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人教版2019-2020学年七年级(五四学制)上学期期末考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I was so sleepy that I didnt know when the alarm clock_.Aran offBwent offCtook offDput off2 . You look_in the blue sweater. Try another one.AlovelyBsmartCstrangeDbeautiful3 . I couldnt stop_ photos when I saw the amazing views.Ato takeBtookCtakeDtaking4 . My cousin has difficulty _ English newspapers.AreadBReadsCreadingDto read5 . If you keep English every day, your English will improve.Apractice speakBpracticing speakingCpractices speakDpractices speaking6 . Mr Black, _ will the parents meeting last?-Its hard to say. Maybe one hour more.Ahow longBhow muchChow farDhow often7 . I would like to recommend Daniel_ our new monitor. He is suitable_ this position.Aas; forBwith; asCwith; forDas; as8 . -Frank has changed a lot,hasnt he?-Yes He is muchbecause he exercises every dayAstrongBstrongerCstrongestDthe strongest9 . Jims illness(病) is very _. You must take his illness _.Aserious, seriouslyBserious, seriousCseriously, seriously10 . Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting.AfarBfartherCfarthestDquite far11 . The time he has devoted in the past years _ the disabled is now consideredto be _ great value _ him.Ato help; of; forBto helping; /; toCto help; in; ofDto helping; of; to12 . -Do you often use Baidu?-Yes, its one of _Internet search engines.ApopularBthe popularCmore popularDthe most popular13 . How many gold medals did Chinaat the 2010 Winter Olympics?Five.AwinBto winCwinningDwon14 . Dont be too frustrated.You will have another chance _ to England in 2017.AgoBgoesCgoingDto go15 . - Does Cathy run as _ as Tina.- Yes, she does.AfasterBfastestCfastDthe fastest16 . -The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.-What? Ive never heard of idea before.Aa crazierBthe crazierCa craziest17 . The worker asked the _ not _ down their names in this form.Awriter; to writeBwriters; writingCwriters; to writeDwriter; write18 . - What did the English teacher talk to you last Friday?- She told me to _ my lessons carefully before the exam.Alook upBgo overClook after19 . My grandpa told a good story, but I told a _ one.AgoodBbetterCbestDworse20 . -Where would you like to go for the coming vacation?-Id like to go _.Ainteresting somewhereBpeaceful anywhereCsomewhere interestingDanywhere peaceful21 . I like the programMan and Nature. But ISports News.ApreferBwantCchooseDmiss22 . Will Jill play a part in _ the plan for English study?AmakeBmakesCmadeDmaking23 . Doing exercise every day _ good for our health.AareBisCwasDwere24 . Mr.Zhu is not here. Where _ he _?Adid; goBdoes; goesCdoes; goDwill go25 . To make classes interesting and _, a teacher used WeChat in class in a school in Hangzhou.AlivelyBsillyCusualDnoisy26 . Jenny doesnt go to school _those days .AonBatCin Dof tree27 . When you _ the road, you should look left and right before going _ it.Across, acrossBcross, crossCacross, crossDacross, across28 . The Eiffel Tower, a _ tower, is 130 years old this year.A324 metres tallB324-metres-tallC324-metre-tallD324-metre tall29 . How nervous we are _ the coming high school entrance exams _ June 15th.Athinking of ; onBto think of; onCthinking of ; inDto think of; in30 . Bill _ money after three months.Arun outBran out ofCwas run out ofDruns out of二、阅读单选Choose the best answerAn urban legend is my modern story, usually fictional, but which is told as if it really happened. These legends are passed from person to person and reach a wide audience. A lot of them are inspired by a real event but the story changes as it is passed on. Although most legends are false, some turn out to be true. Here are some examples. Do you think they are true or false?UnluckyA student had not done his homework. The day before the essay was due in, he went to the university library and found an old essay written on the same subject. He simply copied it, typed it up and handed it in. A few weeks later, the teacher was handing the essays back to the class. She stopped by the students desk and said, “Twenty-five years ago, when I wrote this essay, it got a B, _” She set the essay on the students desk, and there on the cover was a big A! The teacher continued, “If you try anything like this again, Ill have you thrown out of school.”Caught on filmA young couple were married. The brides father gave them a lavish wedding and took a large wad of cash to pay people like