2020版牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit6单元试卷A卷

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2020版牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit6单元试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is this your pencil box?_.Its mine.AYes,it isBYes,this isCNo,this isntDNo,it isnt2 . She was _ an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didnt come.AexplainingBexpressingCexperiencingDexpecting3 . I dont think he did such a stupid thing last night,_?Ado IBcould heCdid heDhas he4 . _ boat can take us to Lucky Island?The white one. Well _the island at five oclock.AWhose; getBWhat; arriveCWhich; reach5 . Let me _ some ice-cream, I like _ so much.Ato eat; itBto eat; themCeat; itDeat; them6 . Its dangerous _ with the wild animals.Ato playBplayedCplayingDplay7 . Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers you bought me._.ANo, thanksBIm glad you like itCDont say soDNo, its not so good8 . Is _ necessary that we train _ before the show?Ait; usBthat; usCit; ourselvesDthat; ourselves9 . If you get on well _ your classmates, youll enjoy your school life more.AtoBwithConDfor10 . They were talking _ there and Susan was not happy.AloudBloudlyCaloudDaloudly11 . Jane _ 3 hours doing her homework every weekend.AtakesBspendsCstudiesDplays12 . (题文)_ is the most important festival in the west countries.AChristmasBSpring FestivalCMidAutumn DayDNational Day13 . He _ all his free time with his grandma yesterday.AtookBspentCspends14 . I have got the of the exam. I passed it.AresultBcustomCdecisionDchoice15 . a teacher,John is looking forward on well with his students.AOf;in gettingBWith;for gettingCAs;to getDAs;to getting二、完型填空Today, it is a big problem for young graduates (毕业生) to get satisfying jobs. It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one itself is not easy. “Finding a job” is not _ as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job _ they are not suitable (适合) for it. Sometimes “chance” may _ a more important part than “decision”. Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university. First, it is important _ what kind of person you are, which special qualities _ you outstanding (出色的) among people and what you are interested in. There is a difference _ an interest and a skill. If you like _ and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog, that is a _.Then ask yourself a question, “In the following three areasskills with people, skills with information and skills with things, which are your best skills?” After _ best your skills, the next step is research. To _as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends what they think of the work they do. Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life; just find the job you really enjoy doing.16 . AsameBas sameCso goodDthe same17 . AbecauseBsoCuntilDthough18 . AtakeBplayChaveDchoose19 . AfeelBrealizeCto feelDto realize20 . AhelpsBmakesCmakeDhelp21 . AbothBbetweenCfromDeither22 . AartBmusicCsportsDacting23 . AsuccessBskillChobbyDfact24 . AexamineBhave examinedCexaminingDexamined25 . Afind outBlook outCfindDlook at三、阅读单选Bill is a good boy. He is seven years old, and he likes going to school. But he cannot get up early.He always wakes up until (直到) nine or ten oclock in the morning.His mother doesnt want him to be late for school, so she buys an alarm clock for him. She says to Bill, You must get up when you hear the clock ring. Yes, Mum, Bill answers. From then on, when he hears the clock ring at six oclock in the morning, he gets up quickly.One day his mother forgets to wind up (上发条) the clock. And the next morning, Bill doesnt get up on time. Its time for breakfast, so his mother goes to wake Bill up, Bill is in bed and his eyes are open. Why dont you get up? his mother asks, You tell me that I must get up when I hear the clock ring, so I am waiting for the clock to ring, Bill said.26 . Whats wrong with Bill?AIts hard for him to go to school.BHe doesnt like going to school.CIts hard for him to get up early.DHes not a good boy.27 . What does Bills mother do for him?AShe buys an alarm clock for him.BShe wakes him up every morning.CShe tells him not to get up late again.DShe doesnt make breakfast for him.28 . What does Bills mother forget to do one day?ATo make breakfast for him.BTo wake him up.CTo wind up the clock.DTo send him to school.29 . Why does NOT Bill get up when he wakes up?ABecause he is busy thinking about some funny things.BBecause he waits for the clock to ring.CBecause he waits for his mother to call him.DBecause he doesnt like to get up so early.30 . What can we learn from the story?AMothers words are sometimes wrong.BA good child should listen to parents carefully.CAn alarm clock is so important for a child to get up early.DWe should do things according to different situations (情形).There was a big garden in front of Jeffs house. So on weekends, many children came to play soccer from