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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级上学期12月月考调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which module is the most difficult in this book? I think _ module.AninthBthe ninthCninethDthe nineth2 . Im glad to see the price of food is getting_ with the Spring Festival coming near,so I decide to buy some on Taobao.Alower and lowerBmore and more expensiveChigher and higherDcheaper and cheaper3 . Before filming, the director wanted everyone to get ready and he shouted, _.AAction !BTake Two !CStand by !DGood take !4 . -_ ?-Its my ID cardAWhats thatBWho is thatCHow do you spell thatDIs it an ID card5 . _ our country has plenty of oil, theirs has none.AWhenBWhileCAsDSince6 . Could you tell me_ ?At 2:00. Hurry! There are only ten minutes left.Awhat time we set offBwhat time we will set offCwhat time did we set offDwhat time will we set off7 . - Its raining heavily outside.- _, I will go back home because my son has been left alone at home.AIndeedBOtherwiseCThereforeDAnyway8 . Must I send the email now?No, you. You can do it tomorrow.AcantBmustntCneedntDshouldnt9 . Can you tell me _we should go?Next summer.AwhenBwhatCwhereDif10 . Although grandma is in her seventies, she is willingnew things.AlearnBlearningCto learnDlearned11 . Ann Tom when they were both twenty-four years old.Aget marriedBmarriedCmarried withDmarried to12 . Where do you swim? In the_AlibraryBmallCpoolDapartment13 . In our English class, the English teacher asked us to stand up and introduce_.AweBusCourDourselves14 . (题文)In the last ten month, September Miracle(奇迹)_on CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country.Ahas played the pianoBhas given out their song disksChas written songsDhas performed15 . The tree leaves keep falling down _ autumn, which is really romantic.AinBonCatDTo二、补全对话7选5A. What are you doing this winter vacation?B. Would you please send its information to me?C. Tired but happy, Im busy preparing for the final exam. D. Where do you want to go with me?E. Then lets make it next Saturday, after the exam! F. Do you have any ideas about it?G. How about hanging out together to relax ourselves one day?Frank: Hi, Oscar. I havent seen you these days. Hows everything going? Oscar: 16 . . How about you?Frank: Im OK.17 . Oscar: I suppose I will review my lessons in the school library. Its not only big but also quiet.Studying there makes me realize Im not the only one who is fighting for the future! Frank: Thats really a good idea! But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.18 . Oscar: Sounds nice.19 . Frank: Yes. Happy Valley Chongqing is a good place to have fun.Oscar: I love amusement parks! But its too far and Line 3 is too crowded.Frank: Dont worry. Line 5 and Line 10 have come into service. Its more convenient than before. Oscar: Really? I cant wait to experience the new lines.Frank: 20 . Oscar: No problem. See you soon!三、补全短文6选5Do the British really get together every afternoon at 4 to drink tea?Its simply not true.21 . This is more common in Scotland and in the north of England, but you can hear it all over the country. 22 . So, “teatime” refers to(指的是)the meal and not the drink. In the south, the evening meal is often called dinner, while dinner in the north is the midday meal.What about a tea break?23 . Wrong again, Im afraid. A tea break is simply a chance to have a rest from work. And you can drink whatever you like. 24 . The best time for tea break is in the midmorning or mid-afternoon.But what about tea rooms?Can I drink tea there?Yes!A tea room is a perfect place to go with friends and family to enjoy tea, cakes and sandwiches.25 . 根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。AUsually it is the main meal of the day.BThis is known as afternoon tea and is usually served for special occasions(场合)such as a party.C“Tea” is widely used as a name for the evening meal.DThis is usually with a small snack.ESurely this must be a special time for tea.FTea was produced in ancient China.四、完型填空完形填空。根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Everybody may get unhappy . Thats_people eat a lot of junk food or spend lots of money on clothes they think that these things will make them_happy ! In fact , it is easy to get happiness , if you just learn to be a giver .First of all , Giving money and food to the_people is a good thing to do . It may bring more happiness than_else . Think about this : a boy has nothing , and you give him some food or just a candy(糖果). Then youll_a big smile on his face . Also , You can volunteer(志愿参加)for a rescue(营救)service . If you give your hand to those people in need , you will feel happy after you help_. Maybe youll find this is the happiest moment of your life . Finally , spending time with your family is also necessary though you are_busy that you dont have enough time to meet them very week .The happiest people dont think of what they can get_others . However , the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never_others . So my dear friends , start the habit of being a Big Giver , and then you will know one of the_to live a happy life .26 . AbecauseBwhyChowDwhat27 . AfeelBfeelsCfeelingDto feel28 . ApoorBrichCbadDgood29 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing30 . AseeBlookCwatchDread31 . AhimBherCtheyDthem32 . AveryBprettyCsoDtoo33 . AtoBforCfromDon34 . Await forBcare aboutCask forDknow about35 . AwaysBplacesCshowsDfriends五、阅读单选根据表格所提供信息选择最佳答案Word box character人物 director导演 fiction小说 comedy喜剧36 . Matt Damon is a character in _.AG-ForceBPost GradCPonyo37 . From the form above, we can know Harry Potter IV is a _.AcartoonBmagic fictionCcomedy38 . From the form above, there are _compaines for the movies in all.AtwoBthreeCfour39 . If you want to watch a movie directed by Vicky Jenson, you can see _.APost GardBPonyoCG-Force40 . Which of the following TRUE according to the information above?APonyo and G-Force were made by the same company.BPost Gard was directed by David Yates.CPonyo is a comedy.