the band, bartender, waiters, etc. At one point, the father took off his jacket to dance. When he later retrieved it, he discovered that the money was missing. A couple of weeks later, the entire family gathered to watch the video of the wedding. At one point, the grooms father, unbeknown to him, could be seen in the background taking the money from the brides fathers coat! Of course this created a scandal(丑闻) and the marriage was immediately declared invalid. Confusing packagingThe packaging of consumer products, a convenience so familiar to Americans, can be confusing to a foreign visitor. I was lunching in the college cafeteria one afternoon with a young student from overseas. Noticing that he had torn open his tea bag and emptied his contents into his cup, I explained that the bag itself was meant to be dipped, unopened, into the water. A bit surprised, he thanked me graciously for correcting him and then confidently dropped an unopened envelope of sugar into his tea.31 . According to the passage, urban legends are stories that _.1.are always based on a true story2.are told as if they are true3. are always false4.are modern5. are known by lots of peopleA1,2,4,5B2,4,5C1,3,4D3,532 . The student in Unlucky was unlucky because _.Ahe wrote the wrong essayBthe teacher gave him the wrong gradeChe couldnt find his copy of essayDhe copied the wrong persons essay33 . Which of the following is the most suitable to be put into the blank in the second paragraph?A.I wrote it by myself instead of copyingAIt needed a lot of improvement.BYou did much better than I.CI always thought it deserved an A.34 . After watching the video in Caught on film, the brides family probably felt _.AamusedBemotionalCembarrassedDangry35 . Which of the pictures below shows what the students cup looked like in Confusing packaging?ABCD36 . One adjective which could be used to describe all of these urban legends would be _?AamusingBimpossibleCexcitingDshockingDear Charlene:How are you? Last Friday, my sister and I did something wonderful. I want to share it with you.That day, Betty and I were walking home from school. We were passing through a village when we heard the crying of a baby. It seemed to come from the bushes(灌木从). At first, we could not believe our ears. What would a baby be doing, in the bushes?When we got to the bushes, we saw a baby lying on the grass. It looked pathetic(可怜的)My heart felt like breaking into pieces seeing it lying there. Very quickly, I took the baby boy up and carried him. He did not look dirty, Someone must have just left him there; After discussion, we decided to bring him to the nearest police station.When we got home, we told our parents what we did. They were proud of us. Mother told us that we saved a life. These words made my sister and me feel so happy. Betty said that was the happiest day in her life. What about you? Have you ever had a happiest day? Share it with me. Goodbye.Your friendBella37 . Who is Betty according to the passage?ABellas mother.BBellas sister.CCharlenes mother.DCharlenes sister.38 . Why did Bella feel happy that day?ABecause she saved a lifeBBecause she could write to Charlene.CBecause her parents were proud of herDBecause she spent a happy weekend39 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABella wrote to Charlene last Monday.BThe baby stayed in the bushes for a long time.CBella couldnt believe a baby was in the bushes at first.DThey took the. baby to the village.40 . What might Charlene write about in the letter to Bella?AHer activities last weekend.BHer family lifeCHer happiest day in life.DHer school.“You are what you eat,” says the old saying. So how can we know what food is healthy? Unluckily, a lot of food that looks good may have pollution. Where is the pollution from? It has something to do with how people produce food: growing it on the farm, processing (加工)it in factories, and making it ready for you to eat.Heres what happens:Most farmers use chemicals(化学药品) to stop their crops from getting sick. Many of these chemicals remain in the food that you eat. Some people believe this may cause cancer. These chemicals may also pollute water and air, and kill animals and even people by accident.Most drinks are just flavored water (加味水). Every drink coming in plastic bottles which you then throw away means a waste. Sugary drinks make you fat.In the factories, much of what you eat and drink gets messed. Often things are put