人教新目标版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Section B (2a-2b) 同步练习题

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人教新目标版八年级上册 Unit 3 Section B (2a-2b) 同步练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In the exam, _ we are, _ mistakes well make.Athe more careless; the littleBmore careful; fewerCthe more careful; the fewerDthe most careful; the fewest2 . The children will climb the hill if it _tomorrow.Awont rainBdidnt rainCdoesnt rain Dnot raining3 . -Our English teacher always keep his lessions _. -Thats why he so popular among his students.AfreelyBlivelyCwiselyDhappily4 . Susan, you know what?We can have a dog!Great!But I like to have a cat. It is much _ to look after.AeasyBeasierCeasiestDmore easily5 . Excuse me. How long can I keep the dictionary?You canreturn itnext Monday.Agive it awayBcome up with itCgive it backDlend it again二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意、中文提示写出单词。6 . Linda lives in a flat with a _ (花园)in front of it.7 . How many _ (英里)is it from here to your school?8 . I want to lie on the _ (海滩)and enjoy the sunshine.9 . Theres a _ ( 俄罗斯) boy in our class.10 . There are lots of wonderful _ (宫殿)in the world.11 . When Mr Chen is free,he always watches TV or _ (录像)at home.12 . We plan to plant one _ (百万)trees in the next ten years.13 . Mr Black has a daughter. Today is her _ (十二)birthday.14 . I think there is something wrong with my _(机器).Would you please take a look at it?15 . Dont play with the _ (刀子). They may hurt you.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空B. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words.16 . In The Belt and Road Forum (“一带一路”论坛) this May, _of 29 foreign countries were invited to come to Beijing. (lead)17 . Although there are many interesting ideas about how the Iceman_, the truth (真相) about his_ remains unknown (仍然未知). (die)18 . When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860, many_owners in the south who supported (支持) _ wanted to leave the Union and build a new country. (slave)19 . In 1966, the country declared its_ and from then on it was no longer part of French territory. (independent)20 . The children were getting much _as the show was becoming harder for them to understand. (noise)21 . The United States of America now _as much oil as Saudi Arabia and becomes one of the worlds top oil _. (produce)22 . _ isnt so expensive as you think if you are a member of the YHA. And_ now have a round-the-world network. (hostel)23 . Temperature changes with the_ of the mountain. This means the_ you go, the colder it becomes. (high)24 . We should keep learning about the latest developments (最新发展) in science and technology to keep up with the _world. (change)25 . People have become aware of (意识到) the importance of the _rain forests and try hard to protect them all over the world. (tropic)四、完成句子26 . 我想要邀请他们在这个星期日和我一起去看电影。Id like to _ go to the movies with me this Sunday.27 . 我的哥哥正在认真地为他的考试做准备。My brother is _ his test carefully.28 . 我盼望着收到你们的来信。I look forward to _ you all.29 . 我今晚可以和朋友闲逛吗?Could I _ with my friends tonight?30 . 你不在家时,我会照顾孩子们。While you are not at home, Ill _ the children.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、

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