2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册 Module 6综合测试题9A卷

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2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册 Module 6综合测试题9A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D各选项中选出最佳答案。Li Ming is staying with the Wangs family for the weekend. Today it is warm and _. The family _ dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden _a warm and fine _ day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting _with Li Ming under a tree. “Its _ to have dinner out here on such a lovely day,” Mrs. Wang says. “Whats the weather _ in your hometown, Li Ming?” Mr. Wang asks. “Its not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best. ” “Help_ to some cakes, Li Ming,” Mrs. Wang_. “Thanks,” says _. “The cakes are very nice. I like the dinner very much. ”1 . ArainyBcloudyCsunnyDsnowy2 . Aare havingBis havingChaveDhas3 . AinBatCforDon4 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter5 . Ain the roomBon the tableCat the tableDunder the tree6 . Anot goodBbadCterribleDgreat7 . AlikeB/Cis likeDlikes8 . AhimselfBherselfCyourselfDmyself9 . AasksBanswersCtalksDsays10 . AMr. WangBLi MingCMrs. WangDMr. and Mrs. Wang二、阅读单选BA Quiet PlaceThe parents do what they can do to keep their children safe in a world full of creatures(生物) catching every sound they can hear. The family must hide in silence. Everything can go wrong if they make any noise.The movie is made to make you soon become part of the nervous game, not just a watcher. In other words, its a really great movie.Avengers: Infinity WarAs the Avengers(复仇者) continue to protect die world, a new danger comes out: Thanos. His goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones that have unimaginable power, and use them to make his will come true.In this sci-fi movie, everything the Avengers fight for leads to this fact - its never been more uncertain about the fate(命运) of the earth.11 . Why does the writer think A Quiet Place is a good movie?ABecause the actors perform very well.BBecause it drives people into the story.CBecause it makes people too nervous.12 . Which kind of movie is Avengers: Infinity War?AA science fiction movie.BA comedy.CA documentary.13 . Which of die following is TRUE according to the reading?AAQuiet Place is an action movie that makes people feel excited.BThe family should be quiet, or they may die in A Quiet Place.CThanos wants to collect the Infinity Stones because they are very beautiful.There is a big zoo in our city. You can see a lot of lovely animals there.Mina is a kangaroo. She is six years old. She is a large Australian animal which moves by jumping on its back legs. She carries her babies in the pouch(育儿袋)on her stomach.Peter is a lion from South Africa. He is a large powerful meat-eating animal. Today is Peters fifth birthday. The workers in the zoo are having a birthday party for him.This is a big elephant named Jim, with a long trunk. He is from South Africa, too. Hes ten years old. He has bad eyesight, but he can draw very well.Tuantuan is a panda coming from a mountain in Sichuan, China. She is four years old. She feeds on bamboo. She relaxes about 10 hours every day.根据图表内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。14 . _ likes eating meat.ATuantuanBPeterCMinaDJim15 . _ are from the same country.AMina and PeterBTuantuan and JimCPeter and JimDJim and Mina16 . The _ is the oldest of them.AkangarooBlionCelephantDpanda17 . Tuantuan feeds on _.AmeatBgrassCleavesDbamboo18 . From the message above, we can learn _.AMina carries her babies in the pouch on her stomach.BTuantuan can draw very well.CJim comes from a mountain in China.DPeter has a long trunk.“Tell me what you are going to do next Sunday morning , Jim ?”Mr .Wang asks , “Im going to see a new film . Its an English film about the life of the students in America. Bill tells me its very interesting .”“After seeing the film , what are you going to do ?” Mr. Zhang wants to know. “Im going to read Chinese ,” Jim says . “Do you like it ?” asks Mr.Wang . “Chinese is not easy for me , but I like it very much . I am going to work hard at it . After lunch Im going to have English and other subjects . I think I can do better than before .“Then , what about Sunday evening ?” Mr. Wang asks . “ After supper Im going to help Han Mei with her English . She wants my help ,” Jim says .“You are going to have a busy day , arent you ?says Mr.Wang.19 . What is Jim going to do next Sunday morning ?ASee a film.BVisit his grandma.CGo fishing.DTake guitar lessons.20 . What is the film about ?AThe life of the students in China.BThe life of the students in America.CForeign life.DSchool and college.21 . What is Jim going to do after seeing the film?APlay soccer.BStudy English .CRead Chinese.DWrite a story.22 . How does Jim think of Chinese ?AHe like it .BHe dislike it .CIts easy for him .DHe doesnt know.23 . What is Jim going to help Han Mei with ?AChinese.BMath.CScience.DEnglish .Why are dogs our best friends? Maybe because they can understand our words much better than we thought, according to a study in Hungary. It found that dogs understand not only what we say, but also how we say it.“The results were very exciting and very surprising.”said the researcher Attila Andies, from Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest.For the study, the researchers first trained 13 dogs for months. The dogs had to sit quietly inside machine, so that the researchers could check their activities.Then the researcher put headphones on dogs and played peoples voice to them. There were four different voices. Some were positive words, such as “well done”, or neutral(不带感情色彩的)words like “however”. The words were also in different tones. Some were positive and some were neutral.Brain scans(扫描)showed that the dogs could recognize words, as well as the tone of words, much like people do. The positive words with a positive tone brought the stronger activity in their brains reward centers(反应中枢).