2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 课时练习(II)卷

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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 课时练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I think the song You Are My Destiny sung by Zhang Bichen sounds beautiful.I cant agree more. I think its well worth_ again and again.Alistening toBseeingCto listen toDto see2 . I dont speak French _ David.Aas good asBas better asCmore better thanDso well as3 . - Do you play_ping-pong?- Yes, its_.Aa; boringB/; interestingCthe; difficultD/; interested来4 . Although he is young, _ he can tell me _ his parents.Abut, aboutB/, aboutC/, on5 . The 119 passengers are Liu Chuanjian. Without him, they would probably have lost their lives.Ahard onBthankful toCfriendly toDresponsible for6 . Lily _ an e-mail to her parents after she arrived in Beijing.AcookedBlostCsentDreached7 . The _ boy lost his legs and is _to walk.Adisabled;disabledBdisabled;unableCunable;disabledDunable;unable8 . Now its my _. I cant miss it.AturnsBturnCorderDorders9 . Here _ some _.Aare, pencil boxBis, pencil-boxesCare, pencil-boxesDis, pencil box10 . My old neighbour Charles felt_ after his children moved outAlonelyBsafelyCangrilyDhappily二、补全对话7选5从方框中选出最佳选项完成对话,有两项是多余的。Maria:Did you like to eat candy in the past?Peter:Yes,I did.Maria:11 . Peter:No,I dont.12 . Maria:Me? I enjoy eating candy all the time. Also,I watched TV a lot before.Peter:So did 1. Did you spend much time playing computer games?Marla:Yes,I did.13 . I used to walk to school. How about you?Peter:I went to school by bus then. But now I like walking to school,too.14 . Marla:No,I ride a bike to school every day.15 . Peter:Of course I did.ADo you walk to school now?BDid you ride a bike when you were free?CDo you like eating candy now?DWhat did you do in your spare time?E But now I spend less time playing them.EI used to take exercise.FWhat about you?三、完型填空In many tests and exams, you will often have to speak English. Lots of students think that the only important thing for speaking is not to make any mistakes, but this is not true! You are tested on your ability to communicate successfully, so fluency(流利) is a very important part of _. Here are some ways to help you speak fluently:Keep calm and give yourself time to think.Think about the message you want to send to the other person, not only about the grammar you are using. Its_to make mistakes, so dont panic(惊慌).If you cant remember how to say a word in English, dont stop! Try to explain the word if you can. For example, if you cant remember the word “kitchen”, say “The room in the house where I cook.”Its OK to pause( 暂停) or stop if you need to think about how to say something. But try not to pause too many times or_too long.When you answer a question, try not to give too many _answers. For example, if the other person asks, “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” dont _say, “Yes” or “No”. Say, for example,“Yes,I have a sister and shes 12, and a brother. He is 11.”All in all, _fluently is quite important when we communicate with others. By following the above advice, you may find your speaking improves.16 . ApronunciationBinformationCcommunicationDtradition17 . AstrangeBfairCcomfortableDnormal18 . AforBofCinDon19 . AlongBshortCrightDwrong20 . AeverBneverCevenDjust21 . AreadingBwritingCspeakingDlistening四、阅读单选One day a lonely girl found two weak birds while she was walking in the woods(树林).She took them home and put them in a small cage. She fed them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl loved them very much and wanted their singing to last forever.One day the girl left the cages door open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as it circled(盘旋) high above her. She was afraid that it would fly away and she would never see it again. So when it flew close, she grasped(抓) at it wildly. She was very happy that she held it tightly within her hand! Suddenly, she felt something had happened to the bird. She opened her hand and was surprised to find the bird was dead. Her love for the bird killed it.She noticed the other bird jumping in the cage. She could feel that it wanted to be free. It hoped to fly into the clear, blue sky. She lifted(举起) it from the cage and flew it into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three timesWhen the bird was flying happily in the sky, she was so glad. Just then the bird flew closer and sat softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.The fastest way to lose love is to hold it tight; the best way to keep love is to let it fly!22 . The girl loved the two birds very much because _.Athey greeted her every morningBthey were hungry but very strongCthey liked staying in the cage quietlyDthey didnt eat much food23 . One day the girl forgot to close the door to the cage and _ of the two birds flew out of the cage.Athe sickBthe femaleCthe larger and strongerDthe white and blue24 . The girl held the bird rightly in her hand because she was afraid that _.Ait would be killedBit was feeling coldCthe other bird felt lonelyDit would fly away25 . The girl felt that the other bird _ when it was jumping in the cage.Awanted to see what happenedBwanted to be freeCwanted to sing a beautiful song againDwanted to eat something26 . What does the story want to tell us?AWe should protect the endangered birds.BThe cage is used to keep birds.CThe birds are easily killed.DTo keep love is to let it fly.