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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一What do you think of the environment in your hometown?一Its . Both the air and the water are badly polluted.Anot badBas good as beforeCnot so good as beforeDmuch better than before2 . Its very kindpictures for me .Aof you to drawBfor you to draw Cfor you drawingDof you drawing3 . If it _ tomorrow, well go to the Great Wall.Adoesnt rainBwont rainCnot rainsDisnt rain4 . As it was getting dark,_of us decided to go back home.AanybodyBseveralCevery5 . If you feel _, you feel unhappy because you are alone or have no friends.AangryBworriedClonely6 . Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?Yeah. _ we had !AHow a funBWhat funCWhat a funDHow fun7 . Dont always fix your eyes on the screen, Ted. Its bad for your eyes.Oh, I know.Astare atBlook afterCthink about8 . Linda,breakfastisready.Idontwanttoeat_.Imnotfeelingwell.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything9 . I alwaysto school. But my brotherhis bike to school every day.Awalk; rideBwalks; ridesCwalk; ridesDwalks; ride10 . It is impolite to keep others .AwaitingBwaitCto waitDwaits11 . 一Whatis it ?一black and yellow.Acolor; They areBcolors; ItsCcolor; ItsDcolors; They are12 . I havent heard _ my father since he left for Canada.AfromBupCforDof13 . It is important _: eat well, stay healthy.ArememberBto rememberCremembered14 . (题文) Why do you look down, Jack? Everyone _ me got an invitation to Lucys party.AexceptBwithoutCbesidesDthrough15 . (题文)The teacher made the boy_ the sentence five times after school.Ato writeBwriteCwrote二、完型填空Running the red light is commonly seen in some cities . Even a child knows that we should wait for the traffic light to turn green _ crossing a road , but not everybody _ the rules .Chinese people cross roads without _ traffic lights , if they are part of a crowd . Recently “ Chinese style road crossing “ has become a hot expression . Many people say that they jaywalk Because the red light lasts too _. However , a survey on Sina Weibo _ that nearly half of people believe that people jaywalk mainly because they ignore _ .Many countries give out punishment to jaywalkers . In Singapore , the maximum _ be three months in prison . Some Chinese cities have started taking some actions , too . For example , the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined 50 yuan in Shijiazhuang . Of course , _ should obey traffic rules because safety is the most important .Is this enough to solve the problem? Of course not, calling on people to respect rules is very important. To completely solve the problem, we should do more than that . Making traffic lights in China is not only _ to cars and buses. Giving people more time to cross the road _ less to wait may be another way to solve the problem .16 . AbeforeBuntilCafterDif17 . AfollowsBbreaksCmakesDunderstands18 . Atalking aboutBthinking aboutCcaring aboutDlearning about19 . AlongBshortCmuchDlittle20 . AsaysBtellsCholdsDshows21 . ApoliceBrulesClightsDtime22 . AmustBcanCwillDwould23 . AnobodyBsomebodyCeveryoneDno one24 . AsafelyBbadCfriendlyDsafe25 . AandBbutCsoDor三、阅读单选If you take part in a fund-raising walk, it is important that you receive some training before you start the event. We hope you can enjoy the experience instead of worrying about your fitness! During the training, youd better keep the following advice in mind.Start slowly and then walk longer and faster. If you start too fast, you will hurt yourself in the first few weeks of training and you will need to rest for some time. This will reduce your final fitness. It is not good for your walk.Eat healthily. Doctors recommend that you should eat vegetables every day and enough carbohydrates (含碳水化合物的食物) such as bread, brown rice, beans and peas. Drink moderately (适量地). While training, drink a small amount of water each time if you feel thirsty. Its a mistake that you dont drink any water in order not to go to the toilet often. Make sure your shoes fit well. Dont forget to wear socks to prevent blisters (水泡). If you want your shoes to be comfortable for training, youd better start training in the shoes that you will be wearing when you take part in the event.26 . _ is important before we take part in a walking event according to the passage.AGoing out for a tripBDoing some trainingCHaving a good sleepDDrinking lots of water27 . What will happen if we start too fast during the training?AWell worry about our fitness.BWell get hungry easily.CWell reduce our final result.DWell hurt ourselves.28 . It is wrong that _ during the training according to the passage.Awe dont drink any waterBwe eat vegetables and carbohydratesCwe always wear socksDwe eat fruit or sandwiches little and often29 . We should _ during the training according to the passage.Achange our shoes often .Bnot wear the shoes for the eventCmake sure our shoes fit wellDnot wear comfortable socks30 . How many pieces of advice about training does the passage give?