2019年牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 4 Growing Up 期中练习A卷

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2019年牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 4 Growing Up 期中练习A卷_第1页
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2019年牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 4 Growing Up 期中练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A year has four seasons and it _ twelve months.Adivides in toBdivided intoCis divided intoDis dividing into2 . Something special happened _ Mary _ the first day of school.Aat;onBto;onCwith;inDabout;in3 . John didnt give up looking for a job _ he got an offer from a German company.AuntilBsinceCbecauseDif4 . I will tell him the news when he _ back.AcomesBcameCwill comeDcome5 . When does Oxfam Trailwalker _every year? It _in November every year since 1981.Ahold, take placeBtalk place, is heldCtake place, has been heldDheld, has taken place6 . Thank you for helping me carry the big case, Mike._.ADont say so.BThats right.CIts my pleasure.DNo thanks.7 . We should do what we can _ the endangered animals.Yes, its our duty_ them.Asave; to protectBsave; protectCto save; protectDto save; to protect8 . I was_ to know that dodos_ on the earth a long time agoAsurprised; liveBsurprised; livedCsurprise; liveDsurprising; lived9 . Why not _?Aencouraging her to study hardBto encourage her to study hardCencourage her to study hard10 . The population of Shanghai is larger than _ of Shenyang.AthatBitConeDthis11 . _, he didnt come to the meeting. He knew how important the meeting was.AFrom then onBOn his mindCTo my surpriseDAs a result12 . There are two bottles on the table. One is full beer while the other is filled water.Aof; ofBwith; withCof ; withDwith; of13 . Are you good _ swimming?Yes, and I think I can help kids _ it.Awith; inBwith; withCat; withDat; in14 . John, Nick and I are friends. We _ basketball after class every day.Ais playingBare playingCplaysDplay15 . I like this pair of green shoes. Could I _?Atry it onBtry on itCtry on themDtry them on16 . What do you think of my shirt?It _ cotton.It looks nice on you.Ais made inBis made forCis made ofDis made from17 . -Did you doduring your last stay in Shanghai?-Yes. I really had a fun time there.Aanything interesting.Binteresting anything.Csomething interesting.Dinteresting something.18 . Howwill the boss be back? In these days.AfarBsoonClongDoften19 . I left my English book at home,could you please share yours _ me?AtoBforCatDwith20 . is it from Yangzhou to Nanjing? Two hours drive.AHow longBHow soonCHow farDHow many hours21 . The 30th Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.Awas heldBwill holdChas heldDwill be held22 . _ have you prepared for the competition?For two months.AHow farBHow longCHow soon23 . You can find out more information_ New York Radio_ this Saturday morning.Aon;Bon; onCat; onDat; in24 . _ my parents _ my sister are doctors.ANot only , but alsoBEither , orCNeither ,norDBoth, and25 . Li Na is a tennis hero who has made history for Chinese tennis time after time. I think so. She is admired_millions of people _not only her achievements but also her spirit.Afor; byBby; forCby; asDas; for26 . What would you likesupper?AofBforCtoDin27 . You came just at the right time. I planned to _ you to discuss something.Alook forBcare aboutCfind outDfeel like28 . -Its _ late now, Mary. Its time to go to bed.-But I still have _ homework to do.Atoo much; too manyBmuch too; much tooCtoo many; too muchDmuch too; too much29 . John practiced _English last year. As a result, he improved his_English.Aspeaking, speakingBspoken; speakingCspeaking,spokenDspoken,spoken30 . 一What do you think of _ film Life of Pie?一Its _ good filmAthe;theBa;theCthe;aDa;a31 . Wow ! Everything _ half price. That is too great .AamBisCareDbe32 . AquarterBcardCpartyDpardon33 . _ great fun they have_!AWhat; to practise footballBWhat; playing chessCHow; playing table tennisDHow; to play the piano34 . There will be _ space for wild animals because the number of people is getting_.Afewer and fewer; more and moreBless and less; more and moreCfewer and fewer; bigger and biggerDless and less; bigger and bigger35 . -What is the boy standing out of the house for? .-Because he left his key at home. He cant get in the househis parent comes back.AbecauseBuntilCafterDwhen36 . Taiwan is the southeast of China.AinBonCAtDto37 . So far this year, many new houses _ in Wenchuan with the help of the government.AbuildBare builtCwill buildDhave been built二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(有的空不止填一个单词)38 . The guide showed the _( visit) around the old temple(寺庙).39 . We go to see my uncle _(one) a week.40 . The weather was _ (real) bad and rainy.41 . We _ (feed) some hens and saw some baby pigs on the farm.42 . It was rainy, so they decided _(visit) the Natural History Museum.43 . Dont talk so _ (loud)! The child is sleeping.44 . I do my homework for_(little) than one hour every day.45 . We should keep healthy _ (live) habits. 46 . Mary usually goes _(shop) with her friends on weekends.47 . My grandfather _(exercise) every day.根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。48 . Tonys _(tooth) are very white.49 . Scott likes _(run) to school.50 . Next Monday is Mr. Browns _(fifty) birthday.51 . About ten people lost their _(life) in the accident (事故).52 . My grandpa usually _(exercise) from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空53 . Nobody can prevent us from _ (go) there.54 . We are surprised _ (hear) that he lost the basketball game.55 . To make less pollution, most supermarkets in China stopped _ (provide) free plastic bags.56 . I agree _ (go) swimming tomorrow.57 . I always prefer to start early rather than_ (leave) everything to the last minute.三、完成句子. 完成句子58 . Whats_(他的名字)?59 . _(我的名字)is Sam.60 . -_(现在是回家的时间了). Goodbye,Jack. -Bye. _(明天见).61 . _(这是)Miss Zhou.62 . This is my friend. _(他的名字是) Tom.七完成句子63 . 他把一生都投入到环保事业。He devoted all his life to _.64 . 手机自从被发明起就开始影响人们的生活。The mobile phone has _ peoples life since it _.65 . 街道上覆盖了厚厚的雪,但是不久就变成了水。The street was _ with thick snow, but soon it _ into water.66 . 根据导游的建议,无论你想买什么,你都能在商店里看到。_ to the guides suggestion,_ what you want to buy,you can find it in the shop.67 . 许多年轻人都在梦想将来挣大钱,但是他们应该被鼓励先做一些社会工作。A large number of young people are _ of making lots of money one day, but they should be _ to do some social work first.68 . 世界各地的人们很难避免买到中国产品。People around the world can hardly _products made in China.69 . 我永远不会忘记西湖之美,我已经深深爱上了它。I will never forget the_ of the West Lake.I have _ in love with it.70 . 在古代,人们身陷困境时经常点起火来求救。People often_ a fire to ask for help when in _in the old days.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、三、完成句子1、2、

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