2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试A卷

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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试A卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试A卷_第3页
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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级下册 Unit 1单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Televisions have made _ possible for us to watch movies at home.AthatBthisCitDthey2 . _ city is the biggest in the world?AWhatBWhichCWhereDThis3 . Judy, you look so tired.Yes. I didnt go to bed _ 12 oclock last night.AwhenBunlessCuntilDafter4 . About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _.Athree five; 1960sBthree fifths; 1990sCthird fifth; 1997Dthird fifths; 1990s5 . Im _ duty todayI must clean the classroom _ schoolAafter; onBin; beforeCon; afterDfor; in6 . -The meat is _delicious.- Yes, but dont eat _.Atoo much, too manyBtoo many, too muchCmuch too, too muchDmuch more, too many7 . Mary , can you help me carry the heavy bag ?-_.AYou are welcome .Bwith pleasure .CThat s all right .DDont mention it .8 . Itsgood habit to exercise for everyone.A/BaCanDthe9 . We all want to visit _ where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live.Athe Great WallBthe Forbidden CityCTiananmen SquareDthe Summer Palace10 . He asked me _.Awhat did his mother tell his brother that eveningBhow I discover the power of the colourCwhether the floor is mopped by meDif I could send the text message successfully11 . -_ do you go to the theatre?- I seldom go there because I like seeing movies online.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow many times12 . He doesnt like music. He knows only_ about it.AfewBa fewCa littleDlittle13 . The magazine was started by Becky, _ I know.Aas far asBas well asCas soon asDas much as14 . Dont read in the sun. Its _ your eyes.Aharm toBharm forCharmful toDharmful for15 . There is little time left, _?Ais thereBisnt thereCis it; Yes, it isDisnt it; No, it isnt16 . They eat dinner at _.Aa quarter to sevenBforty to sevenCsix halfDthree thirty17 . Do you know something about Zhuozheng Garden?Yes, it is a traditional garden in Suzhou.Anot modernBgoodCbeautiful18 . -Which city is the capital of Thailand?-_ is the capital of Thailand.AShanghaiBTokyoCBangkokDBeijing19 . Tim will call me as soon as he _ my package.AreceiveBwill receiveCreceivedDreceives二、完型填空Im a collector. My collection is_ . Now, I have over one thousand. They are all about every part of _, such as, buildings, scenery, animals, plants and works of arts.My favorite is a cartoon picture named Merry Christmas._describe(s) what children are doing on a very happy Christmas Eve: some are sending _to their friends while others are decorating(装饰) a Christmas tree with_ ornaments(装饰物). Everything become _under the different colors of lights. I am sure that everybody must feel _ in winter on seeing it.Most of my telephone cards are of a complete sets(完整的一套). A certain set I like _of some beautiful photographs of the worlds famous scenic spots. Whenever I saw it, it seems as if I were travelling around the world. Through them, I can know _about the world without going abroad. The telephone cards have not only helped me know the world better, but also enriched my life. In the future,_will always stay with me as my friends.20 . AChristmas treesBtelephone cardsCphotographsDpostcards21 . Athe placeBthe festivalCthe cityDthe world22 . AItBItsCTheyDThem23 . ApresentsBcakesCcardsDpictures24 . AoldBfriendlyClargeDlovely25 . AwhiteBcolorfulCbrightDdark26 . AhotBwarmCcoldDcool27 . AmuchBmoreCbetterDbest28 . Aa fewBa littleClessDmore29 . AtheyBitCthemDheIts December 23rd. Class One is having a _. They sell _ things at school. Dave sells apples, oranges and pears. Many people _ his fruit. He makes(赚得) ten dollars a day. Lucy sells _. She has T-shirts on sale. _ are her T-shirts, do you know? Oh, her T-shirts are _ a good price. They are five dollars each. Jane sells _ things. She has pens and _ on sale. They are very nice. Her pens are _ one dollar each. Her notebooks are two dollars each. Jane makes _ dollars in the morning and five dollars in the afternoon. She makes twelve dollars a day.30 . AgameBsaleCcontestDclass31 . Alots ofBlot ofCmuchDa lot32 . AhelpBbuyCseeDcome33 . AfoodBfruitCclothesDdessert34 . AWhatBWhereCHowDHow