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上海版中考二模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We planned to go out,but ended up _ TV at home.AwatchBwatchingCto watchDwatched2 . (易错题)Toms grandpa _ for ten years.Ahas diedBhas deadCdiedDhas been dead3 . _hard work you did! We would not finish the task on time without your effort.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a4 . I dont know _ .Because he has to look after his mother.Awhy he is leavingBwhy is he leavingCwhen he is leavingDwhen is he leaving5 . AwhatBwhiteCwhoDwhen6 . When they lived in the suburbs, they used to watch stars a starry night.AinBonCatDwith7 . How _ _ can you see?Amany; peachesBmuch; peachClong; peachesDmany; peach8 . Tom is _ boy from America.Aa eight years oldBan eight years old Ca eight-year-oldDan eight-year-old9 . I dont think teenagers should to go to net bars.AallowBbe allowingCallowedDbe allowed10 . AtallBcallChalfDall11 . I _ some bread and milk_ breakfast this morning.Ahave; forBhad; forChas, withDhad; with12 . Time past can not be called back again.Yes. Wasting time is a.ApressureBfairnessCchoiceDshame13 . Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ABelong.BPurpose.CInsert.14 . It is no good _ him to see you offAto expectBexpectingCof expectingDfor expecting15 . Heilongjiang is in the _of China.Anorth-eastBnorthwestCsouth-eastDsouth-west16 . Would you mind _ us in the game?Not at all.AjoiningBjoinCjoin inDjoining in17 . My _ brother is my uncleAgrandmothersBcousinsCmothers18 . Toms mother was very angry yesterday because Tom _ her.Atalked toBtalked withCcared aboutDtalked back to19 . In women volleyball final (决赛), China beat Korea with the picture, we got _ scores more than Korea in our winning games (局).A66B25C1820 . I hear that Lilys brother is a worker here.Look, the man _ is working over there is her brother.AwhomBwhoCwhatDwhich二、补全对话7选5补全对话A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?B: Sorry, 21 . Im new here. 22 . A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?C: Go along this street until you reach the second traffic lights, then turn left. At the end of the street, youll see the zoo.A: 23 . C: Yes, you can.A: 24 . C: You can take Bus No.6.A: Thank you very much.C: 25 . AYou can ask that girl.BWhich bus shall I take?CI dont know.DIs it far from here?ECan I take a bus to get there?FIts my pleasure.GDont thank goodness.三、完型填空Is your food and drink healthy? Do you_the saying(谚语)An apple a day keeps the doctor away? To stay healthy, eat_. Here are some suggestions(建议).Dont eat_meat. Meat is healthy_eating too much is not good.Eat a lot of_. You can eat carrots, tomatoes and so on.Drink juice,_and milk. Water is the best drink. Cola is_. Its bad for you. So dont drink it too much._every morning. You can have an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.Eat_fruit.Remember: eat the right food and be_.26 . AhaveBknowCspellDbuy27 . AwellBfastCquicklyDearly28 . AmanyBmuchCsmallDnew29 . AandBsoCorDbut30 . AvegetablesBfruitCnoodlesDrice31 . AcolaBiceCsodaDwater32 . AgoodBniceCunhealthyDhealthy33 . AHave breakfastBHave lunchCHave classDDo sports34 . AmanyBa lotClots ofDany35 . AbigBcoolChealthyDdelicious四、阅读单选Instead of gobbling(狼吞虎咽) your food, try eating more slowly. It may help you drop those unwanted pounds. The conclusion is from a new study by Chinese researcher.The study showed that compared with people who gobbled their food, those who ate at a normal speed were 29 percent less likely to be obese(肥胖的). But those who ate slowly were up to 42 percent less likely to obese. In addition, people who ate slowly tended (往往会) to be healthier and have a healthier lifestyle than those who ate quickly or at a normal speed. “However, this study could not prove that speed eating causes or stops obesity,” the researcher noted.Slow eating has its advantages and a few disadvantages ,” said Samantha Heller from New York City. “on the one hand , slow eating gives our body time to register a sense of satisfaction and fullness, so we eat less. We are more likely to enjoy a taste of food. On the other hand, the longer people sit in front of food, the more food they will eat, ”she said.“Speed eating appears to be far more harmful. People who eat quickly, as many of us do, gobble far more food than they need. In many European countries, slow eating is a way of life,” Heller said. In America, speed eating takes the lead. Thus we need to encourage people to have a change, learn the way of slower eating from Europeans and get a true enjoyment of food.36 . The researchers who found eating slowly may help you drop pounds come from _.AAmericaBJapanCEuropeDChina37 . Who is the least likely to be obese according to the second paragraph?APeople who eat slowly.BPeople who eat little.CPeople who eat at a normal speed.DPeople who eat quickly.38 . The underlined word “register” probably means _ in Chinese.A意识到B注册C缺乏D抵制住39 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APeople who ate slowly tended to be healthier than those who ate quickly.BIt is sure that eating quickly can cause obesity.CSpeed eating is harmful to us.DThe longer you sit in front of food, the