2020版人教新目标九年级英语全册Unit 8测试题B卷

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2020版人教新目标九年级英语全册Unit 8测试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一Lets play soccer.一No, its_. I want to watch TV.AboringBfun.CinterestingDtired2 . Marry _ten years ago. You mean she _ him for ten years?Amarried;has got married toBgot married;has got married withCgot married;has been married withDgot married;has been married to3 . My grandfather used to build railways for the Japanese army when he was young. He was _to work hard from morning till night.AinvitedBencouragedCallowedDforced4 . The fridge doesnt work. Why not consider _ a new one?AbuyBboughtCto buyDbuying5 . Must I return this book tomorrow? No, you _. You can keep it until next week.AcantBmustntCneedntDshouldnt6 . -Do you decide whatduring the summer holiday?-Yes. I plan _ to Hainan.Ato do, travelBto do, to travelCdoing, travelingDdoing, traveled7 . In winter, the weather in Harbin is much than that in Guangzhou.AcoolerBwarmerChotterDcolder8 . The room with three windows in front of our classroom.AofBpart ofCisDare9 . How _!The children are shouting so loudly outside.AnoisilyBhappyClovelyDnoisy二、完型填空Once upon a time, there was an owl(猫头鹰) in the middle of a dark forest. All the animals knew that he was the wisest among_of them. So they often went to him and told him their problems. Then the owl always told them_to solve their problems.One day, a little bird came to the owl. She was_“Whats wrong with you?” asked the owl.“Im not happy at all, Mr. Owl . I dont want to be a bird any more. ”the bird_.“ Why dont you want to be a(n)_?” asked the owl.“Because I am so small and weak, ”she cried. “I want to be as big and strong as the lion. He is important, but I am not. ”Then the owl said_in her ear. Then the bird dried her tears and_away. One week later, the bird came back. “Thank you very much, Mr. Owl. You are so_,”she said to the owl. “Im very happy now. Every day, I watch out for (监视)lions and tigers._they come near, I shout as loudly as I can. Then they all run and hide. They often_me for that. I am useful and important now. ”The wise owl smiled and said: “Dear, no one in the world is useless.”10 . AbothBallCeitherDnone11 . AhowBwhyCwhatDwhen12 . AcryingBsmilingCsingingDsleeping13 . AagreedBadvisedCrepliedDasked14 . AlionBbirdCtigerDowl15 . AnothingBeverythingCanythingDsomething16 . AranBflewCdroveDswam17 . AbrightBsillyCpoliteDimpolite18 . AAfterBWhenCSoDBut19 . AleaveBthankClaugh atDworry about三、阅读单选My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages via the telephone for a well-known company. One day, I was put through to a man who sounded a bit out of breath. I started with my normal pitch (音高), expecting to hear the normal reply I dont want any.Instead, he spoke in a faint, weak voice and told me how he wished to take a vacation I was offering, but he couldnt because he was dying of illness. He explained how he was lacking in oxygen then, and it took almost all his energy to answer the call. He asked if I smoked, which I did, and begged me to stop. He told me smoking was what was killing him. He told me to spend every day with my loved ones, and tell them how much I love them. At this point, I couldnt control myself. We ended the call, but I held on my phone to prevent another call coming in so I could collect myself. I wrote down his name and address, and sent him a card appreciating his advice and praying for him and his family. Shortly after, I received a letter from Frank, along with a picture of him and his wife. We continued to write back and forth over the next few months, and became very fond of each other. He was old enough to be my grandfather, and in many ways, I felt as if he was. About a year later I received a letter from his wife. When I started to read, tears came to my eyes. She told me how Franks battle with the disease had finally come to an end, and he passed away shortly before the Christmas. She wanted to thank me for the letters to Frank, and explained how Frank touched many lives over the years. At his funeral, to show just that, they read the 1st letter I had written to Frank to show how he affected a 19-year-old hed never met.20 . The underlined part collect myself in the second paragraph probably means _.Agather togetherBcomfort myselfCrelax myselfDcalm down21 . We can learn from the text that the author _.Atook down Franks name and address to visit him in personBwas warmly welcomed by her customers when she called themCdidnt stop smoking even though Frank asked him toDkept in touch with Frank through letters until he died22 . At Franks funeral the authors 1st letter to Frank was read in order to _.Aencourage people to fight against disease and live bravelyBindicate that Frank touched many peoples heartsCshow the good relationship between Frank and the authorDpraise Frank and give thanks to the author四、看图作文23 . 书面表达下面的图片描述了昨天下午发生在四年级三班教室里的情景。小林和小刚之间的对话,让你想到了什么?请根据你对图片的理解,用英语写一篇 100 词左右的短文。内容包括:1. 完整描述图片内容; 2. 简要阐述你的观点和看法。写作要求:1. 可以根据图片信息,进行适当的发挥;2. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。提示词:手提电脑 laptop第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、看图作文1、

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