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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级开学测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. Li asks us to remember that we are,mistakes we will make.Athe more careful; the lessBthe more careful; the fewerCthe more carefully; the fewer2 . Get all the ingredients ready and _Amix up them allBmix them all upCmix all them upDmix up it all3 . Youare suppose tobow when you meet someone from Korea.AmustBshouldCwouldDcan4 . His flight because there was something wrong with the plane. So he had to take the high-speed train from Shenzhen to Xiamen.Awas canceledBcanceledCis canceledDcancels5 . Why dont you join in _ discussion and tell _ about the latest film Green Book?Aours; usBours; oursCour; usDour; ours6 . When Anna heard someone call her name, she stood up and walked _ the door.AfromBtowardsCaroundDagainst7 . -Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?-Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.AwhomBwhichCwhoDwhose8 . _ are you graduating from the school? In several monthsAHow soonBWhat timeCHow oftenDHow long9 . Look! The boy _football there.AplayBplaysCis playingDto play10 . - Why doesnt Jim like Chinese? - _ABecause its boring.BSo its relaxing.CSo its difficult.DBecause its interesting.11 . Im _ in collecting stamps at all.AinterestedBinterestingCnot interestingDnot interested12 . -Could you tell me _?-Last week.Ahow he left for New YorkBwhen did he leave for New YorkCwhen he has left for New YorkDwhen he left for New York二、完型填空Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US president Bill Clinton, says she has known since primary school that you are never too _ to make a difference. Now she is sharing that message in her new book, for kids aged 10 to 14: Its Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going!In the book, Clinton mainly talks about the biggest problems the world is facing today, including poverty(贫穷), homelessness, education and the need to protect the environment. She shares inspiring(鼓舞人心的)stories of _who are working to make the world a better place. “I hope that kids will try to start making a difference in the world,” Clinton says. “Some of the things you can _ dont take any money at all, like helping your schools start recycling programs.”Growing up in the White House, Clinton had the opportunity to meet kids in other countries. _ she has a daughter of her own Charlotte, Clinton says she cares more deeply about problems than ever before. “When I think about the world that Charlotte will grow up in, I take _ responsibility to help solve some of the problems that I care about, so that the world is a safer, more equal place for _ generation.”Clinton will be visiting schools and bookstores to talk about her book. The money from the book will go to charities that focus on the problems discussed in the book.13 . AoldByoungCstrongDweak14 . Akids and teensBcollege studentsCteachersDparents15 . AmakeBseeCdiscussDdo16 . AAlthoughBNow thatCIfDAfter17 . AlessBthe leastCmoreDthe most18 . AmyBherChisDour“Hi,John!” Mary ran towards me with a bright smile, saying, “Im going to have a dance performance tonight. I hope youll come. Here is the ticket. Dont forget!” Then she _ in a hurry.“What? Dance? Is that _?” I asked myself. Mary was not such kind of girl. She was quite a _ one. I had never seen her wearing colorful clothes. In fact,she really did not know _ to dress up. What a terrible thing!“I should go there, and I must go there,” I thought.I arrived at the hall with the ticket, found my _ and sat down. Her performance was the seventh one. I knew I would have a _ time before her turn, for I had no sense of art._ her performance was worth watching, no matter how long I would wait.Time went _.I tried my best not to fall asleep.Just then, came the _,“Lets welcome the next exciting danceLatin!”Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible, hoping not to _anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared. She _ with a sweet smile, looking like a pretty butterfly flyingI could _ believe my eyes.After the performance ended, I _ her at the gate.“Hi!”She stood in front of me with her crystal(水晶)shoes.“_ do you feel?”“Fantastic!” I answered.