2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise

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2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise_第1页
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2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ he is ill. So he _ at home now.AMay be; may beBMaybe; may beCMaybe; may2 . His son is a student.A11-year-oldB11 years oldC11- year- oldsD11-years- old3 . Theres a lot of work to do. Can you _ / help / me?AhaveBkeepChelpDhope4 . Beijing, _ capital city of China, lies _ the North China.Athe; inB/; inCa; toD/; to5 . We didnt find_ in the picture.Ainteresting anythingBnothing interestingCanything interestingDinteresting something6 . 2018年上海青浦二模 Since its your first visit to Britain, youd better _something about the British culture.AlearnBlearningClearnedDto learn7 . My printer is _ his bookshelf. It is between the computer _ the bookshelf.Anext; andBnext to ; besideCnext to; andDbeside ;to8 . I hope you _ fun _ English this term.Awill have; learningBwill have; learnCto have; learnDto have; learning9 . Im afraid of flying in the sky, so I _ travel by plane.But it can take you _ time to travel! You should try more.Ahardly, lessBalways, fewerChardly, fewerDalways, less10 . Its raining outside._,the kids are playing volleyball happily.AHoweverBSoCBecauseDBut二、补全短文6选5下面文章中有五处(第15题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。ADont give up easilyBReward yourselfCWatch your weightDKeep your goal in mindEStart smallFPrepare healthy food or drinkYour resolutions should never be put off. If you finally decide to start your healthy eating plan, start to do it right away. Here are some top tips to help you beat the food temptation (诱惑) and keep healthy.11 . Some people go as far as to suggest sticking a picture of your ideal body on your fridge. If that can work for you, go ahead. Just remember why you started beating the temptation and remember that the choices you make today will decide how your body looks and feels.12 . Weve heard that Rome wasnt built in a day. We should follow the same way when it comes to losing weight or eating clean. We can start by making one simple small change every week or two. By the end of the year, you would have made around fifty small changes thats more than enough to equal big results.13 . Beat the temptation by always being prepared. Have healthy snacks such as a small tub of blueberries, nuts, apple slices with nut butter, carrots, or other vegetables within easy reach. When you feel really thirsty, have a cup of cold water instead of coffee or milk tea.14 . Every time when you want to say, Ill take a rest, and Ill start next week. You just look at the model on the cover of a magazine and think how she made it. Think it over that youll be the same as her if you hold on your plan.15 . This doesnt mean eating a big meal or the chocolate you have been dreaming of. Try connecting rewards with non-food items rather than junk food. For example, reward your fitness exercise and clean eating with dancing, singing or wearing new jeans to go with your new figure.三、完型填空A healthy diet with exercise will help you look better, feel better and live longer. But I am sad to say that many children have an _ lifestyle. They eat much rubbish food _ French fries and fried chicken. _ too much rubbish food is not good. _ you would like to live a long, and healthy life, you have to look after your living habits. Its _ to get a yearly physical examination, too. You dont hope _ any bad news, but the doctor will tell you _ healthy you are. Its also a _ idea for you to read a book on healthy eating. Drinking milk or juice from fruits can help to make your _ better, too. I am in good health now. People tell me that I look so young. Healthy eating helps me keep _ and it will also help you!16 . AhealthyBhappyCunhealthyDangry17 . AwithBasClikeDabout18 . AChangingBEatingCShoppingDGrowing19 . AButBSoCIfDBefore20 . AangryBinterestingCtiredDimportant21 . Ato worryBto hearCto giveDto close22 . AhowBwhatCwhenDwhere23 . AbadBeasyChardDgood24 . AfeelingBwritingChealthDlife25 . AtidyBoldCfitDthin四、阅读单选Leonardo Nicanor Quinteros is a middle school student in Argentina (阿根廷) , but he runs a little school to help children with their studies.Leonards middle school is far away from his home. He noticed that fewer and fewer children in his town went to school with him. Later he found out the truth that those children had little money to pay for the bus ride to the school. Knowing this, Leonardo decided to do something to help them. He told his grandmother that he decided to build a school and he asked her to help him build it next to her house. His grandmother agreed.It takes Leonardo 20 minutes to ride to his “school”. Every day, rainy or snowy, he goes there to teach classes on different subjects for free after his school