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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下期中英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . have you been like this?Three days.AHow oftenBHow muchCHow long2 . I got up so late this morning because my clock didnt .Ago onBgo outCgo upDgo off3 . -How can I improve my reading?-I think the most important is to _ a good habit of reading.AdevelopBshowCmakeDtake4 . Its easy to catch a cold _ the terrible weather in Wuhan.Abecause ofBasCbecauseDas for5 . Have youyet today?Apractise to fishBpractised to fishCpractise fishingDpractised fishing6 . He used to _ up late, now he is used to _ up early.Aget, getBgetting, getCget, gettingDgetting, getting7 . She finally directed the film _her own novel.AbasingBbasing onCbasedDbased on8 . Running _ a good way to exercise every day.AisBwasCareDwere9 . (题文)-_ you _ in this school for more than ten years? -Yes, I _ here in 2002.ADid; come; cameBHave; been; cameCDid; come; have beenDHave; come; came10 . I think _ is important to eat a balanced diet to stay healthy.AthisBthatCheDit11 . How much did you paythat bike?AoverBinConDfor12 . “I know nothing about the film Titanic.” “_.”ANeither do IBSo do ICNeither did IDSo did I13 . Jack, dinner is ready._. Im doing my homework now.AHe comesBIm comingCHe is comingDI come14 . Simon likes singing. He would like a famous singer. But his sister would rather an artist.Abe; to beingBbeing; to beCto being; beingDto be; be15 . Dont worry. He _ the work in two hours.AfinishBfinishedCwill finishDfinishes16 . Hello, Bob! This book is Lindas. Pleaseit to her.AbuyBseeCgiveDthanks17 . - Did you have a good time at the party?- Yes, indeed. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.AsinceBwhenCbeforeDthat18 . The food on the platebad. Throw it away.Ais smelt terribleBis smelt terriblyCsmells terriblyDsmells terrible19 . The story reminded me _ an experience I once had.Aof B. to C. at D. on20 . To do the work well _ great attention.AsuggestsBrequiresCadvisesDintroduces21 . The modern city is quite different from what it _ some ways.Awas used to be inBused to byCused to be inDwas used to being in22 . It may take us 3 hours to get to the airport.Aarrive atBleaveCfly over23 . Why didnt you ask Tom to help you with your work? Because he was only a student and had no _ experience.ApowerfulBpracticalCloyalDgeneral24 . My cousin is _ late for school, because he gets up very early.AneverBalwaysCsometimesDusually25 . Its my fathers habit to _ a book before going to bed.AlookBreadCwatchDsee26 . Last night I listened to a CD _ My Heart Will Go On.Awhich callsBthat calledCcalledDcalls27 . The big box is_ heavy for her_ carry.Aso;tooBvery;tooCtoo;to28 . It _ me about 25 minutes to get to the railway station yesterday.AtookBtakesCspendsDspent二、完型填空V完形填空。“Can I see my baby?asked the new happy motherUnluckily,she found her baby had been_without ears when it was in her armsTime proved that the babys_was perfectHe got on well with his classmatesBut one day,he rushed home and said to his mother_tears in his eyes“A big boy_me a freak(怪胎)”As the boy_,he developed a talent for art and musicThe boys father had a meeting with the family doctor“Could anything_done?”He asked the doctor“I believe I could graft(移植)a pair of outer ears_you could get them,”the doctor saidHowever,two years_,nobody wanted to offer the young man earsThen one day the father said,“Son,_will offer his ears to youBut its a secret”The operation was a great_Time kept the secret,but the day did comeThe young man stood with his father_his mothers bodySlowly,the father held out a hand and raised the thick,brown hair_,the son found his mother had no outer ears“Mother said she was glad she_let her long hair be cut,”the father said gently“and nobody ever thought Mother_beautiful,did they?Real_ lies not in what is done and known,but in what is done but not known29 . AactiveBdeadCbornDawake30 . AspeakingBhearingCwritingDreading31 . AofBinCaroundDwith32 . AcalledBaskedCsaidDtold33 . Alooked upBgrew upCbrought upDcaught up34 . AisBwasCareDbe35 . AifBuntilCunlessDbecause36 . Awent downBgot overCwent byDarrived37 . AnobodyBsomeoneCanyoneDeveryone38 . AsucceedBsuccessfulCsuccessDfailure39 . AbetweenBbesidesCtowardsDbeside40 . AWith interestBTo his surpriseCIn silenceDWith anger41 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDsometimes42 . AlessBmoreCmostDleast43 . AideaBfriendshipCthoughtDlove三、阅读单选A young man and an old man were waiting for a train at a station. They sat next to each other.Whats in your