2020版人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3易错知识点专题训练(II)卷

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2020版人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3易错知识点专题训练(II)卷_第1页
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2020版人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3易错知识点专题训练(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How do you like the movie you watched last night? It was so _that it made me_.Ascary;scaryBscary;scaredCscared;scaryDscared;scared2 . The sights of XinJiang are so attractive that they are really worth_ again.AvisitBbeing visitedCvisitingDto visit3 . China Rose 是什么?lA中国玫瑰B荷花C月季D向日葵4 . She likes to have friends who are from her.AdifferentBdifferenceCdifferencesDdifficult5 . She sold newspapers to help support her family _she is only 12 years old.AunlessBifCsinceDthough6 . He is different his brother, but he is similar_his father.Afrom;fromBto;toCfrom;to7 . Its very important for us _ some good friends.Ato haveBhaveChasDhad8 . Suzy enjoys . It helps her fit.Adance; keepBdance; keeps。Cdancing; keepDdancing; keeps9 . Diving is not as _as skiing. Skiing is _ than diving.Adangerous, dangerousBmore dangerous, dangerousCdangerous, much dangerousDdangerous, much more dangerous10 . -Oh ,I forgot to turn off the tap.-The water must run over the sink and onto the floor now.Arun awayBrun out ofCrun into11 . Youre too tired and thirsty. Stay here. Ill _you some water.Thank you.AtakeBfetchCwantDcarry12 . Why do you want another job,Julia?Because I think my present (现在的) job is _,and it always makes me feel _.Aboring,boringBbored,boringCbored,boredDboring,bored13 . Lily is _ shorter than Lucy.AveryBtooCquiteDa little14 . Peter isnt as _ as Amy. He often makes mistakes in his homework .AcarelessBcarefulChappyDunhappy15 . Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold asBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than16 . Your books arent here. Please _ the teacher _them.Aspeak; toBsell; toCask; forDbuy; from17 . Do you enjoy Zhang Leis songs?Yes. He is the winner of the Voice of China of 2015. I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.AbetterBbestCworseDworst18 . My friend Tom is a(n) _ man, because he never tells lies.AhonestBoutingCgenerousDkind19 . Everyone _ here,so Ann is feeling very _.Ais;happyBwas;happyCare;happyDis;happily20 . What are you going to do tomorrow? _.ANothing muchBPlease tell meCWhat about youDTo Beijing21 . Liangliang is only 11, and he crosses the river every school day. But he is not _.AstrictBlazyCluckyDafraid22 . My brother _ the morning TV every day.AwatchesBwatchCwatchsDsee二、句型转换按要求完成句子23 . Amy gets to school as early as Jill every day.(改为否定句)Amy _to school _ early _Jill every day.24 . Is Anna taller than Linda? (补全否定答语) No,_.25 . Dans room is clean. Marks room is cleaner. (合并为一句)Marks room_Dans.26 . Paul jumps high. Carol jumps high, too.(合并为一句)Paul jumps_Carol.27 . Is Mike smarter than Jack?(改为同义句)_,Mike or Jack?三、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)28 . There is a mistake in the notebook; you should c_ it.29 . I think we should try using a different m_ again.30 . The boss promised to d_ our pay next month, so we can make more money.31 . The best part of the trip was the scenery. It was f_.32 . The d_ of Columbus was quite an event in the world.四、完成句子根据所给汉语句子,把英语句子补充完整。33 . 至少你已经尽力了,所以你不需要担心它。_ you have tried your best, so you dont need to worry about it.34 . 当问题来敲门时,你应该保持冷静,然后试着去解决它们。When problems _ your door, you should keep calm and then try to solve them.35 . 随着春天的到来,公园里充满享受美好阳光的人们。With spring coming, the park is _ people enjoying beautiful sunshine.36 . 她打扫卧室时,偶然地找到了她朋友从海南寄来的明信片。She found her friends postcard from Hainan _ when cleaning up the bedroom.37 . 当你有麻烦时,不要害怕去请求帮助,因为只有这样你才能取得进步。Dont be afraid of asking for help when you are in _, because only in this way can you make_.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、完成句子1、

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