much35 . AforBatConDunder36 . AschoolBbirthdayCpartyDclothes37 . AtomatoesBnotebooksCpantsDbaseballs38 . AonlyBalsoCreallyDvery39 . AtwelveBfiveCsevenDsixEaster is celebrated by many Western countries. Easter is a time to _ back all kinds of flowers,a time to celebrate the life and resurrection (复活) of Christ,and a _ of chocolate rabbits and colored eggs.Easter is _ the first Sunday following the full moon between March 22nd and April 25th.So Easter _ a “movable” feast (盛宴) which can come as early as March 22 or as _ as April 25.There is no doubt that colored eggs are the main _ of Easter,for eggs are the symbol of new life.People color eggs with special dyes (颜料),or stick paper with nice designs on eggs.Now _ seldom use real eggs,but use eggshaped things filled with chocolates or soft rabbits.The more _ thing is to hide and find eggs.They usually hide eggs in their homes or gardens for friends and relatives to find.Those who _ eggs are very lucky and happy.Besides colored eggs,narcissus and pillow leaves are also necessary for Easter _ they also stand for the beginning of new life.They are used to decorate the rooms.Easter is the first important festival in a year,so people value (重视) it very much.40 . AtakeBgetCwelcomeDcelebrate41 . AtimeBseaCwayDshow42 . AforBonCwithDin43 . AkeepsBgetsCdiscoversDbecomes44 . AquicklyBlatelyClateDdifferently45 . AfoodBroleCeventDcelebration46 . AtheyBweCyouDI47 . AexpensiveBdangerousCinterestingDdifficult48 . AbuyBfindCcolorDeat49 . AifBbutCsoDbecause三、阅读单选Ann and Mary are good friends. They are thirteen years old. They live on a farm in the countryside. Every morning, they get up really early, and then ride horses. But it isnt their idea of fun! There is a town near the farm. There are Internet bars in the town. So, they often walk there to search for information about school subjects. Its about ten minutes walk.Sometimes they go to the city to try public bikes. There are 1000 public bikes for people to use. People can get these bikes at special docking stations. There are about 100 docking stations in the city. Sometimes they visit Dongfang History Museum in the city. The museum is very big and it is easy to get lost. The museum is open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at weekends. Then they go shopping in the afternoon.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。50 . Ann is Marys .AsisterBfriendCcousinDmother51 . Why do Ann and Mary often go to the town?ATo go online.BTo play games.CTo meet friends.DTo have lunch.52 . What do the underlined words “docking stations” mean in Chinese?A报道处B洗车行C售车点D停靠站53 . In the city, Ann and Mary sometimes visit the .AlibraryBhospitalCbankDmuseum54 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAnn and Mary like riding horses.BThe museum is open for two hours on Sunday.CThere are one thousand public bikes in the city.DAnn and Mary often go shopping in the morning.四、句型转换. 句型转换55 . Her brother has a new bike.(改为一般疑问句)_ her brother _ a new bike?56 . Kitty would like to have some meat for dinner.(改为同义句)Kitty _ buy some meat for dinner.57 . Im reading a book.(对画线部分提问)_?58 . Betty is enjoying the movie.(改为否定句)Betty _ enjoying the movie.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写59 . My mother has c_ out many things and decided to have a yard sale.60 . Our English teacher is so kind. We _ her as our close friend and share our happiness and sadness with her.61 . During the evening, every family member was happy and enjoyed himself. The room was full of _.62 . David worked so hard that he made a great s_.63 . Before you hand in your paper, please check w_ you have your name on it or not.64 . The Smiths are moving abroad, and they felt sad to p_ with their house.65 . How can you expect your children to be t_ when you yourself tell lies?66 . Choose the color you like a_ all these colors.67 . W_ pupils became interested in reading the story about Monkey King which is a traditional story of China.68 . Young people in the 21st c_ are full of chances and challenges.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。69 . He had to _(walk)to school because his bike was broken.70 . Im looking forward to _(receive)your letter.71 . You shouldnt refuse _(help)others.72 . When your mother sees your picture,she will feel _(surprise).73 . We want to have a surprise party for our mother without _(tell)her.