2020年(春秋版)外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home alone Unit1同步练习(II)卷

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2020年(春秋版)外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home alone Unit1同步练习(II)卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home alone Unit1同步练习(II)卷_第3页
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2020年(春秋版)外研版九年级英语上册Module 4 Home alone Unit1同步练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its hard to believe that a beautiful silk dress comes from thousands of very little worms (虫子)called silkworms! It takes about 5,500 silkworms to make 2.2 pounds of silk. The process (工序) was _ by the Chinese about 5,000 years ago._ is silk made? The process starts with silkworm eggs. The eggs are collected and kept warm. After a few days, silkworms come out of the eggs. They are_ leaves from mulberry trees every 30 minutes, all night and all day. The room _ be kept warm, without loud noises or bad smells. After a month, they start to make cocoons (茧). After four days, the cocoons are _The cocoons are heated (加热), and the silkworms are killed inside them. Then the cocoons are put into water to make the silk loose (松散的). The silk_ three or four cocoons is put together and made into a thread (线). One cocoon can make a thread 1 kilometre long!_, the silk threads are made into cloth, and the cloth is used for things like dresses, scarves and neckties.Today, silk is produced in many _, including India and Thailand, but more than 80 percent of the worlds silk comes from China. Every year, enough silk thread is _ to go from the earth to the sun 300 times. People love silk clothes because they are beautiful and _-silk feels cool in warm weather and warm in cool weather. Now you know why silk is so expensive!1 . AborrowedBdiscussedCmentionedDdiscovered2 . AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere3 . AboughtBfedCtakenDmade4 . AcanBmustCcantDmustnt5 . AlateBrightCreadyDover6 . AforBaboutCwithDfrom7 . AImmediatelyBFinallyCSuddenlyDRecently8 . AvillagesBtownsCcitiesDcountries9 . AwastedBcheckedCproducedDseparated10 . AsoftBbrightCexpensiveDcomfortable二、阅读单选According to some predictions, human beings will die out in 2012. Nearly all people think its impossible, but there are some more earthquakes in recent years.Animals can predict the weather or other natural events. It may sound strange, but farmers living in the countryside think so. For hundreds of years, they have observed animals. Animals behavior can be connected to future weather conditions or events.They say. For example, if cows lie down, a rainstorm is coming. There are many traditional stories connecting animals and natural events. Many people think that these stories dont have scientific evidence(根据) at all. Scientists, however, are beginning to take another look at some of these ideas. A Japanese earthquake researcher named Kiyoshi Shimamura noticed an increase in dog bites a short time before earthquake hit. Then he did research on twelve public health centers in Kobe, Japan. These health centers treated people after the 1995 earthquake. He got some interesting information about the month before the big earthquake: treatment for animals bites had increased. In fact, aggressive(侵略的) behavior in dogs, such as biting and barking loudly, jumped 60 percent.There are also other changes in animals behavior before the earthquake. For example, fish began swimming together in large groups, but only in the middle of the water and not near the edges. Birds flew away from their nests for many days, leaving their eggs unprotected. These animals behavior suggests that animals may be able to predict natural events better than people.11 . What would cows behave before a rainstorm?ARunning.BBiting.CLying down.DSleeping.12 . What do dogs begin to do just before an earthquake?AThey leave their homes.BThey hurt people.CThey lie down in grass.DThey stay together in large groups.13 . Which of the following animals behave strangely before an earthquake according to this passage?AFish.BCows.CPigs .DAll of the above.14 . In Kiyoshi Shimamuras investigation(调查), before the big earthquake, treatment for animals bites had_.AdisappearedBincreasedCbeen the same as before.Dnever changed.15 . What is the main idea of the passage?ANatural events and animals actions.BWhat animals do during earthquakes.CMany earthquakes of Japan.DSome stories about animals.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空16 . _ falls on December 25th in western countries.17 . If you copy homework, your teacher will p_ you.18 . Mo Yan has already written some famous n_.19 . Tom has received many _ for his birthday.20 . The sun gives us light and w_ .21 . My father has gone to Beijing on b_ .22 . Our government should make laws to stop people from _ rumors(谣言)on the Internet.23 . The ground is covered with d_ leaves in late autumn.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。24 . Go _(cross) the bridge, and you can find the hospital on your right.25 . Where is your bedroom?Its on the _ (two) floor.26 . Look! The _(child)are playing games under the tree.27 . Turn right at the first _(cross)and youll see the hospital.28 . Its 6:30 a.m. Some students are _(run)on the playground.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子since make miss for besince make miss for be29 . Ann _ here since she was five years old.30 . He has taught English _25 years.31 . Mr.Brown is the _of the desk.32 . They _ their hometown a lot.33 . I have owned the train and railway set _ my fourth birthday.六、单词填空根据首字母,汉语,音标的提示,在每个空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,意思完整Jim was a country boy. He was on his w34 . to New York to see his grandma. As his parents were very b35 . , he had to go there by himself. This was his first trip by plane. He found e36 . new and interesting. Soon it was the middle of the night. But Jim couldnt s37 . . He wanted a drink very much. He saw some people went to the back of the p38 . and got drinks from a girl there. But he didnt have much m39 . with him. He tried to sleep, but he just couldnt. At last he went to the girl with a 40 . dl(r) in his hand. “Miss,”he said, “Could I have a drink?” “Sure,” said the girl with a 41 . (微笑). She gave him a drink, but she didnt take his money. “You have paid for the 42 . (票). It means you have paid for the f43 . and drinks on the plane.”第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、

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