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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lily has a stomachache,she doesnt feel like_.Aeating somethingBeat anythingCeat somethingDeating anything2 . I believe I can protect you _ being damaged.AfromBtoCinDof3 . Betty, I dont know Tommy at all. Could you simply describe _?Sure. Hes thin with brown hair.Awhat does he look likeBwhat he is likeCwhat he looks likeDhow he is like4 . There are some trees _ the other side of the road.AatBinConDfor5 . Who are they?This is Jim _ that is Dale. They are my good friends.AorBandCbutD/6 . We have different pies, _apple, and strawberry pies.Aso muchBso onCsuch asDfor example7 . The books without cost _to the Hope School next week where children are poor.Awill sendBis sentCwill be sent8 . I have finished my project!Congratulations!Im sure you _ be excited.AmustBmightCcantDshouldnt9 . The new monitor felt _nervous before he spoke in front of us.Aa bit ofBa little ofCa bitDa bit little10 . Im sure _ pets can make us become more responsible persons.AkeepBkeepingCkeptDkeeps11 . There are a lot of things for us _ to protect the environment.Ato doBdoingCto be doneDto be doing12 . I want to ask Jack to help me with the party preparations.Oh, he _ be available. Hes busy with his research now.AmustntBneedntCcantDshouldnt13 . Creative morning_are popular in our school.Yes, we dance to fun music, such as the song Calorie(卡路里).AexamsBexercisesCexamplesDexpressions二、完型填空Can you imagine (想象)you can fish in your home on a cold winter day? Now we are going to tell you about a _ kind of house-ice fishing house. The house is very clean and _, so you can fish on the coldest winter day. Staying in such a house, you can _ do the fishing and watch TV at the same time.In North America and North Europe, many people like_on the ice in cold winter. But its too cold to stay out in winter, so people_ making an ice fishing house. An ice fishing house is set on the ice. The ice must be _ enough to carry it. In the house, people can dig holes in the ice and begin fishing.People can have a lot of fun in their ice fishing houses. Some houses look pretty. In the houses, there are _things for everyday use. Some have a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. After fishing, people can cook the fish and enjoy their dinner. How _!Today, most of the ice fishing houses are made of light materials. People can move _ after fishing. Would you like to fish in an ice fishing house? You can rent(租)a house, but it will be much fun if you _ a house by yourself. If you are interested in it, find more information on our website.14 . AcommonBinterestingCfunnyDspecial15 . AcoldBcoolChotDwarm16 . AstillBevenCyetDonly17 . AfishingBjoggingCswimmingDrowing18 . Aworry aboutBwait forCthink ofDfind out19 . AsmallBstrongCbigDclean20 . AfewBlittleCenoughDno21 . AdifficultBterribleCcomfortableDeasy22 . AthemBitCyourselfDmyself23 . AbuyBpaintCsellDbuild三、阅读单选阅读理解。A man walked to India from far away. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. Among them there was a big basket of very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop. Id like a kilogram of this kind of fruit, please, he said to the shop keeper. After the keeper gave him the fruit, he began to eat some of it. Oh, my God! he shouted. His eyes watered, his mouth watered; his eyes were burning, his head was burning; and his face became red. As he coughed, he jumped up and down, saying, Ah! Ah! Ah!But he still kept eating the fruit! Some people looking at him and said, Youre crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)! You cant eat so many; theyre not good for you! People use them as acondiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You cant just eat them like that; theyre not fruit!But the man said, No, I cant stop! I paid money for them. Its my money!Sometimes we do a lot of things like that. We still continue just because weve put money, time, effort and love into it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldnt stop because he didnt want to waste the money he had paid.24 . From the first paragraph, we can infer that the man .Aknew India very wellBwanted to make friends with some of the IndiansCliked traveling with his friendsDdidnt know much about India before25 . What did the man think of the red, long fruit?AIt was very delicious.BIt was awful.CIt was cheap and tasted nice.DIt looked like a carrot.26 . The underlined word condiment means in Chinese.A水果B食盐C食谱D佐料27 . The man still ate the chilies after he knew they were condiments because he thought .Ahe had paid for themBthey could make him warmChe was very braveDthey could help him stronger28 . Whats the purpose of the author in writing this passage?ATo tell us that chilies are harmful to our health.BTo tell us that we should let pay no attention to what we have lost.CTo tell us that you dont always get back what youve lost.DTo tell us that losing is better than getting.Street dance is an energetic and exciting type of dance. It started with people dancing in the street rather than in a studio(练功房).Breakdancing and the Melbourne Shuffle are two examples of street dance. Many of the hip-hop dances are popular street dance styles. Even rave dancing is a type of street dance. Street dances change and improve all the time as people try different moves. It is a form of dancing that boys really enjoy.A school in Britain has seen how street dance has helped its pupils. They intro danced it as a subject at school. Dance teachers went to the school to teach the students how to perform. The dances were rehearsed at lunch breaks and after school. Many of the students were from homes with many problems. The students also used to behave badly. When the street dance classes started,it seemed to solve many of these prob1ems.The students felt that they could express their feelings in dancing. If they were angry,they could do some of the dance moves and throw away those feelings. If they were annoyed about something,dancing helped them to be more peaceful. Another