more food you will eat.40 . This passage mainly talks about _.AThe ways of avoiding being obeseBthe ways of eating slowlyCwhy we should try eating more slowlyDthe disadvantages of being obeseLong long ago, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud. The elephant thought of himself strong, and the monkey felt himself quick.One day they went to ask the old bird, “Can you tell us which one of us is more important?” The old bird didnt give them the answer at once. However, he asked them to get some bananas on the other side of the river and bring them to him. So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the water ran so fast that the monkey was afraid. “Get on my back, Monkey,” said the elephant, “I shall take you there. Im big and strong, and I can swim across the river.”Soon they got to the other side. The elephant tried to reach the bananas, but they were too high. “Wait a minute, please. I can climb,” said the monkey. He quickly ran up the tree and gave the bananas to the elephant. Then they came back happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas. “Now, you see, the elephant is strong,” said the old bird with a smile, “but he couldnt get the bananas; the monkey is quick, but he couldnt, either. Only you two could do the work well when you helped each other.”41 . Both the elephant and the monkey are _ in the story.A. quick B. proud C. strong42 . According to the story, _ is more important.A. the monkey B. the elephant C. neither43 . Picture _ shows the right position of the banana tree.A. B. C. 44 . They should _ to get the bananas.A. first swim across the river and then come backB. first climb up the tree and then swim across the riverC. first swim across the river and then climb up the tree45 . The best title for the story is “_”.A. Teamwork is important B. An elephant and a monkey C. Strong or quickThere is a town near Suzhou. It is very interesting and beautiful. This is Luxiang, an old town.Luxiang was built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). There were many famous people living in the town at that time.There are around 30 old buildings of Ming and Qing (16441912) dynasties now. People live a simple life. Six lanes (巷) in the town go to Taihu Lake.Luxiang looks more beautiful in spring, with many tea trees and fruit gardens. This place is famous for the tea called Biluochun.The Egyptian pyramids were built around 2560 B C. The largest one of them is the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The King, Khufu, built it as his tomb.The Great Pyramid was considered a unique building in the 19th century A. D. At that time, it was still the tallest in the world. According to scientific research, Khufu ordered his men to build it stone by stone. The biggest stone weighs 15 tons, and each stone was fixed so well.The Great Pyramid has four sides and each side is 230. 4 meters long and 146. 5 meters high. At that time, there were no modern machines or equipment, so how did the ancient Egyptians build it? To this day, it is still a mystery.46 . Many famous people were living in Luxiang _.Afrom 1127 to 1279Bfrom 1644 to 1912Cfrom 1127 to 1644Dfrom 1279 to 191247 . Luxiang is famous for _.Afruit gardensBtea treesCBiluochunDsix lanes48 . In order to build his tomb, the King Khuhu built _.Athe ancient pyramidsBthe Egyptain pyramidsCthe Great PyramidDthe mysterious pyramids49 . Building the Great Pyramid is still a mystery now, because _.Aeach stone was fixed wellBthere were no modern machines or equipment thenCit was made of stoneDit was the tallest building in the world50 . Which of the following is TRUE?AEach side of the Great Pyramid is 230.4 meters long and 146.5 meters wide. BLuxiang is far away from Suzhou.CLuxiang looks more beautiful except spring.DIn the 19th century AD, the Great Pyramid was special and unusual.五、阅读判断阅读理解。It is evening, an old cock(公鸡) is sitting in a tall tree. A fox(狐狸) comes and stands under (在下面) the tree. He looks at the cock.“ Hello, Mr Cock, I have some good news for you.” says the fox.“Oh?” says the cock, “What is it?”“All the animals are good friends now. Lets be friends, too. Please come down and play with me.”“Fine!” says the cock, “Im very glad to hear that.” Then the cock looks, “ Look! There is something over there.”“What are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. They are coming this way.”“Animals?”“ Yes, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs!” asks the fox. “ Well.well, I am going now. Goodbye.”“Wait, Mr Fox.” says the cock. “ Dont go. They are only dogs. Dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they dont know that yet(还).”“I see, I see.” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.根据上文内容,判断下列问题是否正确,正确T, 错误 F。51 . The cock and the fox are good friends.52 . The cock is in the tall tree and the fox is in the tall tree, too.53 . Dogs are coming.54 . The fox isnt cute.55 . The cock isnt clever(聪明的)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,并将正确答案填在短文后的横线上。