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人教版2019-2020学年七年上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My father _ in a school. He _a teacher.Ais work, isBisnt work, isntCdoesnt work, doesnt beDdoesnt work, isnt2 . I _ the book to him if he _ here next Sunday.Awill give; will comeBwill give; comesCgive; will comeDgive; comes3 . They arrived _ Beijing on the evening of May 24.AatBinCon4 . Will there be more pollution in the future?_. So we must play a part in saving the earth.AYes, there willBNo, there wontCYes, there isDNo, there isnt5 . Mr. Green is an English teacher_ Mrs. Green is not.AandBbutCsoDbecause6 . -Excuse me. Does this teacher teachMaths? -No.is over there under the tree.Atheir; TheirBtheirs; TheirCthem; TheirsDthem; Their7 . Today is my mothers _ birthday. I buy some flowers to thank her.AfortyBfourteenCfourteenthDfortieth8 . I have _ new friend. She is from _Nanjing.Aa, theBan, aCthe, theDa, /9 . Liu Ping cant play basketball. I cant play basketball, _. AalsoBtwoCeitherDtoo10 . Chongqing has more people than in Jiangsu and in China.Aany city; any cityBany city; any other cityCany other city; the other citiesDany other city; any city二、补全短文5选4第三节语篇补全My parents are very busy on workdays. 11 . First, we make a shopping list before we leave. I want some books and my father wants some new CDs to listen to. Mother says she needs a new dress for a party. 12 . .We get to the shopping mall at about 2 oclock. We buy some CDs and books first. Then we go to the clothes shop. There are too many dresses and my mother cant decide which one to choose. One hour later, she is still trying on dresses one by one. 13 . .so we go to a coffee shop to have a rest. Its time for dinner, but my mother doesnt come to the coffee shop.14 . She says all the dresses arent fit to wear at the party.AWe also plan to watch a movie if we have enough timeBFather and I get very tiredCWe are going shopping this Saturday afternoonDThen at 6:30, my mother comes to meet us with no clothes in her handsESo father and I want to watch a movie三、完型填空I am a boy. My name is Tom Green. I can sing and dance, but I _ play the guitar. My sister Cindy can sing, _. She can also play _ piano. She wants to join the music club. But I want to join the _ club. I like to play soccer and volleyball. I often play soccer _ my classmates after school. It is Tuesday today. I am very busy on Tuesday. At 8:00 I have math. Its difficult and boring. But my math teacher says its useful, Then at 9:00 I have English. I like English because its fun and _. I love my English teacher. He is great fun. I have four classes in the morning and _ in the afternoon. I have lunch _ 12:00. After lunch. I have P. E and art in the afternoon. My classes finish at 3:00 pm._ about you? When do your classes begin? What is your favorite subject? Can you _ English well? I think I can help you with it.15 . AcanBcantCdontDdoesnt16 . AtooBalsoCandDor17 . A/BaCanDthe18 . AmusicBswimmingCsportsDart19 . AwithBtoCforDin20 . AboringBdifficultCrelaxingDfree21 . AfourBthreeCtwoDone22 . AforBtoCfromDat23 . AWhyBWhatCWhenDWhere24 . AtellBtalkCspeakDto speak四、阅读单选On sale!Girls Purple TentIt has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down.There are small holes in the windows. These holes let the air in and keep the bugs out.Price: 30(66)For more interesting things-Tel: 768-3647.Peng Lai Chun Restaurant Yuxi RoadA Chinese restaurant.Delicious and great value!You can get a starter, a main course and a drink only for ¥18! Book early because it gets busy! Wednesday: Kids under 8 half price.Tel: 623-2972Bookshop assistantDickens BooksLincoln RoadMondayFriday, plus one Saturday per month 8 a. m.-4 p. m. 8 per hour Telephone 879-6634 and speak to the shop manager.John HunterSummer Fashion ShowGolden Shopping Plaza 2:00 P. M. SaturdayMens and womens swimwear and summer wear.See 26 pretty and cool models in the latest fashions.All clothing on sale after the show for under $60.For more information: goldenplazasina.com请根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。25 . What can we know about the tent?AIts pinkBIts for boysCIts easy to fit together and take down.26 . Why is it of great value to eat at Peng Lai Chun Restaurant?ABecause the food there is cheap and deliciousBBecause it is very busyCBecause all kids can eat at half price on Wednesdays there27 . If Susan wants to work as an assistant at Dickens Books, she _.Ashould call John Hunter at 768-3647Bcan earn at most 384 a weekCA and B28 . We cant _ in Golden Shopping Plaza.Abuy the clothing on sale for under $60 before the showBsee womens swimwear or summer wearCsee 26 pretty and cool models in the latest fashions29 . According to the information above, which of the following is NOT true?AThe assistant at Dickens Books has to work for 8 hours a dayBThe holes in the windows of the tent can let the air and bugs inCThe Summer Fashion Show starts at 2:00 in the afternoon on Saturday根据表格内容,选择正确答案。