“Ha,ha.” She could not hide her excitement, laughing _ a child.At that time, I realized that every girl had a pair of special shoes which were like the crystal shoes of Cinderella(灰姑娘).19 . AcameBjumpedCleftDmoved20 . ApossibleBluckyCfunnyDsimple21 . AmodernBcommonCperfectDcareful22 . AwhyBwhereCwhenDhow23 . AseatBroomCgateDway24 . AgreatBshortChardDrelaxing25 . AOrBSoCButDAnd26 . AquicklyBslowlyCsafelyDeasily27 . AwordsBsentencesCsoundsDnoise28 . AhearBloseClookDsee29 . AwalkedBskated,CdancedDstood30 . AseriouslyBhardlyCnearlyDcertainly31 . Awaited forBlooked forCpaid forDcared for32 . AWhenBHowCWhyDWhat33 . AasBlikeCforDat三、阅读单选People mountain people sea? Yes, this means too many people at a place. This is a photo taken in Shenzhen.Shenzhens fast development has made in become Chinas most crowded city! There are about 15 million people living on its 1,991 square kilometers. On average(平均)7.500 people live on each square kilometer. It is 1,080 more than that in Hong Kong, and nearly 800 more than that in Guangzhou.Besides, Shenzhen owns 2 million local vehicles(车辆), and about 300,000 vehicles from other places also run on the local roads every day. The total length of the citys road is 6,041 kilometres. It means each person only owns 0.58 metres of road!As a result, the city is facing serious environmental and resource(资源)problems. One of the problem is water shortage. The amount of fresh water for each person of the city is only 25% of the countrys average. Whats more, most of the water drunk by Shenzhen people comes from other areas.34 . According to the passage, which of the following makes Shenzhen so crowded?AShenzhen doesnt have enough water.BThere are too many people.CShenzhen is developing very fast.DShenzhen is too small.35 . There are aboutpeople living in Shenzhen.A1,991B15,000,000C150,000D300,00036 . In Hong Kong, there arepeople on every square kilometre.A7,500B1.080C800D6,42037 . Which problem in Shenzhen is not mentioned in the passage?ATraffic accidents.BWater shortage.CEnvironmental problems.DRoad problems.38 . Which is the best title for this passage?ALargest Population in ChinaBBiggest Problem in ShenzhenCBusiest Roads in ShenzhenDMost Crowded City in ChinaOnce upon a time, there was a family with 18 children living in a village. Two of the children, both boys, loved painting very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send both of them to study at art school at the same time.After many discussions, the two boys finally worked out a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go down into the mines(煤矿) and, with his money, pay for his brothers college tuition(学费).Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, he would pay Tor the other brother to study at the college.One of the brothers, Albrecht Durer, won the toss and his brother Jack went down into the mines. Durer worked with all his heart and his paintings were much better than those of most of his teachers. He was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.Durer returned. When he told Jack he could go to art college, Jack said softly: The four years in the mines have done too much to my hands. It is too late. Now I cant even hold a glass.To show his great love and respect for his brother, Durer drew his brothers hands with palms(手掌)together and thin fingers towards the sky. He called his drawing The Praying Hands, which became very famous years later.The next time you see a copy of that touching work, take a second look. Let it be your reminder: No one can ever succeed alone!39 . According to the two brothers discussion .Athey let the coin decide who would go to college firstBthe winner would go to college with their familys helpCthe loser would go to the mines and earn money to pay for his own educationDthe winner would work in the mines after graduation in return for the losers support40 . Jack refused his brothers offer because .Ahe was too old to learn drawingBhe disliked holding a glassChe suffered an accidentDhis hands were out of shape as a result of his work41 . What does the underlined word Praying in Paragraph 5 mean?A紧握着的B祈祷着的C张开着的D伸着的42 . According to the passage, how many children of the family went to the art college?AOne.BTwo.CZero.DEighteen.43 . The story is mainly about .Ahow a talented artist became famousBhow a young man lost his talentChow success is possible only with the help of othersDhow a famous painting came outIt seems more and more Americans want schools to teach foreign languages to children younger than five years old.The most popular way to teach these young children another language is called immersion(沉浸式语言教学法)Children in immersion programs hear only the new language in the classroom.The children play games,sing songs and talk to one another in the new languages.Some experts(专家) say immersion programs are the most effective(有效的) way for young children to learn a language.But there can be a problem when children in the United States begin to learn another language at such an early age.Not many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language.Only seven of the fifty states require(要求) schools to teach a foreign language to students between the ages of six and twelve.Language experts say it is easier for younger children to learn a language.Still,American schools generally do not begin to teach foreign languages until secondary schools.By then,students are about thirteen years old.American schools face difficult choices about the cost of educational