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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期10月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Mum, Tom and Jerry is so interesting that I cant stop _ it- But I have to give you a(n) _ Watching too much TV isnt good for your eyesAto watch; warningBwatching; warningCto watch; exampleDwatching; example2 . Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? I dont mind where we go _ theres sun, sea and beach.Aas ifBas long asCnow thatDin order that3 . Almost all the students take a school bus. Very _ students rides bicycles.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few4 . 一What useful program it is!一Yeah! It tells us how to play violin.Aan; theBan; /Ca; /Da; the5 . Whats the date today?AMondayBSunnyCFineDNovember 18th6 . This village is rather poor. What should the government officers do first if they want to _ it?AdecideBdevelopCdescribeDdiscover7 . All the students went hiking _Tom because he had to look after his little sister.AbesideBexceptCbesidesDincluding8 . Im afraid I cant travel with you.-Dont worry. Wellgoing on vacation until youre better.Aput onBput outCput awayDput off9 . China has offered much help to Japan since it _ by the earthquake and tsunami (海啸).AhitBis hitCwas hit10 . You shouldnt walk alone outside right now, _ its a bit late.AsoBbutCalthoughDfor11 . British Airways will _ an extra flight to London tomorrow.-Really? Thats good news for us . Its very convenientAput offBput upCput onDgo on12 . If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.AIm glad to hear thatBI have no troubleCI will. Thank youDIll think it over13 . You look so worried. Whats the matter?I dont know how to _ these boring problems.Adeal withBdealt withClook upDlook for14 . The pretty woman has long brown _.AheadBnoseChairDhand15 . The food your mum cooked tastes_.AdeliciousBwellClovelyDexciting16 . I like watching singing competitions on TV, _ The Voice of China.AhardlyBeasilyCespeciallyDclearly17 . (题文)-It is cold outside. Youd better wear warm clothes tothe cold.-Ok, thanks.Akeep outBkeep downCturn downDlet down18 . How far is it from your home to school?Its about twentywalk.AminutesBminutesCminutesDminutess19 . Teaching children is _ interesting work. It is also _ unusual job.Aan; aBan; anC/; anD/; a20 . Im going to a party this evening._! You have to do your homework.ACome onBHave a good timeCThats OKDYoure welcome二、完型填空“I dont like my parents. They always tell me I should _ this, and shouldnt do that. It often makes me unhappy,”said Zhang Li, a middle school student.Do you have the same problem _ Zhang Li? Why arent some parents so_?On the one hand, parents do a lot for you. They worry about your choice of friends, the food you eat and your study at school._ these things are part of your life. Dont blame(责备) them. They want you to _ up healthily and happily. On the other hand, you_ introduce your friends to your parents. Let them _ you are making good friends._ them if you stay outside _than usual. Dont always argue _them, Talk about your ideas with them. Youll understand them when you become a parent in the future.21 . AstudyBmakeCdoDlearn22 . AaboutBasConDto23 . AfriendlyBunpleasantCscaredDbusy24 . ABothBWholeCAllDEvery25 . AstayBwakeCkeepDgrow26 . AshouldntBshouldCmustDneednt27 . AknowBlookCthinkDfind28 . ASurpriseBRememberCCallDTalk29 . AearlyBlateCearlierDlater30 . AwithBforCinDon完型填空My family came to America from China many years ago. I was born in Oakland in 1989. Many young Chinese Americans dont learn much_because our parents _ us to learn English very well.Chinese is a difficult language. If we dont speak it_, its easy to forget. Writing is hard, too. We have to remember lots of words and thousands of characters (汉字). In English, there are only 26 _.At home, I _English with my family. But now, we speak some Cantonese (广东话) because we watch films _ that language.My mom has come to love F4, a Chinese boy band (组合). They are in the film Meteor Garden (流星花园). We all _ the TV series, and we learn Cantonese _ saying some funny words from the TV series to each other.Its fun to speak Cantonese with my Chinese friends. It _funny because we cant say the words just right.Young Chinese Americans know that our culture (文化) is getting lost, so we try to _ something.31 . AChineseBEnglishCCantoneseDPutonghua32 . AhopeBaskCletDwant33 . AoftenBhardCquicklyDsoon34 . AwordsBlettersClanguagesDcharacters35 . AtellBsayCspeakDsing36 . AwithBinCbyDfrom37 . AmadeBkeptCenjoyedDdislikes38 . AfromBinCwithDby39 . AsoundsBlooksClikesDreads40 . AstayBkeepCleaveDhave三、阅读单选Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife. But he is the father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. The other one is from China. Her name is Lanlan. Bob Pearson is not the childrens real(真的) father, but he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too.41 . Bob Pearson _.Ahas a very big familyBhas a car and two housesCis from China42 . The children _ Bob Pearsons real children.AisntBareCarent43 . His children are from _ countries.AfourBthreeCtwo44 . Bob Pearson _ the children very much.Adoesnt likeBlikeClikes45 . Which is RIGHT?ABob Pearson is a very nice young man.BBill and Mikou come from the same country.CLanlan is a Chinese girl.There are