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.Neighborhood yentas are wellknown women. They spend most of their time watching people around them. The yentas have this title for this. “Yenta” is a Yiddish word. It means a trouble maker or a talkative person. Nobody in the street is safe from their eyes or tongue.Yentas certainly are not bad people. They pass on messages and advice. They give_weather reports. They know who is doing what. They see,hear,and know all and usually repeat it. They have called themselves reporters.Some of the yentas neighbors think them so interested in others things that they forget their own. Sometimes, however ,a child has to be found,or a robbery has to be reported. Then what yentas do are helpful. Every neighborhood appreciates its yentas very much. It doesnt matter what their color,belief or accent is.31 . From the passage we know that a yenta_ .Ais famous for watching people walkingB1ikes talking about othersCcan be either a man or a womanDis not a help at all32 . If you live near a yenta,you_.Awill not be safeBcant stop yourself from being watchedCwill be stopped when you pass byDhave to pay for their help33 . When you are in trouble,yentas_ .Awill make a joke on youBwill watch you all the timeCcan sometimes give you a handDwill report that to the police34 . The word “up-to-the-minute”means_ .AoldestBbestClatestDworst35 . Which of the following is NOT true?AWe can get weather reports from yentas.BYou can learn things about neighbors from yentas.CYentas are sometimes a help to others.DYentas care more about themselves than about others.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示填空36 . He _(删除)many unnecessary words in his article a moment ago.37 . The_(愚蠢的)conductor put me off at the wrong stop.38 . If you dont go to the park, I will not go, _(也).39 . I _(爱上)this story at the beginning.40 . This is a _(特价)for the stores opening.单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41 . Hey! Relax! No one will _(强迫) you to do that if youre not willing to.42 . There will be three football _(比赛) this month in our school.43 . Smoking will _(当然) do harm to your health.44 . Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his _(孙子).45 . With the _(发展) of his business, he is much busier than before.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择适当的短语并用其适当形式完成句子,每个短语限用一次Let us play computer games the same color at school sound good46 . I always play soccer with my friend _ .47 . _ go to the library after class.48 . It s fun to _ .49 . Let s play basketball after school. That _ .50 . Lucy s and Lily s schoolbags are _ .六、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(共5小题,计10分)A:Good morning, Doctor Wang.B:Good morning, young man. Whats wrong with you?A:I have a stomachache.B:51 . A:It began about 2 days ago.B:52 . A:No, I seldom have breakfast.B:Oh, its not good.53 . A:Yes, I like fast food very much.B:54 . A:Every day.B:I see. You have a bad eating habit. Youd better change it.A:OK55 . Thank you!七、句子配对从栏中找出与栏相匹配的句子。1 .Helen did badly in the math exam. 2. Wang Fang looks unhappy. 3. I moved to this new city just now. 4. I dont know how to solve this problem. 5 .When something bad happens to us. A. We usually feel sad. B. I am a stranger. C. I ask my teacher to help me. D. Her father is ill. E. She is upset.56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _八、多任务混合问题Last summer holiday I went to Taiwan. with my parents. Taiwan is really beautiful! The weather is good. It is always warm and humid(潮湿的) because the sea is around Taiwan. In the north, there is winter, but in the south, theres no winter and you can enjoy sunshine(阳光) every day. The typhoon(台风) season is from June to October.There are many mountains in Taiwan.(A) A-li Mountain is one of the five biggest mountains there. We went to climb A-li Mountain one afternoon. There many trees in the forest there. They are very tall and many of them are really old.Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. In the lake there are many kinds of fishes. We also went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. There are many kinds of foods in the small towns near the sea. A kind of dumplings with shrimp(虾) in it is my favorite.Taiwan is a beautiful island, I love it! I took many photos there. Would you love to see them?根据短文内容,完成下列任务。61 . 任务一:根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。The writer went to spend the summer holiday with _.62 . 任务二:根据短文内容,选择正确答案。The trees in the forest in A-li Mountain are _.Atall and oldBshortCnewDshort and old63 . 任务三:将画线(B)处的句子译成汉语。_64 . 任务四:画线(A)处句子中有一处错误,请改正并将正确的句子写在答题线上。_九、看图作文65 . Writing(作文)In 60100words,write a story based on the pictures below(展开合理想象,看图写一篇60100个词的有趣的短文故事,标点符号不占格)The following words and phrases are for reference only(以下单词和短语仅供参考)hours of studying take a break a pair of skates十、材料作文66 . 书面表达帮助别人是高尚的,被别人帮助是幸福的。你曾经帮助过别人吗?请你根据自己的经历,自拟题目,描述一件你帮助别人做过的事情。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、句子配对1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、看图作文1、十、材料作文1、

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