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Unit 2 Capital Cities序号 1课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:授课日期授课班级Teaching ObjectiveMaster the key words and structures and try to learn something about the capital cities in the world.Key PointsVocabularyassociate characteristic connection decay empire imagine intimate reputation wonder all but be worthwhile doing by no means for the sake of lay out have an advantage over speak of as take pride in thanks to StructureAs, soIt is +adj. +to doSkillsHow to find the main idea of a paragraphReading a community calendarWriting a minutes GrammarAttributive clauseTeaching ProceduresLead In, Reading of the Text, Exercises, Listening, Speaking, Phonetics, Grammar Tips, Reading Skills, Practical Reading, Practical Writing, Study Guide Total Periods6 periods/ per unitUnit 2 Capital Cities授课内容:1. Understand the Text:Capital Cities2. Explain the key words and structures in the text.目的要求:1. Learn the noticeable characteristics of the capital cities of some countries.2. Master the key words and structures in the text有关记录:板书设计: Unit 2 Capital Cities Can you say something about some capital cities:BeijingLondonWashington D. C.ParisTokyoAthensOttawaViennaI. Lead in ( 15 minutes)Task 1: Ask the students to talk about noticeable characteristics of some capital cities Task 2: List the name of their favorite capital cities, give their reasons. Teacher should give some related words and expressions.II. Read in (65 minutes)1. Background Information (5 minutes) city center: the main shopping or business area in a city, called “downtown” in American Englishcity fathers: the group of people who govern a citycity planning: the study of the way cities work, so that the roads, houses, services, etc. can be provided effectively. City planning is getting more and more important with the development of economy and society. Now the government of almost any big city has a department of city planning.2. Developing vocabulary (30 minutes) 1) advantage: n. a favorable circumstance 优势 e.g. As we all know, computers have both advantages and disadvantages.These are the advantages of radios over TV.2) characteristic: n. a special and easily recognized quality of someone or something 特征,特性 e.g. A useful characteristic of the cat is its ability to catch and kill mice.The newly invented device has the following characteristics.3) explosion: n. l (a loud noise caused by) an act of exploding 爆炸; 爆炸声e.g. population explosion 人口爆炸 information explosion 信息爆炸l a sudden bursting out (of the stated feeling or its expression) 发出(感情或表达该感情的言语)e.g. explosions of great anger 勃然大怒 explosions of loud laughter 一下子哄堂大笑4) seat: n. a place of a particular power or activity; center 中心; 所在地 e.g. Paris is the seat of the French government5) commercial: a. of, related to or used in commerce商业的;商务的e.g. Nowadays, commercial banks and state-owned banks coexist and compete with each other.6) imagine: v. form a picture of sb. or sth. in mind想象; 假设e.g. It is hard to imagine what life would be like in 2050. I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.7) existence: n. the state of existing 存在e.g. The new country has been in existence since 1918. Ive never heard anything so silly during my whole existence! 8) a share in: a part in (起)一份作用e.g. If you want a share in/of the pay, youll have to do your fair share of the work.9) benefit: n. good effect, advantage 利益;好处e.g. The company has gained a lot of benefits from investment in the real estate.10) ravage: n. the damage caused by something (often used in the plural) (遭破坏的)残迹;灾害e.g. We visited an old building that has survived the ravages of time.11) all but: almost, nearlye.g. The game was all but over by the time we arrived.He all but died of the serious wounds.3. Detail study of the text (30 minutes)Paragraph One1) Comprehension QuestionsQ: What can we conclude about the capital city of a country?A: The capital city of a country is not necessarily the greatest city of the country, but it is certainly the most important city in the country. Usually the capital city is the political center because the central government is there.2) Main idea. The concept of a capital.Paragraph Two1) Comprehension QuestionsQ: Why is it that the existence of a city is often longer than that of an empire?A: Cities rise and fall like empires, but a city may still be there after the empires owning it have vanished.2) Main idea The long history of some cities. 3) Difficult sentences Cities, like empires, rise and fall, but the existence of a city is often longer than that of the empires of which it is the capitalLike empires, cities also flourish and decline, but the history of a city is often longer than that of the empires owning it. Paragraph Three1) Comprehension QuestionsQ: In what respects does a city resemble a man?A: Like man, cities also have their own peculiar qualities and characteristics2) Main idea Some peculiar qualities of cities3) Difficult sentencesParis is gay, and we think of it as a city of pleasure and gaiety, though at many times in the past it has been the very opposite of this. Paris is a lively and cheerful city, and we regard it as a place where we can find pleasure and gaiety, though at many times in the past it had not been like this.Paragraph Four1) Comprehension QuestionsQ: What advantages does a capital city have over other cities?A: Since the capital is the center of government and political power, it attracts large numbers of ambitious people. Their efforts in various fields make the capital a busy center of human activities.2) Main idea The advantages of a capital city. Paragraph Five1) Comprehension QuestionsQ: What is still a subject for discussion regarding