2019-2020年度外研版英语七年级下册Module 3 Unit2同步测试卷D卷

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2019-2020年度外研版英语七年级下册Module 3 Unit2同步测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Both Tom and Jim cant help _ after nearing such a funny story.AlaughBto laughClaughedDlaughing2 . (题文)Would you like_anything?No,I dont feel like_anything.Aeating,eatingBeating,to eatCto eat,eatingDto eat,to eat3 . I cant wait to share the pleasure _ the journey to Tianzhu Mountains with my parents.AonBatCduringDfor4 . What size pizza _ Lily like? She _ like a large pizza.Adoes; isBis; wouldCwould; would5 . Who would like to go travelling with you during the summer holidays?My father.Awants toBagrees toCneeds to6 . Its World Reading Day.Yeah. Look, many students _.Areads booksBread books.Care reading books.Dis reading books.7 . What color is your schoolbag?Its _.AbeautifulBcheapCnewDblue8 . Jim_ his homework at schooll.He_it at home.Adoesnt do,doesBdoesnt ,doesCisnt do ,doesDdoesnt do,is9 . They want to go to Dalian by _ plane.Aa B. the C. an D. /10 . How lucky I am to keys with me before closing the door!Aremember takingBremember to takeCforget takingDforget to take二、补全短文4选4What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and he said it would keep you slim or help you do well in exams? Would you take it?Many middle school students have learned to keep themselves safe by saying no._Drugs are dangerous to your health!Because most of teens dont know much about drugs, they might want to try them. Liu, 16, was a good student before trying drugs._. He decided to have a try. After taking drugs only once, he found it very hard to stop. Liu began to spend all his time and money on drugs. Soon, he stopped going to school and started stealing (偷)._.In China, taking drugs is becoming a big problem for teens. According to a survey, about one million people in China are using illegal drugs now, and about 74% of them are young people._Drugs are dangerous. Never try them, even if youre curious! It is the most important for you to keep safe and healthy.AIn the end, he was put in prisonBIn fact, what those strangers want to give them are drugs (毒品).CWhats worse, there are about 10,000 drug users under 16 now.DOne day, some old friends told him it would be fun.11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . According to a survey, about young people in China are using illegal drugs now.A1,000,000B100,000C10,000D740,000三、完型填空I have a good friend. Her name is Kate. She is _ American girl. She is eleven. She _ with her family in China. There are _ people in her family. Theyre her father, her mother, her brother and herself.She has a cat. _ name is Mimi. Its Sunday today. They _ at home. Look! Kate is playing _ Mimi. Her father is reading newspapers. Her mother is cleaning the house. Where is her brother Jim? He is doing _ homework in his study. Kate _ Chinese very much, but she cant _ it very well. Jim likes _ soccer. He can play it very well.16 . AaBanCtheD/17 . AliveBlivingCto liveDlives18 . AfiveBfourCsixDthree19 . AItBItsCItsDIt is20 . Aare allBare notCall areDnot are21 . AtoBatCinDwith22 . AheBhisCherDmy23 . AlikedBto likeClikesDliking24 . AspeakBtellCsayDtalk25 . AplayBplaysCplayedDplaying四、句型转换句型转换(每空一词,缩略词算作一词)26 . Is she your sister? (做否定回答)No, _.27 . My father is a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)_ father a teacher?28 . This is my ruler. (改为同义句)This _ is _.29 . Is that a box? (改为复数句)_ those_?30 . My pencils are blue. (对画线部分提问)_ color _ your pencils?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。31 . We went to the zoo last Friday and had a lot of _ (乐趣) there.32 . Where is your _ (故乡)?In Chengdu, Sichuan.33 . Susan _ (共用) a room with three other students last year.34 . I want to fly to _ (德国) this weekend.Have a good trip!35 . Kangkang hopes to get _ (一起) with his grandparents tomorrow. He misses them very much.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . This is Liu Xin _(speak).Hello , how are you?37 . Tom and Simon got _(separate)after the big blood.38 . My teacher encourages me _(take)part in the sports meeting.39 . My sister is shy. She never feels sure of _(her)in daily life.40 . He regretted _(leave)the classroom without your permission.41 . The man refused _(tell)the truth.42 . Miss Smith put her new dress on , and looked at _(she)in the mirror.43 . Do you really want to do this , my boy? Think twice! Or you _(regret)it one day.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。44 . 每次她去看那部电影,最后都哭得跟泪人似的。Every time she went to see that movie, she_crying her eyes out.45 . 近几年来我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _in my hometown in the last few years.46 . 他们说这种药会帮助人们减肥。They said this medicine would help people_.47 . 他十三岁那年就离家出走了。He _home at the age of thirteen.48 . 格林先生要求我们尽可能多练习口语。Mr. Green asks us to practice spoken English_.八、语法填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。June 15,2018Hello. Allen!Ive got your E-mail. Thank you 49 . your rapid reply!You know that was my 50 . (one)time to write an E-mail,and it was so fun!I even 51 . (write)the wrong address. 74. H52 . silly I am!This time I must do it 53 . (careful)enough. About the E-mail you 54 . (send)me,the flash game is so exciting,and I share 55 . with my classmates. Everybody says its the 56 . (good)game they ever played. Its so n57 . of you to send me the game. Where did you find the game?By the way,would you like to see a movie with me this Saturday?I hear that there is a cool movie and I have two 58 . (ticket). Please give me the answer before Friday,so that I can make the plan. Peter第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文4选41、三、完型填空1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、

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