good thing was that the students felt better about themselves.The students focused on other subjects more. They got better grades. Taking part in the street dancing also taught the students to work better with others, discipline(纪律) to come to practice and to learn the dance steps. They entered a dance competition and won! This was very good for them. The younger students began following them. They are active role models. Today bands have formed that combine(结合) singing with street dance. Street dance is becoming a popular culture.29 . How many types of street dance are mentioned?A2B3C4D530 . The school introduced street dance as a subject because _.Ait helped the pupils with problemsBdance teachers liked itCstudents could achieve their dreamsDthe school was asked to do so.31 . The underlined word rehearsed in the text means.A取消B排练C欢迎D承认32 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AStreet dance first started in a studio.BStreet dances are all the same.CStudents in Britain are only interested in street dance.DPeople can sing while doing dance moves now.33 . The writer wants to tell us_AThe type of street dance.Bthe history of street danceCthe ways and time of performing street danceDthe development and advantages of street danceIn England, people dont often talk much. You can get on a bus or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window.Often they read books and papers, but they dont talk much. When you meet English people they often talk about one thing-weather (天气). So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it is a little cold today,” somebody may answer. “But it will be a little warmer later,” you can say. Talk like this, and the English people will think,“ How friendly you are !”34 . On the bus, the English people often_.AtalkBstandCeat somethingDread papers35 . From the passage we know when you meet English people, you can say like this: _AHow do you do?BHow are you?CNice weather!DNice to meet you!36 . If you talk to English people about the weather, they will think_.Ayou are friendlyByou are rightCyou are EnglishDyou talk too much37 . Which is right?_AEnglish people like to talk on a bus.BEnglish people dont like to talk about weather.CEnglish people are not friendly at all.DIn England, the weather often changes (变化).38 . The English people talk with you about the weather to show you they are_.AhungryBhappyCkindDworriedI am Dave. Some of my classmates are talking in the classroom.Jill: My grandparents live on a farm. I went there with my sister. We stayed for seven days. The weather was usually sunny, so most of the time I played outside with my sister. On the farm, I milked cows, fed chickens and rode horses. I had a lot of fun. I think my trip was great.Mark: I went to Shanghai with my parents. I wanted to visit some museums, but my parents wanted to go shopping. I didnt like going shopping. So I stayed in the hotel and watched TV all day. It was really a boring trip.Anna: I think the best place for a holiday is the beach (海滩). I went to Sanya with my brother last year. The sand there was white, and it looked very beautiful. We built (建造) a big house with it. We swam and enjoyed the sunshine. We ate many kinds of seafood. They were delicious. The trip was great. I hope I can visit there again one day.39 . Jill stayed on her grandparents farm with her _.AbrotherBsisterCparentsDcousins40 . What did Jill do on the farm? rode horses took photos milked cows fed chickensABCD41 . Why did Mark think his trip was boring?ABecause the weather was very bad.BBecause he didnt buy things he liked.CBecause he couldnt visit the museums.DBecause the TV in the hotel didnt work.42 . What does the underlined word “sand” mean in Chinese?A沙子B海水C帆船D滑板43 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAnna enjoyed her trip a lot.BJill, Mark and Anna are cousins.CMark went on a trip with his brother.DJill stayed on the farm for two weeks.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空44 . He is working on _(write) a new novel.45 . We didnt hear your phone because we_(sing) then46 . When is a good time _(visit)the Great Wall?47 . _(look) through others things without asking is not polite.48 . I think 100 dollars _(mean) a lot to a poor man.49 . Dont refuse _ ( help ) others when they are in trouble.50 . Unless we do, we _ (not find) our way out.51 . Let Jack _(wash) their hands before lunch.52 . Dr. Martin Luther King _ (kill) on April 4, 1968.53 . I got home _(find) my mom cooking.五、单词填空(题文)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章意思通顺、完整。peace, about, instead, reason, or, game, carry, fight, perhaps, hidepeace, about, instead, reason, or, game, carry, fight, perhaps, hideToday it is quite natural to find people shake hands in some situations. People all over the world shake hands for many different(小题1). We shake hands when we meet new people(小题2)during special festivals. Players often shake hands before or after(小题3). Business people shake hands when they make a deal. Why do people shake hands(小题4)of shaking feet? This is because of the fact that a long time ago most people(小题5)knives or guns. If some of them decided that they did not want to(小题6), they would show their empty hands. (小题7)people shook hands so that they could not(小题8)knives in the sleeves(袖子). Later on, hand-shaking became a symbol of(小题9). Now we dont have to worry(小题10)guns or knives. However, people still shake hands all the time! The reason is simple-it is still a way to show friendship.六、材料作文54 . 下学期,你的表弟Max将要作为交换生到你们班级学习一年,班主任请你在班会课上介绍一下Max的情况,以便让同学们更快地了解他请根据下列提示,写一篇 90 词左右的文章基本情况Max,13岁,来自加拿大;个子高、戴眼镜,喜欢穿T恤、牛仔裤和运动鞋;品性事迹1友善,从不捉弄别人;2(自拟一点);兴趣爱好1打篮球以保持健康;2(自拟一点);愿望对中国的春节感兴趣,想要(自拟两点)要求:1文章必须包含表格中所有信息,并作适当发挥;2文中不得出现真实的人名;3词数90词左右,文章的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数Hello, everyone. My cousin Max will come to our class as an exchange student Now I would like to tell you something about him._Thats all. Thanks for listening.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、

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