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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期9月月考英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . ANothing.BA football.CA watch.2 . AFor 9 daysBFor 10 daysCFor 11 daysDFor 12 days3 . What does the woman think of learning Chinese?AIts difficult.BIts easy.CIts interesting.4 . How many times does Miss Chen go to Beijing in a month?ATwo.BThree.CFour.5 . AHe is going swimming.BHe is going to visit his grandparents.CHe is going fishing.DHe is going to stay at home.6 . ATo stay at home.BTo help the old.CTo watch TV.DTo have a good rest.二、听句子或对话选择图片7 . ABC8 . ABC9 . ABC10 . Whats the boys favorite sport?AABBCC三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。11 . Where did the man go for his holiday?ATo Hunan.BTo Hainan.CTo Yunnan.12 . What did he think of his holiday?ASo-so.BWonderful.CUnpleasant.四、听短文回答问题本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。13 . Whats the survey about?AStudents hobbies.BStudents troubles.CStudents subjects.14 . How many students think their homework is too much in the class?A60.B50.C30.15 . 40 percent of the students dont want to_.Aget up early every day.Bgo to after-school classes.Ctell their parents the grades.16 . Whats the biggest problem for 5 percent of the students?AThey argue with their good friends sometimes.BThey don t have enough money.CThey dont have any friends.17 . To solve their problems, 35 percent of them would rather_.Alisten to music.Btell their friends.Ctalk to their parents.听短文,回答下列各小题。KitesPlaces to watchMoonlight Town: in Moonlight ParkLake Town: in _ Park.Reasons to watchIt is amazing to see the _.Seeing people control (控制) their kites well _.18 . ALakeBRiverCSunny19 . Ablue skyBbeautiful picturesCclever designs20 . Ais a clever thing to doBmakes people relaxedCis a good way to keep fit五、单选题21 . I hope you _ me before you _ to school.Atelephone, returnedBwill telephone, returnCtelephone, will returnDwill telephone, returned22 . I guess that _ you _ Joanna was born in the year of rabbit because you have different animal signs. You are right. Joanna was.Aneither; norBeither; orCnot only; butDboth; and23 . It is_to cycle around GuilinAgreat funBa funCa great funDa great funny24 . -Who should be responsible for this terrible traffic accident?-Its not the right time to discuss that. _, we should send her to hospital.AAs a resultBAll in allCAbove all25 . When a mans heart stops _ , he dies.Ato beatBbeatingCbeatDbeaten26 . Tim is crazy about exploring. He continues doing it _he meets up with difficulties.AthoughBsoCbutDor27 . Today, the forests have almost gone. People must _ down too many trees.Astop to cutBstop from cuttingCbe stopped to cutDbe stopped from cutting28 . You can see _ “u” and_ “e” in the word excuse.Aa, anBan , theCan, a29 . -Dont _ too late, or you will feel tired in class.-I wont, Dad. Good night !Astay upBget upCwake up30 . Computers are becoming more and more popular, but some still _ too much.ApayBspendCcost31 . -Is Shanghai bigger than _city in East China?-Yes.The bigger the city is,_the number of people will be.Aany;largerBany;the moreCany other;the moreDany other;the larger32 . - Some students often drop litter carelessly in our school. What can we do?- We can _ some signs to remind them not to do that again.Aput upBput offCput awayDput on33 . The twins look the same, butthey are really different.Aat a timeBfrom time to timeCby the wayDin some ways34 . _ of the students has been to the moon by spaceship.AAllBNoneCSomeDMost35 . There was paper on the table. It Eat your lunch by yourself.Aa piece; saysBa piece of; toldCa; saidDa piece of; said六、完型填空My sister and I werent exactly what you would call close. I used to think everything she did was _, and always followed her and her friends around, hoping to be _, but there isnt much room in a thirteen-year-olds life for a troublesome ten-year-old sister. Over time, we became _ living in the same house, eating together but never communicating._ last year when she told me shed study abroad for ten months, I wasnt too upset.That first night after she _, I sat in my room and tried to do homework. I couldnt shake the feeling that something was missing. Sitting there, I realized just now _ it was without her in the house. I cried that night. I cried over all the years we had _ trying to live our own lives and paying no attention to each others. _ as the night passed slowly, my tears changed to tears of new beginnings.I _ the phone and called her halfway across the world.“Hello?”Her voice sounded as if it came from the room nearby and not South Africa.