2019-2020学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 6 测试卷C卷

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2019-2020学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 6 测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . China plans to let tourists _ the Xisha Island in the South China Sea this year.AvisitBvisitsCvisitingDvisited2 . he eats, he is.AMore;fatterBThe more;the fatterCMost;fattestDThe most;the fattest3 . Li Yifeng is _ popular _ many people hope to see him one day.Atoo,toBenough,toCso,thatDsuch,that4 . - Which color do you ,red or black?- Red, I think. Because it looks good me.Aprefer, toBprefer, onCfavourite, toDfavourite, on5 . My favourite sport is skiing. Its _than running.AinterestingBmore interestingCmost interestingDthe most interesting6 . good advice the teacher gave me!AHow aBWhat aCWhat7 . Were you at home yesterday?Yes,I _.AwereBamCdidDwas8 . The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to _.Alose controlBbe under controlCbe out of controlDbe controlled9 . It _the job yesterday.Atook me two hours to finish.Bcost me two hours to finishCspent me two hours finishingDtook me two hours finishing10 . What does Tony want_ Christmas? He would like a model plane.AforBtoCinDby11 . Jenny and I are in _ class.AsameBthe sameCa sameDsome12 . The government has done something to stop the price of the house fromtoo fast.ArisingBto riseCriseDrose13 . They rode their bikes _ the village happily.AoverBacrossCthroughDbelow14 . Our new math teachers from _. Hes _.AGerman; GermanyBLondon; RussianCWashington; BritainDSwitzerland; Swiss15 . Many foreign visitorsour school the other day. Aarrived inBarrived atCreached toDgot16 . When _ you _?I _ here for almost an hour.Adid; arrive at; wasBhave; arrived; have beenCdid; arrive; have beenDhave; got to; was17 . His aunt gives him a bike_ a birthday present.AasBforCwithD18 . What do you havelunch?Bread and a cup of milk.AforBtoCwith19 . There _ a new English film this evening.Aare going to haveBare going to beCis going to haveDis going to be二、完型填空Every year, on the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese people often hang a kind of plant on the door. It is called wormwood(艾草). People believe _ wormwood can drive out evil(邪恶的)spirits and bad luck. Its special _ can also keep annoying insects(昆虫)away from rooms.In fact, wormwood tastes bitter but smells very _. It can be used as a medical treatment. People can _ wormwood in the Compendium of Materia Medica(本草纲目). This book is _ believed as the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). The book was written by Li Shizhen, a very famous TCM expert during the Ming Dynasty.Wormwood is well-known _ its ability to help prevent many kinds of diseases. Hundreds of years later, in Qichun County, central Hubei Province, people there believes that it still _ their local culture. Recently, Qichun has been busy _ for the World Wormwood Industry Show. It will be held during the Dragon Boat Festival _ will be helpful for the development of TCM and the traditional Chinese culture.It has become a main industry in the county and helps local people to make money. Tourism-themed health treatments and TCM are gaining even _ popularity because of the plant.20 . AwhichBthatCwhoDwhose21 . AsmellBtasteCcolorDshape22 . ApleaseBpleasedCpleasureDpleasant23 . AlookBwatchCseeDread24 . AclearlyBreallyCcertainlyDwidely25 . AonBasCforDto26 . Aasks forBstands forCtakes afterDlooks after27 . AprepareBto prepareCpreparingDprepares28 . AandBbutCorDso29 . AlittleBlessCgreatDgreater三、阅读单选AIf we laid all of the blood vessels (血管) in the human body end to end, they would reach about 100,000km long. Thats nearly two and a half times around Earth!BFor the first time, Coca-Cola has showed that it uses 3,000,000 tons of plastic bottles each year. Thats the weight of 15,000 blue whales-the largest animal on Earth.CIf your throat tickles (发痒), pressing your ear might make it go away. Thats because your throat and ears share the same group of nerves (神经). When you press your ear, the nerves in your throat can feel it.DIt takes about 7 to 8 trees to make enough O2 for one person to breathe for a year. Each person needs around 750kg of O2 per year. A large tree might make around 100kg of O2 per year.ETo young children, a year might seem to last forever. But older people might say that it flies by. Why is that? According to the US scientists, young peoples brains deal with information faster than older people. They take in more information and do more things in a day. So they feel like each day lasts longer. However, older peoples brains take in less information and see a day pass more quickly.FAbout 200 muscles (肌肉) work together when you take a step. Thats a lot of work for your muscles, since many people take about 10,000 steps a day. If you want to get some easy exercise, walking is good for you.30 . Match passages AF with the two topics: People & Surroundings; The Human Body. Which of the following is right?A-AB; -CDEFB-BDF; -ACEC-BD; -ACEF31 . Whats the best title for all he six passages?ASurprising WorldBAmazing FactsCUnbelievable Figures32 . Why does the editor present readers the six passages?ATo help readers know more about human body and environmental protection.BTo ask readers to protect the environment and take more exercise.CTo tell readers to have less unhealthy drink and plant more trees.33 . Which of the following questions is answered in the passagesAWhy do kids and older people feel a year differently?BWhy could a large tree produce about 100kg of O2 per year?CHow do our 200 muscles work together when we take a step?34 . Which of the following leads to the figure “30,000” ?AThe amount of muscles working together by taking 150 steps.BThe length of vessels in 3 human. bodies joining together.CThe weight of O2 for 40 persons to breathe a year.