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人教版2019-2020学年九年级中考模拟考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Imy cousins since 2016. I miss them very much.Adont seeBdidnt seeCwont seeDhavent seen2 . - You look pale. Shall I take you to see a doctor?- - No, thanks. I will take some pills and see how it _.AcomesBgoesCisDhas3 . It is my favorite book which is about _Ahow did Alice find her lost parentsBwhat did Alice find her lost parentsChow Alice found her lost parentsDwhat Alice found her lost parents4 . Do you know the kid with _Bob is talking over there?Yes, its my cousin.AwhoBthatC不填Dwhom5 . Yesterday I took a_ trip under the famous Harbour Bridge.AboatBboatsCboatsDboats6 . Its difficult _ her _ to school because she lives far from the school.Ato;to getBto;getCfor;to getDfor;get7 . I saw him _ the room when I walked in just now.AcleanBcleansCcleaningDcleaned8 . I am good at playing the piano, but Lucy is even _ at it.AgoodBbetterCbestDwell9 . -Excuse me, could you tell me howto Beijing Zoo?-Well, you may take Bus No.27.AgetBgetsCgettingDto get10 . The clothes need _, but you _do that by yourselves.Awashing; needntBwashing; neednt toCto be washed; dont needDto wash; dont need to11 . I want to watch Jurassic World _ second time because it is a fantastic movie .AtheBaCanD/12 . The number of the villagers here _,but many of them dont have jobsAis manyBis largeCare manyDare large13 . Some students are doing their homework in the classroom while _ are reading.AanotherBthe otherCotherDothers14 . Nobody is in the room.Please go and _the light.Aturn upBturn offCturn down15 . Our Chinese teacher advised us _ up even if we made mistakes in our writing work.Anot to giveBnot givingCdoesnt give二、完型填空Paper cuts are very popular in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People put _on windows, doors and walls for the festival. A thousand years ago, paper cuts were used for decoration(装饰). In Tang Dynasty,_ used paper cuts as headdress. In Song Dynasty, it helped _ gifts more beautiful. Whats more, people would feel _ when they saw paper cuts on the windows, doors and _ Now people use the paper cuts to express their wishes for _ the New Year. There are different kinds of paper cuts in different parts of China. _usually cover nearly all things, from flowers, birds _ the famous people. Now, there are _ for paper cuts in China. Paper cuts have changed from decoration to a kind of _. At the same time, paper cuts also appear in cartoons or TV programs.16 . AitBtheyCthemDits17 . AmenBwomenCdoctorsDchildren18 . AmakeBstayCcoverDleave19 . AdifferentBhappyCboringDhealthy20 . AhousesBcarsCbuildingsDwalls21 . AenjoyingBspendingCtakingDwelcoming22 . APicturesBAnimalsCTreesDPhotos23 . AtoBwithCinDbetween24 . AcitiesBfactoriesCschoolsDfamilies25 . AmusicBjobCartDhobby三、阅读单选At age 15, Bill Gates went into business with one of his friends. His name was Paul Allen. The boys wrote a computer programme called Traf-O-Data. It measured traffic flow in Seattle. Finally, Traf-O-Data earned the boys $ 20,000!Bill Gates and Paul Allen were opposites. Paul was two years older, soft-spoken, and a little shy. Bill liked talking and was always ready to argue to make a point. Strangely, the two boys became fast friends. They shared a love of computers. They also both respected each others ideas.Bill and Paul talked for hours about the future of computers. The possibilities seemed endless!They believed computers had the power to change peoples lives.During his junior year, Bill got another programming job-from his own school-Lakeside. Lakeside had just merged with an all-girls school. The class schedules. were too difficult to make by hand. Some teachers tired to write a computer programme for schedules. But when they failed, they asked Bill and a classmate to help. In exchange, the boys would get $ 5,000 worth of tree computer time.Happy for the challenge, Bill wrote a programme that ran Lakesides schedule like clockwork. An extra income came with the job. Bill found a way to put himself into classes with lots of girls.Lakeside School had been life-changing for Bill. There, he had discovered computers. He had started his first business and earned lots of dollars. He had also met Paul Allen, a friend who became his future business partner.26 . What do we learn about Traf-O-Data?AIt was a great success.BIt was a big failure.CIt measured traffic in New York.DBill Gates finished it by himself.27 . According to Paragraph 2,ABill was older than PaulBBill talked more than PaulCPaul liked to argue with othersDBill