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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末学业水平质量调研英语试题(有听力)一、单选题1 . There are _ differences about giving gifts in different countries, so you should think twice before you send a present.AsameBcertainCcommonDpopular2 . Do you know _boy under the tree?-Of course. He is David, _ honest boy.Athe; anBa; anCthe ;aDan; the3 . 从ABCD四个选项中,找出其划线部分读音与所给音标读音相同的选项。_/AthanksBthereCtwelfthDmonth4 . It takes _ 15 minutes to walk from the supermarket to the post office.AtheirBtheyCtheirsDthem5 . I want to invite you and your father _ to my dinner partyAwill comeBcomeCto comeDcomes6 . -Helen, would you please speak slowly? I cant catch up with you.-You _ down very word, just the key words.Aneednt to writeBdont need writeCneednt writing Ddont need to write7 . His name was/mennd/several times at the meeting.AmentionBmentionedCmentiontDmentioning8 . Be_TheiceisthinYoumustskate_Acare;carefullyBcareful;carefullyCcarefully;carefullyDcareful;careful9 . do you spell the word mother ? M-O-T-H-E-R.AHowBWhatCWho10 . _ your teacher _ happy today?AIs; lookingBDoes; lookCAre; lookDDoes; look at11 . The train is starting_five minutes.AinBatCforDstill12 . Which liaison(连读) is RIGHT?AThese are her_brothers.BAre_they on the desk?CCan you play_games with us?DCome_on, Jack.13 . _, sir? Id like to buy a gift for my friend.ACan you help meBWhat can I do for youCHow are youDWhat day is it today14 . your sister have a computer?Sorry, I dont think she has .ADoes; oneBDo; itCDo; oneDDoes; it15 . The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.Awas feltBis feltCfeltDfeels二、补全短文6选5A: Hello! Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I want to order (预定) a cake for my mothers birthday.A: Your mothers birthday? 16 . B: Forty-five.A: What kind (种类) of cakes do you want?B: 17 . A: What about this one?B: It looks nice. How much is it?A: Eight dollars.B: Great! Ill take it.A: 18 . B: Its September 14th.A: OK. Whats your name?B: Jane Smith.A: 19 . B: Its 235-7809.A: OK. 20 . B: Thank you!A: Youre welcome.根据对话内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使对话内容通顺完整。AAnd whats your telephone number?BI want a big one.CHow old is your mother?DWhen is you mothers birthday? EHowdoyouspellit?FPlease take it at four in the afternoon.三、阅读单选My name is Bob.Today let me tell you something about my family.My grandfathers name is Dave Brown. And my grandmothers name is Anna Hand.They are very kind.My father is a tall man. His name is Frank. He looks cool. My mother is a beautiful woman.Her name is Alice. She has a yellow ring.I have an uncle. He is my fathers brother. His name is Paul. My aunt is a nice woman. Her family name is Smith.And their daughter is my cousin.Her name is Mona Brown.21 . Anna Hand is Franks.AmotherBgrandmotherCauntDdaughter22 . Bobs father is.AFrank BrownBPaul BrownCDave BrownDAlice Brown23 . Bobs mother has a yellow.AmapBringCkeyDpen24 . Mona Brown is Bobs.AauntBgirlCmotherDcousin25 . There arepeople(人) in Bobs family.AnineBeightCsevenDsixThe label(标签), Made in China, is one that is becoming increasing common in shopping centers all over the world.In the United States, shoppers at Wal-mart, the nations largest retailer(零售商), have a wide selection(选择) of products mostly produced in China. The large amount of Chinese imports(进口) have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China. These goods are even widely available(可获得的) in other Asian nations, where Chinese-made goods are quite popular. Chinese brand names are also becoming more well-known outside China.When Chinese Americans visit family and friends in their homeland, gifts from the U.S. are a must. But TVs and fashionable clothes arent rare(稀少的) any more, and anything Made in China shouldnt be considered in any case(无论如何).“When I decide to visit my family members in China. I will have a big headache. What should I buy for them? They may not all speak English, but everyone in China knows those three words, “a Chinese American said.When they see the label Made in China, they will think, Why do you send me this?”The development of China has surprised the world with its growth. As a result, the other countries are beginning to try to reduce Chinese goods with the use of taxes(税)and import restrictions(限制). However, the development on the Chinese economy still affects the world in many ways.26 . Around the world, the products made in China are _ in the shopping malls.AunwelcomeBexpensiveCpopularDrare27 . What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “brand” in the second paragraph?A品牌B明星C生产地D树枝28 . Why do Chinese Americans usually have a headache if they come back to China?ABecause they should give their friends rare gifts.BBecause their Chinese friends can not speak English.CBecause they should give their friends fashionable gifts.DBecause their friends will be unhappy if the gifts are made in China.29 . How do other countries try to reduce the Chinese goods in their own countries?ABy importing more Chinese goods.BBy using taxes and import restrictions.CBy developing the qualities of their own products.DBy telling their shoppers not to buy Chinese goods.30 . From the passage, we can know that _.Aproducts made in China are more and more popular all over the world.BTVs and fashionable clothes are ideal gifts for Chinese people.Ceveryone in China can speak English.Dthe other governments dont welcome any Chinese goods.