decide or remember road neverAs a student, you may have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, _ they can be small. But do you ever try to make your dream come true? In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to _ your dream. Never forget what you want. Then you must _ give up going for your dream. There will be difficulties on the _ to your dream. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to _ what is the most important. Without dreams, you will not really have a great life.56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _七、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空Mary: Tony, 61 . you 62 . (watch) the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV this year?Tony: Yes. But I63 . (not watch) my favourite singer, Andy Laus performance (表演).Mary: Why? You64 . (not be) in front of the TV set then, right?Tony: No, I65 . (not be) . I went to set off fireworks at that time.Mary: What a pity (遗憾)! How long 66 . you 67 . (set) off fireworks?Tony: For about ten minutes.Mary: By the way (顺便问一句), when 68 . you 69 . (listen) to Mary Laus song for the first time?Tony: Three years ago. I 70 . (not know) who the singer was when I first listened to his song 17 Years Old. But I 71 . (can not) stop loving the song in the past years.Mary: Did your parents feel surprised when they72 . (find) you were interested in his songs?Tony: No, they 73 . (not be) . They like his songs, too.八、填空The following are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg. They are based on his experience of building a company from the ground up, leading New York City as mayor(市长), and so on.Take RisksLife is too short to spend your time avoiding failure.In 1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, most people advised me not to do it. But one person said, “If you can imagine yourself giving a concession(败选)speech, then why not go for it?” That was the best advice I received, and I followed it.In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail and you must have the courage to go for it anyway.Make your own luckLuck plays a part in success. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Whatever you choose to do, even if its not the job of your dreams, always work hard at it. Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.Never stop learning The most powerful word in English language is “why”. There is nothing so powerfulas an open, inquiring mind(探究精神). Whatever field you choose for starting a business be a lifelong student. Give backYou are responsible for your success and failure, but you only succeed if you share the reward with others.My first donation was a $ 5 check to my alma mater (母校) . And while the checks(支票)may be bigger today, they come with the same spirit.You dont have to be wealthy to give back. You can give back by giving your time and talents.阅读以上信息,用恰当的单词完成下面的短文,每空一词。Here are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg. Firstly,he said everyone should take risks. His company ordered him to 74 . in 1981.Then he took a big risk and started his own company.In 2001,he wanted to 75 . a mayor ,and he tried out for it .secondly ,whatever he chose to do, he worked hard at it. Hard work76 . chances. He said there was nothing so powerful as an open,inquiring mind.He said everyone should be a lifelong student whenever you 77 . and fail.Finally, he said he should give back. He 78 . a $ 5 check to his school for the first time . And now the checks may be bigger and bigger,they come with the same spirit.九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读按要求完成任务。Should Shanghai bid for(申办) the Summer Olympics in 2028? Here are some peoples opinions.Some people said, “The games will improve Shanghais global influence and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform(平台) for major international dialogues. Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 and the city can also hold a successful Summer Olympics.”Others, however, are not sure that its a good idea. They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things. The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige(声望) to Beijing and to China, but its cost, over $40 million, was high and the Olympic sites(场地) in the center of the city are now largely unused. Could Shanghai learn from Beijings experience and do it better ?My answer is yes. As one American said, “A great city has to do great things.” Shanghai is a great city and is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the 2028 Summer Olympics would prove that.任务一:When did Shanghai hold the World Expo?79 . 任务二:Why dont some people agree to bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics?80 . 任务三:Does the writer agree to Shanghais bidding?81 . 任务四:请将划线句子翻译成汉语。82 . 十、书信作文83 . 初中毕业之际,校报“英语角”栏目向同学们征集毕业典礼活动计划。假定你是李华,请根据要点写一封信,提出你的建议。写作要点:毕业典礼时间、地点7月1日,学校报告厅三项活动1.校长讲话送祝福2.学生发言谈感恩3.写作要求:1.80词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2.不能出现真实的校名和人名,否则不得分;3.写作要点都必须用上,紧扣主题,适当发挥。参考词汇:毕业典礼graduation ceremony;前进中学Qianjin Middle School;学校报告厅the school hall。Dear editor,Im very happy to have the chance to show you my plan for the graduation ceremony.This is what we will do.I hope you will choose my plan.Yours,Li Hua第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、书信作文1、

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