六、单词填空C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)A rare experienceImagine the situation. Youre walking down the crowded high street and s41 . a complete stranger stops you and says, “Hi! You were on the beach in the south of Spain six years ago. How are you doing?” This stranger isnt necessarily m 42 . . He or she might be a “super - recogniser”. These are people who have the unusual ability to recognise people they have seen only once - a long time ago, maybe in a crowed.Whatever the differences in looksIt doesnt matter what the person looks like now. People change, get different hair styles, dye their hair or go grey. Wrinkles, new glasses and makeups give them new a43 . , but the “super - recognisers” can still recognise them.An inborn skillAlthough scientists have known for a long time that about 2% of people suffer from face - blindness, which means that they have huge problems recognising faces, they are only new realising that some people are the exact o 44 . .Tests have shown that a “super - recogniser” can identify people that they only saw for a brief moment - and this is not an ability that we can d45 . , its something we are born with.A great h46 . The police are starting to use “super - recognisers” to spot criminal faces in videos of crowds. They look for people with a specific build and facial features like beards and moustaches but they can even recognise quite o47 . people, with no noticeable features at all. As well as surprising our holidaymaker in Spain six years later, this ability can be used for a very practical purpose indeed.七、信息匹配配对阅读。左栏是对5位学生英语技能情况的描述,右栏是对马丁英语培训中心7门课程的简介,请为左栏的每位学生选择一门合适的课程。35.48 . Ann is poor in English reading, she hopes to improve her reading, but she is free only on Tuesdays and Thursday.AThis lesson can help you improve your listening, You can take Mr. Lins lesson at night from Monday to Friday. BSpoken English is very important, Miss Chen from Singapore can help you improve spoken English.36.49 . Listening understanding is the biggest problem for Gina. She would like to have lessons to develop his listening on Friday.AReading is a must in English learning. On Mondays and Wednesdays, Mr. Yang will teach you how to read better.BWriting is very difficult for many students. In Miss Lis writing class, you will learn how to write. The lessons will be37.50 . Tom wants to improve his spoken English under the guidance (指导) of a British teacher.given on Saturdays.AIf you are poor in spoken English, come to the English speaking class given by Mr. Smith from Britain? He will be waiting for you on Wednesdays and Fridays.38.51 . May likes reading English short stories. She wants to improve translating skills(翻译技能) by going to a night class.AMiss Zhang has some suggestions on reading. If you want to improve your English skills(技能), come on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings.BDo you find it difficult to translate English into Chinese?39.52 . English is Lauras favorite subject. She is poor in writing, she wants to take some lessons to write better.Come to Mr Ges translating class on Friday nights.八、回答问题In science, people copy ideas from nature to solve problems or to create products. This is called biomimiery(仿生学). Its influence can be seen in many everyday products.Nearly ten years ago, swimwear was influenced by nature. The Speedo Fastskin, a swimsuit, was seen at the Beijing Olympics and worn by 28 of the 33 gold medal winners. The technology is based on the rough patterns on a sharks skin, which allows the shark to swim faster.Protecting astronauts eyes from the suns rays is very important but protecting their eyes from other dangerous radiation is also necessary. Scientists studied how eagles clearly recognize the animals they want to eat. They discovered that eagles have yellow oil in their eyes which fihers(过滤) out harmful radiation and allows them to see very clearly. They copied this oil and it is now used by astronauts and pilots in Eagle Eyes glasses. Besides protecting eyes from all the dangerous rays, these sunglasses also improve seeing in different weather conditions such as fog, sunlight or just normal light.In another development, a car company has developed a new car which is based on the shape of the boxfish. Engineers chose to copy the boxfish skeleton(骨架) to make their Bionic Car because of its strength and low weight. Tile boxfishs bony body protects the animals insides from injury in the same way as a car needs to protect the people inside it. This shape also means the car has less air resistance and so uses less fuel.53 . How many biomimicry products are mentioned in this passage?_54 . What does the sharks skin allow a shark to do?_55 . What special feature(特征) of eagle eyes was copied to make sunglasses?_56 . What two features of a boxfish skeleton make it good for engineers to copy?_57 . Do you think biomimicry will be more common in the future? Why or why not?_九、话题作文58 . 书面表达小小发明,大大改变。我们的生活因为各种科技发明而日益便捷,请你以“My Favorite Invention”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语文章,介绍你最喜爱的发明。参考词汇:widely,be used for,convenient,communicate.My Favorite Invention_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、单词填空1、七、信息匹配1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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