三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 Where is my car B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共25张PPT)

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三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 Where is my car B | 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共25张PPT)_第1页
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和老师有一战 Compete with the teacher 和老师比一比。 Who can surpass the teacher? 谁战胜老师、超越老师?,Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from. 青出于蓝而胜于蓝。,B Lets learn,人教版三年级下册,执教者: 老隆镇第三小学 巫秀,Unit4 Where is my car?,guess,个子像楼房,声音像汽笛。 只在水里行,不在路上走。,Is it a ?,Yes, it is.,Boat, boat,row a boat, boat!,Row a boat.,guess,圆圆滚滚像个瓜, 滚来滚去真可爱!,Is it a watermelon ?,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,Is it a ?,Ball,ball,bounce a ball,ball!,Bounce a ball.,guess,小小一间房,有墙又有窗, 马路当中跑,行人走两旁。,Is it a desk ?,No, it isnt.,Is it a ?,Yes, it is.,Car,car,drive a car, car!,Drive a car.,guess,高高在上,跟随着你, 压着你走,护着你头, 顶天不立地,它比头还大。,Is it a cat ?,No, it isnt.,Is it a ?,Yes, it is.,Cap,cap,put on a cap, cap!,Put on a cap.,guess,一张画儿墙上挂,有的小来有的大, 小的容纳几个县,大的容纳全天下!,Is it a book ?,No, it isnt.,Is it a ?,Yes, it is.,Map,map,read a map, map!,Read a map.,Lets chant Boat, boat, row a boat, boat! Ball, ball, bounce a ball, ball! Car,car,drive a car, car! Cap,cap,put on a cap, cap! Map,map,read a map, map!,比一比 Who can surpass the teacher? 谁超越老师、战胜老师?,GUESS,弟弟找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!,Where is my cap?,Is it in your toy box?,Is it on your desk?,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,弟弟找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!,Where is my ball?,Is it in your toy box?,Yes, it is.,弟弟找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!,Where is my map?,Is it in your toy box?,Is it under your desk?,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,弟弟找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!,Where is my car?,Is it in your toy box?,Yes, it is.,弟弟找不到他的东西了,请你来帮帮他!,Where is my boat?,Is it in your toy box?,Is it under your desk?,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,Reading competition 课文朗读比一比 Who can surpass the teacher? 谁超越老师、战胜老师?,Lets play a guessing game.,Where is the.? Is it on/in/under the.? Yes, it is./No,it isnt,演艺小舞台,选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。,Mike :Mom, where is my _ ?,Mom:Is it _ your desk?,Mike :No ,it isnt.,Mom:Is it _ your chair?,Mike:No,it isnt .,Mom:Is it _ your toy box?,Mike:Yes , it is.,Summary(小结),养成自己收拾玩具的好习惯!, Where is .? Is it in / on / under ? Yes,it is/No, it isnt.,Homework,(1)Use the new words to make a song and sing it.(用新单词组成一首歌,且唱出来。) (2) Look at the picture and make five sentences with “in”, “ on”and “under”. (看下图用“in”, “ on”和 “under”造五个句子。),Thank you!,Goodbye!,Study hard,you can surpass the teacher.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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