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人教版2019-2020学年九年级3月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Does your father go to work on Sunday?No He is and usually reads at homeAcoolBfreeCclever2 . How is your grandma?Shes fine. She used to _ TV at home after supper. But now she is used to _ out for a walk.Awatch; goBwatching; goCwatch; going3 . Einstein was one of the greatestminds of the age.Aimportant peopleBwise peopleCbrave people4 . Miss Lin is handing out the exam papers. Lets go and help_.AhimBherCyouDthem5 . Could you lend me _ books? -sure.AanyBmuchCsomeDa little6 . Many students are so interested in cartoon books that they cant.Aput it downBput down itCput them downDput down them7 . My father oftenTV at home on Sundays.AseesBwatchesClooks8 . It was kind of you to _ your food with me, Eric.-Forget it. Were friends.AshareBorderCfeedDgrow9 . What are you going to do during the summer vacation?Im going to _ a new hobby like dancing or swimming.Atake offBtake upCput upDput down10 . 一 When are you leaving? I Havent decided yet.this Sundaynext Sunday is OK.AEither; orBNot only; but alsoCNeither; norDBoth; and11 . In our school library therea number of books on science and the number of themg rowing larger and larger.Ais , areBare , isChas , isDhave , are12 . Could you please _ your new classmate?Sure. She has long curly hair and wears glasses.AfollowBdescribeCknowDforget13 . Look at the sign. Reading aloud is not allowed(允许)in the reading-room.Oh, Im sorry. I _.Adont noticeBdidnt noticeCwill noticeDam not noticing14 . There are only_new words in the article, but I know_of them.Asome; allBlots of; a fewCa few; noneDfew; none15 . Excuse me, could you tell me _ get to the post office?Sure, go down this street to the end.Awhat toBhow toCwhen toDwhere to二、补全短文6选5阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只用一次,有一项多余。)There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not. 16 . When someone says they have to face the music, it does not mean they are going to a concert. Facing the music means to accept and deal with the punishment (惩罚)of an action.17 . . For example, I cant face another night of camping! Its cold and rainy. Or In life, you must face your fears. Face used in this way is very common. But now, lets go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, Thanks so much for watching my car while Im away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely (极其) fast car. 18 . . You want to show off to some friends. So, you drive it around town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!When your friend returns, you must tell her what you have done and face the music. 19 . . It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. Whatever the music is, you must face it.20 . . To take your medicine means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, You made your bed. Now lie in it. they mean you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results!ABut you do not listen.BFace the music is a good example.CThe music here is the result of your actions.DHowever, you think the music is wonderful and you can sing very beautifully.E. There are other American expressions that mean the same thing as face the music.F. Americans often use the word face in this way三、完型填空阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life.On that day I had a_with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy. Then I noticed the gift. I_it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was “THE SECRET” However, I was in no mood (心情) to watch it. I sat down to study, but the_in my lifethe fight, the sleepless nights and my poor healthEverything came to my mind. I wanted an answer but I wondered_there was any. Just then, I saw the DVD again. May be it would be helpful. I_my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it. The moving (动人的) stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldnt_any of them.Thanks to my fathers gift “THE SECRET”, I discovered_Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The important thing is that you should be_enough to face them. Now I have started_my studies and my friends. And Im in good health, too. I often hear people say, “Wow!_perfect life you have!”21 . AtripBpartyCtalkDfight22 . AopenedBkeptCmovedDbroke23 . AchancesBproblemsCsuggestionsDmistakes24 . AwhyBthatCifDhow25 . Aturned onBlooked forCput awayDpaid for26 . AreportBforgetCthinkDremember27 . AyourselfBitselfChimselfDmyself28 . AmadBbraveCsadDweak29 . Abeing busy withBworrying aboutCgetting on well withDbeing afraid of30 . AWhat aBWhatCHow aDHow .四、阅读单选Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当答案)Pedro looked down at the chessboard. He always got nervous just before a match. Today was the big chess tournament(联赛). All the schools had sent their best players to compete with others. Yet. here sat Pedro. Waiting to make his first move.Pedro was not exactly the best chess player in his school. Rashid was better than he was. Rashid had won the match to decide which student would play for Carver Middle School but he was ill. So now Pedro was here to take his place.The girl across the board from Pedro looked really tough (强势),Her name was Jasmine, and she had come in third in the state last year .The more Pedro looked at her face. The less likely he thought that he could beat her. He looked down at the board again.In front of him were 16 white cless pieces. The pawns(兵)were the weakest and least important pieces. There were eight of them , facing the pieces across the board .Behind the pawns were the king. The queen. two bishops(象).two knights (马),and two rooks (车). Somehow Pedro had to Protect his king while catching Jasmines king. It was not going to be easy.Pedro nervously moved one of his pawns. The game had started. Jasmine quickly moved one of her pawns Pedro moved another pawn. Jasmine did the same. So far ,it was not so bad .In fact, Jasmine was using the same moves that most of Pedros usual opponents (对手) used.After 15 minutes, Pedro realized that Jasmine was not quite so rough after all .She was starting to make little mistakes. Once , she almost made a move that would have left her king open. She seemed to be in