2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册Module 7 Unit 2 课时练习D卷

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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册Module 7 Unit 2 课时练习D卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级下册Module 7 Unit 2 课时练习D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (2017辽宁营口14)Why didnt you write down what the teacher said?Because she spoke _ fast _ I couldnt follow her.Atoo;toBvery;thatCenough;toDso;that2 . In summer, food will go bad quicklywe put it into a fridgeAafterBexpectedCwhileDunless3 . -Whats she doing _vacation?-Shes _Aon; go campingBfor; going campingCfor ; goes to campDunder; going camping4 . Happy birthday, Peter! Heres a giftyou.AforBinCwithDfrom5 . Why _ most stars _ in the daytime? Because the sun is too bright.Acant; seeBcant; be seenCwerent; seeDwerent; seen6 . He was _ tired _ he could not go on walkingAtoo ,toBsuch ,thatCso ,thatDtoo , that二、补全短文5选5第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。These days people are crazy about Wu Dajing. 7 . He broke his ownworld record in mens 500m short track speed skating(短道速滑)!8 . When he was young, he noticed two Chinese speed skaters on TV and then he decided to take up this sport. Wu smarted to learn to skate in 2004, and six years later he became a member of the national team.On February 22, 2018. Wu won the mens 500m short track speed skating with a time of 39.584 seconds and became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic short track gold. “9 . Im happy to win Chinas first gold here and I look forward to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics,” Wu said.10 . In fact, it is the first time Wu has shown his talent in skating.11 . He has won many medals at many world championships (锦标赛). Wu believes that as long as he works hard, he will succeed.AMany people think he is really the “pride of China”BI did my best in the event.CHe won second place in the same competition four years ago in SochiDThe young man won Chinas first gold at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games.E. Wu was born on July 24,1994 in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, China.三、完型填空A year ago,my friend and I went to a small town.We went there to_a wedding(婚礼).After the wedding, we waited _a bus to go back home.It was nine oclock in the evening and although many buses passed, -_stopped.We stood waiting for an hour and were getting _.We couldnt stay there all night_ we both needed to work the next day.It was almost 10 at night_ a family who went to the sane wedding passed by in their car.They found that we were waiting for a_they stopped and let us get into their car.I was so_ for their kindness.When we_our home-town, they dropped us at the nearest bus stop.Then we _a bus.On the way home, a_man in dirty clothes stopped the bus which we went on.The driver saw his clothes and asked him if he had any money.The poor man shook_ head and said “No”.When the driver _this, he refused(拒绝)to take him.I remember my _a few minutes earlier , and I told the driver to allow him to sit with us, and I would_for his ticket.It was a chance to pass on the familys kindness! That night, I went to sleep happily.12 . Alook forward toBmake upCtake part inDwrite about13 . AatBonCwithDfor14 . AnoneBothersCallDanother15 . AsurprisedBexcitedCtiredDsmart16 . AbutBbecauseCsoDalthough17 . AwhyBwhileCwhenDwhere18 . AcarBbusCtaxiDsubway19 . AnervousBthankfulCproudDsleepy20 . AvisitedBreachedCmissedDdiscovered21 . Agot onBgot offCfell offDcounted down22 . AriceBpoorCuglyDlovely23 . AherBitsChisDtheir24 . AtouchedBwatchedCheardDcaught25 . AexperienceBnewsCmessageDhobby26 . AcareBcryCwaitDpay四、阅读单选A robot is a machine. But it is not just any machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that moves. It follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer. Because it is a machine, it does not make mistakes. And it does not get tired. And it never complains. Unless you tell it to!Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For example, robots can help make cars. Some robots are used to explore dangerous places. For example, robots can help explore volcanoes. Some robots are used to clean things. These robots can help vacuum your house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to help answer telephone calls.Some robots look like humans. But most robots do not. Most robots just look like machines. Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2,000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots. The poets name was Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and they made things. But they were not real. They were imaginary. Nobody was able to make a real robot. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help make cars. It looked like a giant arm.In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we cant do. Or they will do things that we dont want to do. Or they will do things that are too dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight fires. They will help us fight wars. They will help us fight sickness. They will help us discover things.They will help make life better.27 . As used in paragraph 1, we can understand that something special is NOT .AnormalBexpensiveCperfectDtired28 . What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?ATo show how easy it is to make a robot.BTo tell what a robot is.CTo describe the things a robot can do.DTo explain the difference between a robot and a machine.29 . According to the passage, when was the first real robot made?A1961.B1900.C2003.D2000 years ago.30 . Using the information in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use of a robot?ATo help make a sandwich.BTo help tie shoes.CTo help read a book.DTo help explore Mars.31 . Which of these statements correctly summarizes how the author of this passage feels about robots?ARobots are old.BRobots are confusing.CRobots are helpful.DRobots are dangerous.五、句型转换IV. 句型转换。32 . I decide to make hotel reservations for my parents?(对划线部分提问)_ do you decide_ for your parents?33 . Id like a room for two people.(同上)_ room _ you _?34 . I bought the new house for more than ¥100,000.(同义句)The new house _ me _¥100,100.35 . Going by train is more comfortable than going by bus.(同义句)Going by bus is not _ going by train.36 . We dont have much money, so we should go fund raising.We should go fund raising, _ we have _ money.37 . Why dont we organize a show to raise money?_ organize a show to raise money?38 . I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer.I was _ tired _ go on further.39 . The book was so interesting that I read it again and again.It was _ interesting book _ I read it again and again.40 . The boy is too young to dress himself.The boy isnt _ to dress himself.六、填写适当的单词补全句子41 . He alwayshis friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his own.A、agrees withB、plays withC、deals with七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示写出英语单词。42 . Is that your key in the lost and f_box?43 . Do you have a b_?44 . She is our English t_.45 . He lost a s_of keys.46 . Is the English-Chinese d_yours?八、完成句子.根据汉语完成句子47 . 你知道中国有多少人口吗?Do you know what _China is?48 . 大约三分之二的学生认为学好英语是必要的。About _the students think it is necessary to learn English well.49 . 他的爸爸收集许多种类型的邮票。His father collects _stamps.50 . 英语将会继续重要吗?Will English _be important?九、单词填空根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词People and animals live in the s51 . world. We should keep the balance (平衡) b52 . people and animals. If the balance is destroyed (破坏), there w53 . be bad result to both people and animals. Wild animals are friendly, they are f54 . of people. We have to p55 . them, or there will be no wild animals in the future. There is a black and white animal l56 . in China. It is always known as the national treasure of China. Everyone knows it is called Giant panda. Now there are f57 . pandas than before. Most of them live in Sichuan and Gansu Provinces. There are also some other rare animals in China. H58 . , the n59 . is becoming smaller and smaller than before. So people should do their best to help these animals. They are in d60 . of disappearing from the world.十、材料作文61 . 书面表达假设你是David, 请你根据以下提示,介绍自己的学校。提示:1)在阳光中学上学,学校大,很漂亮;2)有十八个教室,一个图书馆,两个阅览室,四个电脑房,操场在教室的前面,我经常在那里打篮球;3)英语是我的最爱,它是有趣的;有许多课外活动,我参加了阅读俱乐部;读书可以帮助我对世界多了解。4)老师们很友好,我们非常喜欢他们;5)我家离学校远,每天骑自行车上学,到校大约花费二十分钟。要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计数);4)不得使用真实姓名和校名等。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、完成句子1、九、单词填空1、十、材料作文1、


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