“Hey,Tova. Its me, Sara. I _ called to tell you I love you.” My words came out in a rush. I knew that if I stopped in the middle, I wouldnt have the _ to continue. “I know we arent as close as some sisters, but that doesnt mean Im not _ you.”For a long time, there was only _ on the other end. Finally, she spoke. “Ive been sitting here, all alone, thinking about you back home,” she said. “Your voice makes me feel as if Im right there with you.” And before she hung up she said, very _ just as I had, “I love you, too.”Im counting down the days until my sister returns home, so I can say, “Im so glad to have _ home”.36 . AwrongBsurprisingCperfectDscary37 . AhiddenBinterviewedCincludedDpraised38 . AstrangersBfriendsCrelativesDclassmates39 . ABecauseBUnlessCIfDSo40 . AdiedBleftCreturnedDfailed41 . AdifferentBpeacefulCcomfortableDjoyful42 . AwastedBenjoyedCavoidedDimagined43 . AWhetherBButCAlthoughDSince44 . Atook upBpicked upClooked upDhung up45 . AjustBstillCneverDalmost46 . AtimeBchanceCcourageDchoice47 . AleavingBencouragingCinvitingDmissing48 . AnoiseBlaughterCmusicDsilence49 . AhappilyBquicklyCnormallyDwisely50 . AherBmeCyouDit七、阅读单选Now people are trying to make the world a better place for birds to live in. People in China start the Bird Loving Week. Students from all parts of the country have been doing something to care for birds.Meng Yiru, a 16-year-old student from Nanyang Model High School in Shanghai, asked people to protect birds: Never put birds in cages. Go to visit them in the wild if you really love them. Ill never forget the sparrow(麻雀) I kept in a cage, said Meng. “It stopped eating after I caught it and soon died.” Meng and her classmates put many of their ideas in their 300-word report to ask people to take better care of birds.China is the home of more than 1, 000 kinds of birds because the country is large and has almost every weather type to suit (适合) them.But not everyone knows how to take good care of them. Some cut down trees and destroy the birds homes. This has made the number of the birds go down quickly. A study shows that one out of eight birds, more than 1, 200 kinds, in the world could die out. This includes 95% of albatrosses(信天翁) and 60% of cranes. Some birds you see every day, like pigeons and parrots, are also in danger!To help them, people have set up 7,500 reserves(自然保护区) which are suitable and safe for the birds. In China, there are big reserves like the ones near the Dongting Lake in Hunan and the Poyang Lake in Hunan and the Poyang Lake in Jiangxi. Is there anything that you can do for birds? Take care of their homes. Feed them with something delicious. Well, think it over and begin to do it now!51 . Meng Yiru kept a sparrow and.Asoon it diedBit lived in the cage happilyCthen set it freeDthen gave it to her classmate52 . China is the home of many kinds of birds because.Apeople in China love birdsBpeople in China dont eat birdsCthere are a lot of trees in ChinaDbirds can find the suitable climate here53 . A study show thatof the birds in the world may die out.A12.5%B50C60%D95%54 . In the last paragraph, the underlined wordones refers toAbirdsBhomesClakesDreserves55 . The writer writes the passage to.Aask people not to cut down treesBtell people what kinds of birds are in dangerCcall on people to do something to protect birdsDmake people lean about the Bird Loving WeekI am a girl. My English name is Linda. I am eleven years old. I have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, math, English, P.A, music, art, science and history.My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I also like English. But its a little difficult for me. I can speak only a little English. History is interesting, too. I like it. Math is difficult. Mr. Wang is our math teacher. He is very strict. Im usually tired after his class. But I work hard. I think I can study it well.56 . Linda is_.A. 11 B. 12 C.1357 . Linda has_subject at school.A. six B. seven C.eight58 . Lindas favorite subject is_.A. Chinese B. English C.math59 . Linda thinks English is_.A. difficult B.interesting C.a little difficult60 . _is NOT true.A. Linda can speak a little English.B. Mr. Wang is Lindas history teacher.C. Linda thinks she can study math well.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)Welcome to Woodland Toy Museum. Our museum opened in 2001 and has more than 50,000 toys, games and dolls. Please read the following before you visit.Our museum had some simple rules to make visits enjoyable and safe for everyone.1. Please keep voice levels low.2. Do not touch exhibit (陈列品) in the museum. They are fragile.3. Do not lean on glass cases. They may break.4. Do not use flash (闪光灯) when taking photos.5. Do not use video recorders.6. Please turn off your mobile phone while you are in the museum.7. Do not eat or drink in the museum.8. Do not sit on the floor.Opening hoursTue. Sat. 10.00 a. m.10.00 p.m.Sun. & Public holidays noon 9.00 p.m.Mon. closed61 . We can not find _ in Woodland Toy Museum.ABCD62 . We can not lean on glass cases because _.Awe cant talk loudlyBwe may break themCwe cant sit on the floorDwe will take photos63 . The underlined word “fragile” in rule 2 means “_”.AcoldBexpensiveCeasily brokenDmade of glasses64 . Kitty is visiting Woodland Toy Museum now. Maybe it is _ now.A11.00 a.m., MondayB9.00 a. m., TuesdayC7.00 p. m., National DayD9.00 p. m., Sunday65 . Sign _ CANNOT he found in the museum.ABCD66 . This passage is a(n) _.AreportBnoticeCadvertisementDprogrammeTracy Lester is with us in the studio. Welcome Tracy! We are all interested to know about yourlife as a child actor. Youre only fourteen years oldyet you are already famous.Tracy: Yes. Im reallylucky to have a chance to do so many things that other young people havent yet.Interviewer: So Tracy, the first question ishow old were you when you made your first movie, peanuts?Tracy: Well, I was only fourso I didnt have a big