programs.The government has increased support for foreign language study in its education law called No Child Left Behind.At the college,the Modern Language Association says more students than ever are studying foreign languages and more languages are being studied now than in the past.Spanish is the most widely(广泛地) taught in American colleges and universities.French,German,Chinese and Italian are also popular.44 . The most popular way to teach the American children another language is called _.A. listening B. speaking C. immersion45 . Where is Spanish the most widely taught?A. In American colleges and universities.B. In American secondary schools.C. In American high schools.46 . Students in immersion programs can do the following things except _.A. talking to one another in the new languageB. hearing their native languageC. singing songs in the new language47 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The government doesnt support this program.B. All schools will take part in the immersion program.C. Not many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language.48 . What is the passage mainly about?A. Foreign language teaching in America.B. Foreign language teaching ways in America.C. Foreign language teaching in American universities.There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up from under the ground. It is a large island in the Pacific. The island is North Island, in New Zealand.The planet on which we live is a ball of very hot rock. It is a good thing for us that the outside shell is cold. If it were not, no one could live here. What if our earth were only as big as an egg ?Then the outside part would be as thin.as the eggs shell.The earths shell has cracks( 裂缝) in it in some places. In New Zealand this shell seems to have more cracks than in other places on the earth. There are places where the ground is so hot that it burns the bottom of your shoes. In some places, hot water shoots into the air from time to time. In other places, you can see steam coming up from pools of hot water.The people who live in these places make use of the heat that comes from inside the earth. Some of them cook in the hot pools. They put food into a basket and place it in the water. Washing clothes is done in the same way.Many people bring the hot water from below the earth into their homes. They do this by putting a pipe a hundred feet or more into the ground. In this way, they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating their homes.For most of us, the heat under our feet is too far away to use. We must make our heat by burning coal, oil or gas. The people who get heat. from inside the earth are lucky. It doesnt take money to buy for coal, oil or gas.49 . The best title for the passage is .AMake use of hot waterBHeat under Your FeetCCoal, Oil and HeatDStrange Hot Water and Steam50 . The earth is a ball of .Ahot rockBhot waterCcold rockDhot steam51 . New Zealand has heat coming from the ground .AeverywhereBat any point you standCwhich shoots peoples shoesDin many places52 . The people cook and wash clothes with the heat from for free.ACoalBthe fireChot rock undergroundDthe sun53 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AEveryone can easily feel the heat under his or her feet.BAll the people on earth are so lucky that they can use the heat without paying money.CPeople bring the hot water from below the earth into their homes with a pipe.DMost of the people in New Zealand make their heat by burning coal, oil or gas.四、回答问题Roy is in the third grade, but he cannot read or write. He makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. He cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time. Sometimes, he hits the other children. Sometimes, he also hits his teacher.Roy has autism(孤独症). His brain cannot organize and manage information clearly. He does not understand the world or the people around him.The headmaster says that the other children lose too much learning time when Roy is in their classroom. She thinks Roy can get a better education at a special program nearby. There, teachers know how to take care of students with autism.But Roys parents do not want him to go there. In fact, a law was made in 1988. It says that students with disabilities can be in normal classes. This gives them the same chances for success as everyone else.His family used to live in Chicago. Roy went to normal classes there. Some special teachers helped Roy study. He was part of the school, his mother told reporters. He also learned to hold hands with some of the children in his class.54 . Which grade is Roy in?_55 . Does Roy behave well in class? _56 . What problem does Boy have? _57 . What was the headmasters suggestion? _58 . Where did Roys family use to live? _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、


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