bag?” as ked the young man. “Gold,” answered the old man,“nothing but gold.The young man could hardly believe his ears. “What?” he said to himself in surprise. Then he began to think how to get the gold from the old man.The old man looked tired and sleepy and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. So the old man lay down and before long he fell asleep.The young man ran away with the old mans bag as quickly as he could. Then he stopped and quickly opened the bag. There was nothing but a lot of small stones in the bag!44 . At first, the young man_at the station.Awanted to fool the old moilBdidnt know what was in the old mans bagCdidnt wait for the trainDwanted to wait for the old man45 . The young man ran away with the old mans bag very quickly because _.Ahe could run very fastBhe wanted very much to get the gold in the bagChe decided not to take the trainDthe old man asked him to do so46 . What was in the old mans bag?AGold.BSmall stones.CGold and small stones.DNothing.47 . “Nothing but” in the story means“_”.AeverythingBveryCnothingDonlyTony became ill and had to spend all day in bed. Because other children could not come near, he felt sad and lonely. There wasnt much to do, so he just looked out of the window. One day, he saw something strange outside the window. It was a penguin eating a sandwich. The penguin said good afternoon to Tony and then left. Tony was very surprised. He tried to find out what was going on. Suddenly, he saw a monkey playing with a balloon outside his window. As he saw more and more strange animals, Tony burst out laughing and found it hard to stop. Before long, his health improved and he went back to school. He told his friends about all the strange things outside his window. While he was talking, he saw something in his friends schoolbag. Tony asked what it was and his friend showed him. Inside the bag were many clothes that looked like animals. His friend wore them to cheer Tony up while he was ill!From that day on, Tony always tried his best to make sure his friends never felt sad or lonely.48 . Why was Tony sad and lonely?ABecause he liked to lie in bed.BBecause he was ill and could not play with others.CBecause he was too young to go out by himself.DBecause nobody wanted to play with him.49 . Tony laughed when _.Ahe saw something funny outside his windowBhe gave a sandwich to a penguinChe played with a monkey outsideDhis parents bought some toys for him50 . Tony found out that the penguin and monkey were actually _.Areal animalsBhis friendChis parentsDhis teacher51 . From Tonys experience we learn that _.Agetting sick helps you find real friends.Banimals can bring good luck.Cmaking jokes can improve our friendships.Done should be kind to his/her friends.SDTV Station (电视台)Wang Tao, Office worker 20 Quancheng Road(路), Jinan Tel: 0531-7645321018853106796Email: wangtao888163.comSDTV Station (电视台)Wang Tao, Office worker 20 Quancheng Road(路), Jinan Tel: 0531-7645321018853106796Email: wangtao888163.com根据名片内容,选择正确答案。52 . Wang Tao works in _.ASDTV StationBPudong No.1 RestaurantCRenmin HospitalDShuntong Taxi Company53 . We can call Xu Guoqing at _.A0531-76453210B0755- 6357617C13872205368D1582301769954 . If your friend is ill (生病的), he can call _.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanhuiDLiu Yong55 . You cant get in touch with (与联系) _ by Email.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanhuiDLiu Yong56 . Liu Yong lives in _. He is a _.AJinan; workerBShanghai; managerCShenzhen; doctorDTianjin; driverThere are four great inventions from ancient China.Compass is a great gift to the world. Before it was invented, sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction. After it was invented, the oceans were open to travel.Paper-making is one of the greatest inventions. During the ancient Han Dynasty (202 BC9 AC), paper was made in some places in China. It was developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD220 AD) by Cai Lua He made paper with bark (树皮), old cloth and so on.It is said that in the third century a Chinese man wrote about how to make gunpowder. At first, it was used for making fireworks (烟花). At the end of the Tang Dynasty, people began to use it in wars. The way of making it was brought to the Arab world and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries.Printing was developed in 10411048 in the Song Dynasty. A man named Bi Sheng carved characters (字符) on pieces of clay and wood. Then he put ink on them. After the characters were printed on paper, the pieces of clay or wood could be used