trains and taxis(出租车). People wait in line (排队等候) for buses and they will not be happy if you come to the front from the end of the line. Dont forget that, traffic goes on the left.Be careful and enjoy your time here.根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一:填空。(每空一词)50 . In England, shops are usually open from _ a. m. to_p. m.51 . _ to drive or walk on the left in England.任务二:判断正(T)误(F)。52 . The weather in England often changes.53 . You cant go to the parks on Sundays in England.任务三:选择正确答案。54 . The passage(短文)may be _.Aa map of EnglandBfrom a school newspaperCa travel ad(广告)Dfrom a science magazine九、材料作文55 . 书面表达。你们学校英语角要举行一次口语比赛,要求介绍你的一个朋友或家人。请你写一篇英语短文为此做准备。要求:1从名字、年龄、外貌、性格、爱好等方面人手介绍;260词左右,可适当发挥。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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