morning to late night. They made a lot of noise(噪音), but Jeff couldnt do anything.He thought hard and hard and had an idea. One Saturday evening, he went out and said to them, “It is my happy time when I see and hear you playing here. So I will give you fifty yuan a week if you play in the garden here.”The children felt very happy and on Saturday evening they came to Jeffs house and asked for the money. He did so. The second week, Jeff said he didnt have enough money and only gave them twenty yuan. The third week Jeff said he lost his job, but he gave them only ten yuan. And the boys were very disappointed. The fourth week Jeff said he was looking for his job. He gave them only five yuan. And said he couldnt pay them fifty yuan a week. But he would give them two yuan each week.After that, the boys never played in the garden again.31 . At first the children liked playing soccer in front of Jeffs house because _.Athere was a big garden there.BJeff liked to see and hear them playingCJeff gave them some moneyDthey could make a lot of noise.32 . Jeff gave the children money to _.Alet them play soccer there.Bmake friends with themCmake them become famous playersDstop them from playing soccer there.33 . Children felt very happy at first because _.AJeff was kind and friendly to themBthey could get money and do something they enjoyedCthey could play soccer from morning to late nightDthey did good things for Jeff34 . The underlined word “disappointed” mean “_”.A愤怒的,B满意的,C失望的,D绝望的35 . How much did the children get in total (总共)?A85 yuan,B82 yuan,C50 yuan,D35 yuan四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成句子36 . Peter gave us a talk on_ (喂养) goldfish yesterday.37 . If you have enough time and money, you can go _ (任何地方) in the world.38 . Do your parents _ (同意) to let you go hiking with us?39 . I have trouble sleeping during such a _ (吵闹的) night.40 . Could you please _ (重复) the fifth question?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空一、用所给词的适当形式填空.41 . When is your _(birth)? Its October 9th.42 . Which is the _(nine) month of the year? - September, I think.43 . When is your _(mother) birthday? Her birthday is June 5th.44 . The _( two) month of the year is February.45 . A month has four _( week).用所给单词的适当形式填空46 . The teachers are_(friend) to their students.47 . Let see the pandas _ (one).48 . John usually _ (relaxing) on weekends.49 . He is from the United States, but he can speak _ (France).50 . Yangyang lives in Beijing. She likes _(play) soccer.51 . How many(多少) _(leaf) are there on the tree?52 . Do you want _ (visit) the Greet Wall(长城)?53 . I like dolphins, but my brother _ (like) pandas.54 . Nacy usually_(sleep) and_(get) up late(晚).55 . Please _(is) quiet, the teacher is coming.六、完成句子根据所给的汉语完成下面的句子,每空一词。56 . 我已经用完了所有的水彩笔了。你能借给我几支吗?I have _ all my markers. Can you lend me some?57 . 我们班有五分之三的学生喜欢英语。_ the students in our class like English.58 . 李明,不要忘了吹灭蜡烛。Li Ming, dont _ out the candle.59 . 天快黑了,他们便停止工作了。It was getting dark and they _.60 . 让他和你一起做实验吧!_ the experiment with you.七、单词填空C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Many people think of bullying(欺凌)as one child pushing or hitting another. However, bullying is not only p61 . . Words also hurt people badly. When I was in junior high school, the girls in my class would laugh at me or ask questions designed to embarrass me. Their words really hurt me so much that it was difficult for me to f62 . my attention on study.Be kindYou may not think of yourself as a bully, but do you always play jokes on others? If the other person isnt laughing, your words or actions may hurt more than you think. When some people are bullied, they will make r63 . by hurting others. No matter what your experiences are, being kind will make you truly powerful.Speak upWhen you notice one person bullying another, you are supposed to warn them to stop i64 . and firmly(坚定地). Your hesitation will make the problem worse, if they dont stop, walk away and tell an adult about the bullying.Stand tallIf you are bullied, dont try to face it alone, but ask a parent or other trusted adult for help. Similarly, in places where bullying happens, stay close to a friend b65 . bullies often aim at people who are isolated(孤立的). When you are being bullied, walk away calmly. Leaving will keep you safe, and if you dont seem frightened or upset, the bully may feel bored and l66 . interest in you.Finally, remember that what is happening is not your m67 . . Bullies are responsible for their actions and words. Make sure your life will not be affected by their words and action. And when you meet others who are weaker than you, remember that they are valuable, too.八、材料作文68 . 书面表达假如你是张磊,你的笔友Ben想了解你们学校的规章制度,请根据提示内容写一封e-mail告诉他。1.上课不能迟到;2.不准在走廊里跑;3.见到老师要问好;4.课堂上保持安静;5.不准在教室里吃东西;6.不准在课堂上讲话、听音乐。要求:1.内容完整、有条理;2.60词左右。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、


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