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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期9月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please add some cream and sugar _ my coffee.AofBfromCtoDfor2 . The students of Grade 9 in Meishan have to take part in the P.E test from 2006.Yes._ you want to pass it and be stronger, practice more.AuntilBifCunlessDor3 . We are going to a concert. _ exciting news!AHowBWhat anCWhat4 . Could you tell me_ ?At 2:00. Hurry! There are only ten minutes left.Awhat time we set offBwhat time we will set offCwhat time did we set offDwhat time will we set off5 . They devoted as much as they could _ the children in poor areas.Ato helpingBhelpCto helpDhelped6 . Do you know_?HebeiIts Chinas new special economic zoneAWhy the Xiongan New Area is set upBWhere is the Xiongan New AreaCWhere the Xiongan New Area is7 . Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to_off. Please_off your cell phone or make sure it is in flight mode(模式).Atake, turnBturn. takeCget, putDput, get8 . I cant _ my eraser.AlookBlook forCfindDfound9 . Mom, I feel. Dont worry. Lets go to see a doctor.AawfulBcalmCgladDproud10 . Tom was ill (病) in hospital last week.What? _. Is he OK now?AThats all right.BWait a minute.CWell, Im not sure.DI didnt know that.11 . Sherry has travelled to many big cities,London,Sydney and Beijing.Asuch asBfor exampleCas wellDas well as12 . I want to borrow the detective novel written by Agatha Christie,but I dont know how long it can _. For two weeks.AkeepBreturnCbe keptDbe returned13 . Lets _some soup.Great! What about Russian soup?AdoBcutCmakeDwork14 . I find _ difficult to communicate with my parents. They never listen to me.AoneBitCthat15 . On a _ day you can see the city from here.AwarmBbusyCshortDclear二、补全对话7选5A:16 . B:Good morning! How are you?A:17 . B:18 . A:Its an orange.B:19 . A:O-R-A-N-G-AB:20 . A:lts red.B:Thank you very much.A:You are welcome.AGood morning!BSpell it, please.CWhats this in English?DIm fine, thank you.EWhat color is it ?三、补全短文5选5阅读短文,从A-E五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Chen Yujie, 15 studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang 21 . . It was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring. Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card , so she didnt have to travel so often.22 . “Its usually the most relaxing time for our family.” Said Chen.She chose the right time. After a few turns of lobbying (游说) , her parents finally agreed with Chen . 23 . So they have to choose a right time . US magazine Highnight recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country , asking questions like “ 24 . ” Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的)。Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents. Bed time comes second , followed by time spent in the car.Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency (倾向) over the problem. Qianjiang Daily ,a newspaper in Zhejiang, did a survey about it . 25 . So do you have anything to talk to your parents about? Choose a good time.AWhen you want to talk to your parents about something important ,when is the best time to do it?BShe decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time to talk to their parents.CShe used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents.DThe result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents .E. For most teenagers like Chen talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying.四、完型填空Mr. King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm when_danger. And he escaped from several accidents. The manager_him more and the traffic policemen often speaks highly of him.Mr. Baker,one of his friends,works in a factory outside the city. Its far from his house and he has to go to work by bus. As the street is_ in the morning, sometimes hes late for the work. His manager warns the young man that he will be sent away_he gets to his office on time. He hopes to buy a car,but he hasnt enough_He decides to buy an old one. One day, he went to the second-hand market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to try the car,the seller agreed. He_Mr King and asked him to help him at once.Mr. King examined(检查) the car and then drove it away. It was early in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it_well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing,the lights turned_He tried to stop it, but he failed and_hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop,but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.“Didnt you hear me?” the policeman asked angrily.“Yes, I did,sir,” said Mr King,“_it doesnt listen to me,can it obey(听从)you?”26 . AlookingBreachingCfacingDgetting27 . AhelpsBpaysCneedsDbelieves28 . AcrowdedBquietCemptyDfull29 . AuntilBunlessCwhenDif30 . AtimeBexperienceCfriendsDmoney31 . AcalledBfoundCvisitedDinvited32 . AlookedBtraveledCseemedDworked33 . AredBgreenCupDout34 . AhardlyBheavilyCnearlyDmostly35 . AAlthoughBSinceCWhileDFor五、阅读单选Once upon a time, there was a fair with different shops in town. Among those was a small shop set up by a young man.The shop was filled with colorful jewelry and other things made of glass. One of the pieces caught a jewelers eye. It was shining so brightly that the jeweler thought it was a precious diamond(珍贵的钻石). He asked the shop owner,” Whats the price of this piece?”“20 dollars,” replied the owner.The jeweler wanted to save some money, so he said, “I can give you only 15 dollars for it.”The shop owner refused.There werent many people around the shop, so the jeweler thought to himself, “If I come back later, the shop owner may change his mind.” After hanging about for a while, he returned to the shop, only to find the piece missing. He asked the shop owner, “Where is the piece I asked for a moment ago?”The shop owner replied , “I sold it for 20 dollars.”The jeweler got angry and said,” What a fool(傻瓜)you are! It was not a glass piece but a precious diamond.”The shop owner replied, “Im not a fool but you are! You knew that piece was precious, but you tried to buy it for 15 dollars and left.”36 . The change of the jewelers feeling can be described as _.AangryhappyregretfulBhappyangryregretfulCangryregretfulhappyDhappyregretfulangry37 . What lesson can we learn after reading the story?AAction speaks louder than words.BTry to save as much money as we can.CThink twice before making decisions.DDont