into food to make it delicious and look good but they might be harmful to people. And some food like meat often gets polluted by bacteria. What you can do:Try to get organic (有机的)food. Organic food doesnt have any ingredients (成分)that are bad for the land, air or water. Dont eat processed food or drinks. Eat fresh food whenever you can and cook at home.41 . Which of the following processes cannot make the food be polluted?AGrowingBEatingCProcessingDMaking42 . What may be the results of putting chemicals on crops?Crops may not get sick. The chemicals may remain in the food. People may get sick after eating crops that have chemicals in them. The chemicals may pollute the environment.ABCD43 . Things are often put into food to make it_ according to the passage.Adelicious and look goodBbecome healthier foodCmuch heavierDbe cooked easily44 . Which of the following is NOT true?AA lot of food that looks good isnt good.BOrganic food doesnt pollute the environment.CSome ingredients in drinks may be bad for peoples health.DAll the food has pollution.45 . What does the writer advise people to do?ATo have processed drinks.BTo grow vegetables by themselves.CTo cook at home.DTo visit farms.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空46 . The noise outside can_(影响) our sleep very much.47 . They sent their children to_(私人的) schools.48 . When you visit_(法国),dont forget to buy some grape wine.49 . The girl in the shop is always kind to every_(顾客)50 . I have_(锁) my keys in my room.Could you help me open the door?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(A)用所给词的适当形式填空(词数不限)51 . Ma Long is one of _ (famous) ping-pong players in the world.52 . Peter looks forward to _ (get) on well with his new friends.53 . Jill cooked and _ (lay)out the dishes on the table.54 . Its _ (say) that the pianist will come to our city next week.55 . Everyone thinks he is a _ (luck) dog.56 . The boy could dress _ (he) at the age of four.57 . We are not expected _ (arrive) late when we have a meeting.五、完成句子六、完成句子58 . 我和米莉一样高,但我比她重。Im _ Millie, but Im _.59 . 我们的教室12米长,9米宽。Our classroom is _ and _.60 . 这个埃菲尔铁塔模型是用金属制成的。The _ Eiffel Tower is _.61 . 你可以自学如何制作主页。You can _ how to _ a home _.62 . 我们学校足球队需要你的支持。Our school _ your _.六、多任务混合问题(1).The most unusual museum in London is the Science Museum.In most museums,theres no shouting and no running,and people arent allowed to touch the exhibits(陈设品).But the Science Museum is different.Its noisy!People can talk about what they will see and do there,and some of the machines are noisy as well.(2).When I visit the Science Museum,I go to the Launchpad(发射台).This is the most popular room because there are lots of physics tests.We can also learn how astronauts travel into space and back again here.Im really interested in those kinds of things,so it is my favorite room.(3).On the second floor there is Human and Nature room.We can compare our speed with animals there.If we arent quick enough,the lion will catch us!There are also rooms on transport,the environment and space technology,as well as math,physics and chemistry.(4).We can do a lot of things in this museum,but we have to obey some rules as well.For example,we mustnt take photos of the exhibits in the museum.But we can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.(5).Most important of all,the Science Museum is free.That means we can drop by for a few minutes or we can stay as long as we like-its open from 10:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. every day except Monday.So if you go to London,make sure you visit the Science Museum.Its my favorite museum in the whole world.63 . 根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。AThe museum rulesBThe most popular roomCA noisy museumDMany different roomsEA free museum_64 . 根据短文内容,完成博物馆游客须知。(每空不超过两个词)The Science Museum in _Opening times:10:00 a.m.-6:00p.m.every day except _Fees(费用):Its_!Stay inside as long as you like!Rules:Dont _of the exhibits.You can buy postcards of them.You can_what you see and do.Dont worry about making noises. 七、材料作文65 . 上周你班来了一位新同学Simon, 他向大家介绍了自己的情况,并表达了他的梦想和烦恼。请你根据Simon的介绍写一篇100词左右的文章,并向Simon 提出些建议。Information about Simon 性格特点1.富有条理2.勤奋刻苦喜好1.篮球,梦想2.最喜欢橙色,因为橙色.Simons worries1.作业多,和爱好有冲突2.考试成绩,压力大Your advice1.合理安排时间2.写作要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2. 短文须包括所有要点,并按要求适当发挥;第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、


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