and Paul often argued with each other28 . Whats Bill and Pauls attitude towards the future of computers?AUnclear.BDoubtfulCA little worried.DFull of confidence29 . Some teachers at Lakeside asked Bill toArepair their computersBwrite a computer programmeCmake a new class scheduleDgive them some free computer timeDon Ritchie, a famous Australian man. For nearly 50 years, he successfully stopped 160 people from killing themselves at a cliff(悬崖) called the Gap with just a kind word and a smile.Ritchie had served in the Royal Australian Navy during World War II. In 1964, he moved into a house on Old South Head Road. He began saving strangers soon after.Ritchie was a real gentleman who purposely chose to live right across the street from the Gap, just because he wanted to continue saving lives. He would wake up every morning and look out of the window for anyone standing too close to the edge of the cliff. If he saw someone and thought they might jump, he would simply walk over with a smile and say, “Is there something I could do to help you?” That sounds very simple, but it worked Ritchie tried to have a talk with these people and ended up inviting them back to his house for tea or breakfast.In 2006, Ritchie was given the Medal of the Order of Australia for all his saving lives. In 2010, he and his wife were named Woollahra Councils citizens of the year and in 2011, he was given the Local Hero Award for Australia by the National Australia Day Council.In a situation where most would turn a blind eye, Don has taken action. With such simple actions Don has saved a number of lives. Dons story touched the hearts of all Australians and challenged us to rethink what it means to be a good neighbor.30 . What is the nationality of Don Ritchie?AAmerican.BCanadian.CAustralian.DBritain.31 . Why did he choose to live right across the street from the Gap?ABecause he wanted to be proud of himself.BBecause he wanted to continue saving lives.CBecause he would like to talk with strangers.DBecause he would like to enjoy the view outside.32 . When was he given the Local Hero Award for Australia?AIn 1964.BIn 2006.CIn 2010.DIn 2011.33 . What can we learn from the passage?AIts important for him to get these prizes.BHe saved people through giving them money.CWe should rethink how to be a good neighbour.DHe stopped 210 people from killing themselves.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子一选用be( am, is ,are)或(have/has)填空34 . I_from Henan but he_from Anhui.35 . My hair_short but her hair_long.36 . That girl_big eyes and big ears.37 . Her feet_small and her hands_small, too.38 . They_round faces.五、信息归纳Do you love to travel and enjoy writing about your experiences? In fact, whenever we see something new, we wish to write it down in one form or another. We will be happier if we share our experiences with others. Then how can we write better travel stories? The following may be useful.Memory and notesDont believe your memory. You may have a good memory, but you cannot remember everything. You are seeing and hearing so much information while youre on a trip. When you come back to write about your travel stories, you may forget something. So you should make notes, take photographs, and if possible, take videos. In this way, you can describe your travel and write it down without missing anything.Photographs and your storiesPhotographs are very helpful for you to remember what you have seen. As you see the photographs, you can describe your experiences easily by remembering the feeling when you took them.When you are writing about your travel stories, make sure they are not too short as your readers may not get the full impressions of them and make sure they are not so long that the reader may get bored.How to write better travel storiesSuggestionsMemory and notesIts hard to remember everything 39 . you may have a good memory.Maybe you will forget something when you 40 . to write about your travel stories.Make notes, take photos and take videos.Photographs and your storiesPhotographs are of great 41 . for you to remember what you have seen.Its easy for you to describe your experiences by remembering how you 42 . when you took photos.Make sure your travel stories are 43 . too long nor too short.六、话题作文44 . Write at least 60 words about the topic “Water around us”. (以“ 我们身边的水 ”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:Where can we find water?What do people use water to do?How can we save water?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、信息归纳1、六、话题作文1、

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