lose much by trying to save a little.Dear Rita,Im writing to you from London, England. Im on holiday with George and the children, and we are having a very good time.The weather here is warm and sunny. Hows the weather at home in Los Angeles (旧金山)?Were staying at the Grand Hotel (格兰顿酒店). Our rooms are very large and beautiful. Right now, Im at the hotel watching TV and writing post cards. George and the children are at the London Zoo.How are you? What are you doing? See you soon.Susan38 . According to (根据) the postcard, we can learn it is from _ to _.ASusan; RitaBSusan; GeorgeCRita; SusanDRita; George39 . Susan is in London for her _.AstudyBholidayCchildrenDwork40 . From the postcard we know Susan doesnt know_ in her home.Athe traffic (交通)Bthe weatherCher parentsDtheir house41 . Susan thinks staying at the Grand Hotel is_.AeasyBhardCboringDniceMr. Green is a kind old man. He often helps people in need. And hes kind of smart, too. One Sunday afternoon, he finished his lunch and went out for a walk with his granddaughter, Kate. In front of a park, they saw three beggars there. “Why do they ask for money in the street?” asked the little girl. “Because they are poor. ” answered Mr. Green. “But why dont they go to work?” asked the little girl again. “Because they are too lazy.” Mr. Green smiled and said. Just then the girl asked, “Do you know who is the laziest of them, grandpa?” “Thats easy.” said Mr. Green, “I can show it to you.”He came up to the beggars, brought out five dollars and said, “Ill give the money to the laziest person of you. Tell me who he is.”“I lost my job two years ago. ” the first beggar stood up quickly and said. “Of course I am! I stopped working one year earlier than him.” the second beggar said, “So give me the money.”However, the third man went on lying (躺着) on the ground and said, “Come here, Sir. Put the money into my bag!”42 . Mr. Green and his granddaughter went to the park for _.Ahaving lunchBtaking a walkCgiving money to othersDmeeting their friends43 . The underlined word “beggars” means _ in Chinese.A乞丐B年轻人C陌生人D残疾人44 . The second man stopped working _ ago.Aone yearBtwo yearsCthree yearsDsix years45 . Who was the laziest person of the beggars?AThe first one.BThe second one.CThe third one.DWe dont know.46 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMr. Green is good at telling stories.BMr. Green gave each beggar five dollars.CKate knew how to find the laziest person.DThey found the laziest beggar at last.六、填写适当的单词补全句子据意填词。Complete the sentences with proper words.47 . I wasnt really ill-it was just a _ .48 . Were going to the cinema. Do you want to _ along ?49 . I hear youre going to get married . _ !50 . He has a great sense of _ and is very popular among his in the heart.51 . There was a short _ while she thought about it.52 . The building was dark and _ , which made me frightened in the heart.53 . He _ silent about his plan and no one knows what he is going to do.54 . When did you first _ the idea ? It is quite unusual of a child of your age.55 . Keep _ please-Exams in progress.56 . She _ her silence yesterday and spoke to a TV reporter about the affair.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words. (用所给词的适当形式填空):57 . Look! There are more tall _ now. (build)58 . The _ boy from the left in the photo is my brother. (five)59 . All passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before the _ time. (depart)60 . A few people _ their way in the forest because of the weather last week. (lose)61 . I always have a cold. So I should practise _ more often. (swim)62 . Lisa will _ be a reporter in 15 years time. (possible)八、单词填空As students of modern times, we have c63 . school life. Every day, we get lots of knowledge on different s64 . in class. And our school o65 . many activities. In this way, they can help us put what we have learned into p66 . . After class, we take part in all kinds of activities, such as p67 . football, basketball, badminton and so on. They are good for our health. Besides, we are a68 . to join in the music group or other a69 . groups. There we can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures. There are chances for us to use computers and talk with some foreign teachers about a70 . we are interested in at the English corner.Now, most of us may play computers freely and have a good s71 . of spoken English. In addition to these after-school activities, there are still many other activities, such as sports meeting and social investigation. All those activities make our school life attractive and i72 . . I am sure they are very useful for us.九、回答问题“Where there is a will, there is a way.” Perhaps not many students can understand this better than 22-year-old Michael Ha. Because of his story of success, he has become an example to many young people.Michael Ha was born in a very poor family. His parents worked in Vietnam before they moved to Britain in 1980. They couldnt find work in Britain because they spoke little English. The whole family had to live on benefits (救济金) and they lived in a small house in Hackney, a poor area in East London. Growing up was not easy for Michael, but he never gave up.At the age of 10, he set his heart on going to Cambridge University. It was not easy, either. Michael studied at a school, which used to be called “the worst school in Britain”. However, young Michael made up his mind to try his best, no matter what kind of school he was studying at. The smart boy studied very hard and did well in every subject at school. Once he made a bet(打赌) with his friend to learn further math. As a result, after spending just four months teaching himself from a textbook, he got an A in AS-level further math. Now Michael is the star medical student at St. Johns College, Cambridge and has just won an award(奖) for his excellent grades. He hopes he will be an inspiration for other young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Answer the questions according to the passage.73 . How old is Michael now?74 . Where did Michaels parents work before 1980?75 . What does Michael study in Cambridge University?76 . When did Michael want to go to Cambridge University?77 . What does Michael hope?十、话题作文78 . 好的学习习惯对于我们的学习至关重要,同学们请你介绍一下你的学习习惯吧 (如果时间允许,请同学们在下面的横线上先打好草稿,然后再工整地抄写到答题卡上。同学们,工整漂亮的书写可是作文取得高分的前提哦!)My Learning Habits_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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