2020版人教版九年级英语 Unit10 Section B period 1 练习(II)卷

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2020版人教版九年级英语 Unit10 Section B period 1 练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look at this picture. Its a picture Lucys family.AonBinCunderDof2 . Mom didnt feel well. The doctor _ her but failed to find anything wrong.AsuggestedBrequiredCpraisedDexamined3 . Shennongjia is a great place _ different kinds of animals _ live in.Afor; toBto; toCto; forDfor; for4 . My grandpa lives _, but he doesnt feel _.Aalone;aloneBalone;lonelyClonely;lonelyDlonely;alone5 . I think this dream will _.Acome onBcome outCcome trueDbe6 . What an exciting city Shezhen (深圳) is!Yes. I used _ there.Ato goBto goingCgo7 . When you cross the crossroads in the street, you need toguard againstaccidents.Aprotect yourself fromBsuffer fromCkeep in touch with8 . -What does VOA_?-Voice of China.Alook forBask forCstand forDwait for9 . I work hard this term, but Peter works much _.AhardBharderChardestDthe hardest10 . Dumplings are ready. Please _ your friends.Aserve itBserve it toCserve themDserve them to11 . _ can help us learn _ about the world.AReading; a lot ofBRead; lots ofCReading; a lotDRead; a lot12 . -Too much traffic is harmful _ the environment.-Sure. But we have difficulty_ controlling the number of cars.Ato,inBin,inCon,toDin,on二、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。13 . We got the chance to interview the local _ (music) and listen to them play.14 . Which city in China first held _ (Asia) Games?15 . The program is very wonderful and it opens an _(know) world to us.16 . With all the efforts of the whole world, we are sure we can _(success) fight against the ISIS.三、单词填空Nowadays more and more Chinese families have two children. Are you17 . (仍然) the only child in your home? If not, do you have 18 . (困难) in getting on well with your little brother or sister? The steps19 . (以下) may help you.Find out20 . (确切地) what your little brother or sister does that make you angry, then come up with a plan.21 . (无论什么) you do, dont hurt them. Your younger brother or sister looks up to you, so set a good example. Pay no attention to them. Many22 . (次数), your brother or sister does something for attention. If you pay no attention to these things long enough, they will finally give up. But if you put your hands over your ears and shouting, “La, la, la I cant23 . (听见) you”, it doesnt work.Make a deal. Say something like, “If you give me some space while my friends are here, we can play your24 . (最喜欢的) game after they leave.” If your brother or sister asks you to play with them because they have nothing to do, try to advise a solo project, like asking him to 25 . (绘画) for you.When all these fail, get help from mom or dad. Just ask for a 26 . (建议) on how to get your brother or sister out for a while.四、汉译英:单词/短语根据词性、汉语意思及要求写出单词27 . v. 做;干_(第三人称单数形式:_)28 . v. 有_(第三人称单数形式:_)29 . n. 球_30 . v. 允许;让_31 . pron. 我们(宾语)_(主格:_)32 . v 去;走_33 . adj. 迟到_34 . v 去取;得到_35 . adj. 美妙的;伟大的_36 . v. 参加;玩耍_37 . v 听起来好像_五、其他六、句型转换38 . The mall is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day.(对画线部分提问)_ is the mall open every day?39 . The coat matches my skirt very well.(改为同义句)The coat _ my skirt.40 . Amys football cards are not the same as Simons.(改为同义句)Amy has _ Simons.41 . I need to change my lifestyle now.(改为否定句)I _ my lifestyle now.42 . The boy may be interested in reading.(改为同义句)_ the boy _ reading.43 . How many floors does the shopping mall have?(改为同义句How many floors _ the shopping mall?第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、单词填空1、四、汉译英:单词/短语1、五、其他1、

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