day ends. Sometimes, when his students cant go to school in the daytime, he teaches the classes at night, to make sure they dont get behind on their studies.Now the school has about 40 children. There are also a few adults. Leonardo is still doing his best to help the students and many say that going to his school is great. Leonardo is happy that he can make a big difference to his students.26 . Many children in the town stop going to school because_.Athey had to work at homeBthe road to school was not goodCthey couldnt afford the bus rideDthey didnt have money to pay the fee (学费)27 . How long does it take Leonardo to get to his little school?A10 minutes.B15 minutes.C20 minutes.D25 minutes.28 . We know that Leonardo is a_ boy from the passage.Acareless and lazyBsmart and strictCquiet and smartDkind and hard-working29 . Which of the following statements is FALSE?ALeonardo built a school next to his home.BLeonardo goes to his school to teach different subjects.CLeonardo is a middle school student in Argentina.DLeonardo teaches the classes sometimes in the daytime, sometimes at night.30 . We can learn from the passage that_.ALeonardo built a little school by himselfBNow Leonardo has more than 20 studentsCMany students say that going to Leonardos school is boringDLeonardo teaches not only children but also adults in his school五、阅读判断A good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything about twelve hours. Your body needs food for morning activities(活动). One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg , milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary(必需的). A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”31 . Its not very important to have a good breakfast.32 . Food is needed in the morning because you have had nothing to eat for the whole night.33 . Only rice or bread will be a good breakfast.34 . If you get up late, your body doesnt need food for morning activities35 . A good breakfast is helpful to you.六、填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。In that my from too books same year class EnglandIm Tom ,and Tom is my36 . name.I come from Beijing, China.This is37 . friend,Alex.He is twelve38 . old and39 . America.Hes in Beijing International School,40 . We are41 . Grade Seven.We are not in the42 . class,he is in43 . Eight,but we are good friends.Look!44 . are his English45 . .He likes(喜欢)English very much. 七、回答问题Nick is a student from California. He weighs 147 pounds (about 67kg). But do you know what he used to be like? Six months ago, he weighed about 202 pounds (91kg). How did he lose all that weight in only half a year?“One day, I was surprised to find that I weighed about 202 pounds,” Nick said. “I thought I had to do something.” Nick is from a boxing(拳击) family. His father and two elder brothers are all professional boxers. So he decided to start boxing. He began with simple exercises. Then he started running. “I dont like running,” he said. “But I really wanted to be thin and strong at that time, so I had no choice but to keep on.”Months later, Nick joined a boxing club in his city. He is always the first kid to begin exercising, and the last to leave the club. His coach(教练), James White said, “Nick is more hard-working than any other boy in the club. Im very happy to see him lose the pounds so quickly.”Nick is very happy with his weight now. There is a family photo in his room from 18 months ago. “Each time I look at the photo, I laugh at myself. I was so big then.” Nick said. “I look thinner and stronger now.”46 . How much weight did Nick lose in six months?_47 . What does Nicks father do?_48 . Why did Nick have no choice but to keep on running at that time?_49 . Whos Nicks coach?_50 . Nick isnt the most hard-working boy in the club, is he?_51 . What can we learn from Nick?_八、英汉互译:整句英汉互译阅读短文,将文中画线部分译成汉语或英语。Peter, Jack, Sam, Bob and John are on our school basketball team. 66.It is one of the most popular teams in our school. Next Sunday, they are going to play against (同比赛)No.20 Middle School basketball team.67.萨姆是最瘦的,但却是跑得最快的。68.Peter is the tallest .He can jump the highest, too. He can throw(投)the ball into the basket easily. Bob is a new player, but he is a great player. 69.Of the five boys, Jack is the best player. In the last basketball match, he got twenty points for his team. John is the heaviest .He is 66 kg. 70.他跑得比其他男孩更慢。But he is good at stopping the players of the other team from getting near the basket. They are a strong team. Are they going to win? Lets wait and see!52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _九、书信作文57 . 假如你是王平, 你的英国朋友Harry正在学习汉语, 请你就汉语学习方面给他写封电子邮件, 向他介绍一下如何学好汉语。词数不少于100, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Harry,How are you?_Yours Wang Ping第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、英汉互译:整句1、九、书信作文1、


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