“It shows that for dogs, a nice phrase can work very well as a prise, but it words best if both words and tones match.” said Andies.They also found that dogs deal with meaningful words with the left side of the brain and tones with the right. Human brains work in the same way.It gave us a new understanding of language, said Andies. That is, not only do humans understand the meaning in words, other spacies do too.24 . What was found according to the study in Hungary?ADogs cant understand people words.BDogs can only understand what we say.CDogs can understand what we thought better than our words.DDogs understand not only what we say, but also how we say it.25 . Which of the following is not mentioned in the study?AResearchers played with the dogs.BResearchers made dogs sit inside machine.CResearchers scans the dogs brain.DResearchers played peoples voice to the dogs.26 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AHuman brains dont work in the same way as dogs do.BDogs deal with meaningful words with the left side of the brain.CThe researchers trained dogs for years to check their brain activities.DResearcher Attila Andies was disappointed at the result of the study.27 . What is the main idea of this passage?ADogs are as clever as humans.BDogs are good at learning humans language.CDogs can understand the meaning in words.DDogs can do what human do.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,选择方框中的单词完成句子。tell, wanted, people, help, make28 . Jim has a big family.There are nine_in it.29 . Can you_a model plane for me?30 . I want you to_me with my English.31 . Can you_me your phone number?32 . It says,“Music teachers_for weekend class.”四、单词填空阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已经给出。Jack found a dog entered his shop with a note in his mouth. He took the note and r33 . it,“Can I have a bag of salt?” The dog had money in his mouth, too, so Jack took the money and placedthe salt in the dogs mouth. Jack was very surprised and since it was c34 . time, he d35 . to close the shop and follow the dog.When the dog came to a crossing, he w36 . for the lights to turn green before crossing the road.Then he came to a bus stop, When a bus came, he walked to the f37 . , looked at the number, but didnt get on. A few minutes later, a38 . bus came and this time the dog climbed on. The bus traveled through the city and the dog kept looking out of the window. F39 . he gotup, moved to the front and pressed(按) the button to s40 . the bus. He then got off with the salt still in his mouth.When the dog got home, he knocked at the door and a man who seemed a little a41 . opened it. Jack ran up and said to the man, “Your dog is so clever. He could be on TV!” But the man repliedloudly. “You call this clever? This is the s42 . time this silly dog has forgotten his key.”Yesterday was Sunday. It was a fine day for f 43 . kites. Many children went out in the open air. They t44 . their kites with them. Some kites were big, o45 . were small. They had different colors. Every kite h46 . a long string(牵线). Look! To get the kites up, the children began to r47 . . And the kites were flying in the air. How happy they l48 . ! Now all the kites were high up in the air. The one l49 . a bird was the highest of all. Oh, dear! Its string was b50 . , and it was flying away. What was wrong w51 . another kite? It was flying away, too. But the other kites were flying. The children were running after them. They wanted to get t52 . back. The people were watching them and laughing.五、填空Few children grow up without knowing or having a toy bear. But how much do you know about bears life? How do bears get food? Some large bears have claws (爪子) about five inches long. They use the claws to get roots (根) and catch fish. In the snow, a polar bear (北极熊) sometimes puts its white claws over its nose and mouth. In this way, it isnt easy for other small animals to find it. Then it can get those animals for dinner easily. What do bears eat? Most bears eat roots and leaves of plants. Some bears also eat meat when they can get it easily. Polar bears like eating meat from seals (海豹).What do you know about baby bears?Black bears like sleeping in winter. And baby bears are usually born then. The babies are only a few hundred grams (克) at birth. But they grow quickly. A week later, the babies can open their eyes. And when spring comes, they are big enough to go up to trees for fun! About Bears 53 . How do bears get 54 . ?The claws of some large bears are about 55 . inches long. They use the claws to dig up roots and catch 56 . .Its 57 . for other animals to find polar bears when they put their claws over their noses and mouths.58 . do bears eat?Roots, leaves of plants and meat.What do you know about 59 . bears?They are usually 60 . in winter.They grow 61 . and are big enough to go up to trees in 62 . .六、材料作文63 . 假如你是 Simon,你在写信给你的好友 Lisa,告诉她一头叫 Alice 的鲸鱼(whale)的事:它被称为世界上最孤独的鲸,原因是这只鲸说话的频率有 52 赫兹,而正常鲸的频率只有 1525 赫兹,所以说话的时候没有人听见,难过的时候也没有人理睬。请你根据下列描述,写一篇关于它的小短文,不少于 100 字。1. 人们在 1989 年首次发现了 Alice, 它长 39 英尺。2. 人们很惊奇地发现Alice 用不同于其他鲸鱼的频率(HZ)说话。(speak at a different HZ from) 3. 没有鲸鱼能听到 Alice 说话, 它找不到它的家人和朋友。4. Alice 独自游过了太平洋 (the Pacific Ocean)。幸运的是,Alice 看起来很健康。 5. 但是人们在 2004 年失去了 Alice 的消息。6. 谈一谈你的感受。Dear LisaHow are you? Have you heard about a whale called Alice?Best wishes Simon第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、2、五、填空1、六、材料作文1、

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