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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What food will your parents _for us at the party?AprepareBbuyCgetDeat2 . Mr. Li is one of _ in our school.Athe popular teacherBpopular teachersCthe most popular teachersDmost popular teachers3 . Hes one ofin our class.Ataller boysBthe taller boysCtallest boysDthe tallest boys4 . Of all my classmates,often goes to the Internet caf to kill time.Ano oneBnoneCnobodyDeveryone5 . Yunnan is beautiful and Im _ visiting it again. (2017 天津中考)Akeeping clear ofBsuffering fromClooking forward toDrunning away from6 . My friend is coming. Ill give him _ to eat.Asomething deliciousBdelicious somethingCanything deliciousDsomething bad7 . -.Must I finish _the book today?-No, you_.Areading, mustntBto read, mustntCreading, needntDto read, neednt8 . Oh, my God! I _ my notebook in my bedroom. It doesnt matter. Ill lend you mine.AforgetBforgotCleavesDleft9 . Its ten five.Aten to fiveBten past fiveCfive past ten10 . The girl put on her new red dress and couldnt wait to see _ in the mirror.AherselfBhersCherDshe11 . _ it is to get together. with friends and family at the Spring Festival.AWhat a funBHow funCWhat funnyDWhat fun12 . -Lets go and have a picnic.-That sounds. It must be very interesting.AgoodBwellCbadDbadly13 . _the workers were quite tired, _ they still went on working.ABecause; /BAlthough; butCAlthough; /14 . -Can you tell me what the Olympic motto(宗旨) is?-_.AInspire a generationBFaster, Higher, StrongerCLight the Passion, Share the DreamDOne World, One Dream15 . The_ boy cant find his father.Asixteen years oldBsixteen-year-oldCsixteen-year-oldsDsixteen-years-old二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hello, Jack speaking.B: Hi, Jack. Its Rick.A: 16 . B: Very good. We are on a school trip.A: 17 . B: We are on the Great Wall of China now.A: Really? Thats great. 18 . B: Its sunny and cool. I am taking photos now.A: Wow! Could you send me some of those photos on WeChat later?B: No problem. 19 . A: Im playing games with Mark in the park.B: OK. 20 . A: You, too.AWhere are you? BHave a good time!CHows the weather there?DThis is Jack speaking.E. Hows it going, Rick?F. Are you having fun?G. What are you doing now?三、补全短文5选5Many years ago, there lived an old man with his three sons, Dharma, Harrison and Keith, in a village. The man worked hard when he was young, 21 . . But his sons were all born to be lazy, which made him disappointed. He was worried that his sons would use up his money and starve (饥饿) to death.One day, the old man came up with a plan. He called his sons and said to them, “Look, my dear sons, in the land we have at the farmyard, there is lots of hidden gold. 22 . .”In a wish to find out the gold, his sons worked hard from morning to evening, digging and digging all through the land. Three days had passed, 23 . . They got frustrated and angry. They decided to give up and returned to ask their father.“There is no gold in the land. We are cheated.”“Since the land has been dug soft, 24 . ?” their father answered.The sons went off. Soon the whole once-useless land was rich crops.“25 . ,” said the proud father.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。AIf you work together, you may find itBso he had the largest farmyard and the most beautiful house in the villageCThis is the real gold, my sonsDbut they didnt find what they were looking forE. why dont you plant some crops there四、阅读单选根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。26 . From the chart we know that the latest metro station is in _.AShanghaiBBeijingCHarbin27 . According to the information above we know that _.Athe number of Shanghai metros will increase about 31.2% in 2050Bthere are about 4.3 million passengers per day in ShanghaiCthe price of the Shanghai ticket is 3 yuan in Shanghai metro28 . From the information in the chart we know that the metro station _ has the most passengers per day.Ain NanjingBin ShanghaiCin Beijing29 . From the chart we know that_.AIt is very convenient and comfortable to go from the south to the north in Beijing.Bthe price of ticket in Nanjing is the cheapest of all the metro stations mentioned above.CBeijing has the largest number of metro trains.30 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the information?AFrom the chart we know that we can take metro every two minutes in all the cities.BThe passengers in Shanghai can take metros to go everywhere.CThe price of the ticket in Harbin is the same as that in Shanghai.Mr. Jenkins is a farmer. One day he drives his truck to town and on the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt(弄伤) him. He takes the boy to a hospital and he pays a lot of money for that, but the boys parents want to get more money from him, so they say their son cant lift(举起) his right arm above his head.Mr. Jenkins lawyer comes and asks the boy some questions. “Now, my boy,” he says, “Mr.Jenkins truck knocks you down in the street.”