四、阅读判断Many of us have heard of a special school called Kentucky Avenue School. Its their duty to give the children the best of both traditional and progressive education. While the teachers in other schools teach the students in the usual ways, most teachers here are allowed to choose to enrich the childrens challenging subjects with creative, hands-on projects.A visitor to the school might see, for example, that in language arts, the older children are talking about Hamlet while the younger children are writing a puppet play. In Spanish, students might be drawing family trees. In science, they are allowed to act out cell membranes(细胞膜)or test with magnets(磁铁). In music, they are allowed to learn a kind of jazz, play the guitar, or learn lyrics in sign language. In gym, they are allowed to take a class with dance music or play balls in the park. In current events, they might be filming an original news report.There are always so many interesting things going on at Kentucky Avenue School that adult visitors often shout, “I wish I could go to school here!”阅读短文,判断正(A)误(B)。31 . Kentucky Avenue Schools duty is to give the students traditional and progressive education.32 . At Kentucky Avenue School, students might film an original news report in Spanish.33 . Students might be taking a class with dance music in language arts.34 . The lessons of Kentucky Avenue School are all creative.35 . The passage mainly tells us what students are learning in Kentucky Avenue School.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)36 . The students promise to_ (helpful) them to protect the environment.37 . PM 2. 5 shows us how heavy the air_ (pollute) there is.38 . Samuel is going to share _ (he) food with Alice.39 . How many_ (uncle) do you have, Joe?40 . Joyce is always kind to us. She never gets _ (angrily).41 . Kittys father is visiting the U. S. A for the _ (two) time.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文选择方框内词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺,文章意思完整。每词用一次。Victor is seven years old and 42 . to school this fall(秋天). He studies hard and43 . to his teachers. He is polite(有礼貌的)and has some friends. They all like him. Its Sunday today. Victor, his sister Tina and his mother stay at home. His mother is 44 . some housework and hes watching TV and the girl is doing her homework. At eight thirty his father comes back with a bag of 45 . . The boy likes them very much and wants to eat some. His mother46 . him four and says, “Which one do you want, Victor?” “The biggest(最大的)one,Mum.”“What?” says his mother. “You should(应该)be polite and take the smallest one.”“Should I tell a lie(撒谎)just to be polite, Mum?” says Victor.七、单词填空根据所给的首字母填写单词。Hi, my n47 . is Li Dong. I a48 . a Chinese boy. Im tall. This is a p49 . of my two new friends. The boy is Tom. He is f50 . England. He is twelve. He is t51 . , too. L52 . at the girl. She is Nancy. She is American. She is small. We are a53 . classmates. This is our art room. It is small, b54 . we like it very much. There are some flowers in it. They are very n55 . . Our art teacher is a young man. We all l56 . him.八、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Tim was running for(竞选)grade president. He and his friend Zack were putting up coloured posters in the school garden. They wrote,TIM SHOULD WIN!A fifth grader walked by them and saw the poster in the library. He read the poster and asked,Why? Why should you win?and then walked awayTim had never thought about why before. He knew that he was popular in his grade and a lot of students would vote for himI suppose you should have some changes in the poster,Zack suggested,More break time? Hey, how about that new coffee machine in the boys changing room youre always talking about?At home, Tim and Zack made up new posters that said,VOTE TIM: New coffee machine in the boys changing room. Everyone will play soccer at lunch.The next day at school, some of Tims regular friends avoided him, especially the girls,Whats the matter with everyone?Tim puzzled while standing in the lunch line.Ill tell you whats wrong,said a small girl in line behind him.Almost no one likes your campaign promises(竞选承诺). The girls couldnt care less if youre going to get a coffee machine in the boys changing room. And, nobody wants to be told they have to play soccer at break, Some people like to play other games.Tim thought about what he could do. Tim and Zack decided to conduct a survey among the fourth graders and make a bar graph according to the result. Then they made up new campaign posters. The students were pleased with Tims promises on the posters. They started talking to him again, and the next week he won the election. Tim realized57 . Was Zack running for grade president?_58 . Where did the fifth grader see their poster?_59 . In which grade would Tim like to be grade president?_60 . How many times did they make up the posters?_61 . What did Tim and Zack do before making the last posters?_62 . After Tim won the election, what did Tim realize?_九、材料作文63 . 书面表达假设你校网站英语论坛的版主发出了”When I was a little child”为题的帖子,同学们纷纷回帖介绍自己的童年生活。请你也根据下面的提示,将你儿时的快乐与大家分享。提示:1.住在一个小村庄;2. 校园生活很有趣,有很多朋友,而且有许多好老师;3. 现就读于一所好中学,过得很快乐,并会一直热爱生活。要求:1. 用上所有提示内容,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;2. 60词左右。十、其他64 . He finishes his class.65 . Why does he like science?66 . I am afraid.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文6选51、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、其他1、

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