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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年六年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The earth is the only home for us, so Green Hill and Clean Water is the true.AcommunityBdiscoveryCrelationDtreasure2 . Would you mindme howEnglish well?Atell; learnBtelling; to learnCtelling; learnDtell; to learn3 . Jiefangbei is not far from Chaotianmen.You can easily visit _in a day.AeachBnoneCbothDneither4 . My parents dont allow me to the party tomorrow.AgoBto goCgoingDwent5 . -Can you tell me something about Chinese tradition?- Yes, in this animal year people in China like _themselves in red.AwearingBputting onChavingDdressing6 . Dont be late for class.Aarrive lateBbe late ofCarrive late forDon time7 . _ warm weather we are having these days!AWhatBWhat aCHow8 . Whats this? _AThis is “M”.BThis is my book.CIts “M”.DYes, it is.9 . - I cant afford the white dress. Can you show me something cheaper ?- What about the orange one? The price is a little .AdearerBlowerChigherDbetter10 . His dream is the same _ my fathers.AwithBtoCasDfrom11 . Dont _ hope. Everything will be over soon.Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble.Acheer upBclean upCgive upDuse up12 . _ girl standing under the tree is Mary, and shes _ honest girl.AA; anBThe; anCA; theDThe; a13 . He lives_in the lonely village, but he is never_.Aalone; loneBalone; lonelyClonely; lonelyDlonely;alone.14 . -Lets go boating tomorrow. -_.AGood ideaBLet me seeCNever mindDYou are right15 . a hole in the door. Otherwise, he couldnt see what happened inside the room.AIt happened to beBThere happened to haveCThat happened to haveDThere happened to be二、完型填空A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods.It was named after frankfurter(牛肉香肠),a German food.You may _“hot dog”used in other ways.People sometimes say“hot dog”to express_.For example, a friend may ask you ,“Would you like to go to the cinema?”You might say ,“Great!I would like to go.”Or, you could say,“_! I would like to go.”People _use the expression to describe someone if he is a “show-off ”.Such a man often tries to show everyone else_great he is.You often hear such a person _a “hot dog ” .He _a baseball player,for example.He _the ball with one hand and makes an easy catch seem_more difficult.You know he is a hot dog _when he makes such a catch,he bows(鞠躬)to the crowd,hoping to win their cheers(喝彩).16 . AlistenBlisten toChear17 . AgoodnessBpleasureCvisit18 . AHot dogBDont worryCExcuse me19 . AeitherBstillCalso20 . AwhatBhowCwhat a21 . AcallBcallsCcalled22 . Amay beBmaybeCmust be23 . AcatchesBplaysCpasses24 . AveryBquiteCmuch25 . AsoBbecauseCbut三、阅读单选In October 2018, parents were shocked to find that an international school in Shanghai had food safety problems. They found food problems in the schools kitchen. They were so angry that they reported it to law enforcement(执法机关) immediately. After fully examined, moldy tomatoes and onions were found and headmaster was fired. Parents across China have become increasingly worried about food safety in schools, according to The Beijing News.Teenagers need to eat nutritious (营养的) food when theyre growing up to be healthy adults. Therefore, it is necessary for school dining halls to provide healthy food. With this in mind, the government has introduced a new food safety regulation(规定) that will improve nutrition and health standard in schools.The regulation was carried out on April 1. It requires the headmasters to eat with students in dining halls. Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers public.The regulation also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety and nutrition. Schools must find out food safety problems and solve them right away.If a school is caught buying low-quality food or failing to report food safety incidents(事件), the headmasters will be warned, fired or handed over to law enforcement, the regulation says.26 . Who introduced the new food safety regulation?AThe government.BParents.CHeadmasters.DChina Daily.27 . What does the underlined word “moldy” mean in Chinese?A破旧的B发霉的C乏味的D无聊的28 . How do schools carry out the new regulation?ABy building more than one dining hall.BBy improving the conditions of their dining halls.CBy allowing teachers and students to eat together.DBy showing the public where their food comes from.29 . What do we know from Paragraph 5?AFood safety problems can be easily solved.BTeenagers should go home to eat meals every day.CParents are worried about food safety in schools. .DParents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.30 . What is the passage mainly about?AStudents eating habits.BSchool headmaster.CFood safety in schools.DParent-teacher relationship.