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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中考试(不含听力材料)英语试卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . Why didnt the man go to the party?AHe had to go to say good-bye to his friend at the airport.BHe had to go to have his phone repaired.CHe had to go to another city with his friend.2 . ABecause he is not allowed to get his ears pierced.BBecause he is not allowed to hang out at night.CBecause he is not allowed to have part-time jobs.3 . Who will the woman call to get the phone number?AMike.BJack.CMichelle.4 . AThe man worked lateBThe party didnt end last nightCThe man didnt sleep long二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . ABC6 . ABC7 . When will they hold the sports meeting?ABC8 . Whotooktheboytothehospital? AABBCC三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。9 . When are the visitors coming?AIn April.BIn May.CIn June.10 . Who will give a talk?APhilip.BMr. Goodman.COne of the visitors.11 . How long will the visit last?ATwo weeks.BThree days.CFive days.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。12 . Whats Mike doing now?AReading a book.BGo shopping.CWatching a movie.13 . How many time does he do that?AOnce.BTwice.CThree times.四、听短文回答问题请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。独白听两遍。14 . The photo is of .ALucys roomBDavids roomCDavids classroom15 . Lucys is on the English book.ApencilBpencil boxCring16 . Davids schoolbag is .AgreenBblueCyellow17 . Davids pencil box is .Aunder his deskBon his deskCon his chair18 . Davids are in his pencil box.Atwo pencils and three erasersBtwo pens and four erasersCthree pencils and two erasers五、单选题19 . Students are talking about their _future.ApossibleBpossiblyCperhapsDpossibility20 . This is Jenny._is a good girl._kite is black.AShe,SheBShe,HerCHer,Her21 . _ he is ill, _ he goes to school on time.AAlthough, butB/, althoughCAlthough, /22 . _ have some chicken. Good idea!AWould you likeBWhat aboutCWhy notDLets23 . _ is the TV? Its 2,000 yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow oldDHow big24 . 当你在上学路上遇到好朋友时,你会说_来与他(她)打招呼。AGood night.BHello!CThank you.DGoodbye.25 . Are these English books? Yes, _ are .AthisBtheseCitDthey26 . Id like something to read. Would you please pass me the _.AbookBrulerCpenDmeat27 . “Long time no see. _?” “Very well. Thanks a lot.”AHow old are you?BHow are you doing?CWhere have you been?DWhat are you doing?28 . Im 40kg. My father is 30kg heavier than me. He is _.A10kgB120kgC70kg29 . Is this toolbox Mr. Blacks?It was, but it is_ now. I bought it last week.AmyBmineChimDhis30 . - Hi, Tony. is my friend Jane.- Nice to meet you, Jane.AThisBThatCHeDShe31 . All the _ in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.Awomen teachersBmen teachersCwoman teachersDman teachers32 . _ apples are there in the bag? There are ten apples in the bag.AHow muchBHow oldCHowDHow many33 . Is this pencil?No, it isnt. Its.Ahim; meByour; hersChis; her34 . How about 3 dollars a Tshirt, madam?The price sounds . Ill take three.AcheapBfairClittleDconvenient35 . Good morning,Miss Gao. _,Li Ming.ANice to meet youBHelloCGoocl morning36 . Letsfixupa datefor the annualmeeting.AmendBacceptCSet37 . I cant find my eraser. -Ask the teacher _ help.AinBoffCforDon38 . The temperature can drop _zero when winter comes.AunderBbelowCatDover六、完型填空Dear Peter,Thanks for your letter and your photos. My name is Kipanik. The _ is from Eskimo(爱斯基摩语). It means the sunshine. I _ in Iqaluit. Its a _ town of about 200 people in Canada. Its _ now and it is -20 these _. There is _ on the ground and some _ on the river. My friends and I often play _ on the ice. You know, ice hockey is my favorite sport.My favorite animals are white _. I have three white mice at home. And I have a white one _ black ears, too. I like playing computer games. But very often I also use the computer to do my _, because Im a hard-working student, I want to be the best in my class. My favorite _ is chips.There are _ people in my family. They are my parents, my grandparents and my twin brother and I. We can all _ English, but we speak Inuktitut at home. My English teacher _ me with this letter.Please write to me about you and your life.Yours,Kipanik39 . AletterBnameCphotoDfriend40 . AliveBplayCeatDstudy41 . AbigBbeautifulColdDsmall42 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter43 . AyearsBdaysChoursDminutes44 . AwaterBleavesCrainDsnow45 . AsnowBiceCfishDbridge46 . AbasketballBsoccerChockeyDgames47 . AdogsBcatsCmiceDbirds48 . AinBtoCforDwith49 . AhomeworkBhouseworkCcookingDsports50 . AfoodBdrinkCgameDsubject51 . AfourBfiveCsixDseven52 . AsayBunderstandClearnDtalk53 . AwantsBthinksChelpsDwrites七、阅读单选Dear Sir,Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery(面包房) and asked for some loaves(块)of bread to sell. At that time I was twelve years old. A young lady was working that day. She gave