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2020版人教新目标版英语七年级上册期中检测题(青岛专版)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ does Uncle Li go fishing a month? Many times.AHow oftenBHow longCHow many timesDHow much2 . -Joe _ from the top of the house and was badly hurt.-Im sorry to hear that.AdroppedBwalkedCmovedDreturned3 . The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the _ of the parents.AwordsBsoundsCvoiceDnoise4 . She looked at us sadly with her eyes open as large as _.Aher sisterBher sistersCher sistersDthat of her sister5 . There is a table _ the center of the hall.AinBtoCforDat6 . Mom, this is my best friend Amy. are in the same class.AYouBOurCWeDThey7 . Our teacher is Tony Brown. We call him(称呼他) _.AMr. TonyBMr. BrownCMrs. TonyDMrs. Brown8 . _ ?It is on the sofa.AWhere are my keysBWhat are theseCAre they your keysDWhere is the key9 . Heresuseful book .book is written by Bill Gates.Aa; TheBa; ACan; TheDan; A10 . What do you think of math?For me, it is difficult _interesting.AsoBbutCandDor二、补全短文6选5Hello! Im Gina. Im a middle school student. Its nice to meet you here. Let me tell you something about my family. There are five people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me.11 . His name is Jack Smith. So our last name is Smith. He works in a big factory and he goes to work by car.12 . Her name is Mary. She teaches in our school but she doesnt teach us. All her students like her very much.13 . He is Tom Smith. My mother often calls him Tommy. He works in a shop near our home.14 . Her name is Jane Smith. Her first name is Jane. She is a middle school student. She is good at English.15 . My sister and I are in the same school. But she is in Grade Three and Im in Grade One. We go to school in our mothers car every day.AMy mother is a teacher. BIm also a student. CMy brother is a teacher.DMy father is a worker.EMy sister is a student. FMy brother is a worker, too.三、完型填空Hello! I am Bill. I have one sister Lucy and one brother Leo. This is my_ , Leo and I often play it ._is that? It is a box. It is blue. Is it mine? No. Its my _ Lucys box. What are in the box? Some of her books are in it. Leo _ his ID card and he cant find it now. Oh, I see_ID card in an English book. The name Leo is on this ID card. It must be (肯定是)_ .I found a red watch in the _ of my school. Is this yours? Please_ me at 798-6859.16 . AbaseballBwatchCschoolbag17 . AWhatBWhoCHow18 . AfatherBcousinCsister19 . AfoundBhelpClost20 . AaBanCthe21 . AmineByoursChis22 . AlibraryBcomputerCfamily23 . AaskBcallCmeet四、阅读单选International Store Clothes Branches (国际商店服装专柜)NameBrand(商标)ColorsSizes(尺寸)PriceT-shirtHello Kittyyellow, pink, green, blueS/M/XL15sweaterPlayboyred, black, pink, purple, blueS/M/L/XL80shortsPolowhite, black, blueS/M/L4skirtGloriayellow, blue, red, pink, blackS/M/L70jacketGoldlionwhite, black, purple, yellowS/M/L/XL30024 . Mrs. Smith buys a Hello Kitty T-shirt for her son. What color is it?ABlue.BBlack.CWhite.DRed.25 . Gina buys a skirt here. The brand of her skirt is _.AHello KittyBPoloCGloriaDGoldlion26 . Bob wants to buy a sweater and two pairs of shorts, he needs _.A$80B$84C$78D$8827 . You like purple and you only have $100, you can only take _.Aa Hello Kitty T-shirtBa Playboy sweaterCa Gloria skirtDa Goldlion jacket28 . Which of the following is right?AWe can buy a white T-shirt here.BPolo has four sizes.CHere “S” means (意思是) “small”.DGloria has 6 colors.五、阅读判断David is in Class Two, Grade Seven. He is 13. His English teacher is Mr. Smith. He is English. His daughter is Alice. She is 13. David and Alice are good friends. They like English. This is Alices school ID card. Its number is E-37688. Is that Davids school ID card? No. He cant find his school ID card. If you find it, please call David at 768-3939. Thank you! 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。29 . David is in Class Seven, Grade Two.30 . David is thirteen.31 . Mr.Smith is Davids father.32 . David can find his school ID card.33 . Davids school ID card number is 768-3939.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)34 . Please p_the bananas before you eat them.35 . The students are talking l_ in the classroom. They are too noisy.36 . The postman is going to s_letters to people on this road.37 . I have two t_for the piano concert. Kelly wants to go with me.38 . These days Sarah has a lot of worries. But she keeps them to h_.39 . Town Cinema is the c_to my home in our town. Lets walk there to watch a movie.40 . If you want to be an e_, you need to study math really hard.41 . Last week Larry invited Jenny to go hiking with him, but she r_to go with him.42 . Ann always calls her mother, but her younger brother h_gives a call to their parents.43 . In his early film, Mickey was u_ and he had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):44 . Please tell me how to be a_(health/healthy) child.45 . In the past,I used to go to bed_(late/lately).46 . You drank too_(much/many) orange juice and ate too many crisps.47 . I dont watch too much TV any_(longer/long) .48 . I dont like swimming. _(Neither/So) do I.八、多任务混合问题Dear pen friend,Im having a great time in Hong Kong.(1)Its a great place to visit and Im happy to be here for my six months English course. Some other students are learning French. I might like to learn some,too. What language do you want to learn?Theres just so much to see and to do here. Last night I went to a Chinese music concert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet,traditional music so the concert suited me just fine. What kinds of music do you like?Before the concert we went for Italian food. Do you like it?(2)There are many different kinds of foods. I dont know what to try next. What kinds of food do you prefer?My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend. Im not sure what to expect because I have never seen an Indian film. Have you? Some people say theyre boring,but others say theyre great.(3)films,prefer,what,of,kind,you,do?Yours,Lingling根据上面信息,完成下列问题。49 . 请将(1)处翻译成汉语。_50 . What kind of music does Lingling prefer?_51 . (2)处有一处错误,请改正。_52 . Where is Linglings host family taking her next weekend?_53 . 请将(3)调整成正确的语序。_任务型阅读 My name is ScottI am an American boyI am thirteen years old,Now I am a student in Great School in Dalian,LiaoningI am in Class One,Grade SevenI like sportsMy favourite sport is table tennisBut I cant swimMy mother is a music teacherShe can sing and dancecan the,play,she,piano(?)Yes,she canMy father is a hotel managerHe can speak Chinese,English,Japanese and RussianHe is popular in the hotel根据短文内容,完成下列各题。54 . How old is Scott?_55 . What class is Scott in?_56 . Whats Scotts favourite sport?_57 . Whats Scotts fathers job?_58 . 将画线部分单词连成一个问句。_九、话题作文59 . 假如你是一名来自美国的学生Jack,现在在北京阳光中学(Yangguang Middle School)学习,请根据下面的要点提示写一篇“自我介绍”的短文。要求:1、语句通顺,语法准确,6080词左右。2.、文中必须包含表格中全部信息,除此之外可适当发挥。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、话题作文1、

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