四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentence as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)31 . The correct order of 1820 playing cards were remembered by Dominic OBrian from Britain.(改为一般疑问句)_ the correct order of 1820 playing cards _ by Dominic OBrien from Britain?32 . He often became angry with her because he thought that she never visited him.(对画线部分提问)_ he often become angry with her?33 . Peter is never late for school.(改为反义疑问句)Peter is never late for school, _?34 . The fisherman hangs a light from the front of the raft so that he can see better.(改为简单句)The fisherman hangs a light from the front of the raft in order _ better.35 . I wont speak to Mary if she doesnt say sorry to me.(保持原句意思不变)I wont speak to Mary _ she _ sorry to me.36 . Miss White asked her students, How long have you done this project?(改为宾语从句)Miss White asked her students how long they _ this project.37 . go out, around the small island, to, a bicycle trip, we, for, are planning(连词成句)_五、根据音标写单词单词拼写根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。38 . I arrived at the _ /ept / at six this afternoon.39 . Do you know that I am _ /dbl/ your age?40 . Im sorry to tell you that I cant _ /fd/ that beautiful car.41 . The meeting was _ / knsld/ because of the accident.42 . Id like to know the _ / wet/ of that panda.43 . Do you have any good _ / s destn/ for me?44 . Do you know the _ / ttl / area of the country?45 . Would you please _ / skl / your name in the list?Fill in the blanks according to the Phonetics (按所给音标填空)46 . I hope that I can go and study at one of the worlds best _. junvstiz47 . We can change electricity into moving _. endi48 . The results were better than _. kspektdLook at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks:(看音标写单词)49 . We have_ /:lred/ finished our project50 . Peter_ /ekssazz/ every day and he is very healthy51 . I can see a lot of_ /dv:tsmnt/ boards on my way to school52 . My aunt is a shop_ /sstnt/53 . The doctor gave me some_ /sdestnz/Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the phonetic symbols.54 . Policemen are _ people from the burning building. /reskju:i/55 . Both of his parents are _. /mnidz/56 . In the past, dogs _ the caves and hunted animals for people. /ga:did/57 . Put the sofa _ the TV set, so we can watch TV comfortably. /pzt/58 . Amy teaches at a primary school in the _ of Atlanta. /sb:b/59 . _ Chinese believed there is a kind of energy in our body called chi. /einnt/Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子)60 . Do you _ /mand/my using your desktop for a while?61 . Danes new cell phone store is about a _ /mal/ from here.62 . My _ /gl/ is to pass the interview and enter my dream company.63 . Every student works very hard in order to get higher _ /ma:ks/ in the following exam.64 . He was late for class, so he found an _ /kskju:s/ for it.65 . Practising speaking is the most efficient _ /med/ of English learning.66 . All the details of the meeting are fresh in my _ /memr/.67 . A strong _ /lk/ is found between the Peoples Republic of China and the United States.68 . Every _ /t :m/, the students at Garden School go on a trip to New York.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)69 . The boy showed the teacher his exercise paper to _ that he had done it.(proof)70 . We havent _ whom to stay with for the Spring Festival.(decision)71 . A new kind of metal was _ in a small village. (discovery)72 . We can use link methods when we _ English words.(memory)73 . Alice has told us that the _ place she has ever travelled is from Shanghai to Sydney.(far)74 . Has Tina _ cheating in the exam yet? (admit)75 . A _ happened in the bank near my home yesterday. (rob)76 . As a detective, his job is to find the _. (guilt)七、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容. 从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供第一段短文小题选用,第二个方框供第二段短文小题选用。