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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册第二模块综合提优测评卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I hear a new film is on these days. Shall I go to the cinema with Lucy and Lily?_Lucy _ Lily will go with you because one of them must be at home to help their father in the garden.AEither; norBEither; orCNeither; norDBoth; and2 . Some people enjoy _ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.Ato sendBsendCsendingDsent3 . How long is the bridge?ItsA300meterlongB300meters longC300 meters longD300 meter long4 . Cindy never eats the food that _ and often pours it away. But its really wastefull to do so.AstaysBkeepsCremainsDleaves5 . You should _ a hotel before you go on a trip.AorderBbookCparkDcost6 . How many students are there in the classroom?_.ANoneBNo oneCNeitherDAny7 . _ do most of the students in your school spend on their homework every day?About two hoursAHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow soon8 . My friend Mike told _ that _ wanted to take a trip to Chengdu on the weekend.Ame, hisBI, heCmyself, IDme, he9 . -When is the time to visit Japan ?-In April and May.I think.Not too cold and not too hot.AhottestBcoldestCshortestDbest10 . That bike is _?AheBhimChisDit二、补全对话7选5从AJ 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)ABut do you know how to realize them?BGood luck with your exam.CThats amazing. DIm sorry to hear that.ELets study hard from now on.FI havent decided, either.GYes, Id love to.A: You know today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but you dont know its also my birthday.B: 11 . .Happy birthday to you!A: Thank you. Ill have a birthday party tonight, would you like to come?B:12 . . Thank you for inviting me. I think it will be a surprise to all our friends.A: By the way, the high school entrance exam is coming, which school would you like to go to?B: Its hard to say now. If I get good grades, Id certainly go to No. 3 High School. And you?A:13 . .But I really expect to enter No. 9 High School, because I just live near this school.B: I hope our wishes come true.A:14 . .B: Lets work harder on our exams.A: Thats right.15 . .B: Thank you. The same to you!三、完型填空One morning I went to work by bus as usual. Beside me sat a middle-aged woman. She kept her head _ for a long time. It seemed that she was deep in thought. But I could see that she was very_. I wondered what she was thinking about,_I started to talk with her. When she lifted her head, I saw tears (眼泪) on her face although she tried to _them from running down her face.We talked for about 20 minutes and she gradually became_ . As we were leaving each other, she _ me for talking with her and asked me for my_.Several weeks later, I received a letter from the woman. In the letter, she said that that day she wanted to give up her dream because some bad things happened. She thought if God really_ her, he would send someone to help _. In her eyes, I was the person sent by God. She thanked me again for talking with her and encouraging her that day. I never imagined that a short _ would make such a big difference to a persons life.16 . AupBforwardCdownDback17 . AupsetBangryCexcitedDfunny18 . AifBbutCorDso19 . AfeelBstopCwatchDcatch20 . AnoisierBquieterCworseDbetter21 . AthankedBpaidCforgotDsurprised22 . AnumberBplanCopinionDaddress23 . Acared aboutBwaited forCagreed withDdepended on24 . AhimBherCusDthem25 . AletterBvisitCtalkDway四、阅读单选Do you have a headache? Take an aspirin or eat bird brainsDo you want beautiful skin? Use skin cream or eat pearlsIs your hair turning gray? Color your hair or eat black rice“Eat bird brains, pearls, and black rice?” some people ask“How strange!” But for many Chinese people, bird brains, pearls, and black rice are not strange things to eatInstead, they are good medicinesFood that people use for medicines is called medical(药用的) foodThe Chinese have eaten medicinal food and spices(香辛料)for centuriesGinger, for example, is a common spice in Chinese cookingGinger gives food a nice flavorThe Chinese began to use ginger many years agoThey used ginger not because it tasted goodThey used ginger because it was medicinalGinger, they thought, was good for the digestionIt also helped people who had coldsPepper and garlic, too, were probably medicines a long time agoSome people dont believe that food and spices are good medicinesThey want to buy their medicine in drugstores, not in supermarketsOther people want to try medicinal foodThey say, “Maybe medicinal food cant help meBut it cant hurt me, either”People can try medicinal food at a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco, CaliforniaThe restaurant serves medicinal foodThe menus at the restaurant have a list of dinnersNext to each dinner there is information about the foodThe information helps people order “Queens Secret,” for example, is one dinner at the restaurantThis dinner has meat from chickens with black feathersIt is for women who want to look young26 . All of the followings are common spices in Chinese cook in EXCEPTAgingerBpepperCgarlicDpearls27 . What do you know about medicinal food?AThe Chinese have eaten medicinal food for a long timeBMany Chinese believe medicinal food tastes goodCMedicinal food may be bad for your healthDMedicinal food is served all over the world28 . Why did