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牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:阅读理解C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 阅读理解 (共12题;共109分)1. (4分) 阅读理解。Oliver: Good afternoon, Mike.Mike: Good afternoon, Oliver. What time is it now?Oliver: Its five fifty. Why?Mike: My mother is ill. My father isnt at home. I must go home and cook dinner.Oliver: Im sorry to hear that. Can you cook meals?Mike: Sure. And I can wash clothes, too.Oliver: Youre helpful. I cant do that, but I can clean the room.Mike: You are also helpful! I have to go. Goodbye!Oliver: Bye.根据对话内容,选择正确答案。(1) What time is it now? It is _.A . 5:05B . 5: 15C . 5: 50(2) Why must Mike go home? Because _.A . his mother is illB . his father is illC . his mother isnt at home(3) The underlined words “that” refers to (指代) _.A . cook dinnerB . wash clothesC . clean the room(4) Oliver can _.A . clean the roomB . wash clothesC . cook dinner(5) The underlined words “also” means _.A . 但是B . 或者C . 也2. (8分) 读短文并按要求完成相应任务Today was the first day of the summer holidayMy friends and I went out togetherWe went swimming in the swimming poolWe swam for an hourI did not swim well,but I enjoyed it very muchWe had lunch in a fastfood restaurantI had a sandwich and some orange juiceAlice had a hamburgerJack had a lot of French fries and some colaWe went shopping in a supermarketI bought a pink dressAlice bought a pretty hatJack did not buy anythingWe went home at 3 oclock in the afternoonWe 、were tired,but we were happy (1) 写出短文中6个动词的一般过去式。_(2) The children went to:_the swimming pool the cinemaa fastfood restaurant a supermarket(3) They:_had breakfast together swam for an hourhad lunch together picked applesbought some fruit went shopping3. (16分) 阅读短文,判断正误An old woman wants to go to New York to see her son. She gets up early and gets to the station at nine oclock in the morning. When does the train come and leave? Shes very worried. She stops a boy and asks him.The boy looks at the woman and says. “tututu” The old woman sits in a chair and thinks and thinks. Then she says, “Oh, I see.”(1) The woman is young. (2) She gets up early. (3) She wants to New York by taxi. (4) She asks the boy the way to the station. (5) At last, the old woman knows the time. 4. (8分) 根据对话,选择正确的答案。 Sue: Can I help you, Ann? Ann: Yes. Set the table, please. Sue: OK. Put the fork on the left of the plate and the knife on the right. But Ann, what about the spoon? Where should I put them? Ann: Put them on the right of the knife. Sue: Oh, I see. 下面哪个图片是对的?A . B . C . 5. (10分) Peter对他的好朋友做了个兴趣调查,根据调查结果判断句子正误BasketballFootballSkippingTable tennisLucyJackMaryJohn(1) Im Lucy. I dont like table tennis. (2) Im Jack. I like basketball. (3) Im Mary. I like skipping and football. (4) Im John. I dont like skipping. (5) They all like table tennis. 6. (10分) 阅读判断。Sanya is a beautiful city. The buildings are tall. The trees are tall, too. Summer is their favourite season for many people in Hainan. Its hot and sunny. The boys and girls can wear their sunglasses(太阳镜)and beautiful Tshirts. They can swim, too. The popular drink in Hainan is coconut(椰子)juice. Its fresh and sweet. Its very delicious. Spring is warm in Hainan. Fall is cool. It seems(似乎)that there is no winter in Hainan. It is often warm and cool in winter there. Its not cold.(1) Sanya is a beautiful city in Hainan. (2) Many people like summer best in Hainan. (3) Its very cold in winter in Hainan. (4) The popular drink in Hainan is orange juice. (5) People can wear sunglasses and Tshirts in summer in Hainan. 7. (10分) 读短文,选择正确的答案。 Last Friday three tigers ran out of the zoo because the keeper was careless in his work. Two of the tigers ran to the hills around the zoo. And the workers of the zoo caught them soon. The third one went into the town. The tiger jumped into when it saw an open window on the first floor of a house. Inside it found an old woman. She was so excited. She thought the animal was a large dog and she put her hand on its head. The large animal didnt bite (咬) her and ran into the bedroom. It fell asleep on some old clothes. The workers of the zoo found the tiger asleep. So they put the tiger into a cage and carried it back to the zoo.(1) When did the tigers run out of the zoo? A . Last Friday.B . Yesterday.C . Last Sunday.(2) Where did the two tigers run? A . The zoo.B . The house.C . The hills.(3) Who lived in the house? A . The workers of the zoo.B . The tiger.C . An old woman.(4) What did the woman think the tiger was? A . A big dog.B . Her pet.C . A tiger.(5) What did the tiger do in the bedroom? A . It bit the woman.B . It fell asleep.C . It ran into a cage.8. (4分) 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello. Im a little girl. My name is Lin Lin. Im three. Im thin. My eyes are black and white. They are big. My ears are pink. They are small. Look at my mouth. Its big. I like cakes and biscuits. I can draw a picture and open the door. I can count to ten. But I cant write or read.(1) Lin Lin is a girl. (2) She is not thin. (3) Her ears are small. (4) She can close the door. (5) She cant read or write. 9. (14分) 短文阅读。Today is Childrens Day. Look, John is wearing a blue shirt. Tom is wearing yellow shorts. Mike is wearing a green hat. They sing a song together. Whose red dress is this? Its Marys. Where is Amy? She is in the classroom. She is wearing a white and blue skirt. How happy they are!(1) 读短文,找出下列人物所穿的衣服,在方框的相应位置打“”。shortshatshirtdressskirtJohnTomMikeMaryAmy(2) 根据短文内容, 给下列服饰涂色。 _ _ _ _ _10. (5分) 根据短文内容填空。My name is Liu Hua. I study in Guangming Primary School. I get up at 6: 30 every morning and eat breakfast at 7: 00. I go to school at 8: 00. I go home at 5:00 p. m. I usually do my homework before dinner. After dinner I watch TV. I go to bed at 9:00.Finish Liu Huas timetable.Liu Huas TimetableActivityTimeGet up_7:00 a.m.Go to school8:00 a.m._5:00 p.m._Before dinner_After dinnerGo to bed_11. (10分) 阅读短文,判断句子正误。My name is Lulu. Im ten. I have a new schoolbag. Its big and heavy. I have many books in it. A Chinese book, a maths book, an English book and six storybooks. There is a red pencil box in it. My schoolbag is black and white. How nice it is!(1) Lulu is ten years old. (2) He has a big pencil box. (3) There are nine books in his schoolbag. (4) His pencil box is black and white. (5) His schoolbag is nice. 12. (10分) 阅读短文,判断正误John: Robot, can you swim?Robot: No, I cant.John: Robot, can you do any kung fu?Robot: Sorry, I cant.John: Robot, can you dance?Robot: No, I cant.John: What can you do?Robot: I can draw cartoons.John: Wonderful! Can you use a computer?Robot: Yes, I can. I am a computer.(1) Robot can swim. (2) Robot cant do any kung fu. (3) Robot can dance. (4) Robot can draw cartoons. (5) Robot is a computer. 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共12题;共109分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略

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