a lot of music festivals to look forward to in the coming months.Firefly Music FestivalMany people have thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, and mid- June is a great time to plan a trip if you love music.Date: June 14-17Place: Delaware, USAMusic Type: Country MusicRoskilde FestivalThis music festival has a long history since 1971. Whats interesting about this festival is that you can get to know some artists from different countries.June 30-July 10Cambridge, EnglandMusic Type: RockSecret SolsticeCome to Paris. Not only will you have great music in the Secret Solstice, but you can also visit some old museums.Date: June 21-24Place: Paris, FranceMusic Type: Folk MusicMontreal International Jazz FestivalAll jazz lovers should come to the Montreal International Jazz Festival at least once in a lifetime. This event brings together some of the best musicians.Date: June 28-July 7Place: Montreal, CanadaMusic Type: Jazz46 . What is common to the music festivals in the text?AThey are all held in Europe.BThey are all about country music.CThey are all given outdoors.DThey all take place in summer.47 . What can we know about Delaware from the text?AIt is a good choice for summer holiday.BIt is an old city with many old museums.CIt has musicians from different countries.DIt has interested jazz fans around the world.48 . Which music festival will last for the longest time?ASecret Solstice.BRoskilde Festival.CFirefly Music Festival.DMontreal International Jazz Festival.四、语法填空One day, while I was sitting in my car in a parking area, I saw a young boy in front of my car.“What is the boy doing? ” I asked 49 . (me) and looked closely, “Oh, he 50 . (pick) up a coin from the ground. When he 51 . (stand) up, we saw each other52 . (clear). He was only about ten and was wearing one blue glove 53 . one brown glove. His coat was too small54 . him.As he walked away, I saw his shoes, which55 . (be) too old to wear. I rolled down my window and called him over.I asked him 56 . he needed some money. He replied, “No. Thats okay. The parking area was wet. I could tell that his 57 . (foot) were cold because he kept moving his weight58 . one foot to the other. “Please,” I held out59 . five-dollar bill. Its not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more60 . (use). I said. He took off one of his 61 . (glove) and took the money from my hand. His small hand was red and cold.He smiled and went away after 62 . (say) “Thank you! to me. That smile made me63 . (feel) warm in the cold winter.五、填空In the US. There are some things that kids really must have. What are they? Food or friends? Lip salve (唇膏) or iPod? What is the most important thing in US teenagers lives today? Lets take a look.With others, food always comes first. Bust my biggest need is my friends. Without them, I wouldnt do much.Adrian Fernandez, a 14-year-old boyI do not think that I could live without chili con carne (墨西哥辣酱). I eat it every day. And if I didnt have. Its all I would think about.Max Wu, a 13-year-old boyI can not live without lip salve, especially (尤其是) in winter. I will go mad if my lips get dry.Hannah Sacchini, a 14-year-old girlI would not be able to live without my iPod. I use it for so many different things. I always have it with me.Justin Beck, a 15-year-old boySo, now we know the things US kids really must have. What about you? What cant you live without?Information CardThe four kids come from64 . The most important thing for Adrian Femandez65 . The times that Max Wu eats chili con carne66 . The thing that makes Hannah Sacchini go mad 67 . The oldest of the four kids68 . 六、信息匹配51. Jack lives in Japan. Like most Japanese, he sleeps on the floor for most of the time52. Jim comes from Africa. He is studying in Canada. He wants to rent a house. 53. Anne likes the Australian lifestyle. She is living in Queensland 54. Are you thinking of making Germany your home? Alice hopes you can do like her.55. When Tom moved to England, he rented a house with others. Later, he rented his own apartment.AIn North China, Han people are used to living in Siheyuan. People built the Siheyuan along with hutongBIf you are going to rent a house in Australia, you must first decide where to live. Australia has six areas.CHouses in Canada are always expensive, though prices in many other countries fall.DItalian houses are different in style. They are just as rich as the countrys culture.EEngland has many kinds of houses. In the large cities, people often live in apartments. In most towns, there are streets of houses joined together.FIn a Japanese house, some of the walls are made of rice paper. Because there is so little land to live on, houses are usually small.GMost houses in Germany dont come with kitchens or lights, Sounds crazy, doesnt it?69 . _70 . _71 . _72 . _73 . _七、汉译英:整句翻译句子74 . 不要向外看树上的鸟儿。_75 . 这座城市的中心有一个很大的公园。_76 . 我认为公园是散步最好的场所。_77 . 我最喜欢客厅。_78 . 你最喜欢什么地方?_79 . 我们喜欢在那儿聊天。_80 . 你常和你的狗在花园里玩吗?_81 . 我哥哥和我共用一间卧室。_八、材料作文82 . 书面表达假如你是李芳,某报社记者来你校采访,想了解一下学生们的读书习惯。请你根据下列提示,写一篇短文谈谈你的阅读习惯。1我喜欢阅读,每周花差不多三小时阅读;2对历史书感兴趣,最喜欢读的是中国的四大名著;3我的大多数书都是图书馆借的和书店买的;4关于读什么书,老师们常常给我意见;5书是好朋友,读书帮助身心放松,也给我打开一个新的世界。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、语法填空1、五、填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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