四、句型转换同义句转换35 . The house is very small .My family cant live in it.The house is _small _my family _live in.36 . The book is so interesting that everybody likes to read it.The book is _for everybody _read.37 . He was very weak .He couldnt go to the top of the tower.He was _go to the top of the tower.38 . She likes singing and dancing.She likes singing _dancing.39 . After everyone is ready , we can start eating.We _start eating _everyone is ready.40 . Whats the right way of saying hello to people in China ?Whats the _way _say hello to people in China ?41 . People in Britain behave with good manners before others.British people behave with good manners _.五、填写适当的单词补全句子根据句意、中英文提示写出句中所缺单词,完成句子。42 . We want to be _ (成员) of the Reading Club.43 . My English teacher is standing _(在.之中) her students.44 . Your trousers _ (go well with) your new coat.45 . _ is my favourite festival. Its on December 25.46 . The blue blouse is_ of silk. It feels so soft (软的).六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给动词的适当时态填空lie blow teach make plan47 . Mr Wang _us English for three years last year.48 . The Whites _supper when I went to see them last night.49 . The women _to go camping tomorrow, arent they?50 . One of our friends _out the candles ,lets eat the cake now.51 . The cinema _in the west of the district , but now it isnt there.请根据句意,从括号中选择适当的单词填空。52 . _ (is, are) Millie and Simon good at English?53 . _ (is, are) his hair long and black?54 . _ (do, does) your brother _ (do, does) morning exercises every day?55 . _ (do, does) you _ (live, lives) close to each other?七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词)In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love their pets and treat them as their good f56 . . Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to hospitals to give them needles so that they wont c57 . disease(疾病). They can get animal food in almost every store, but they still have s58 . animal food stores. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit your friends, they would be very glad to show you their pets with pride on the face. You will also find that a59 . every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are allowed to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. I60 . an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sorry.根据对话内容, 在每个空缺处填入一个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整,并将该空缺处的词填写在答题卡相应的位置上。(每空限填一词)(2017贵阳)A: Dad, how much do you know about China?B: Just a little. China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of 61 . . It attractsmany tourists from all over the world every year.A: Is that so? 62 . there any beautiful mountains?B: Yes. And many of them are famous, such 63 . Mount Tai, Mount Huang and Mount Emei.A: What about 64 . ?B: There are many rivers in China. Among them the Yangtze River is the longest one and thesecond longest one is the Yellow River. Theyre the birthplaces of Chinese culture.A: Anything 65 . ?B: Sorry. Thats alll known. If you want to learn more, you can read Guide to China. Its a book which introduces China in detail.A: Thanks. Ill read it.八、回答问题A brown owl(猫头鹰)sat on a branch and watched. He was good at watching. His big eyes blinked (眨眼睛). Down below, a white rabbit played in the grass. The rabbit was very fast,and it was too fast to catch. Every time the owl tried to catch the rabbit, the rabbit ran away.The owl was hungry, but he had to find a way to catch the rabbit. How could he catch the fast rabbit? If he flew down on top of him, the rabbit would see his shadow(影子) and run into his hole. What could he do? Suddenly, the owl had an idea. His eyes got really big, because he was excited. A moment later, he took off. When the owl was flying, he made sure to stay away from the rabbit. The owl didnt want the rabbit to know he was coming. Then, when he came close to the rabbit, he spread his body to change the shape of his shadow!The white rabbit stopped eating grass and looked. Suddenly, there was an black rabbit next to him. The white rabbit looked at it. He didnt know there was an owl near his home. It looked like he could make a new friend! Suddenly, the black rabbit disappeared, and in its place was the owl.The rabbit cried out and tried to run for his hole, but the owl was waiting for him. The rabbit ran right into the owls claws and became his dinner. Sometimes, when you try something new, you can surprise yourself and others.66 . Why couldnt the owl catch the rabbit at first?_67 . What did the owl do when he came close to the rabbit?_68 . Did the rabbit know there was an owl near his home?_69 . What was the black rabbit actually be?_70 . Where did the rabbit try to run?_九、材料作文71 . Writing (作文):Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “Do something for animals”(以为动物做些事情”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Use the following points as reference (以下内容仅供参考)Why should we protect animals?How do people treat animals? What can you do for animals?第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、单词填空1、2、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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