每个选项只能便用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. cow B. way C. for D. sometimes E. such F. touchedTom was a farmer. He worked on the farm all day, but 77 . he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables. One day, a terrible sound attracted (吸引) his attention in the town market. He saw a young cow for sale. The78 . was white and yellow. It was looking at Tom in fear(害怕). Tom walked up and 79 . its head gently (轻柔的). Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other 80 . a long time. How amazing! Tom bought it at once and called it Amba.From then on, Tom and Amba got on well with each other. But some friends told him that it was dangerous to have 81 . a close relationship with an animal.AQuicklyBthroughCtimeDsurprisedEhappyFthisOne afternoon, Tom was walking 82 . the forest with Amba. Suddenly, Amba stopped walking and kept pushing Tom with its head. Tom was very 83 . and looked around. There was a big snake in front of him. It was beautiful but poisonous (有毒的). 84 . Amba stepped on the snakes tail with its foot and at the same 85 . Tom picked up a stick and hit the snakes head heavily. Soon the snake died. Tom was very grateful (感激的) for Ambas help. When people heard 86 . , they were shocked at the cows expression of love for Tom. But for Tom, Amba was not a cow but a member of his family.八、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (读短文,填入适当的词)Captain King and his crew landed on an unexplored planet and entered a huge cave. King and his navigator argued about staying or l87 . , but they stayed. Animals like huge kangaroos and a one-eyed m88 . entered the cave. Gork saw King and his crew and roared with anger. Gork said that it was their custom to kill a89 . , so King and his crew would all die the next day. Gork caught them in a trap and took away their guns with a magnet. King asked Gork if they c90 . be friends as they came in peace.Gork joked that they would soon be in pieces. When Peters felt afraid, King told Peter to t91 . him, for he had got a plan. “Nobody” is part of the plan.九、回答问题阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Many of you may have had the experience of fighting with homework until late at night. When this happens, you might wish that you could just leave the homework as it is and go to bed.NewsOn Oct 28, Zhejiang worked out a draft guideline(方案草案) for giving students less homework. The guideline has 33 measures(措施)for both schools and parents.If their parents agree, primary school students can refuse to do homework after 9 pm. and junior high school students can turn it down after 10 pm. Teachers cant punish(惩罚)students for doing so. This has raised a great number of discussion.Pros(正方)We will have more free time to do things we like.We will be able to exercise more, develop our interests and relax.Cons(反方)Homework helps us get the information, and also examine what we have learned.Without homework, teachers may find a new way to supervise(监督).More about the guidelineThe guideline asks teachers to create no more than one teacher-parent chat group on social media, such as WeChat. Whats more, they cannot give homework in the chat group or ask parents to check homework.92 . What was the news on Oct 28 in Zhejiang?93 . What time can primary student stop doing their homework?94 . Why do some of people disagree with the idea?(One reason is OK.)95 . Can teachers use the WeChat to give homework?96 . Is your homework more or less? How long does it take to finish your homework every day?十、将所给单词连成句子连词成句97 . a, came, he, book, in, with_.98 . an, sent, he, email, me_.99 . will, back, when, come, they_?100 . passed, several, has, quickly, days_.101 . for, we, respect, should, others, show_.十一、话题作文102 . 写作2榜样是船, 让我们扬起希望的帆, 带我们驶向胜利的彼岸;榜样是灯, 照亮我们人生的道路;榜样是指南针, 为我们指引前进的方向。某网站正在开展以“My Role Model”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华, 请写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈谁是值得你学习的榜样, 你为什么以他她为榜样, 以及你从他她身上学到了什么。提示词语:teacher, subject, help, learn, patience提示问题:1. Who is your role model?2. Why is he/she your role model?3. What have you learned from him/her?Role models have a great influence on our life._第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、2、3、4、5、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、将所给单词连成句子1、十一、话题作文1、

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