me five loaves and wished me good luck.I took the loaves and went out to sell them. It took me all day, but I sold them all. At the end of the day, I had some money. I was the happiest boy in the world as I walked home that evening.The next day, I went to a bicycle shop. I paid a deposit(定金)on a new bicycle. And then I started my next jobas a newspaper deliver(递送)boy. Soon I could pay the rest of the money for the bicycle and the bike was mine. I was so proud!Today, I still work in the delivery business. I have a lot of trucks to send goods(货物)all over the country. I live in a beautiful house, but I dont ride a bicycle these days. I drive a large and nice car.I do not know who that young lady was. But because she gave me the start, I have become a successful man. Id like to show my thanks to her.Yours,George Jenkins54 . George Jenkins is _years old now.A30B12C42DWe dont know55 . Thirty years ago, the man went to a bakery and _.Aasked a young lady for some bread to sellBasked a young man for some bread to sellCasked a young lady for some bread to eatDasked a young lady for some money to buy a bicycle56 . What did the man do with the money made by selling bread?AHe went home to give it to his parents.BHe bought some newspapers to read.CHe paid the money as a deposit on a new bicycle.DHe bought some more bread.57 . Whats the mans job now? AHe still delivers newspapers by bicycle.BHe has become a successful man.C.He delivers goods all over the country by truck.CBoth B and C.EASTGATESYANGZHOURollerworld is a public skating rink(旱冰场)that welcomes everyone from beginners to experts.NOTICE under 12s must be taken care of by an adult(成人) small fee(费用) for adults watching children no dirty or dangerous skates dress must be neat no jackets, hats or open clothing to be worn no newspapers, books, magazines, games allowed in Roller Caf or Roller Bar no smoking except in Roller Bar and smoking room of Roller Caf over 18s only in Roller Bar“Roller skating fun for everyone”58 . From the poster(海报)we know Rollerworld can only be visited by people _.Awho can roller skate wellBwho are over eighteenCwho are neatly dressedDwho are learning how to roller skate59 . If a 10-year-old boy wants to skate in Rollerworld, his parent _.Ais allowed to watch him for freeBshould look after himCcan take him to the Roller BarDcan read while waiting in the Roller Bar60 . Where can people smoke?AIn any place in the Roller Caf.BAt the skating rink.CNowhere in Rollerworld.DIn the Roller Bar.61 . What is “ROLLERWORLD”?A club for skatingAA place for swimmingBA place for dancingCA place for playing computer games62 . The following which is right?AIts free for adults watching TVBAll people can go to Roller Bar.CYou can smoke anywhereDYour dress must be neat八、听短文填写表格你将听到一篇短文, 请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短文听两遍。63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _九、单词填空根据括号中所给的汉语提示,补全下面短文Its not necessary to 68 . (与相似)me. My best friend Larry is quite 69 . (与不同)me. Hes taller and 70 . (外向的)than me. Im shorter and quieter than him.71 . (然而),we both like sports.72 . (但是)he plays basketball better than me. Larry is very helpful. He often helps to 73 . (使表现出)the best in me,so Im getting better at study than him. 74 . (当然),he is less hardworking,so hes always worse than my study.75 . (也许)I should help him more.十、信息匹配阅读I栏内的五个人的相关信息,然后与栏中他们过去的职业匹配I栏76 . 1. Yang Di was born in a small townWhen he left school,he found a jobHis job was to send letters and newspapers.77 . 2. Mr Wang came to Beijing two weeks agoWhen he was in his home town,he worked in a restaurantBut he didnt like his job at all78 . 3. Some years ago,Lilys father was only a worker in a fuel stationHe worked very hardAnd now he owns(拥有)it79 . 4. When Tang Jun was very younghe liked to help othersAt the age of nineteen,he began to work in QingdaoHis duty was to be responsible(负责的)for the drivers80 . 5. My grandfather doesnt work nowWhen he was young,he was very nice but strict with his studentsAll the students liked maths very muchII栏十一、信息归纳任务型阅读Hello, I am George. I am a student of Class 1 Grade 7. I have a nice family. There are five people in my family. My father is a manager of a hotel. My mother is an English teacher in my school. My sister is Linda. She works in a hospital. She is a nurse. Peter is my brother. Whats his job? He is a policeman at the police station.阅读短文,完成表格。PeopleJobPlace(地点)George81 . Class 1 Grade 7MotherEnglish 82 . schoolFather83 . hotelSisternurse84 . Brother85 . police station十二、材料作文86 . 书面表达假设你是Tom, 请根据以下内容提示向你的笔友Jim介绍你的爸爸。1. 外表:高,瘦,黑色短头发,戴眼镜;2. 工作:医生,坐公交车上班。上班从不迟到。从早忙到晚,帮助很多病人,每个人都喜欢他;3. 爱好:打篮球,每个周末都和我一起打篮球;4. 你对他的评价:Dear Jim,I d like to tell you something about my dad. He is Best wishesYoursTom第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、八、听短文填写表格1、九、单词填空1、十、信息匹配1、十一、信息归纳1、十二、材料作文1、

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