30 . On Sunday, the zoo opens at _.A10: 00 in the morningB8:00 in the morningC6:00 in the afternoonD8:00 in the afternoon31 . The zoo opens _ days a week.AoneBtwoCfiveDseven32 . If you are 13 years old. You want to go to the zoo, you should pay _.A$ 3B$ 6C$ 8Dfree33 . Kate is 12, and her little sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they should pay _.A$ 9B$ 6C$ 11D$ 334 . The zoo closes at _ on Wednesday.A10: 00 a.m.B8:00 a.m.C6:00 p.m.D8:00 p.m.At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. We may feel sorry if we lose an important game. We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives.How to keep the memory? Our English teacher, Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook. What is a yearbook? A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. Its usually made at the end of the year.Last December, we began to make our yearbook. First we chose the persons who had done something special, then some students interviewed(采访) them, some wrote down their stories, others took photos of them. Everyone in our class had something to do. Finally our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook.All of us put a lot of love into making the yearbook. It is so wonderful that not only the students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever.35 . We may feel _ if we lose an important game.AsorryBhappyCexcitedDinterested36 . Who has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook?AMiss Yang.BMiss Huang.CMr Wang.DMiss Wang.37 . A yearbook is made to _.Atake notesBkeep the memoryCdo our homeworkDremember English words38 . A yearbook is usually made _.Aat the beginning of the yearBat the middle of the termCafter the first exam in a termDat the end of the year39 . Finally _ helped us to put the things together.Aour parentsBour brothersCour teacherDour friendsOats(燕麦) are healthy food. Many families have them for breakfast. The following are the instructions(说明) of Golden Oats(金燕麦) from America. Cooking waysServings Golden OatsWater62 cups6 cups31 cups3 cups11/3 cup1 cupStove(炉子)Boil(煮沸)the water.Add Golden Oats to the water.bse3Cook for 5 minutes and stir occasionally.Remove from the heat.Microwave ovenPut Golden Oats and water in a bowl.Cook for 4 minutes.Stir and let stand 1 minute. Oat Snacks(点心)Oatmeal Cookies1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 cup butter1 cup flour1 egg1 spoon milk1/4 tablespoon salt1/2 cup Golden OatsOatmeal Apple Crisp1 apple1/3 cup butter2/3 cup brown sugar1/2 cup flour1/2 cup Golden Oats40 . To make six servings of oats, we need two cups of Golden Oats and _ cups of water.AtwoBthreeCfiveDsix41 . Both Oatmeal Cookies and Oatmeal Apple Crisp need _.AbutterBeggsCapplesDmilk42 . According to the instructions, we must _.Acook the oats before adding waterBcook the oats for at least 4 minutesCadd fruit to the oats when cooking themDchoose the microwave oven to cook the oats五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: Where are you going, Jack?B: 43 . .A: Which movie are you going to watch?B: The Lion King. 44 . ?A: Sorry, I dont like movies that make me think a lot.B:45 . ?A: Mmm I like movies that are relaxing, like Toy story 4. Do you like it?B:46 . . In fact I like all kinds of movies. Im a movie fan.A: Really? Ill ask you to watch a movie with me next time.B:47 . .六、回答问题根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Istillremember (记得) myfirst Englishclass.Itisveryinteresting.Theteachergoesintothe classroomwithasmile(微笑) onhisface. Atthebeginning, hemakesaself-introduction (自我介绍). AndhetellsusthathisEnglishnameisJohnSmith. Thenheasksallofustofind English namesforourselves (我们自己).Weareveryhappytofindagoodname.Then heasksustowrite ournamesdownonournotebooks.IthinkaboutmyEnglishnameforalongtime.ThenIcomeupwith(想出)a nicenameShirley.Allthestudentswritetheirnamesdown andgivetheir notebookstothe teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up (站立) at the same time.48 . How is the writers first English class?_49 . Whats the first name of the English teacher?_50 . What does the teacher ask the students to find?_51 . Where do the students write down their English names?_52 . Why do three girls stand up when the teacher calls “Shirley”?_七、英汉互译:整句66There is always something that we can never forget. And it can really change our life.67时间对我们很重要。 It organizes our everyday moments. However,before I received a watch from my father,Time never had any importance in my life. It changed my life and made me more responsible.I received this gift on a Sunday. 68I had to go to the airport at 9:00 am to pick up Uncle Jim and take him to my fathers house. However,I was late because I hung out with my friends. When went to the airport to meet my uncle, He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my fathers house.69我那天下午2:00到达我父亲的家。 Looking at my fathers face,I felt ashamed(羞愧的) at that moment. My father asked me to go next to him and he handed me this watch. He said, “You should be sorry for your actions. I think you should learn something from it,and this watch will be a reminder for you in your future life.” 70.The watch is very important to me, not because of its price,but because of the lesson that I learned from it.53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _57 . _八、材料作文58 . 假如你是Tony,请根据下列图表提供的信息,写一篇英语短文介绍自己和你的朋友Bob。First name: TonyLast name: WhitePhone number: 372-5273School: PEP Middle SchoolFirst name: BobLast name: SmithPhone number: 951-2766School: PEP Middle School提示:1.短文应包括上表中的全部内容(可适当发挥),条理清楚,行文连贯;2.词数不少于40,开头已给出,不计入总词数。My name is Tony White.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、回答问题1、七、英汉互译:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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