五、句型转换同义句转换27 . It is not possible to clean up the river in two days_ to clean up the river in two days28 . It is full of hope for the team to win the matchIt _ for the team to win the match29 . You know the paper can be used againYou know the paper can _30 . We all hope that the project will be a successWe all hope that the project will _31 . Drinking polluted water is not healthyDrinking polluted water _六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)32 . The two thieves were caught by the police because they stole something v_ from my uncles house last Sunday.33 . This is my a_ so that you can find me in the new house easily.34 . Where did you put your umbrella? I l_ it outside the door.35 . Yesterday he had a bad toothache and he r_ not listening to mom and ate that ice-cream.36 . While he is thinking, he doesnt like anyone b_him. Lets leave him alone.37 . Alipay is w_ used in peoples everyday life in China now.38 . Computers were a wonderful i_ in the 1920s though they were very huge at that time.39 . A m_ is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.40 . This silk dress feels so s_. Its made in Suzhou.41 . One of the greatest mysteries is h_ it was built because the stones are so big and heavy.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。42 . The people there are _ (friend) to me.43 . Dont get close to the _ (danger) places.44 . Maria likes music very much. She thinks it is very _ (interest).45 . We can see all kinds of _ (camera) in the store.46 . They _ (decide) to go for a picnic yesterday.八、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子。答案必须填写在答题卡相应的横线上,每格限填一词。47 . 你还爱和其他什么人谈论足球比赛?_ do you like _ football matches?48 . 谢谢你带英雄们参观这座现代化的大楼!Thanks for _ the _ the _!49 . 你能帮我找出谁的礼物和米莉的不同吗?Can you help me _ whose gifts _ Millies?50 . 你觉得这件连衣裙怎么样?很漂亮,但我觉得野餐穿它不合适。What do you _ the dress? Its very pretty but I dont think it _ the picnic.九、用单词的正确形式完成短文从下面方框中选出10 个单词,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。Once upon a time, there were two very clever and talented boys. Their wonderful talents 51 . from an early age and they easily did better than everyone around. The boys knew they were special and hid inside 52 . a wish that, in the future, everyone would know how excellent they were.Each of them 53 . in a different way. The first man used his talent to have a good job and show everyone his ability. He took part in all kinds of competitions, visited all the important people and was great at making friends in high places. Even though he was young, no one doubted some day he would be 54 . in the world.The second boy, also 55 . his own abilities, never stopped feeling a heavy responsibility(责任). He would do almost any job better than 56 . around him would. This didnt leave him enough time to follow his own dream of greatness. He was always busy looking for ways to help others more. As a result, he was a much-loved and famous person, but only in his own small area.Unluckily, one day a great disaster(灾难) 57 . the land. The first young man never met anything like this. However, his smart ideas worked 58 . all over the land, and they improved the situation a little. But the second young man was very used to dealing with all kinds of problems and was 59 . in certain subjects. So the disaster hardly influenced the people in his area at all. Soon he became more famous than the first young man and was made the ruler of the land.The first man then understood that greatness is from the very things we do in life, from the influence we have on others and from the need to improve ourselves. From then on, whenever he travelled, he took a book along with him, so he would always be ready to offer a 60 . hand to all.十、多任务混合问题Do you often run outdoors to keep healthy? Have you ever thought about how running helps to clean up the earth? Sometimes a creative mind can bring us a win-win(双赢) situation.Plogging began in Sweden(瑞典). The name“plogging comes from two words -the Swedish(瑞典的) word plocka, which means“to pick up”, and the word jogging, which means“to run slowly. A Swedish man called Erik started the movement. He saw rubbish here and there when riding to work each day. He became worried about the dirty environment and decided not to go to work by bike any more. Then he began to run to work and pick up the rubbish.To his joy, more and more people followed him and soon the new way to exercise became popular.Many people choose plogging instead of just jogging because they think plogging is a good way to help clean up the earth. Sometimes rubbish is difficult to collect because it may scatter(散落) all around. But if the runners pick up the rubbish on the way, it is quite different. After all, many hands make light work.Another reason is that plogging burns more calories(卡路里). According to a research,plogging for 10 minutes burns 48 calories, while usual jogging for 10 minutes burns about 39 calories.Everyone on the earth should play a part in cleaning it up!是我们一起采取行动的时候了。So ready? Lets plog tomorrow!61 . What does plogging”mean?_62 . After Erik saw much rubbish, did he continue riding a bike to work?_63 . Why do people choose plogging?_64 . 将划线句子翻译为汉语。_65 . 将划线句子翻译为英语。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十、多任务混合问题1、

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