人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期章节练习英语试题unit 5D卷

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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期章节练习英语试题unit 5D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Shall we go for a walk?_ great.ASoundsBFeelsCTastesDLooks2 . I like that green Tshirt. _ is it?Its fifteen dollars.AWhat colorBHow muchCHow many DHow big3 . The MP3 is used for_musicAlisten toBlisteningClistening toDlisten4 . Is that your quilt?.Its her quilt.AYes, it isBYes, that isCNo, it isntDNo, that isnt5 . Thats anquestion.AinterestingBboringCdifficultDrelaxing6 . There _ some grapes in the bag.AhaveBhasCisDare7 . Mrs Brown looks young., he is over 70 years old.AIn factBIn the endCAs long asDSuch as8 . My sister _ many friends.AhaveBhave gotChas gotDthere be9 . Leave the reference books behind, _ you wont be able to think independently.AorBandCsoDbut10 . I dont have _ pens. I think Ann has _.Aany, anyBsome, anyCsome ,someDany ,some二、补全对话5选5A:Whats this in English?B:11 . A:12 . B:Yes, I do.A:13 . B:Its in my room.A:Do you play ping-pong?B:No. 14 . A:Haha. I have two bats but I dont have a ping-pong ball.B:15 . A:Great! Lets go.ADo you have a ping-pong ball?BI dont have a ping-pong bat.CIts a ping-pong ball.DWell,lets play ping-pong now.EWhere is it?三、完型填空Hello._ to meet you. My name is _Miller. Jenny is my first name and Miller is my _name. Im a middle school student. Tom Brown and Linda Smith_ my good friends. Linda Smith is English._is 12. Her English is very good. Tom is _, too. He is 11 . He is _China now. His favorite color is _._cup, jacket and pen are black. I have a_. And the phone number is 023-78956. Do you want to be my friends?16 . AGoodBFineCNiceDOK17 . AAliceBJennyCLindaDGina18 . AlastBEnglishConeDfirst19 . AamBisCbeDare20 . AHeBSheCIDYou21 . AnineBEnglishCeightDChina22 . AnotBtooCinDto23 . AblackBredCwhiteDblue24 . AHisBMyCYoureDher25 . AschoolBCDCtelephoneDQQ四、阅读单选Hello! I am Peggy. Im 14 years old. I like playing soccer and tennis. My favorite fruits are apples and potatoes. Im Rebecca. Im an English girl. I am 13 years old. I like playing soccer and baseball. I like eating strawberries and carrots. My name is Susy. I am 13. My favorite sports are playing basketball and pingpong. I like oranges and tomatoes best. Im an American boy. I am 14 years old. My name is Bob. I like volleyball and basketball. Bananas and tomatoes are my favorite. 26 . _ are fourteen years old.APeggy and RebeccaBPeggy and SusyCPeggy and BobDRebecca and Susy27 . Rebecca is a/an _ girl.AChineseBEnglishCAmericanDJapanese28 . Susy likes playing _.Abasketball and tennisBsoccer and pingpongCvolleyball and pingpongDbasketball and pingpong29 . Susy and Bob like eating _.AorangesBbananasCtomatoesDpotatoesMy names Tony and Im English. These are my parents.My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing. This is my father. Hes a hotel manager. My names Li Daming. Im Chinese. These are my parents. My mother is a doctor at the hospital. My father is a factory manager.30 . Tony is _.AEnglishBEnglandCChina31 . Tonys mother is _.Aan English teacherBa hotel managerCa doctor32 . Is Tonys father a hotel manager?- _AYes, he is.BNo, he isntC/33 . In English-工厂经理is _Ahotel managerBfactory managerCmanager34 . Whats Damings mother?Aa doctorBa teacherCa workPeopleBirthdayYearBobJanuary 28th1995LucyMarch 1st1994VictorJanuary 14th1995TinaSeptember 12th1994MikeMarch 1st199635 . When is Bobs birthday?AJanuary 28th.BMarch 1 st.CJanuary 14th.36 . March 1st is _ birthday.ALucy and VictorsBVictor and TinasCLucy and Mikes37 . Victor was born in _.A1994.B1995.C1996.38 . _ were born in 1994.ABob and LucyBLucy and TinaCVictor and Mike39 . 下面哪项陈述是错误的?AVictors birthday is January 14th.BMike was born in 1996.CTina was born in January.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。40 . She didnt speak _ (loud) because she was so shy.41 . Molly plays basketball better than her classmates. Shes a _ (talent) player.42 . Do you know what year Italy (意大利) _ (win) the World Cup?43 . Dont _ (touch) that bowl. Its very hot.44 . Mark is as _ (hard-working) as his brother.六、完成句子七、完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答卷标有题号的横线上。45 . 如果你对他所做的不满意,你可以和他进一步沟通。If you _ did, you can have further communication with him.46 . 过去,好的阅读习惯,没有引起人们重视。Good reading habits _ people in the past.47 . 我真后悔弄得这么一团糟,我现在得从头开始。I really _ had to start all over again.48 . 自从投入使用以来,港珠澳大桥的高超建造技术和独特设计在国内外一直受到高度赞扬。The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge _ its great building skills and special designs since it was in use.49 . 各国选手们在演讲比赛中成功地向我们解释了何为“大道至简”。Contestants from all over the world _ “The Great Truth is Simple” means.50 . 根据NASA报道,女性宇航员在太空工作时,有很多优于男性的优势,比如占据更少的空间,需要更少的食物。According to NASA, Women astronauts _ less space or needing less food when working in space.七、单词填空51 . 缺词填空Hi, Im Jim Green. I was b_1_ in New York. I am an A_2_. Now I live in China. I am in Beijing with my p_3_. My father is a w_4_. He works in a factory. My mother works in a school, and she a_5_ works hard. But she is not a t_6_. She works in a l_7_. There are many books in it. I have a t_8_ sister. Her mane is Alice. We are in the s_9_ school, but in d_10_ classes. We both like reading.八、看图作文52 . 书面表达下面的图片描述了昨天下午发生在四年级三班教室里的情景。小林和小刚之间的对话,让你想到了什么?请根据你对图片的理解,用英语写一篇 100 词左右的短文。内容包括:1. 完整描述图片内容; 2. 简要阐述你的观点和看法。写作要求:1. 可以根据图片信息,进行适当的发挥;2. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。提示词:手提电脑 laptop第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、看图作文1、

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