the central status of the capital? A: It remains a subject for discussion whether it is a good thing to have only one such center in a nation, or whether it would be better to have other cities imitate the capital.2) Main idea The problems concerning capital cities3) Difficult sentencesMeanwhile, a more serious problem is how to prevent the city population from increasing beyond reasonable limits.At the same time, a more serious problem is how to keep the city population under control.III. Exercise (15 minutes)Practice Ex. I, IIIV. Assignments 1. Review the text and the key words/phrases2. Finish off Ex. III Ex. VI3. Preview Grammar; Reading skills; Practical reading and writingUnit 1 Capital Cities序号 2 课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:授课日期授课班级授课内容:1. Grammar: Attributive clauses2. Reading skills: How to find the main idea of a paragraph 3. Practical Reading: Reading a community Calendar4. Practical Writing: Minutes 目的要求:1. Master the use of Attributive clauses2. Master the reading skill: How to find the main idea of a paragraph3. Learn how to read community calendar4. Learn how to write Minutes有关记录:板书设计: Unit 2 Capital Cities Questions for Discussion: 1. The traffic in Beijing is a headache for many people. What will you do to solve the problems caused by too many traffic jams?2. Would you like to live in the city or in the countryside?Unit 2 Capital Cities . Review the text (15 minutes)1. Check the assignments 2. Summarize the text 3Group Discussionsl The traffic in Beijing is a headache for many people. What will you do to solve the problems caused by too many traffic jams?l Would you like to live in the city or in the countryside?II. Grammar Tips Attributive clauses (15 minutes)1.在下面几种情况下必须用关系代词that引导定语从句:(1) 先行词是不定代词all ,few, little, everything ,nothing anything, none等。(2) 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、基数词、形容词最高级。这是我看到过的最好的一部电影。(3) 先行词被all, any ,every ,each, few little, no ,some等修饰时(4) 先行词被the only , the every ,the same, the last 修饰时。(5) 当并列的两个先行词分别表示人和物时。(6) 为避免重复,在以who或which开头的特殊疑问句中。(7) 用作关系代词,修饰表示时间的名词如day, time , moment 代替when 。 (8) 如果有两个定语从句,其中一个关系词已用which则另一个用that 。 (9) 主句以there be开头.2.which引导的限制性定语从句关系代词which在从句中作主语或介词宾语,作宾语时常常省略。which作介词宾语时,介词可位于是which之前或句末,在非正式文体中常位于句末;紧接介词的which不能省略。which主要用于指无生命的事物,除此之外,还可指婴儿、动物、以及某些表示单数意义的集体名词。3.关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句关系代词that既可指人,又可指物。它在从句中可以作主语、动词宾语、介词宾语和表语。that作动词宾语或介词宾语时常常省略。在作介词宾语时,介词须位于句末,而不能位于that之前。4.“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句在介词后引导非限制性定语从句。关系代词which有时并不代表主句中某一确定的词,而是概括整个主句的意思。介词的选择取决于它与先行词的搭配或与从句中谓语动词的搭配。III. Reading Skills (15 minutes) 1. How to find the main idea of a paragraph2. Answer the questions on page 32IV. Practical Reading (15 minutes)1. Read the reading material2. Practice: Ex. I and Ex. II V. Practical Writing: Notice (20 minutes)1. Learn how to write minutesNotes of Writing1. 语言运用讲究高度准确、概括、简洁、通俗、规范。2. 在写会议纪要的全过程中,尤其要注意单词的拼写、语 法及标点符号;应避免重复使用同一句型。3. 应明确表明与会者对议题的态度。4. 英语会议纪要的写作应用一般过去时。5. 对会议讨论的议题应用阿拉伯数字依顺序排列。 2. Practice the writing on page 34VI. Study Guide and Memorable Quotes (5 minutes)1. Read the guide and try to do as it2. Resize the quotesUnit 1 Capital Cities序号 3 课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:授课日期授课班级授课内容:1. Phonetics: Incomplete Plosion2. Listening and Speaking: Making and responding to suggestions目的要求:1. Master the use of incomplete plosion2. Master the pattern of making and responding to suggestions有关记录:板书设计:Useful ExpressionsWhich city would you like to visit now? Id like to go to Beijing, the capital of China.Do you really want to leave for Shenzhen?Yes, I hope I can work in different cities.Is there any city you want to visit?I want to visit London, the capital of the UK.Are you hoping to live in Sydney? I wish I could.I. Dictate the Key Words , Phrases and Expression ( 15 minutes)II. Learn the incomplete plosion ( 15 minutes)1. What do you want me for? 2. Would you like to help?3. We need much more than that. 4. These bandits robbed cars deep in night.5. They played all the latest pop musicIII. Listening ( 20 minutes)1. Review the patterns 2. Listen to the 2 dialogues and complete the sentences3. Practice the 2 dialogues in pairs4. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions on page 27.5. Listen to the conversation again and try to repeat it one sentence by sentenceIV. Speaking ( 20 minutes)1. Read the expressions on page 28 ( Ex. I ,II)2. Work with the partners and act out the situations.Situation 1 You are at an English corner talking about your favorite city. Tell your partners which city you want to visitSituation 2 You and your best friend are talking about where you want to work after graduation. Tell each other what you want to do and where you want to goV. Assignments ( 5 minutes)Review Unit 2 and Preview Unit 3 online.VI. Self-assessment ( 15 minutes)Get the students to try to develop the habit of self-assessment. 1. Mark your performance out of 5 for each of the tasks in the unit, using this marking scheme:5- Excellent 4- Good 3- Satisfactory 2- Unsatisfactory 1- PoorIn this unit how well you do 5 4321Task 1? ( the understanding of the text)Task 2? (some new vocabulary)Task 3? (Grammar: Article)Task 4? ( reading skills)Task 5? ( write your Rsum)Task 6? ( Greeting and Introduction) If you like, record your marks (out of 30). If you scored only 2 or 1 on any task, ask yourself:Q1: Why did I score badly? Q2: What action should I take?2. Keep a Learning JournalIn your learning journal, you write down the progress you have made, the problems you have, and possible solution. Help the students to think about, and improve, the way you learn.18

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