partand that movie wasnt really successful.Interviewer: So what was your first successful movie then?Tracy: Chocolate Aliens. Did you see it?Interviewer: Yes. My favourite scene was when you cleaned out the fridge for your mum, and you found interesting chocolates in there.Tracy:Yeahthat was a cool scene, wasnt it?Interviewer: Have you appeared in any commercials (商业广告) yet, Tracy?Tracy: Yes, quite a few. The last one was for a chocolate company. I love chocolate, but they made me eat so much. I felt sick after that. I never want to eat chocolate again.Interviewer: What a pity! Now, tell me about your latest movieyou havent finished it yet. But do you think you might win an award for this one?Tracy: Oh, I hope so. But if I dont win this time, maybe I will some day. Ill continue to work hard.Interviewer: And one last question TracyId like to ask you if you enjoy being famous.Tracy: Thats a difficult question to answer. Id like to tell all my young fans that it isnt easy being famous. Mostly, I miss being a kid. So enjoy being a kid, and dont grow up too quickly.Interviewer: Thanks for coming, Tracy. Youre a great kid. I wish you luck in the future.67 . How many questions does the interviewer ask Tracy?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.68 . We can find a cool scene with interesting chocolates in _.APeanutsBChocolate AliensCa commercialDher latest movie69 . What does Tracy think of being famous early?AShe thinks its easy to become famous.BBeing famous brings her all good things.CShe still enjoys being a kid though she is famous.DShe feels unlucky to do more things than other children.八、句型转换按要求改写句子,每空一词。70 . Her pencils are in my schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句)_ her pencils in _schoolbag?71 . My eraser is on the desk. (划线部分提问)_ eraser?72 . These are my aunts. (划线部分提问)_?73 . They are girls. (改成单数句子)_ a girl.74 . Is this Jacks grandmother? (否定回答)No, _.九、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的首字母、中文或英文解释填写单词。75 . He is so _ (willing to share things with others) that we all love him.76 . Which team _ (be best or first in a competition) the basketball match last night?77 . This in one of the most interesting _ (杂志) I have ever seen.78 . How many _ (英雄) stories do you get from the book?79 . Did you go out for a trip during the past National Day v_? Oh, I just went to visit my grandparents.十、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。Mention succeed translate cook catch80 . They_many advantages of doing sports at the class meeting last Friday.81 . He_in passing the test if he studies hard.82 . A few mice _ by that black cat last month.83 . Its 12 oclock. My parents _ dumplings for my friends.84 . My teacher _ some English books into Chinese since two years ago.选词填空用方框中所给的词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。A. condition B. themselves C. fifth D. courage E. feed F. careless85 . May is the _ month of the year.86 . They all enjoyed _ at the party yesterday.87 . I used to help _ the chicken on the farm.88 . It was _ of him to leave the door unlocked.89 . The fireman showed great _ in saving the child90 . Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _.十一、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Jack and Bob are going to high school now.Jack wants to be an91 . (工程师)He is going to build roads,92 . (桥)and houses.Bob is93 . (感兴趣的)in math and science,but he is going to study94 . (医学)He wants to be a doctor.Kate is good at music.She wants to be an 95 . (艺术家)She is going to sing and dance for people.Joan wants to be a woman astronaut.She says,“I always96 . (梦想)to explore(探险)space someday.” “What do you want to be,Alice?” Joan asks me.“Oh,I want to be a teacher.When I97 . (成长)up,Im going to teach in the98 . (乡村)”All of us are doing our99 . (最好)at school.I am100 . (确信)we will do something good for our country.十二、回答问题Some people do not seem to have a mind of their own. They never express their own ideas and they do not decide to do what to do themselves. My brother is one of these people. Last night, for example, he was going to read at home. At about seven thirty, his friend Tom came in, “Lets watch TV.” “OK.” my brother answered. By ten oclock my brother was tired and sleepy, and he wanted to go to bed. But Tom said, “ Lets go out and get something to eat.” “ Good.” my brother answered. He often says things he does not mean and does thing he really does not want to. Worse than that, he does not say the things he would like to say or do a lot of things he would like to do.101 . When did Tom come?102 . What does the writer think of his brother?103 . Does the writers brother do a lot of things he would like to do?十三、书信作文104 . 书面表达假如你是Li Hua, 要给在美国的笔友Eric写信, 介绍你进入中学以后的生活。要求:1. 文中应包含提示中的2一3项信息, 还可适当发挥。2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和校名。语言流畅, 书写美观。3. 词数:80词左右(信的格式和开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。subjectSchool lifefriendteacherlunch_第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、三、听长对话回答问题1、四、听短文回答问题1、2、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、句型转换1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、十一、单词填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、书信作文1、


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