“Yes, sir,” he says.“And you cant lift your right arm now?”“Yes, sir,” he says.“Could you show how high you can lift your right arm?”Slowly the boy lifts his right arm before his nose.“Poor boy,” says the lawyer, “And how high can you lift before the accident?”“Oh, I can lift it very high.” Says the boy, and the right hand goes up high above his head.31 . Mr. Jenkins truck knocks down _.Aa lawyerBa boys fatherCa boy32 . The boys parents want to get _ from him.Amore trucksBmore moneyCmore monkeys33 . Mr. Jenkins lawyer asks the boy to _.Aask some questionsBanswer some questionsClift his left arm34 . The boy says he cant lift his _ now.Aright armBleft armCright foot35 . There is _ wrong with the boy.AsomethingBanythingCNothing五、根据首字母、中文提示填空六、根据句意及所给的汉语提示写出单词36 . When I heard the news,I was very_(吃惊的).37 . Nobody knew what to do,but_(突然)he thought of good idea.38 . I_(想知道)how he can learn English very well.39 . Bill is_(搜索)the Internet. He wants to find something interesting.40 . The story_(发生)in Shanghai in 1945.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . By the age of seven he could write(beautiful).42 . Ill never forget my first(fly) from my home to Beijing.43 . She felt her world was empty after her daughters(dead).44 . Mary loves swimming and she goes to the swimming pool(two) a week.45 . He went(direct) to his boss and told him what he thought.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文quick study easy country everywhereRecently, a very simple sentence, “Amazing, my motherland” has widely known in China. As we know, China has developed 46 . these years and it has become one of the most important 47 . in the world. Foreigners pay more attention to this ancient eastern country China. Lily, an Australian girl, has lived in China since three years ago. She is 48 . in a university in Nanjing now. Great changes make her amazed. “I think finding jobs is 49 . in China than that in Australia.”In Nanjing, we can find new buildings 50 . . The great changes are much more than before.八、填写适当的单词补全对话二、完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整、正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Hi, Jimmy. What are you doing right now? B: Nothing but studying Chinese.A: You are excellent.B: In face, I really feel 51 . out from time to time.A: But for some people, learning Chinese is a way to relax. These days theres a popular competition which some students take part in.B: You mean the Chinese Conference (中国诗词大会) on CCTV?A: Yes. Have you watched it?B: I have heard of it, but I havent watched it myself. I only know that a girl has become famous around China.A: Yes, the girl is named Wu Yishu. She won the competition with her rich 52 . of our countrys ancient culture and works.B: Tell me more about her.A: As early as February 1st in 2017, Wu recited an ancient Chinese poem about the months of the year, some people guessed Wu must have remembered at 53 . 2,000 Chinese ancient works. She is a legend.B: She must have an excellent 54 . A: Yes. She beat other competitors in the second season of the Chinese Poetry Conference. B: No wonder she is so famous. She must be proud of herself.A: However, she said she paid little attention to the competition 55 . . She loved poetry, and it was enough as long as she enjoyed the happiness 56 . by the poetry.B: She is an 57 . to us students in junior high school. Her achievement encourages more young people to study Chinese hard. What about the final?A: In the final, Wu performed strongly in many sections, such as competitors recalling poems by looking at sand paintings and reciting poems as many as they could think of relating to the Chinese character “Jiu” meaning liquor.B: The poets in history enjoyed drinking liquor when they were creating poems.A: Yes. And Wu is also good at creating poems 58 . that, she is known among her classmates and teachers since she loves reading poetry and wearing ancient Chinese clothes.B: She must look classical in these clothes.A: The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV, I was really 59 . by her classical appearance. It will be hard for me to forget her. She fulfills all my fantasies for the classic Chinese womens talents. Whats more, she always appears so calm throughout the show, which is very 60 . for her age.B: In my opinion, everyone in our country should enjoy the artistry and fun of poetry like her. A: Yes, I think so.