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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There are _ :ti:nT people in my family.Wow! What a big family!AthreeBthirteenCthirty2 . Ameans the job that someone does for a long period of their life.AcareerBconversationCdream.3 . 下列哪个单词含有a字母本身的读音:AareBappleCnameDbanana4 . Being a policeman _ frequently fighting with criminals.AjoinsBinvolvesCincludesDcontains5 . The Art Festival is coming. Were going to watch the play Twelfth Night. _.AThats all rightBNever mind.CYoure welcomeDEnjoy your time6 . I will go to Dalian with my parents next month. _AWell doneBHave a good tripCWhat a pityDHow time flies!7 . Who is the woman over there?She is Mrs Li. She is_ Chinese teacher and teaches _ Chinese.Aour; usBwe; ourCwe; usDour; our8 . _ weekday we go to school _ 7 oclock.AIn; atBOn; inCOn; atDIn; on9 . do you usually get the information about it?By searching for the news on the Internet.AWhyBWhereCWhenDHow10 . -How _ is it from here Ningbo to Xian?-Its about two _ flight. Along, hoursBfar, hoursClong, hoursDfar, hours二、完型填空What comes to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of people with _ in hand asking people to donate money. But my school came up with a _ way of raising fundsFun Night.Fun Night is like a party. Students pay money to get in and have dinner at school. The _ they pay will go towards helping poor children _.Two months ago, I took part in Fun Night. There were all kinds of _ in Fun Night. The most popular game was the “jousting ring”(夺环). I “jousted” with several of my _ and managed to knock plenty of them off the ring. _, they developed different strategies(策略) to win, such as starting in a crouched position(蹲姿) to gather more strength when pushing.Sometimes they attacked me _ I was ready. It would usually be _ as cheating(作弊), but we didnt care and _ playing. After all(毕竟), it was just a game, not _.The best of Fun Night was not the fun activities. The fact was that we raised a lot of money by having a _ time. A lot of students at my school wouldnt _ money if they were simply asked to hand it over. But this kind of event not only made them _1_ to give, but also allowed them to have a great time playing games with friends. I realized that _ can be fun. We raised 2,000 yuan on that night.11 . AboxesBbooksCschoolbagsDclothes12 . AcommonBdifferentCsillyDrealistic13 . AsitBattentionCstationeryDmoney14 . Ain dangerBin needCin troubleDin love15 . AcheesesBsubjectsCgamesDlessons16 . AneighboursBcousinsCvisitorsDfriends17 . AHoweverBLuckilyCOtherwiseDHopefully18 . AbeforeBunlessCafterDif19 . AnamedBconsideredCdescribedDdiscovered20 . AfinishedBstartedCcontinuedDstopped21 . Aa competitionBan opinionCa researchDan experiment22 . AtiringBhardClongDgood23 . AsaveBmakeCdonateDspend24 . AafraidBgladCsorryDangry25 . AfriendshipBknowledgeCcharityDexperience三、阅读单选What do you usually do at the weekend? Some people like to stay at home,but others like to go shopping or play football.My friend Mr Smith works in a factory.At the weekend he always does the same thing.On Saturday he washes his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to a village.His aunt and uncle have a big farm there.In autumn,the children help them with the apple harvest.Mr Smith and Mrs Smith help in the fields.At the end of the day,they are all hungry and Mr Smiths aunt gives them a big meal.26 . What do people usually do at the weekend?AThey stay at home.BSome stay at home,but others go shopping or play football.CThey go shopping.DThey play football.27 . What does Mr Smith do on Sunday?AHe usually watches TV.BHe usually goes to a village with Mrs Smith.CHe usually washes his car.DHe usually goes to a village with his family.28 . Who has a big farm?AMr Smith.BMr Smiths aunt.CMr Smiths uncle.DMr Smiths aunt and uncle.29 . Where does Mr Smith work?AIn a factory.BOn a farm.CIn a department store.DWe dont know.30 . Who makes the big meal?AMr Smith and Mrs Smith.BMr Smiths aunt and uncle.CMr Smiths aunt.DMr Smiths uncle.Its not WASTE until it is WASTED!With the World Environment Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting the waste. Here in our schoolyard we lay four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled (循环再用); the green is for kitchen waste; the yellow is for other waste.The followings are some instructions for you.Glass: Empty bottles without caps can be recycled to make new glass bottles.Warning: Mirrors and light bulbs (电灯泡) must not be included in the glass waste.Paper: Newspapers, magazines, boxes must be clean enough to be recycled.Warning: Paper tissues (餐纸) and wall paper are not recyclable as paper and should be kept separately.PMD waste: Packaging made of Plastic or Metal and Drink boxes are used to make new packaging.Warning: Plastic pots (e.g. yoghurt pots), plastic bags must not be included with the PMD waste.Harmful waste: out-of-date drugs, used batteries (电池), paint and oilBesides, if you dont need your old bikes at all, our school volunteers will collect them. Were going to fix them up and then give them away to kids who dont have enough money for a bike.To find out more about recycling, you can visit our school website.31 . According to the passage, _ different colors of rubbish bins are laid in the schoolyard.A4B5C6D732 . The fish bones (骨) should be thrown in the _ bin.AredBgreenCblueDyellow33 . From the passage, we can see that _ are harmful to the environment.Apaper tissuesBempty bottlesCdrink boxesDout-of-date drugs34 . If you give your old bike to the volunteers, it will be _.Asold to collect money for the poor kidsBfixed up and given back to you for freeCfixed up and given away to the poor kidsDgiven away immediately to the poor kids35 . The main purpose of this passage is _.Ato look for volunteers for waste sortingBto introduce waste sorting to the studentsCto introduce the World Environment DayDto advertise glass, paper and plastic productsDear Li Chen,How are you? Thanks