a hurry .trying to get Pedro to move his pieces quickly. Pedro refused to let her rush him .He took his time.Then, all at once, he saw his chance. If he moved his queen in front of Jasmines rook, he would be able to win .He moved his queen, leaving his finger on top of it. As long as he was touching his playing piece, his move was not yet over .He pretended to hesitate .then he took his finger off.Barn! Jasmine took his queen with her rook, almost knocking it off the table.”Ha!” she laughed. “Take that!”Pedro smiled.” Im take your king,” he said. “Checkmate.”31 . Pedro looked down at the chessboard before the game started because _ .Ahe should pay attention to the rulesBhe didnt like Jasmines faceChe was deciding what move to make firstDhe wanted to count his chess pieces32 . _ was the best chess player in Carver Middle School.APedroBJasmineCRashidDDanny33 . Pedro made sure he played slowly so that _ .Ahe might not make mistakesBhe would obey the rulesCJasmine would get upsetDJasmine would rush him34 . Jasmine said. ”Ha! Take that ”Here “that ” reface to (指的是) Pedros _ .ArookBpawnCkingDqueen35 . The last word “checkmate ”in the passage probably means “ _ “ .Apoor opponent (对手)Bcomplete victoryCno differenceDyour turn36 . Which is the best title of the passage ?AThe Best Player.BA Tough Opponent.CA Chess Match.DKing vs Queen.Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.Since there is gravity, water runs down hill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down. Because of gravity, you do not fall off the earth as it whirls (旋转) around.Then, can we get away from the earth and go far out into space? Now you can do it, because spaceships have been invented. Then spaceship will go so fast that it can escape (逃出) the earths gravity and carry you into space.37 . In this passage, the word “gravity” means.Athe pull of everything.Bthe force of attraction(吸引) among objects.Cthe force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earthDthe force which attracts the earth towards the sun.38 . When you slip(滑) you always fall to the ground becauseAthe earth always turns round.Bthe earth has gravityCthe earths gravity is greater than your weight.Dyou are careless.39 . Gravity is strong thatAit can throw a ball into the air.Bit makes you jump only seven feet.Cit can let you fly away from the earth.Dit can keep everything on earth.40 . Because of gravity,Awater flows everything.Bwe can go everywhere by ship.Cwater always flows downwards.Dfish can live in water.Hunan TVs new program, Dad, Where Are We Going? has become very popular since last year. The show tells us that fathers should take part in their childrens growing-up. In fact, this topic was always mentioned by Zeng Guofan(1811-1872), a famous official during the late Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1912).Although Zeng spent most of his time away from his family, his letters back home to his children and younger brothers have become famous. In these letters, there are many helpful suggestions on proper behavior. Many of his ways on child education are popular among todays Chinese parents, including reading classical books and so on. His child-raising methods are useful for todays busy fathers. Like Zeng, they also spend most of their time away from home.According to Zeng, the purpose of education was to learn wisdom from books, rather than getting an official position. Children should know that the most important purpose of studies is to get more knowledge about nature and life.“But now, parents just want their children to be rich and powerful. ” Mr. Tang, a writer in China, said.Some teachers say that parents need to build a good relationship with their children. Parents shouldnt force their children to realize their wishes.In Zengs letters, he asked his young children to do housework as part of their daily life, even though his children had many helpers. He believed that doing housework would make his children more confident and independent(独立的).41 . When was Zeng Guofan born?AIn 1811.BIn 1644.CIn 1872.DIn 191242 . The purpose of education is to _ according to Zeng GuofanAget an official positionBlearn wisdom from booksCget high scores in examsDmake a lot of money in the future43 . -Why did Zeng ask his young children to do housework? Because_.Ait let his children be rich and powerful.Bit would get more knowledge about nature and life.Cit would make his children more confident and independent.Dit would build a good relationship with parents and their children.44 . Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?AZeng Guofan was a great writer during the late Guangxu PeriodBZeng Guofan is one of the fathers in the program, Dad,Where Are We Going?CMany of Zeng Guofans ideas on education are not accepted by modern peopleDZeng Guofan was very busy and spent most of his time away from his family45 . Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?ADad, Where Are We Going?BZeng Guofan and His ChildrenCHow to Raise a ChildDFathers Influence Their Childrens Growing-up五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词46 . 她昨天说话太多了,现在嗓子疼。She talked _ yesterday and has a _now.47 . 他昨天感冒了,因此没有去上学。He _ yesterday. So he didnt go to school.48 . 护士要来给你量一下体温。The nurse is coming to_.49 . 他们不得不下车等待下一辆公交车。They had to _ and wait for the next bus.50 . 汤姆是如此小以至于他不能去上学。Tom is _ young _ he cant go to school.六、单词填空It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 51 . TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV.52 . excited he was! That night he 53 . go to bed until twelve oclock. The next morning, it was a quarter to eight. It was 54 . late for Tom to get to school 55 . time. But he was still in bed. When Tom 56 . school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got 57 . and said,What time is it now, Tom Tom felt sorry and could say 58 . . In English class, he 59 . a test. As he didnt know the lessons at 60 . , Tom failed his English test.七、材料作文61 . 书面表达我们知道,由于环境污染、人类的残杀,很多野生动物濒临灭绝。请以“How to Protect Wild Animals”为题,用英语写一篇短文,说明保护野生动物的重要性以及怎样保护他们。内容包括:1为什么有些野生动物处于危险中。2为什么保护野生动物很重要。3我们应该采取什么措施来保护野生动物。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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