人教新目标版八年级英语主题阅读-寓意故事 练习题

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人教新目标版八年级英语主题阅读-寓意故事 练习题_第1页
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人教新目标版八年级英语主题阅读-寓意故事 练习题_第3页
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人教新目标版八年级主题阅读-寓意故事 练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Toms grandfather is already 70 years old. He will stop working in two weeks. Tom and his parents planned to have a surprise_for the old man.Tom loves his grandpa and he wants to do_special for him, He remembered that his grandpa gave him a business card(名片)when he was in Grade One. He_that his grandpa would not have the job on that card again,_he decided to make a new one for him.Soon the big party came. Tom took the_with him all that evening. He didnt want to put his gift together with the others. When all the other people_, he gave the gift to his grandpa. When his grandpa_the gift, tears (眼泪)came into his eyes. It was a business card with his_job: Full- time Grandpa!Now your full- time job is to be my grandpa! said Tom.Well,_will you pay me? asked Toms grandpa.Many hugs(拥抱)! With these words, Tom gave a big hug_his grandpa.Oh. thank you very much, my dear. Now I think Im the happiest man in the world! said Toms grandpa excitedly.1 . ApartyBtripCprizeDcompetition2 . AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything3 . AforgotBknewChopedDcared4 . AbecauseBorCalthoughDso5 . AcardBwatchCbookDphone6 . AleftBreachedCsleptDmoved7 . AsawBsentCwonDchose8 . AlongBshortColdDnew9 . Ahow manyBhow longChow muchDhow often10 . AwithBtoCforDat完形填空阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her healthIn fact,she walked five kilometers before_every morning,and went swimming once a week at the swimming poolShe didnt smoke and never _She didnt eat chocolateShe didnt eat sweet and fatty food,_She weighted herself every dayOne day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a _ sitting in a rocking chair under a treeHe looked very old and his hair was whiteHe looked thin and weak,and his hands were shaking,_ he looked very happyHe smiled at her and said,Good morning! Lovely day,isnt it?He had a wide smile _ his face,and his eyes shone with happinessBut Alicia saw that he did not have teethGood morning! replied AliciaYes,it is a lovely dayAlicia thought he _very old and wiseShe thought he must be at least 90years old! She decided to ask him about the _ of a happy old ageI hope you dont_me asking,she said,but what is your secret for being so happy at your age?I hope I can look as happy as you do_I am your ageThe man in the rocking chair said,My secret for _? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week,and drink three bottles of wine every dayI eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I wantI never eat vegetablesI never walk anywhere and I never play sportsI sit at home every dayAlicia was _She didnt expect the man to give her an answer like thatShe wondered how the man got to be so old when he did _wrongShe thought he should be _ and unhappyPerhaps she was wrongMaybe,she thought,people could live a long happy life _eating well or doing lots of exerciseHow old are you?she askedIts my birthday today,said the manIm forty-seven!11 . AlunchBbreakfastCdinnerDsupper12 . AexercisedBdrankCworkedDslept13 . AtooBalsoCeitherDstill14 . AmanBwomanCboyDgirl15 . AsoBbutCandDor16 . AinBwithCatDon17 . AsawBlookedClistenedDfound18 . AsecretBdreamCplanDfuture19 . AstandBmindCallowDenjoy20 . AwhenBsinceCthoughDfor21 . AhealthBsuccessChappinessDlife22 . AsurprisedBworriedCexcitedDrelaxed23 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing24 . AangryBseriousCquietDsick25 . AthroughBfromCwithoutDby二、阅读单选Jack was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold the fish in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some food for his family. When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man fell into the river and nobody found him. Jacks mother left her three-year-old son without saying goodbye. His aunt had to look after him.Twenty years passed. Jack became a tall, strong man. He worked on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money to marry (结婚). He often went to see his aunt with some nice presents. The woman was very happy. But one day she died (死) in a traffic accident (交通事故). The young man was very sad. After he buried (埋葬) her, he decided to buy a beautiful tombstone (墓碑) for her. He went to the town and came into a shop, but all the tombstones were too expensive. He asked, Do you sell an old