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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中联考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (2017山东武城实验中学月考)My mother gave me a present box and I couldnt wait what was in it.Ato seeBseeingCseeDsaw2 . When_ to work as a doctor, Miss Hu?Three years ago.Ado you beginBwill you beginCare you beginningDdid you begin3 . When they were in trouble, we _ to help.Thats very kind of you.ArefusedBofferedCforgot4 . Ill always love youwhoever you are.Awho everBwhoCno matter who5 . Why does Tony _ eat sweet food?Because he thinks its bad for his teeth.AsometimesBusuallyCalwaysDnever6 . Lets _ volleyball this afternoon.Sorry,I want _ my uncle.Ato play;to meetBto play;meetingCplay;to meetDplay;meet7 . We have to put off_our sports meeting_ the bad weather.Ahold;becauseBhold;because ofCholding;becauseDholding;because of8 . Bill had little education so he had problems _ a good job.Ato findBfindingCfindDfound9 . He coughed all the night and it was so _ that I couldnt sleep well.AannoyingBinterestingCmovingDregretting10 . You look great red! This red coat is perfect you!Aon; inBin; onCin; inDon; on11 . Im . Can you give me something to drink?AhungryBangryCthirstyDtraditional12 . Im learning English on TV because Im going to _ Australian friends.AtakeBdoCgetDmake13 . Dont forget _ the pen _ him.Ato return, toBto return, forCreturning, toDreturning, for14 . The dish looks good, but when I eat it, it _very terrible.AtastesBsmellClookDsounds15 . Tom enjoy _ photos. He always goes out with their cameras.AtakeBtookCto takeDtaking16 . Wed better_ what we should do today till tomorrow.AleaveBto leaveCnot to leaveDnot leave17 . How do you say 300,165,008? _AThree hundred million, one hundred and sixty-five thousand and eightBThree hundred millions, one hundred and sixty-five thousand and eightCThree hundred millions, one hundred and sixty-five thousands and eightDThree hundred million, one hundred sixty-five thousand eight18 . You made _ same mistake again. You missed _ “l” here.- Oh, sorry. Ill correct it right now.Aa, theBthe, theCthe, aDthe, an19 . Its quite cold in the room. Id like _ to drink. I dont want to get a cold.Asome hot thingBhot somethingCsomething coldDsomething hot二、补全对话7选5十、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话A:Hi,Mark.I want to have a garden party.Can you help me with it?B:Sure,Andy.76.20 . A:How about tomorrow?B:It will be rainy tomorrow.If we have it tomorrow,we will get wet.A:OK.Lets have it on Friday.B:77.21 . Lets have it on the weekend.A:All right.Lets have it on Saturday afternoon.78.22 . B:Sounds good.And we can organize some party games.A:79.23 . B:Sure,I can do that.And you should prepare the food and drinks.A:80.24 . AWecanallmeetandhaveatalk.BThanksalot.CFridayisTonysbirthday.DNoproblem.ECanyoucometomyparty?FCanyouorganizethepartygames?GSowhenshallwehavetheparty?三、完型填空完形填空When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was_and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said, “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very_and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “Dont worry. Im just_” And my mother shouted at me, “If you do it_, Ill hit you.”One day I went swimming with my_in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning, I went swimming_, and I called out, “Help!” All my friends came to help me, only to_that I was joking. But the next time I wasnt joking. I was so_that I swam in deep water. I tried my best to call my friends for help, but this time nobody came to help me._, they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best_in my life. From then on, I havent joked on anyone.25 . AcookingBsleepingCwritingDrunning26 . AangryBworriedCsorryDexcited27 . AsmilingBsayingCplayingDjoking28 . AnowBthenCagainDonce29 . AfriendsBclassmatesCbrothersDparents30 . AfastBslowlyCwellDalone31 . AfindBunderstandCsayDthink32 . AcarefulBcarelessCfastDslow33 . AAt firstBIn the endCSince thenDAt that time34 . AtimeBsportClessonDday四、阅读单选Lily: Whose pen is that under the desk? Is it yours, Lucy?Lucy:Let me see. Oh, no, its not mine. Mine is black and this one is blue.Lily: Excuse me, Mary. Is this blue pen yours?Mary:Oh, yes. Its mine.Lily: Here you are. Put it in your pencil box, please.Mary:OK. Thank you very much.Lily: Youre welcome.35 . Whats under the desk?AA blue pen.BA pencil box.CA black pen.36 . Whose pen is it?AIts LucysBIts MarysCIts Lilys.37 . What colour is Lucys pen?ABlackBBlueCGreen.38 . Is Lucys pen the same(相同的)colour as Marys?AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt .CIts black.39 . Where is the pen at last(最后)?AUnder the desk.BOn the desk.CIn Marys pencil box.