again. This technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe.57 . After _ was invented, the oceans were open to travel.AgunpowderBcompassCprinting58 . At first gunpowder was used to _.Afind directionBmake paperCmake fireworks59 . Printing was developed in _.Athe Song DynastyBthe Tang DynastyCthe Han Dynasty60 . The underlined word “carved” in this passage means “_” in Chinese.A切开B打印C雕刻61 . The best title (标题) for the passage is _.AThe Four Dynasties of Ancient ChinaBThe Four Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaCThe Four Great People of Ancient ChinaIn Britain youre allowed to drive a car when youre seventeen. You have to get a special two-year driving license before you can start. When youre learning,someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you because you arent allowed to drive the car on the road alone. You dont have to go to a driving school - a friend can teach you. The person with you isnt allowed to take money for the lesson unless hes got a teachers license.Before youre allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive round for about half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you dont pass the test, youre allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970 a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! When youve passed your test, you dont have to take it again, and youre allowed to go on driving as long as you like. Britains oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100.Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didnt have to take a test until 1935. On the early days of car driving, before 1878, cars werent allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.62 . In the driving test, one _.Amustnt drive his car, even though the car is fit for the roadBis usually asked to drive on roads for some timeChas to be examined(考查) only in car driving skillsDmust drive around for more than an hour63 . When can I take the driving test again if I dont pass it?Aa few years laterBright after the first testCa few weeks laterDnever64 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThere is no limit (限制)to the age of an old man who drives a car.BOne can take a driving test again and again until he passes it.CThere was a speed limit to cars before 1878.DA car driver didnt have to get a limit license until 1935.65 . The best title for the passage is _.ADriving Licenses in BritainBTests for Britain PeopleCDriving CarsDYoung Mens Driving Licenses四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。66 . (小题1)My mother is watching TV w_my father is reading the magazine.67 . (小题2)Zhang Ling h_ talk shows because he thinks they are boring.68 . (小题3)Dont t_ the rubbish everywhere.You should put it in the dustbin(垃圾箱)69 . (小题4)Look! How dirty the floor is! Please s_ it right away.70 . (小题5)Tom doesnt care about the problem.Its only a w_ of time to talk about it with him.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意和英文提示写出单词,完成句子。71 . Christopher Nolan is my favourite _(direct). His Batman movies are really wonderful.72 . There is lots of_(late) news on hot movies in the magazine Movie View.73 . _(Asia) film stars now have more chances in Hollywood.74 . Will you please send text _(message) to me if necessary.75 . The film_(direct) by him is full of horror and mysteries.76 . What is he busy doing? Doing the experiment _(complete) the science project.77 . The project they had devoted up to two years to _(choose) as the best one at the conference.78 . In fact, the tigers in India_(disappear) much faster than pandas now.79 . Did you watch the film last year ? No. I_ (not watch) films for a long time.80 . Would you please help my son with his English? Yes, I _ (promise).81 . The audience can enjoy young _(direct) films from different countries.82 . They saw three men in police uniforms _(come) out of the building.83 . The police are trying to find out whether he was killed or he killed_(he)84 . These children grow up in _(wealth) families, but they feel lonely time from time.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子85 . 太多的关注并不是一件好事。_ isnt a good thing.86 . Tina过去在校游泳队。Tina _ in the school swim team.87 . 你害怕老虎吗?_ you _ tigers?88 . 我过去经常看到她在广场上跳舞。I used to _ her _ in the square.89 . 和朋友一起闲逛对我来说几乎是不可能的。_ with friends _ almost impossible for七、其他请写出各小题相对应的缩略词。90 . 小号的_91 . 中号的_92 . 大号的_93 . (美国)全国篮球协会_94 . 激光唱片_95 . 硬黑_96 . 不明飞行物_97 . 中国中央电视台_98 . 英国广播公司_99 . 停车_第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、其他1、


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