tombstone, sir?Yes, we do, sir, answered the shopkeeper.Is it as expensive as the new one?No, it is much cheaper, said the man. But another name was engraved (刻) on it.It doesnt matter, said the man. My aunt could not read.26 . Jacks father is a.AfishermanBdriverCworkerDfarmer27 . As, the family were hungry.AJacks father had to look after him in winterBJacks father could catch little fish in winterCno food was sold in winterDJacks father was often ill in winter28 . Jacks motherwhen Jack was three years old.AleftBwent outCmarriedDdied29 . Jack wanted to get more money to.Abuild a houseBbuy a farmCgive his aunt nice presentsDmarry a wife30 . Jack wanted to buy an old tombstone because.Ahe had not enough to buy a new oneBhis aunt could not know whose name was engravedChis aunt was not going to mind itDnobody knew what his aunts name wasOne day a lonely girl found two weak birds while she was walking in the woods(树林). She took them home and put them in a small cage. She fed them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl loved them very much and wanted their singing to last forever.One day the girl left the cages door open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as it circled(盘旋) high above her. She was afraid that it would fly away and she would never see it again. So when it flew close, she grasped(抓) at it wildly. She was very happy that she held it tightly within her hand! Suddenly, she felt something had happened to the bird. She opened her hand and was surprised to find the bird was dead. Her love for the bird killed it.She noticed the other bird jumping in the cage. She could feel that it wanted to be free. It hoped to fly into the clear, blue sky. She lifted(举起) it from the cage and flew it into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three timesWhen the bird was flying happily in the sky, she was so glad. Just then the bird flew closer and sat softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.31 . One day the girl forgot to close the door to the cage and _ of the two birds flew out of the cage.Athe sickBthe femaleCthe larger and strongerDthe white and blue32 . The girl held the bird rightly in her hand because she was afraid that _.Ait would be killedBit was feeling coldCthe other bird felt lonelyDit would fly away33 . The girl felt that the other bird _ when it was jumping in the cage.Awanted to see what happenedBwanted to be freeCwanted to sing a beautiful song againDwanted to eat something34 . What does the story want to tell us?AWe should protect the endangered birds.BThe cage is used to keep birds.CThe birds are easily killed.DTo keep love is to let it fly.A man has some work to do in England, so he says good-bye to his wife at the airport, gets into a plane and leaves. After ten days, his work is finished, so he buys a ticket for his journey(旅行) back home, and then goes to the post office to send a telegram(电报) to his wife.He asks the girl of the post office, “ How much is this?” “Twenty dollars.” But he doesnt have enough money. So he says, “ Take the word love off!”“No,” says the girl. And she takes her money out of her bag. “ For the word love, I pay. Wives need that word from their husbands.”35 . The man says good-bye to his wife_.ATo leave EnglandBto buy a ticketCand goes to EnglandDand goes home36 . Before the man goes back home, he_.Atelephones his wifeBgoes to the post office to buy the air ticketsCsends a telegram to his wifeDis ill37 . The man wants to take off the word “ love” because_.Ahe doesnt have enough moneyBhe doesnt love his wifeCthe word is not saidDthe word is too expensive38 . The girls takes her money out of her bag_.Ato pay for the telegramBto show she is richCto give the manDto pay for only one word39 . Wives _.Aneed love from their husbandsBare richCare happy to give money to their husbandsDdont love their husbands三、其他从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。40 . Shenzhenliesin the south of China.AkeepsBfindsCisDbelongs41 . The little girl isfortunateto get help from so many strangers.ALuckyBExcitedCHappyDGrateful42 . Liu Xiangs success cameat a price.AWithout difficultyBwith a lot of hard workCWith little moneyDwithout much time43 . When Jason was painting the wall, some boyspassed byand wanted to join him.AWent outBWent thoughCWent away DWent past44 . The plane willtake offin half an hour.ALeave forBLeave the ground and begin to flyCRemoveDLand on the ground第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、其他1、

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