九、单词填空Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. These usually try to represent the things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into o61 . of beauty.According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were f62 . used by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. They are m63 . of bamboo and covered with paper. When the lanterns are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good w64 . .Paper cutting has been around for more than 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be d65 . to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with s66 . . The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese history. D67 . the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real. The pieces are carefully shaped by h68 . from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. F69 . , materials such as wood or paper are added to make different things. It takes several weeks to c70 . everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.十、填空A language professor was explaining to her class that French nouns are grammatically designated as male or female. “Pencil, in French, is male; House, in French, is female.”One puzzled student raised his hand and asked, “What gender(性别) is a computer?”The teacher did not know, and the word wasnt in her French dictionary. So for fun she divided the class into two groups and asked them to decide whether a computer should be a male or female noun.Both groups were required to give four reasons for their recommendation.The mens group decided that computers should definitely be of the female gender because:1No one but their creator understands their internal logic.2The native language which they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible(无法理解) to everyone else.3Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for possible later retrieval(检索).4As soon as you buy one, youll find yourself spending half of your salary on accessories(零配件) for it.The womens group, however, concluded that computers should be male because:1In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.2They have a lot of data but they are still stupid.3They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they are the problem.4As soon as you buy one, youll be aware that if you had waited a little longer, you could have a better model.What Gender is a Computer?Opinion71 . Female72 . their creator understands their internal logic.The native language used to communicate with other computers cant be 73 . by everyone else.It even 74 . the smallest mistakes in the memory for possible later retrieval.Accessories for a computer will 75 . half of your salary after you buy one.76 . In order to get their attention, you 77 . turn them on.They have a lot of data but they are still knowing 78 . .79 . they are supposed to help you solve problems, half the time they are the problem.As soon as you buy one, youll 80 . that if you had waited a little longer, you could have a better model.十一、回答问题Lots of people make it as their aim to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma.Mark is one of them.The difference between Mark and other climbers is that he lost both his legs when climbing New Zealands highest mountain,Mount Cook.He was caught in a big ice hole and he had to have his legs cut below the knees after he was saved.But that couldnt make Mark lose heart, who has become the first person with man-made legs to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.From the top of the worlds highest mountain,Mark called his wife to say he made it.His wife,Anne,got the phone when she was sleeping.She could hardly believe it.Because she knew how hard it would be for Mark to reach the top.She said his“legs”didnt work well sometimes,so her husband was carrying a spare leg and repair tools.Mark was a mountain guide before his accident.He said it was not important that no one bad ever reached the 8844-neter mountain like him.“Im not doing this to be the first.I have been climbing most of my life and I just feel Mount Qomolangma is really a great aim.I want to prove that I can do anything better.”So if you have a dream, just work hard and go for it no matter how difficult it is.81 . What was the difference between Mark and the other climbers?He was the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma with_.82 . Where did Mark lose his own legs?He lost his own legs in an accident_.83 . Whom did he call as soon as he reached the top?He called_when he got there.84 . What did Mark carry when he climbed Mount Qomolangma?He carried_.85 . What did Mark do before his accident?He worked as_.十二、话题作文86 . 书面表达假定你是李华,你校英诺俱乐部将举行以Good habits make me better为主题的演讲活动。请根据以下的信息,写一篇英语演讲稿。话题:Good habits make me better生活习惯:按时休息、拒绝垃圾食品、经常锻炼学习习惯:课上认真听讲、按时完成作业、爱读书你的感想:要求: 1)包含全部要点。可适当发挥:2)不能出现真实的校名及姓名:3)开头和结尾已经给出。不计入总词数:4)问数控制在80-100词左右。Good morning everybody!lm Li Hua. Today my topics is “Good habits make me better”. _Thats all. Thank you for your listening!第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填写适当的单词补全对话1、九、单词填空1、十、填空1、十一、回答问题1、十二、话题作文1、

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