for your letter. History and math are my favorite subjects too. I think they are interesting. l know your school is over(结束) at 5:30 p.m. lts too late! Our school is over at 3:40 p.m. every day. Then I can do many after-school activities with my classmates.On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, I have a drawing lesson from 4:00 to 5:00. Im good at it. My dream(梦想) is to he an artist. On Tuesday afternoon, I have a swimming lesson. I dont like sports, but my mother thinks it can help me keep(保持) healthy. On Wednesday afternoon, Im free. I usually go to the school library with my best friend, Kate. Our school library is very big. We can read many kinds of books there. On Friday afternoon, I go back home early. Then my parents take me to my grandparents home and have a big dinner with them.Im free on weekends because I dont have too much homework. I usually go shopping with my friends or watch TV at home. I feel happy.Yours,Alice36 . We can learn that Li Chens favorite subjects are .Ahistory and mathBart and mathCEnglish and historyDart and P.E. 37 . Alice has a drawing lesson for on Monday afternoon.Ahalf an hourBan hourCtwo hoursDhree hours38 . What does the underlined word artist mean in Chinese?A音乐家B艺术家C教师D作家39 . Alice on Tuesday afternoon.Agoes shoppingBgoes to see her grandparentsCgoes to the libraryDhas a swimming lesson40 . 下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?ALi Chens classes finish at 3:40 p.m.BAlice likes playing sports very much.CAlice goes to see her grandparents every Friday.DAlice has much homework to do on weekends.四、根据音标写单词根据音标写单词41 . It_/mennd/that the zipper was invented in 1893.42 . Some leaves_/rimeind/in the boiling water for some time and produced a nice smell.43 . The Chinese writers book was_/trnsleitid/into French as soon as it came out.44 . The_/nnl/park lies in the southwest of Shangdong Province.45 . Many young people dream of becoming basketball_/hiruz/.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空46 . Our teacher is very _(friend) to us. We like her very much.47 . He usually sleeps and _ (relax) 20 hours every day.48 . There are many _(kind) of the animals in the zoo.49 . He thinks the giraffes are _(interest) .50 . The new book _ out at the end of this month.51 . Where are my _ (book)? Theyre on the desk.52 . _ (be) the trousers on the bed? No, they are on the sofa.53 . Tom _ (play) basketball with his classmates after class.54 . This is _ (you) schoolbag and thats mine.55 . March is the _ (three) month in a year.六、填空Harry Potter is a set of popular books created by J.K.Rowling in Britain. The books tell us some stories about a talented wizard (天才魔法师), Harry Potter. When he was eleven years old, he had an unhappy life. However, a strange letter changed everything. It said he was accepted by Hogwarts magic school which was closed to the common people. All kinds of adventures (冒险) happened to Harry from then on. He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on his way to school. They became good friends later. Harry did well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic. Harry always had a positive attitude(态度)when he faced the difficulties. With the help of his friends, he tried his best to beat the enemies. Finally, the world peace came back. Smile appeared on everyones face. If someone wants to know what takes place in the magical world, he will have to read the set of books by himself!The information about Harry PotterThe time when he had an unhappy lifeAt the56 . of eleven years oldThe feature of Hogwarts magic schoolNot57 . to the common peopleThe place where he58 . his good friendsOn his way to schoolThe end of his adventuresThe world peace59 . The way someone knows the magical worldReading the set of books by60 . 七、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Home AgainNiki saw the sign first. It said “Welcome to Layton”. “Were here!” Niki said.“Yes,” answered Mum “Now Ill show you where i grew up.”Mum turned right. “This is Hill Street. Lets find my old house.” She stopped the car in front of a red house. “Oh, Dear! Its so different now,” Mum said sadly “Lets see how Main Street looks.”As the car moved up Main Street, Niki asked, “Is Main Street the way you remember it?”“No,” Mum sighed. But then she smiled. “Look! The Layton Diner is still here! Lets go in and get some lunch.”Niki and Mum walked into the diner. Mum looked around and laughed. “It hasnt changed a bit. Just like the old days!”Just then, a woman with white hair sat at the next table. The waitress said something and the woman laughed. Niki saw Mum s eyes grow wide. “What is it, Mum?” she asked.“That laugh,” Mum said softly. “I remember that laugh.” She turned around and looked at the woman. “I dont know who that woman could be,” she said.Niki looked past Mum and smiled at the woman. The woman smiled back kindly at Niki. Then the woman stood up and walked over. She looked closely at Mums face before she spoke. “Margaret, its so nice to see you after all these years.”“You are” Mum was a little puzzled.“Im Mrs. Blade,” the woman said. “Your third-grade teacher.”Mum jumped up and hugged her. “I didnt know who you were.”Mrs. Blade laughed. “I didnt know who you were either, Margaret,” she said. “But your daughter looks just like you did in third grade. And I never forget a students face.”61 . How did Mum feel when she saw her old house?62 . Where did Niki and Mum have lunch?63 . Why did Mum turn around and look at the woman with white hair?64 . Who was Mrs. Blade?65 . What do you think Mrs. Blade was like?八、材料作文66 . 书面表达假如你是艾丽斯,你的网友王超想了解你的学校的情况。现在请你根据以下提示,给王超发一封电子邮件,告诉他有关你的学校的情况。(词数60左右)提示:1. 在第四中学上学,学校很大,很漂亮,在学校上学很开心;2. 我们有一个图书馆,有四个阅览室,五个电脑房;3. 操场在教室的前面,我们可以在那儿打篮球;4. 教室的后面有一个湖,不大但很漂亮;5. 老师对我们很友好,我们很喜欢他们;6. 我家离学校很近,我经常步行上学,到校花费我十分钟时间。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据音标写单词1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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