2020年(春秋版)人教版七年级英语 Unit1 复习试题(II)卷

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2020年(春秋版)人教版七年级英语 Unit1 复习试题(II)卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)人教版七年级英语 Unit1 复习试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Never give up, and I believe you will be successful. Thank you, Mum. 1 wont _ you _.Alet; downBkeep; offCcheer; up2 . My brother locked the door to _ somebody _ into our house.Astop;to getBstop;gettingCkeep;gettingDkeep;to get3 . Sam, _ your teeth before going to bed.Ais brushingBbrushesCbrushDhas brushed4 . -What do you think of these cars made in Japan?-Actually I prefer _ made in Germany even though they cost more.Athe onesBthatConesDthe those5 . 2018年上海徐汇二模To complete the project in time, the staff of the company kept _day and night.AworkBworkingCto workDworked6 . - Are you Jim Green?- .AYes, ImBNo, ImCYes, I amDNo, I am7 . Mum always tells me _on the road because its very dangerous.Anot to playBto playCplayDplaying8 . _? I can play the drums.AHow are youBWhat about youCWhere is the clubDWhat can you do9 . The artistall of her money to charitiesthe victims of Yaan.Agave off, to helpBgave up, helpingCgave away, to helpDgave, helping10 . The table manners are different _ ours.AofBforCfromDwith二、阅读单选Going to an exhibition can be a great activity. Here are some good exhibitions for families and children.11 . How many hours a day is Victoria Police Exhibition open?A5 hours.B6 hours.C7 hours.D12 hours.12 . Which exhibition isnt open on weekends?AVictoria Police ExhibitionBAncient Shang Dynasty ExhibitionCAncient Rome ExhibitionDNapoleon: Revolution to Empire Exhibition13 . Mark is interested in French culture. Which exhibition would he like to watch?AVictoria Police ExhibitionBNapoleon: Revolution to Empire ExhibitionCAncient Rome ExhibitionDAncient Shang Dynasty Exhibition14 . Eight-year-old Tom and his parents will go to Ancient Rome Exhibition this Thursday. How much should they pay?A$32B$62C$36D$5615 . Which statement is TRUE according the exhibitions information?AAll the exhibitions took place in foreign countries.BThese exhibitions are only for children and teachers.CAncient Rome Exhibition is free for adult and child.DAncient Shang Dynasty Exhibition tells people ancient Chinas culture and history.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、

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