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空)74 . Sally is visiting Garden City for the_ (one) time.75 . Look at your dictionary. Its very _(help) to you.76 . Our new teacher is very _ (friend) to us.77 . Jack did well in the English test. He went home _(happy).78 . My sister is a _ (wait). She works in this restaurant.79 . They promise to keep the beaches _( clean).80 . I have a _ (love) dog. It comes from my uncle.81 . Who will teach _ (we) English?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. start B. across C. programmes D. weekend E. againstChildren dont go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, but they usually have homework to do over the weekend. Some do their homework on Friday afternoon. Then they can forget about school for the whole82 . . Others decide to relax after a week at school and do their homework on Sunday afternoon.Saturday morning is a popular time for sports and other activities. A lot of schools have sports matches 83 . other schools. Sports centers are usually very busy, too. They usually have classes for different things like tennis, basketball, swimming and so on.Saturday afternoon is normally the time for professional sports matches. Theres always lots of sport on TV. Most football and rugby matches 84 . at three oclock.In the evening, most people want some kind of entertainment(娱乐).Older teenagers go to the cinema or they go dancing at a club. At home, the television has85 . for family entertainment, such as The X Factor, Merlin or Doctor Who.八、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear Nancy,Chinese Spring Festival is 86 . (到来)Its the most87 . (重要的)festival in China.Let 88 . (我)tell you something about it.89 . (在之前)the festival,we usually 90 . (打扫)the house,91 . (买)lots of things,92 . (烧)some food and 93 . (制作)lanterns.On that day we are wearing new 94 . (衣服)and visiting our friends.Usually we get hongbao from 95 . (父母亲)I like Spring Festival very much.Li Ming九、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Andrew Carnegie was born in 1835 in Scotland. He was from a poor family. When he was twelve, his family moved to the USA. They wanted a better life. There, Andrew started to work right away. He got a job in a factory. He was a good worker, but he didnt like the job. Later, he changed his job. He worked at the Railroad Company where everybody liked him. He did many different jobs. His salary got higher every year.In his free time, Andrew loved to read. But in those days, the United States didnt have free public libraries. Luckily, he lived with a rich man with many books, who let young boys use his library for free, so Andrew could read as much as possible. He read throughout his life.Andrew learned a lot at the railroad company. He realized that the railroad was very important for big countries. He had a idea to start a business with railroads. He saved all his money and opened a business at the age of thirty years.First, his company made bridges for the railroads. Ten years later, it made steel for bridges, machines, and many other things. Soon he was the richest man in the world.Andrew liked to make money. But he believed it was very important to help other people. In1901, he sold his company for $480 million. He started to give away his money to make new libraries and colleges all over the United States. He built 2811 libraries. Andrew also gave a lot of money to people who worked for peace. In 1903, he gave $1.5 million to build a Peace Palace in the Netherlands.Andrew Carnegie died in 1919.He was eighty-four years old. During his life, he gave away nearly all of his money. He gave away over $350 million for education and peace. There are colleges, libraries, hospitals, and parks named after Andrew Carnegie.He helped millions ofpeople all over the world to study and learn.96 . Andrew Carnegie used to work in a factory, didnt he?97 . Why could Andrew Carnegie read as much as possible in those days?98 . How old was Andrew Carnegie when he opened a business?99 . What did Andrew Carnegies company do?100 . How did Andrew Carnegie help others after he sold his company?101 . What can you learn from Andrew Carnegie?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、2、3、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、

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