the Chinese begin to use ginger many years ago?ABecause it gave food different flavorsBBecause it made food more deliciousCBecause it was good for peoples healthDBecause it made people feel cold29 . Which answer to the following questions can be found out from the passage?AWhen did the Chinese start to eat bird brains?BWhy do women like “Queens Secret”?CWhat is the advantage of using pepper?DHow do Chinese people stop a toothache?30 . What can we infer (推测) according to the passage?AMore foreigners will learn more about medicinal foodBAll the Chinese will believe black rice stops hair turning grayCGinger will be more and more popular in ChinaDMedicinal food will be sold in drugstores and supermarketsNowadays, we use digital devices in many ways, such as waking us up in the morning, listening to music, communicating with friends and so on. But studies have found that overuse of electronics can affect our sleep, our study and work.To help people take a break from their always-on lifestyles, America set the National Day of Unplugging in 2010 to encourage people to put away their electronics for 24 hours, which is on the second Friday of March every year.Without any doubt, many people find that the unplugged day seems longer than a typical day. “Without my phone, my breakfast was too short and I did not know what to do next,” one participant of last years unplugging experiment wrote. Another shared his grief at not being able to look at his phone during bus and train rides, calling the day”the longest time of my life”.But others see the experiment as a way to experience what life was like before the rise of electronics. “My friend and I has dinner in the evening, and we both discussed about how much more present we felthow we could hear what each other was saying,” one participant wrote.Although living without electronics seems impossible in todays world, unplugging from time to time allows people to slow down and reflect on life. “At the end of the day, I was missing neither social media nor having a digital connection,” one participant noted. “I note. “I was happy for the opportunity to challenge my unhealthy daily habits, because this gave me the chance to discover a slower, clearer way of life.”31 . Using digital devices too often might .A. help us study betterB. keep us away from musicC. have an effect on our sleep, our study and work32 . The National Day of Unplugging was set to .A. encourage people to get rid of electronicsB. help people take a break from busy workC. to make people away from their electronics for a day33 . The underlined word “grief” means _.A. rudeness B. sadness C. happiness34 . Some participants of the experiment .A. thought that it was impossible for them to slow downB. didnt know what to eat for breakfast without phonesC. enjoyed hearing each other by discussing face to face35 . What is the best title for this passage?A. Get Back to Real Life.B. Unhealthy Daily HabitsC. The Digital Connection五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子36 . 2008年一些外国医生也来到汶川。Some_also came to Wenchuan in 2008.37 . 他妈妈不同意他的观点。His mother doesnt _ him.38 . 决定是一种承诺。A resolution is a _ promise.39 . 你喜欢做周计划吗?Do you like making a _?40 . 我们将怎样获得好成绩?_we going to get good grades?六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Night after night,she came to help me sleep,even long after my childhood years.I dont remember 41 . it first started making me a little angrymy moms hands pushing my hair that way.But it really made me42 . (comfortable),for they felt rough (粗糙的) against my young skin.43 . (final),one night,I shouted at her,“Dont do that any more.Your hands are too rough!” She didnt say anything,44 . she never did it again.Years later,I missed my mothers hands and her goodnight kiss on my face.Im not 45 . little girl any more.My mom is46 . her midseventies,and her rough hands are still doing 47 . (thing) for my family and me.Now my own children have grown up.It was late on Thanksgiving Eve.As I slept in my bedroom,a familiar hand ran across 48 . (I) face to push the hair from my head.Then a kiss,ever so softly,touched my brow (额头)49 . (take) my moms hand,I told her how sorry I was for that night I shouted at her.But my mom didnt know what I was talking about.She had forgotten it long ago.That night,I fell 50 . (sleep) with a new appreciation (感激) for my mothers caring hands.And the guilt (内疚) that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.七、回答问题阅读下面材料,然后根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。51 . Where and when did Amy last see her mobile phone?52 . What color is the mobile phone?53 . How can people know the phone is Amys?54 . Does Amy need her phone back right away?55 . How can Amy be contacted(联系)if the phone is found?八、材料作文56 . 上周一班会,老师组织你们班的同学就青少年应该看什么类型的电视节目进行了讨论。请根据提示内容,写一篇100词左右的班会总结。programmesreasons学生的观点看科学类节目1.学到许多自然、历史方面的知识2.开阔视野3.帮助我们.看新闻类节目1.了解世界上正在发生的事2.了解其他地方的真实生活的事件老师的观点少看电视剧1.长时间观看会伤害眼睛2.一些电视节目不适合学生看3.影响学生的成绩你的观点有计划安排,有节制地看电视.要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括提示中的所有信息,并按要求当发挥;3)词数:100 词左右;4)不得使用考生和老师的真实姓名等。Last Monday we had a class meeting to discuss what kinds of TV programmes we teenagers should watch._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、完成句子1、六、语法填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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