2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级上册 Module 7综合小测试B卷

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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级上册 Module 7综合小测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom is _ in the _ book.Ainterest, interestingBinterested, interestingCinteresting, interested2 . Im busy today, so Im _ I cant go to your party.AafraidBhappyCfree3 . The new book so well that it out in all the shops.Ais sold; sellsBsells; sellsCis sold; is soldDsells; is sold4 . He studies English as _ as his brother.AhardBhardlyCharderDhardest5 . On New Years Day,red lanterns _under the roof before the door in China.Aare hangedBare hungChangedDhung6 . Lu Xun is known _not only a great writer but also a great thinker.AtoBforCwithDas7 . Look! What a nice classroom! Yes, it _ every day.Ais cleaningBhas cleanedCis cleaned8 . The 17-year-old high school student is trying to a robot which can think like a human.AdiscoverBorganizeCinventDachieve9 . A new houseat the corner of the road now.Ais buildingBis being builtCbeen builtDbe building10 . English _ all over the world.AspeaksBis speakingCis spokenDhas spoken二、完型填空In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork (基础) of reading and writing. Youd better_your best to speak while you do much listening. Dont be_of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your_While you are doing this, a good_is to writekeep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through what you have written and tell you where it is wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be_found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.11 . AhaveBsendCmakeDtry12 . AsureBproudCafraidDtired13 . AEnglishBChineseCJapaneseDFrench14 . AstartBideaCtimeDway15 . AhappilyBeasilyCreallyDslowly三、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。One of the most famous child stars in the history of films in the United States was the great Shirley Temple. Born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California, Temple was encouraged by her mother to develop her interest in singing, acting, and dancing. She enrolled young Shirley into a dance school at the age of 3. Her first acting experience came while she was still in the dancing school at a very young age. She appeared in a series of short films where child actors were used to play adults. Temple gained valuable acting experience. A Fox Film songwriters attention was very attracted by the young star, and he introduced her to studio executives. She was signed to do her first film in 1933 at the age of 5. The film StandUp and Cheer was a big success, and Temples career began.Her career is one of the most remarkable in Hollywood history. She played lots of successful roles as a child actress. She was very mature (成熟的), and talented for someone so young, but by 1942, her films began to flop. Her career was seemingly over by her teen years, and she announced her retirement(退休) in 1950. This did not stop Temple though, as she began a second career as a public servant. In 1967, she was noticed by U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, he offered her a diplomatic (外交的) position, and she accepted. On February 10, 2014, Shirley Temple passed away at home. Shirley TempleFrom Child Star to DiplomatTimeEventsIn 1928Shirley Temple was 16 . in California.In 17 . Temples mother enrolled her into a dance school to make her 18 . in singing, acting, and dancing.At a very young ageShirley Temple appeared in a series of short films and gained valuable acting 19 . . In 1933Shirley Temple 20 . a songwriters attention.Shirley Temple playedthe role in the film Stand Up and Cheer successfully and her acting career21 . Before 1942Shirley Temple was so mature and talented that she22 . many roles successfully in lots of films.In 1950Shirley Temple announced that her acting career was 23 . .In 1967Henry Kissinger noticed Temple and 24 . her with a diplomatic position.In 2014Shirley Temple 25 . at home.四、回答问题请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. The doctors had to cut off most of his right leg to save his life. Every day Jeff puts on a man-made leg. The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim and play soccer. He can also run.When he was 22 years old, Jeff ran across the United States, from the East to the West. He ran 5,150 kilometers. Thats about 26 kilometers each day. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five plastic legs.On his way, in every city people gave Jeff money. The money which Jeff received was not for Jeff himself. It was for the American Cancer Society(协会). The society used the money to learn more about cancer. At the same time, Jeff talked to people about cancer. He also talked about being disabled.Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things: skiing, swimming, playing soccer and running. He finished college and now he is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people but also for everybody.”26 . Why did the doctors cut off most of Jeffs right leg?_27 . How many plastic legs did Jeff wear out when he ran across the United States?_28 . What did Jeff talk to people about on his way from the East to the West?_29 . Did he only run for the disabled people?_30 . What can we learn from this story?_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、单词填空1、四、回答问题1、

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