人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试题 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend

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人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试题 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend_第1页
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人教新目标七年级英语下册单元测试题 Unit 12What did you do last weekend姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My mothers sister is my _.AgrandmotherBsisterCcousinDaunt2 . What? We can take buses with just a mobile phone? Yes. Buses in Zhengzhou began to _ Alipay or WeChat app.AshareBsaveCsearchDsupport3 . Firemen _ fires. They are always brave in the dangerous places.Aput outBpick upCfind outDput up4 . Battleship is _ film I have ever watched. I have never watched _ one.Athe most exciting;a more excitingBthe most excited;a more excitedCthe most exciting;the more excitingDthe most excited;the more excited5 . The young engineer was found by the river,but nobody knew when he .Adying; dieBdead; diedCdead; deathDdead; dead6 . (题文)Could I ask you questions?Yes, sure.AmuchBa littleCsomeDany7 . When _ the shop _ every day? From 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.Adoes, openBis, openCdoes, closeDis, opening8 . All the oil in the world will _ some day.Yeah. What shall we use at that time?Agive awayBput awayCrun outDpick out9 . Jim is watching a football match which is shown _on TV. Though he is not on the scene, he can still cheer for his team.AlivelyBliveClivingDalive10 . _ your brother at home last night?ADidBWasCIsDDoes11 . Is itto give so much detail? Can I just express in general?AdifficultBpersonalCfashionableDnecessary12 . Whos _ boy in red, do you know?Oh. Hes _ friend of Tom.Athe, aBan, theCa, theDthe, an13 . Your aunts son is your_.AbrotherBcousinCsisterDuncle14 . -I cant find my name on the list. Can I talk to your manager?-Sorry, butmy duty. Ill contact her secretary.Aits go up toBit goes awayCit beyondsDit goes beyond15 . Girls often talk _ beautiful clothes.AonBaboutCtoDat二、完型填空Its Sunday today.Therere many _ in the park.Some are walking.Some are_ tea.Others are watching flowers.Look!That is Lucy.Shes flying a kite(放风筝)with her _ Tom.The kite is high in the sky now.Their parents are sitting under the tree._ look very happy.Maybe they are talking about something _.Oh,dear!Look!Lucys _ is in a big tree now.Tom wants to climb up the _ and get it back.But his mother doesnt let _ do it.At the moment we can see their pet parrot(鹦鹉),Polly,is flying high.It gets the kite for Lucy.Lucy is very _ to get the kite back.She _ Polly a lot.16 . ApeopleBanimalsChousesDoffices17 . AbuyingBdrinkingCcookingDeating18 . AsisterBbrotherCmotherDfather19 . ASheBHeCTheyDWe20 . AinterestingBspecialCdeliciousDexpensive21 . AcoatBbagCcatDkite22 . AhouseBparkCflowerDtree23 . AhimBherCthemDus24 . AworriedBsadChappyDsurprised25 . AteachesBthanksChelpsDsaves三、阅读单选My cousin Bill likes going to the beach on Sunday. Last Sunday it was sunny; he went there with his brother. They got there at 9:00. There were lots of people there on vacation. Bill and his brother sat down and began to relax.Soon Bill found there were lots of empty (空的) water bottles on the beach. He also saw some paper bags on the beach. That made Bill sad. He and his brother began to work to clean the beach. They worked hard. About two hours later, the beach was clean again. At last they put up a sign, saying, No Littering (乱扔) on the beach. They wanted people to keep the beach clean. After that, they were very hungry. So they went to a restaurant nearby to have lunch. They had two large bowls of beef noodles there, and then went home.26 . Last Sunday the weather was _.ArainyBcloudyCsunnyDcold27 . Bill saw many _ on the beach.AmoneyBbottlesCbooksDsigns28 . Bill and his brother spent about _ cleaning the beach.Aone hourBtwo hoursCthree hoursDfour hours29 . The underlined phrase put up means _ in Chinese.A推荐B提供C提出D张贴30 . Which of the following is TURE?ABill is very lazy.BBill stayed on the beach all day.CThe restaurant is near the beach.DBills brother had a small bowl of noodles for lunch.Messages from ThailandMessage 1: March 24thHi everybody.Greetings from Thailand! We arrived here tired but excited. This is our first trip to Asia and the people here are so friendly. All the different sights and smells make us feel like trying the food. We are looking forward to eating Thai food for dinner tonight. The owners told us about some places that we shouldnt miss. We plan to stay here in Bangkok (曼谷) for a few days, and then travel to the north.Message 2: March 27thHi, everybody.Thailand is fantastic! The different Buddha status (佛像) are wonderful to look at. We visited Jatujak Market in Bangkok. Everything there was so colorful and we took lots of pictures. Later today we took the train to the north. Well stay in Chiang Mai (清迈) for four days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai (清莱). Were going to go hiking in the mountains.Message 3: April 4thHi, everybody.Now were in the old capital city of Bangkok. After hiking around the mountains, its nice to have accommodation with electricity (电) and a shower to have a good rest! Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and tiring. From there, we took a bus to a small village in the mountains, where we met some hill tribe (部落) people who live a simple life - no electricity or telephones. They are the kindest, friendliest people Ive ever met. Everyone smiles and says “hello”.Message 4: April 6thHi, everybody._ I would love to stay here longer, but were both ready for the beach. Tomorrow well take the train back to the south, and then were going to Phuket (普吉) Island. It has many beaches, and its famous for seashells. Thailand is an amazing country with so many different things - big modem cities and small traditional towns, mountains, forests and the seashores. Three weeks here isnt enough at all!31 . The word “accommodation” in Message 3 probably means _.Athe seaBa hotelCa villageDa restaurant32 . The writer didnt see _ according to the message.Athe seaBmountainsCBuddha StatusDsnow33 . Which of the following can be the missing part in Message 4?ABangkok is really a wonderful city with lots to see.BI am looking forward to coming to Thailand again.CHow I love the food in Chiang Mai!DChiang Rai is a small place with beautiful views.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇运用34 . Wed better_(分开,隔开)the waste into different groups so that it can be recycled.35 . He does everything _(满不在乎地,粗心地), he should pay attention to details.36 . Many people from different_(背景)provide support and help for the disabled.37 . UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, _(尤其)children around the world.38 . Are you interested in the hot _(课题)?39 . He seems much_(骄傲) after he wins the match.40 . The writer has_(翻译)many novels into English up to now.41 . Never leave the tap_(流动)after you wash your hands.42 . The three_(教练)are talking about the Special Olympics World Summer Games.43 . He often has face-to-face_(谈话)with his students.44 . Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national_(hero) of China45 . The Belt and Road Forum for Cooperation(带二路合作高峰论坛)is one of the most_(mean) events in the world.46 . Look! Some climbers are trying hard to pull_(they) up the rocks.47 . In 20l7 Taizhou ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup(泰州铁人三项亚州杯赛),the Chinese athlete Chen Lin finished_(two) who lost by 1 second to the Irish player Benjamin.48 . A large army of people walked out of the classroom_(noise) after watching the film Eternal Love三生三世十里桃花.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空49 . Jack, _ (not be) afraid. Come with me.50 . Many _ (visit) come and visit the Great Wall every year.51 . Jack is a kind person. He often help the old _ (cross) the road.52 . Walk along the path and you _ (see) a shop on your left.53 . I am looking forward to _ (meet) you in Beijing.六、语法填空阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词)。Hi, I am Lucy. It54 . (be) Sunday yesterday. I didnt have any classes. In the afternoon, I went to Uncle Wangs farm 55 . my cousin, Jill. She is in the same school56 . me,but we are in .different 57 . (class). Im in Class One,but shes in Class Three.On the farm,we 58 . (do) quite a lot of things. I 59 . (feed) some chickens and milked a cow. Jill would like 60 . (ride) a horse, but Uncle Wang stopped her. He said 61 . was dangerous to do that. Then I62 . (take) some photos of the farm animals and Jill picked some beautiful flowers. At about half past six, we got back home.I think our trip to the farm was very63 . (excite). Do you think so?七、填空How do you spend your weekends? Some people like to watch TV at home, but others like to go out for picnics. My friend Helen studies hard in her school on weekdays. On weekends she does many things. On Saturday morning, she often goes to the park by bike. In the afternoon she usually goes swimming with her friends. In the evening she often does her homework for a short time. On Sunday morning she often goes to visit her uncle in the countryside. Her uncle has a little farm there. Helen often helps her uncle on the farm. She comes back from her uncles home after lunch. Sometimes she goes to the movies with her mother on Sunday afternoon. She thinks she has a good time every weekend. How do you spend weekendsSome people like 64 . TV at home;Some people like going out for picnics.Saturday morningHelen often 65 . her bike to the parkSaturday afternoonHelen usually goes 66 . with her friendSunday morningHelen goes to her 67 . farm in the countrysideSunday afternoonHelen sometimes sees a 68 . with her mother八、材料作文69 . 某英语杂志社对部分中学生的周末活动做了问卷调查(结果如图),请你写一篇英语短文参加征文活动。内容包括:1. 简要描述调查结果。2. 谈一谈中学生应该如何度过一个有意义的周末(至少两条)。要求:1.词数:80-100。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。We did a survey about middle school students weekend activities. Here are the results. 第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、语法填空1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、

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