五、阅读判断We know health is very important to everyone. So we should try our best to keep in good health. To be healthy, we had better do the following things. Its necessary to have a good eating habit. We should eat breakfast, drink milk and enough water every day. We must always eat more vegetables and fruit. However, we had better eat less junk food, meat and fast food. Its also important to have a good sleeping habit. We must usually get up and go to bed early. Dont stay up late. You should sleep eight hours or more every night. Its a good way to relax and keep healthy by doing sports. Exercise makes us strong and fit. Its good for our body and mind.请根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。40 . To be healthy, we should drink milk and enough water every day.41 . To be healthy, we had better eat more fast food.42 . Its important to get up late.43 . We should sleep eight hours or more every night.44 . Doing sports is good for our body and mind.六、句型转换改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。45 . People will use robots more and more in the future life. (改为一般疑问句)_people _ robots more and more in the future life?46 . We have been friends since we were eight years old. (对划线部分提问)_ have you been friends?47 . “What do you think of Alipay?”Taylor asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)Taylor asked me_ I _of Alipay.48 . Many students like reading books better than playing computer games.(改写句子,句意不变)Many students _ reading books _ playing computer games.49 . The communication with his parents influenced him a lot.(改写句子,句意不变)He _ a lot by the communication with his parents.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节: 单词拼写根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完整形式(每空限填 一词)50 . In Hangzhou, which movie thas the biggest IMAX screen?51 . I can do it m. Dont worry. Its OK for me.52 . Some think the game . Pokemon Go is great, but others dont. Which side do you awith?53 . - How much hdo you need for this salad? -One spoon.54 . Be careful. Dont make this kind of cmistakes any more.55 . WMr. Wus help, we cant work it out so quickly.56 . The air pollution this year in Hangzhou is becoming bthan it was last year.57 . Amany people didnt believe Trump could win,he made it in the end.58 . Just speak q. Dad is sleeping in the next room .59 . The Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui first ain Rio 2016 and soon became a popular star.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。60 . To tell the _(true),I dont agree with you.61 . One of the most important _(event) in the modern Olympic Games is the Marathon race.62 . Compared with five years ago,our hometown has _ (complete) changed.63 . I remembered _ (see) him somewhere in Shanghai.64 . This present has the special _(mean) to all of us.九、完成句子65 . 从那时起,我们已经读了50本书。We have read 50 books _66 . 为了让他们在聚会上玩得愉快我们应该做点什么。We should do something to make them _ at the party.67 . 让我们一起来加入关于世界环境的讨论。Lets _ the discussion about the world environment.68 . 我们的老师病了,但她只休息了一天。Our teacher was ill , but she only _ one day _.69 . 他从未放弃过赢得比赛的梦想。He didnt ever _ his dream of winning the game .十、多任务混合问题Dear Mike,How are you? I have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. It begins at 6:30. It is at Uncle Pauls restaurant. First, we can eat and talk from 6:30 to 7:45. After that, we can go to a concert in Star Park near History Museum. Every Saturday night, there is a free (免费的) concert at 8:00. We can sing and dance there.You can meet my other friends, my cousins and my sisters at my birthday party. Would you like to come?Emily70 . What time does Emilys birthday party begin ?(根据短文内容回答问题)_71 . Where is the concert?(根据短文内容回答问题)_72 . Who can Mike meet at the party?(根据短文内容回答问题)_73 . I have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_74 . What does Emily want Mike to do?_十一、材料作文75 . 书面表达。Writing.校园英文杂志New Standard的主编邀请你为该杂志写一篇评论。请你就以下写作要点用英文陈述你的观点。(写作耍点)从该杂志可以了解校园发生的大事,如校园音乐会、英语节、篮球赛。学生经常为该杂志写文章,提高了写作能力。学生最喜爱Homework Help栏目(column),能够帮助解决学习上的问题。我提两点建议。_十二、其他76 . becauseAB:C Di:第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、句型转换1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、完成句子1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、

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